Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Is this Character Concept too radical?

There are spoilers for Star Wars Tales 19 ahead!!!!! (which came out years ago so if you care shame on you lol)

Firstly, I was reading one of my old Star Wars comic books and it featured a story known as "Into the Great Unknown" and the gist of it is that Han Solo and Chewbacca were being chased by imperials on the millennium falcon and were forced to jump into hyperspace blind. They crash-land on Earth and Han is killed by Indigenous Americans while taking a look around. Then, 120 years later, Indiana Jones comes in finds Han's corpse after hearing a report of a sasquatch near by (AKA Chewbacca). This comic reminded me that Star Wars does technically take place in a universe where there is an Earth "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

Is an Earth character too extreme? Considering the Timeline of Chaos it could be argued that Chaos is coexisting with around our current time. Anyways He would essentially be a limited time character. I don't have any major faction plans as of right now. But essentially He would be a NASA Pilot (Maybe a Space Force pilot lol) who volunteered to test an experimental FTL system. The test was only supposed to take him to Mars but the system malfunctions causing him to go into lightspeed for days. he is only dropped out of lightspeed after being caught into a Wormhole. his ship malfunctions further when trying to escape it and he is left stranded in the unknown region. His goal (after being rescued), would be to find a way home. I feel like there's some good story potential with him especially pertaining "Who originally brought the Story of the Skywalker Saga to Earth, and how did he travel from this Galaxy to Earth." Obviously he wouldn't go around mentioning the fact that he was from another Galaxy (fearing he would risk an invasion by doing so) and with coming up with this concept, I'll admit Marvel did it first (Ever hear of Gwenpool?) and I think she was a terrific character, well maybe a little too overpowered. Obviously I wouldn't paint him as omnipotent (I only plan on him being somewhat familiar with the franchise). Am I being too Meta? Or is this something the community might think that it's crazy enough to work? Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

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