Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Helska pre-planning: The Primeval vs The Shadow Dynasty

hey everyone, I spoke with [member="The Shadow King"] and due to unforeseen circumstances we're unfortunately going to be pushing the date.

My apologies to everyone; I'll be here to answer any questions and continually prepare the invasion.
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]

Well any point after 100 posts and 2/3 objectives have been won by a faction the invasion will be concluded :)

The running time is -however- 18 days, I don't believe it will last that long, however.
Nickolas Imura said:
[member="Darth Vitium"], Good you see you there. One question, I thought there was no allies allowed? (unless you are part of the faction then... tag along!)
The invasion agreement was that anyone could join the factions involved prior to the date agreed upon (unless that has changed).
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I decided to do so today. (I posted the above message from my cell at work, so I didn't exactly have the means to do much).

I have been interested in the faction since it began, though.

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