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Isley Verd [ Redux ]

Isley Verd

"We are the Sum of our Mistakes."

Basic Information
  • Name: Isley Verd
  • Alias: Darth Metus (Formerly)
  • Force Alignment: Neutral
  • Force Rank: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Races: Umbaran, Korun
  • Age: Seasoned
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Build: Middleweight
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Brown
  • Face Claim: Travis Gumbs
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • The Witch Masters: Witch King
  • The United Clans: Alor of Clan Verd
  • Arakyd Industries: CEO
  • Master(s): [member="Rave Merrill"], [member="Spencer Varanin"]
  • Mentor(s): [member="Ember Rekali"]
  • Apprentice(s): ---
  • Successful Student(s): [member="Marek Starchaser"], [member="Siqa"]
  • Significant Other: [member="Lilith Engelis"]
  • Siblings: [member="Ginnie Ordo"], [member="Kära Vi'dreya"]. [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"]
  • Offspring: [member="Deneve Verd"]
  • Extended Family: [member="Eirlys Verd"] (Niece), [member="Nyx"] (Niece), [member="Alec Rekali"] (Niece). [member="Iegoris Verd"] (Cousin)
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) Mandalorian Heritage: Having been cultivated by the premier, warrior culture of the Galaxy, Isley is the definition a seasoned combatant. Specialties from this way of life include: Armored Combat [ IV ], Bes'uliik Riding [ III ], Firearm Proficiency [ IV ], Slicing [ I ], Starfighter Piloting [ II ], and Unarmed Combat [ III ].

(+) Magickal Heritage: On the flipside, Isley has received personal tutelage from some of the Galaxy's most talented practitioners of the arcane. [member="Rave Merrill"] instructed him in the ways of Sith Alchemy whilst [member="Petra Cavataio"] introduced him to Dathomirian Magicks. His own study has also produced skill in Force-Imbuement and some profiency in Jal Shey techniques.

(+) Umbaran Heritage: A combination of training and genetic predisposition have resulted in Isley's talent with mind-altering powers of the Force. While he is no [member="Darth Carach"] or [member="Spencer Varanin"], he is more than capable of utilizing mentalism as his primary means of Force-based offense.

(-) Ocular Hypersensitivity: Due to his Umbaran heritage, Isley's eyes are extremely sensitive to sudden, extreme flashes of light. If exposed, there is an exceptional possibility that he will enter into a violent episode similar to epilepsy.

(-) The Line: Given the expense of his extensive "dabbling", Isley very sparingly utilizes Sith Alchemy, and by extension, the Dark Side. Should he cross the line too far, there is a tremendous possibility that he will be robbed of his free will and body by [member="Darth Metus"].

(-) Those Dry Bones: Isley is far from being the spry lad of his youth. Age has reduced his ability to perform some of the more physically demanding feats that youngins' can accomplish.

Notable Possessions
Notable Vessels
Notable Force Powers

Apprentice [ I ] - Knight [ II ] - Master [ III ] - Specialist [ IV ]

Notable Lightsaber Forms
  • [ III ] Form V: Djem So
  • [ III ] Form VII: Juyo
  • Part I
The Question:


Can you sum yourself up in a single word?

The Answer:


At first glance, that's probably not what you'd expect to hear from a man like me, right? You'd expect something proud. Masculine. Maybe even arrogant. But, if we're being honest here, "irresponsible" is the best word to describe good ol'Isley Verd. Here, allow me to explain.

I was born a Mandalorian: the son of a rolling stone and his Umbaran fling. I grew up, learned to shoot, and eventually struck out on my own. Mercenary-slash-Bounty Hunter, of course. For a long time, life was simply floating from one job to the next...until I met her. (Now, this isn't a romance novel you're reading, so bury that thought right now.) Back then, she was just starting out in the Alchemy business. Back then, she changed my life by teaching me everything I know.

Immediately, I was hooked.

At first, I used Alchemy to test my creativity. You know, see if I can make my Master grin with pride; that sorta thing. Then, I started using it to plug the holes in my armor. Not literally, mind. If I got my arse handed to me, I would learn from it. Create because of it. But as I started getting better and better, I started to get arrogant. Greedy, too. I started to see the Dark Side as the means of becoming invincible. Sure, Akala provided me one helluva excuse: "I'll get so strong that I'll never be a god's plaything." But being honest, I knew what I was doing. I wanted power.

Things came to a head when an old friend and I had a heart to heart. Azrael was his name, maybe you've heard of him? Back home, there was a stigma about dabbling in the Darkness. A huge one. So, I told Az goodbye. I made the choice to turn my back on my Clan, my family, and my friends. All to pursue power.

And man, did it come at a high price. When I finally dove into the Dark entirely, it wasn't me who emerged. I became a prisoner in my own body and it took a long, long time to set myself free. In that time, I played spectator to my own life...and frankly, that'll never happen again. In light of that, I took a step back and looked at who I had become. I was the definition of irresponsible: a Dar'manda to the core. And that just didn't sit right. So, I came home. I threw myself at the mercy of the Council...and luck would have it that they threw me a bone. They gave me one helluva Trial.

And I've made it through to the other side.

All of that to say, I've spent over half my life being an irresponsible nut. Decades playing God and turning my back on all that matters. Yet now, I'm hoping to change that word that sums me up. Now, I'm trying to be the leader my Clan deserves, the Vod my people deserve, and the Father my daughter deserves. Maybe, in time, folks will see me as Responsible.

Until then, it's just one day at a time.

[member="Isley Verd"] - You got one more chance, boy. Don't screw it up. Or I will have to get off my comfy chair and find you. And I will not be pleased to have to put real clothes on and then get them dirty with what's left of your blood.

Good luck, i'll be watching. :p

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