Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions and Being Invaded

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At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied planet. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the planet against another Major Faction's members.

Why I understand this rule, I feel like it forces some of us MFs to have to do something we dont want, and that Invasions, like Dominions, should be optional, not forced. Some of us just wanted our three planets, and wanted to stay small, and left alone. We worked to get where we are, and thus deserve the rewards offered with Major status. Why should I have to accept, whether I like it, or not, another faction's wishes to invade my faction?

Again I understand why its there, but it feels like a burden, upon the burdens already given as a Major Faction, that's unnecessary. Some of the other factions like it, cause they want to be a dominate faction, and just push us around cause they can, Nothing against the writers, they are playing their characters, and that's just fine.


Some of us just want to RP with our faction members, and that's it, they shouldnt have to be worried that another faction could ruin what they worked for, because their faction is smaller, and weaker then the other faction.

Some of us are laid back, and just want to create things, and make it available to others.

We shouldnt have consequences for working to get to a Major status and then be forced to be invaded cause SO and So dont want us there.

I know Ima receive so much flak for this, and I will take what I have dished out, but I feel this is a concern some people of on the site, and it's not just me that is thinking this.
I feel if others feel the same, then this should AT LEAST given some thought before you just out right say NO to me.
SC-001 said:
Why should I have to accept, whether I like it, or not, another faction's wishes to invade my faction?
If you are a major faction, why do you want to stick to 3 planets? I'm not trying to sound rude when I say this, but stagnation is not growth and growth is what is looked at in Major Factions as a positive trait, and if you stay with 3 you remain stagnant and will eventually lose interest. While invasions aren't exactly great counters to that, I don't see why there would be a point to going major if you don't want to grow.

Also, because any country can go and invade any county, planet to planet, etc, etc. You are a government as a major faction, you accept that other major factions may want your territories.

That being said, you can talk it out with the other faction's staff to decide on a different means of settling the dispute, or agree to differing terms.

Again (SC is me to lazy to switch) I understand it, I do. But other then the OOC wanting to expand, I feel a Major Faction MUST have IC reason to invade. It would be helpful to have maybe a thread up that shows which factions have declared what factions enemies, allies, and neutrals. This would help Factions prepare for invasions instead of suddenly hit with a PM, "We are invading you, prepare your buttholes.selves". Cause it happens, Some of us are more focused on doing something that's not war, and having a good time, and suddenly, the FO comes to his/hers members, and gives them the bad news, this kills muses, and just generally craps on people's days.

Edited Part: At least a thread tracking alliances, and enemies would give a faction the notion to keep in mind what to be building, what to preparing, etc etc.
Romeo Sin said:

Again (SC is me to lazy to switch) I understand it, I do. But other then the OOC wanting to expand, I feel a Major Faction MUST have IC reason to invade. It would be helpful to have maybe a thread up that shows which factions have declared what factions enemies, allies, and neutrals. This would help Factions prepare for invasions instead of suddenly hit with a PM, "We are invading you, prepare your buttholes.selves". Cause it happens, Some of us are more focused on doing something that's not war, and having a good time, and suddenly, the FO comes to his/hers members, and gives them the bad news, this kills muses, and just generally craps on people's days.

Edited Part: At least a thread tracking alliances, and enemies would give a faction the notion to keep in mind what to be building, what to preparing, etc etc.
Any issues with invasions are settled and determined by faction staff. If you want it to be done that way, then you can communicate with them a proper way to do the invasion that works for you. You can dictate your terms, agree on things, disagree on others, but above all the two factions come together and agree on the terms that work. If a sudden, abrupt, invasion does not work for you? Make that known, the other faction will likely work to make it work for you. If they don't, contact an RPJ.
You cannot deny an invasion. The rules state you cannot. That said, you can discuss with the opposite side the parameters and even the causes behind it. When I led the republic, I got the occasional pm or Skype message pretty much going "hey, we're invading you. We need to discuss parameters." Each time I pretty much went "mkay. Why? That's cool and all and we'll do it if you really wanna, but does it make sense?" 9 times out of 10, they sat back and realized that, no, it didn't and that, no, invading for those reasons had no IC basis.

