Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introduce Yourself!

Audrey Thénardier

Crime is a Family Business
[member="Leo & Luna"] Glad to see you decided to take up the offer lol. Welcome to the Ravens. I actually have a thread idea if you want to discuss it over PM.

I am Flynn, death stick chain smoker, whiskey drinker (on the rocks please), like the girls and looking to have some adventure around here. I have been roaming the galaxy and looking for a new home.

And I think I may have found it. ;)

*raises glass of half drunk whiskey* Cheers!
[member="Jorda Ulluto"]

Why thank you my dear. ;)

In light of fact the Dominion and Invasion is well underway, I will not join them as I like to start them from the beginning. However, an introduction thread would be on the cards.

You fancy a drink somewhere? Be warned I am .. cheeky. ;)
[member="Flynn Soriano"] You know a Zeltron never refuses an invitation for drinks, darling. How about the Dragon Palace Casino, Ravens operation headquarters? Public thread, private thread? You pick and I'll set it up.

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