At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied planet. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the planet against another Major Faction's members.
Why I understand this rule, I feel like it forces some of us MFs to have to do something we dont want, and that Invasions, like Dominions, should be optional, not forced. Some of us just wanted our three planets, and wanted to stay small, and left alone. We worked to get where we are, and thus deserve the rewards offered with Major status. Why should I have to accept, whether I like it, or not, another faction's wishes to invade my faction?
Again I understand why its there, but it feels like a burden, upon the burdens already given as a Major Faction, that's unnecessary. Some of the other factions like it, cause they want to be a dominate faction, and just push us around cause they can, Nothing against the writers, they are playing their characters, and that's just fine.
Some of us just want to RP with our faction members, and that's it, they shouldnt have to be worried that another faction could ruin what they worked for, because their faction is smaller, and weaker then the other faction.
Some of us are laid back, and just want to create things, and make it available to others.
We shouldnt have consequences for working to get to a Major status and then be forced to be invaded cause SO and So dont want us there.
I know Ima receive so much flak for this, and I will take what I have dished out, but I feel this is a concern some people of on the site, and it's not just me that is thinking this.
I feel if others feel the same, then this should AT LEAST given some thought before you just out right say NO to me.