Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jameris Malak - Master of the Force

In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Jameris Malak
RANK: Master
AGE: Uknown (5-6 centuries)
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 264 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Moderately tan

Jameris shortly after he wakes up in the morning.
Master Malak enjoying his favorite activity.​

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Jameris strengths are his skill with a lightsaber and his calm demeanor. He is strong with the force but he lacks many abilities. Generally he uses it to augment his speed, strength, and dexterity. However, when it comes to healing or using more complicated aspects of the force he is found lacking(not due to his potential but due to his lack of need for such things). Also age is creeping up on him, when not aided by the force he appears as any ordinary elderly being(example: Yoda). His greatest weakness though is probably his inability to work well with others, he cooperates when he sees fit but when he doesn't he generally won't budge.


YT-2000 Transport - The Lone Wolf

-Class 1 Hyperdrive
-2 Quad Laser Cannons
-Multiple after-market deflector shields (ray and particle)

Jameris has had a long colorful history. His birth-planet and mother are both unknown but his father was a Sith Lord - Darth Makavelli. Starting at a young age he was trained by his father in use of the force, however he did not share his zest for power and corruption. When Malak reached the age of 15 he attacked his father during a lightsaber training exercise out of self-defense when he refused to yield. Out of sheer luck he was able to escape with his life. Shortly after his fathers defeat he ran, stowed away on a space-bound ship, and sought out the Jedi.

When Jameris happened upon a Jedi, Quel Jin Lorn, he appealed to him for training. Though Quel was reluctant at first, he trained young Jameris for years - teaching him the way of the Jedi. After Malak was knighted he struck out on his own with Joni Wan Techu. They established a base on the planet of Abbaji and started their own Order for wayward force users.

Over the next few centuries Jameris trained many young force users -achieving the status of Master- and consorted with several females across the galaxy. He has 2 offspring, neither of which he has met.

A century ago Malak ventured out into the galaxy on a hiatus for a decade and when he returned to Abbaji the planet was abandoned, the order he had helped build had crumbles and disbanded. Instead of finding a new home, the aged Master decided to remain where he'd spent most of his life.


+*-The Awakening-*+

A Rude Awakening
The Art of Combat
Training Never Ends
Excuse me sir, but that's a light saber!
Finding the Force

+*-What Good Men Do-*+

Sense of the Unseen Stars

@[member="Kassandra Distorith"] What's up?

@[member="Judas"] do you now?

@[member="Circe Savan"] Much thanks then! I'm going to remake this and rework my bio a bit so stay tuned.

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