Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into the Darkness...

Outer Rim Territories
FIS Horstice, Timora Sector
Time: 18:32 Local


The hulking form of the vanquisher-class destroyer slowly crept toward the decrepit wreck of the FIS Horstice. An array of transports, and escort vessels clung behind it, cowering beneath the shadow of the FIV Griffin upon its approach. Their destination, the Windsor-Class medical station (x), its hull lathered in scorch marks, with the debris of its defensive batteries and vessels which now sat in slow orbit around the hulking mass. Lights faltered from its viewports, struggling to keep it on. It was ghastly sight, which made the premise all the more clear that time was of the essence. "Do we have any life form scans?" The Imperator asked, his cold, monotone voice reverberating through the command structure.

There was a pause from the sensor officer, before a brief nod, "Aye we do have sir." The youthful ensign reported, "Life signs are throughout, concentrated around several pockets." Interesting. Rausgeber paused, and allowed himself a moment to contemplate the situation. The First Order had recieved the distress communique from the Horstice's commandant four days ago, advising them of the Ssi-Ruuk assault. Rausgeber had believed that they would arrive in the midst of a Ssi-Ruuk raid, with a mass of vessels. But things were quiet. Deceptively so. Still, if there were still civilians aboard, they demanded attention.

"Dispatch our forces immediately, scour the station, and prepare for immediate evacuation." The First Order Grand Admiral commanded. "Move our vessels into defensive pattern Omikron, and organise Task Force Rathtar for immediate entry and extraction protocol." He paused, "Advise all units, that care is to be used. The scum may have booby trapped us."


  • Objective One: Facilitate the location and evacuation of all civilian and military personnel
  • Objective Two: Repair the life support system to ensure that evacuation runs smoothly
  • Objective Three: Locate and eradicate any form of Ssi-Ruuk presence aboard
  • Objective Four : Special Forces have been advised the Hostice received a prototype weapon from the Seventh Fleet's Special Weapons Division. Extract it.


ALLIES: [member="Robogeber"]

FN-999 woke from a nightmare.
He had been back on Dosunn - where chaos reigned and alien armies rapidly overran stormtrooper positions. His armor, polished the day before, was now stained with the blood of both sides. Behind a ruined market, FN-999 and his squad had fired furiously at a relentless enemy force. But for every alien they killed, two more took their place. Eventually, FN-999's squad was overrun, and all but two of his men killed. The three had taken every single grenade from their fallen comrades and tossed them, creating an explosion sufficient to protect their flank as they fled. FN-999 remembered thinking of what a coward he had become before his consciousness returned.

He lay sideways on his bunk in another vessel he could never name, one that would be a temporary home for him. In the room, an alert was going off, calling troops to the hangars. A boarding action was to be performed. FN-999 was not a coward, and immediately slid off his bunk. His three bunkmates had already left, leaving only his battle-worn suit, blaster, and riot baton in the large troop chest. He quickly equipped his suit and put his blaster and baton in his belt, before opening the bunk doors and entering a brisk jog.

A minute later, he joined another group of troopers in the hangar bay, where they were being loaded into shuttles. FN-999 was directed into one with twenty-three other troopers, before the doors closed and the shuttle began to rise.

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