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Approved Lore Jadeite Collection #2

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Intent: To set up a section of Matsu's holocron
  • Image Credit: N/A
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  • Permissions: My Subs
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  • Media Name: Jadeite Collection #2
  • Format: Holocron Section
  • Distribution: Unique
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A chapter inserted into Matsu's holocron denoting studies, research and her journey in meetings various force groups and learning from them.
  • Author: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: N/A
Created as part of Matsu's holocron it serves as a roadmap and training aid giving information about the jedi's various research and discoveries

Among the many things I have done and learned it was going among the various groups in the galaxy. There are hundreds of small groups within the galaxy. I have worked to learn from many of them... to see what can be done.. to see how they view the force. Light, neutral and dark... but the list is massive and exploring the galaxy took years.

Advisers: A strange group but serving within their sector, I met them by accident... in my journey across the galaxy and one of them took pity upon me. THey are not jedi but the empire tried to destroy them... they went into hiding in plain sight among their people and worked to advise and inform to protect themselves and influence the sector. Their knowledge of the force is subtle but they are smart and I have trained Hanna Ike Hanna Ike in their skills as a senator and vice chancellor once upon a time she is talented in the techniques.

Ancient Order of the Whills: Some of the eldest of force orders, recording history of the galaxy, studying lore and even more. The jeid have come to them from time to time and their guardians on Jedha are insightful in their own ways. Lost at times but they can be great to see and work with as we improve relations across the galaxy itself. I have been trying to study and find ways that the various groups can work together towards a larger organization in the future.

Anchorite sect: A group on Jakku, while they are usually seen along the lightside of the force they are different. Pain and suffering are part of their views and life is suffering can be questionable to the jedi but we have worked with them. We have aided them and the Jadeite when exploring and documenting the observatories of Palpatine have given them the chance to protect the one on the world.

Kilian Rangers: Skilled warriors and nobles in the unkown regions of the galaxy. The Rangers formed after settlers went into the unknown and over the centuries the force using rangers became a part of their society working with many of the noble houses as each one could be within... they held somevalues that were among the jedi and as a knowledge source in the galaxy. THey are essential when traveling into the unknown regions of the galaxy.

Imperial Knight: Not many know this... few have looked at the journey of my life... I was born in an Imperial Prison, my mother died and the one who took me when she was freed and raised me presented me to Imperial knights. For much of my early life I was raised and trained among them... I hold a respect for them and have worked to make sure they have some of the finest armor and equipment when they come to us.

Keetael: A force tradition that is both known and unknown... they were never hidden but their methods... their teaching... their talents for hunting and fighting largely were protected. I met a few and it took some time but I was able to talk with them and improve some relations. Inviting a few to the jedi temple on Ahch-To to add their knowledge and their histories to that of all the force orders.

Baran Do: Among the Kel Dor they are some of the most highly respected... wonderful in their hospitality and manners. THey have given much as advances in technology have worked replace them but they are still able to know some things faster then instruments. Among them I have only known a few jedi but they have been valued as friends.
Hidden Ones: Created as a failsafe, a hidden away sect of the order that could preserve their knowledge, their traditions should the worse happen and the Baran Do be wiped out. THe hidden ones would be able to rebuild and bring them back to their world.​

Boughtine: A group that we searched for the jedi path had mention of them as a non darkside group so we looked and found little... there were some but they were mostly just bodyguards and fighters for the people on their world defending from raiders. We sought to work with and understand them allowing the force to guide what we could as their skills with shipbuilding... not starships but real ships for the water was beautiful.