So, no, you can't deny an invasion. That's the risk of being a major faction. You can be as warlike or as peaceful as you'd like, but the threat is real. It balances out major factions and map space.

On the flip side, no one said that invasions had to be invasions. I once lead an invasion where we diplomatically handed over a planet that had been dominioned simultaneously with another faction that we didn't want. On another occasion, I discussed with another major faction head the concept of playing a sports game as an invasion, rather than have the two groups fight with armies and fleets.

You can make it what you like, but you really can't tell the other side "No". You can only tell them " why?" and "does this make sense?"

~ Popo

It sounds to me what you're asking for is the ability to own planets but opting out of being forced to deal with invasions.

I'm not going to give you flak for having an opinion; if you feel that it's a good idea then it is -- because it's a good idea to you. To the rest of us? I'm going to go ahead and assume most of the major faction owners, as one myself, don't want that.

If you want to have a faction that roleplays there are numerous paths one might take. You could ask a major faction for permission to ICly rule a number of their worlds as a minor faction; now OOCly you wouldn't own these words but you'd control the roleplay on them and wouldn't have to worry about invasions and dominions so much. I know this isn't the perfect solution to what you're looking for but it's one of the best. If all you want is storytelling then try your hand at a minor faction, there are plenty of good opportunities that don't require one to be major status.
If you don't want to deal with invasions, the simple answer is don't go Major.

Soon as you go major you put yourself up to the threat of warring factions. Much like putting a custom planet on the map opens it up to the whims of other writers.


Think he's just tired of how crappy and disappointing almost all the invasions turn out. I know I am, and I've seen plenty. S'why I'm not in any now'a'days. :/

Other people pretty much answer your questions here but I'll repeat a few key points because I have nothing better to do. If you go Major, then that comes with both the ability to canonically influence the world of Chaos as well as with the responsibility and risk of maintaining your creation. If one was allowed to simple go Major with a handful of friends and claim a bunch of planets for themselves for the rest of their stay on this forum, then the map would be littered with dozens of small factions that refuse to participate in the galactic stage and instead perform the equivalent of taking their ball and going home.

In other words, the Galactic Map would be useless and discarded because people would be twats. It will lead to a lot of infighting within the community as well, seeing as there will always be people that get really anal about stuff. You wouldn't be able to set a RP up on some planet without going through the proper channels of some faction or another and receive their approval otherwise you'd get people moaning and whining like little children.

It is also always possible to deter people from invading you. Start up development threads with your factions for the creation of specialized weapons that can deter your neighbors from trying to mess with you, do development threads for numerous fortifications on your planets and in the space surrounding them, mine the space lanes leading towards your planets, develop the bloody Samson Option if you have to.

If you want to have a piece of the pie and be in the "Big Boys" club, then you either toughen up and learn to deal with the rules so that you may have the privilege to claim your mark of Chaos and have it be considered Canon or you can take a hike and start a Google Docs folder with your mates and pretend nobody else exists to mess your special snowflakes clubhouse.


Active Member
if I may add something else this removes is kinda something you said. You want three worlds for just you and a few people to rp in. SO basically you want private RP in your own world where you can make the rules. This shuts players out and if we allow it from everyone well yeah ok everybody has a clique and now nobody can rp outside the special groups who invite them. So great it becomes a place for special groups and thus new players would have to then make their own groups and it's perpetuate and the whole place would fall apart. Because now everybody is told you can only chat or rp with certain people.
[member="Felix Dunst"] [member="Tellos"]

I said I would take the flak, the flak is given ya'll are repeating yourselves now, and thus I dont care anymore, Silara made a point one that I like, and feel more comfortable with.

Thank you [member="Silara"] for answering this, and giving me advice on this.

No More Comments, or Suggestions, wanna say something about it, go make a thread, this thread is now closed.
Thank you.
As stated above, Major Factions are inherently vulnerable to invasion. Stay minor if you don't want to deal with those.

I'm pretty sure Belgium said they didn't want any invasions, but they got invaded twice anyway by those griefers in REDACTED.

With that said, this thread is finished. Thank you all.

EDIT: I will not allow your Slander, Valiens.
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