Luka Sene: THe miraluka's force tradition, skilled seers and able to get to the heart of situations as well as people. I ahve found trusting them to be most beneficial in regards to teaching as they can help find those strong in the force and listen for ripples and echoes.
Sene Seekers: The smaller sect of the Luka.. dedicated to finding those who abuse their abilities.. those who fall to the darkside and would corrupt their teachings. They are skilled though in finding people on worlds of millions, in finding droids and even more things in the galaxy.​

Matukai: Physically maybe the strongest force users in the galaxy Fabula was one fo the few that I have known but there were a few others... they are always good to have on your side when in a fist fight and sometimes the best for getting into places..... their techniques for stamina and poison resistance are also among some fo the best in terms of skills. Their focus on the body can improve the life of any jedi.

Mist-Weaver: An older tradition from thousands of years before the jedi. They worshipped the force ot mist and they could weave it into clothing, paintings and physical strands of being. Skilled and talented in many ways that others can't the few rare artisans in different skills. Based on my observations and reports Thelma Goth Thelma Goth has been the closest with wonderfully crafted materials.

New Generation Project: Defunct in ways but among the datacrons and information that they have developed we have been able to understand the goals and the planning of it. Using it to form new biots that are developed to aid the jedi and eventually move into becoming highly trained force using soldiers.
Mandalorian Knights: The second step of the new generation... force using mandalorian trained fighters who are highly skilled and highly equipped to handle things. We have worked with various clans to develop them into a strong fighting force and what they would need to be abel to use.​

Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon: Lovely people, caring.... helpful and compassionate. They are among some fo the best healers in the galaxy who have been working in the outer rim itself. We have helped them and send them regular supplies that we have which lets them do what they do best... heal the galaxy.

Chatos Academy: Considered to by some be one of the early influences upon the jedi. The academy is largely lost with a war on the surface of the world that tore and destroyed much of it but what few writings we have managed to discover show that it was largely ideal towards learning and aiding in the study of the force.
Followers of Palawa: The remnants of the academy who found themselves off of the world after the war that came to it. They developed the martial style of Teräs Käsi which can be used against force enhanced individuals and from them it seems other groups splintered in time like the....​
Sälãi Käsi: A Teräs Käsi cult that developed and were one of the few groups we have found more information about rather then members but they were targeted by the empire.​

Cendiary Priests: Craftsmen and women... highly skileld on Weik. THey make equipment and the jedi have worked with them for lessons within the tech division and artisans. THeir lava acquaducts are impressive as is their ability to repair them. They will never accept payment or demand it but food and the means to get around is important to them and charity.

Cruthauses: A forgotten order largely and in searcxhing for them... we didn't find much if anything. A few scraps of robes, some buildings but the order for all intents and appearances has been lost to time. I recommend flow walking to try and find out information.

Dagoyan Masters: Talented in intuition and knowledge they were largely pacifist in their teachings which is... refreshing. I will not lie they helped calm me after so much and Metalorns incidents... or Kiskla and Je'gan but it was peaceful to learn from them and the few who came to offer insight upon the high plane have been beneficial.
Halsoun monks: Rarely see and never heard... these are the most dedicated of the masters... who have dedicated themselves to meditation and seeking insight within the force. They have grown stronger mentally though we try and aid in small ways to keep their physical bodies able so they can survive.​

Disciples of Twilight: Stealth based and skilled in handling the more sneaky aspects.. they can both see and conceal themselves or each other. Skilled to a point many try to use their skills but the few jedi amsters with the talent I have met were usually longer lived species.

Order of Dai Bendu: Powerful and strange... adhering to balance in the force.. They are in many ways like the ancient Je'daii though lacking in some other ways. Giving hope to balance and conversations about their experiences we have managed to meet a few but ones like Caedyn Arenais has proven skillful as well as Asha of the Je'daii. THeir knowledge drives many advances in trying to form unity and a sense of being together among the jedi themselves.

Order of Shasa: Followers of the force from Manaan and after the jedi rendered aid with the sith attacking. They allied with us... being able to go after some of the sith forces that had been in the waters and even more that were sent when I made a storm to send their ships and vehicles into the oceans. THey are friends and skilled in waveform making telekinetic abilties much much stronger.

Ordu Aspectu: Questionably light... or dark there is little known about them but they were jedi or they had been at one point. IN truth the Ordu were small in the galaxy and hunted down as heretics like some other orders were if they splintered... a dark history of the jedi order.

Fallanassi: Old friends, the powerful elder Cira Cira is among them and we only learned that barely... Je'gan was my first real experience with them and Arya who trained me and several of the jedi. We have developed and helped their colonies with protection and better means to conceal themselves. A few have come to us on the High plane and silver rest to aid in the cloaking technologies and means to sneak around to protect or aid other teams.

Findsman: The gand are some of the best hunters in the galaxy able to find not just people but places and even events with their rituals... just don't say it is entirely the force they will claim it isn't and you don't want to make them upset.

Ela b'Yentarr: The name given to the force sensitive Bosph species... They have a hierarchy of Force-sensitive factions system where most of them can feel the force and depending on where in it they have talent they go into that area of society. We have worked with them to understand and apply some of it as they don't have as many civil wars among themselves from disagreements.
Farseers: The more philosophical teachings minded of the Bosph and with theit glyph they were allowed to possess objects. One of the different force factions among the species and fairly skilled.​
Sickhealers: Another of the Bosph factions and skilled in force healing techniques. They were nearly destroyed in imperial bombardment but has slowly over the centuries gotten their population back. We have worked with them in hospitals.​

Force Builders: PErsonal favorites of mine... skilled in enhancing and imbuing with the force as they have designed a number of vessels and temples. In ways that few others in the galaxy can match. I have studied their holocrons about it and appl,ied much of it to the temple construction and newer technologies that have been brought to bare in our creation of the various temples as well as vehicles and vessels across the galaxy.

Force Priestesses: Teachers who expended my mind and views of the force itself... I learned from them, I journeyed with them for trials and it was... difficult seeing what they showed me. The various priestesses something few have seen and many might claim for the power they promise but they were impressive and helped me understand larger aspects of the force as well as how to use it for the unbeing and chain worlds.

Sabracci Sages: THe ancient Zeffo were renowned for their wisdom and power... their sages teaching a few jedi before the end of their species. Through pride and clouded vision they fell to darkness and to atone disappeared from the galaxy... but they left behind some strange skills a few jedi could learn such as adjusting the gravity of themselves and being able to walk along vertical or inverted surfaces.

Skyholme Astromancers: Solitary wizzards, makers of their own equipnment and living in their mysterious towers. The astromancers make their own equipment with the force to channel the force and we have worked to learn many of their ideals and study as they accumulate knowledge and share it or socialize during an eclipse.

Ta-Ree: Among the Aing-Tii there was a chance to learn.. they were wonderful and after ten years of me working to show them I could be trusted I was allowed to learn from them... and then I spent another ten practicing among the rifts people refining the skills that can only be used there as the force shifts and twists. THere are a number of them who work with me and followers of the skill are among the personal guards of the Silver Rest using riftstones to access their unique skills.

Teepo Paladins: Jedi who believed in the use of blasters and combat as a means to connect to the force itself. They were highly skilled and we have worked with a few. The Antarian rangers are supporters of the jedi but the paladins can be impressive in the field.
Gray Paladin: A more radical sect of the Teepo who have helped the jedi and been one of the groups that we field with Ranger teams as well as droids and biots. Highly skilled with various weapons and talented in terms of force using soldiers.​

Theran Listener: Often considered a cult... and they are in ways but they are one with a purpose and dedication as the insects of their world are weakened under their sun and have a dangerous affliction they would spread across the stars. THey are talented though and being able to listen to ther world and crystals is beneficial... a useful skill for any jedi.

Guardians of the Breath: An ancient order of the force predating the jedi themselves and even the Republic. They are skilled and there are not many of them that still exist in the galaxy... that any still do is a feat among itself but the studies of them and their protection of the kashimer talismen was important.
Guardian Elders: Vision seers among the Guardians, able to advise and lead the Kashi Mer people. They were skilled and strong in the force and we have been able to learn from them for the mistress of visions among the order. To try and see more into the force itself.​

Guardians of Javin: A group regarded in the orders archives as rogues.. they were structured much like the jedi but they had less rules for their conduct and how the order was set up... It might be beneficial in a situation but it could also lead to more dangerous aspects.

Un'Yala: The title given to chiefs and elders of their species. With their longer lives they were able to gain a great deal of knowledge for themselves that they could share with others as well as talk spirituality, ethics and experience. THey are usually regarded across the galaxy to have great wisdom.

Voss Mystics: When the silver jedi came to Voss we worked with the mystics to find a place. Iella had many great ideas and places that would be useful but the area was settled and we made good use of it. THeir skills and rituals being beneficial to teaching many of the jedi themselves who were more for the mystical arts of the force and how to view it.

H'Drachi Seers: Lesser known but a group that I have worked with and learned from extensively. Their talents in observing the flow of time and how it ripples across the galaxy has been essential to aiding with many ideals of the force itself in my own personal views.

Wardens of the Sky: Talented pilots, highly knowledgeable and some of the best if you want to have information about routes be they trade or the lesser traveled one. The Wardens are few but they are among some fo the best for finding out about things within the galaxy.

Witches of Dathomir: THe daughters of Allya and talented in their techniques and skills. The jedi have been working with witches in the past.. their mother was a jedi at one point in her history... but they diverged and have shown many skills that jedi do not know or use them in ways many others do not. I have studied but Junko Ike Junko Ike has spent many years among them and training her skills. Elayne has proven an ally of the jedi and taught many the ways of the witches to gain a better respect and understanding.

Zeison Sha: Skilled with ranged discblades... enhanced with their armored robes and talented in the force. THe Zeison have been long time allies of the jedi and we worked with them several times in the past while bringing them into operations in the future.

Jal Shey: My heroes... a group dedicated to imbueing the force into objects and they are talented in many ways. We have worked with them, we have aided them and tried to convince more of them to join the order as advisors and helpers in the tech division. THey are friends though and have aided us in understanding in many ways the art of force enhancing items.

Jensaarai: Often considered by some dark or neutral they are not always... a blanced order but their ideals of justice and protection usually put them more in line with jedi sides.. they are just also skilled with alchemy as they make their weapons and armor. Beautiful designed and enhanced with the force we have worked with a few to improve the protection and designs to augment their lower numbers with more survivorability.

J'doon: A scattered cult in the galaxy with their temples around still. There are few if any left but preying in their temples was suually done for prosperity and peace. Large discovered at one point by Cheli Aphra.

Je'daii: THe predeccessors to the jedi order, our forefathers as it were and thanks to Asha they rarely are gone from the galaxy. We have worked with them, we have argued with them but they are impressive in their understanding of the force and one fo the few orders that can reside on tython without triggering the massive force storms from an inbalance of the force. THeir goals are generally for the good of life and we can support their causes.

Yacombe: ONce a group of darkside followers they are different in that they changed.. they renounced the darkside and have become much more neutral in the force. THeir teaching still there and showing the dangers as well as the hope that one could stop walking the path fo the darkside. They have several artifacts in the black vaults of the temple from their past.

Kiana: A secret order dedicated to fighting secret cults that used the crystals of their world for dangerous purposes. The jedi have reached out to them and worked to try and cleanse and purify their tazar crystals. Allowing the lightside of the force to counter what has been done to them.

The Silent: Mysterious and well you don't really join them... or work with them. They are healers and their name as an order says it all. Going to places of conflict and seeing to the injured... they release force energy and it is more soothing while also benefiting the bodies ability to heal.

Created as part of the Jadeite grandmasters holocron. The file contains information to aid other jedi who know her and for future generations with a gatekeeper of the jedi master.
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