Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Into Hell, We March (Authority Invasion of Naboo)

Una huffed at his cheap shot then shrugged her shoulders lightly. She thought it best she left out why she came here and instead skip straight to the point. "I need to see Feena.." Una thought back on what she really was doing on the planet Naboo at such a dangerous time. And for the first moment in a long while she addressed the nagging feeling of worry she harbored for Gravy. There had been no contact between the two for a while now and the ever growing concern was something she hadn't really admitted too till now. She tore her eyes away from the rocky floor that supported them and raised a brow, waiting on his reaction.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Location: The Downed Transport.
Allies: Not a one.
Enemies: [member="Talon Vosra"]

No fancy twirls of their blades were given, no eye contact broken. They were in that place now, that frame of mind where move and counter-move were fought even before the first strike was unleashed. As [member="Talon Vosra"] moved to the right, Norongachi's boots mirrored them to the left. Careful, precise steps, all too aware of the cramped environment. It would be easy to find yourself with no room to move in here, granted he didn't imagine they would be inside this metal shell for very long.

"Last battle report I received, we had. Doesn't seem to have bought us any good will." Was his retort. Breathing steady, heartbeat calm, the Force a waiting beast of war, ready and willing to rip the world apart. There wasn't more than a blades length between them and the bulkhead of the transport was just another step away when the fight began in earnest. The green blade snapped up, quick like a viper strike, not a full stroke, the motion would be wasted at his distance. A hip to shoulder slash, then a powerful backhanded swing against his attackers defense while he moved forward with the attacks, making the space between them that much less.
Location: The grand pedestal

Allies: Fools and heroes and soldiers

Enemies: those he once called allies

Objective: Dance while the world is burning.

He snickered. "Like I'm one to leave a party early," he spouted cheerily. "I'm afraid I'm stuck dealing with whatever happens next. I promise you, kiddo. One last favor, though. I can't change your fate, but your family--they can get off this planet. I've got a place for them to crash. If nothing else, they can stay safe with me while the aftermath resolves."

He sighed. How many more friends and loved ones would have to die around him? How much more injustice would he have to endure? He cursed the sky life and the whole galaxy for a brief moment, then let out a long breath. "I will abide until this ends, your majesty. Then, I've my own duty to attend to. Sorry I couldn't give a fitting gift for your retirement party," he said with weak smile.
[member="Una Gal"]

"Una, why in the hell do you even want to meet the queen, and i swear if the next words come out of your mouth are what i am thinking of then i really hope you give me a really good reason Una... otherwise i could use your help with the wounded. The help of a Jedi would be very much appreciated." He sat down and looked at his side, grabbing a canteen as he reached out to give it to her. "Do you need a drink, are you hurt, anything i can help with Una."


Location: Spaceport.
Allies: ASA
Enemies: OP
Directive: Paint the town red.

The nice thing about being a droid? No sickness. No eternal sickness known as love. Or cancer, or anything. Metal body, and metal mind. Programming and the victory that would be followed. It could be worse, Prime could be someone who knew that their faction was taken from them, that had to hide and get elected as a Queen to feel useful. But no, Prime was a war droid. With war droid programming.

Looking to the group of Clankers, it nodded. They were pinned down and Prime had to do something. Something to cause a distraction. And destruction. Destruction was good.
Then the unit would report to the Palace. That was what the chatter on the radio was calling for. A rush on the palace. And it was a droid. If it could cause enough destruction, then its programming was fulfilled. All but self-preservation. It needed to get to work.

“Clanker. Turn your weapon over.” It had one of the launchers. Checking it, it was the paint one. Of course it was. Prime nodded. “Provide cover fire.” Because they probably weren’t going to fight their way to the space port. But if others could cause destruction?

Prime got up when the fire was turned on the Omega soldiers. Checking the program to explode on impact, Prime fired once, before taking cover. Then again and again, for a total of three times, ducking from cover and taking a shot to the left arm. Lucky for it, Prime was a droid and cold fire from both arms. One grenade exploded on a wall of the spaceport, another on one of the ships within, and the third fell short.
It would have to be good enough.

“Distract them.” It ordered to the Clankers. Prime was needed at the Palace. To paint the town red, and paint the women white, as some would say.

The Hunter-Killers would come in and decimate any fleshlings. That was a shame. Prime really needed a new pair of shoes.

|En Route to Naboo Center of Cultural Arts, Sciences, and History|
Enemies: The Omega Protectorate​
Allies: The Abrion Systems Authority, Black, Prime, Gravvy Train​
Objective: Increase the Death Toll of OP​

Upon acceptance from the Gungan shields, their bodies passed through without resistance. This breach, for the smaller size, appeared overlooked and the small formation moved in without notice. "Clear," the last two men said, having backed in to ensure they had not been followed. Better yet, to relieve any who would be so stupid. They had seen their brothers taken down and thrown by a single entity wielding a large chunk of metal. A great many were weary of her, weighing their chance of survival should they chose to engage the armored Sith. Fear in their hearts.

From the view of her helm, Anesia peered out, taking in the city for the first time in a long time. There were more of her own here than she had expected and less of them. Spread out in threes, take cover, and smoke them out. Anesia ordered telepathically. Burn the city if you have to.

The personal guards of the General closed in upon her person, protecting her and the mission at hand while the others 'teams' streaked in other directions: towards the palace, ahead to the current objective, and into the alleyways. Careful to keep cover and only popping off a round when necessary so as to keep their positions concealed.
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Sarge looked to the bodies and the ruined battleground, frown forming beneath his helmet. "Library." He says suddenly, turning on his heel and marching away, halberd being used as a walking staff as he headed towards that glorious repository of knowledge. Men forming up around him, they made their way through their city, hoping to find it in one piece.
Objective: Advance from the river to the Cultural Centre
Enemies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] and his blatant disregard of GW’s intellectual property ;)
Allies: Half of Aquatic Assault Force, [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] advancing from the other side

Raziel slunk through the shadow cast by a large domed building as he advanced over some open space. His Nightsrike armour shifted through patterns as it adapted to his conditions. The Spymaster had been focussing on concealing his presence in the Force, but could only offer limited shrouding around the four man exfiltration team that accompanied him. For that reason he worked ahead of them, scouting out their route. There was no reason to take a hit from a Mortar guided by a Force user unnecessarily, Raziel had never been one for self-sacrifice.

Sensing consciousness up ahead, he paused. He waited and watched. Eventually he saw them. A small fire-team holding a position in a window three stories up. The main Omega forces were guarding the boundaries of the city, but they weren’t foolish. In an urban setting it made perfect sense to set up multiple firing positions further back to provide cover fire. The lines of combat never stayed still after all.

Deciding to risk a burst of EM signals, he had his suit relay a still image back to his fire team. He didn’t get an electronic “ack” back, but he sensed they had received it. He felt them set up their own position behind him.

Tentatively, he loaded a cryoban grenade into his B230 and sighted on the window. He locked the distance in, and it provided him with elevation for the shot. With a few clicks, he adjusted the mode of fire to airburst two metres beyond the target. The grenade in the barrel was programmed instantly.

A red bolt arced across the sky above him, several more followed. The enemy position was partially obscured as dust erupted from the building were bolts missed their targets. A stream of fire returned back from a repeater, pinning down Raziel’s team. Letting the Force guide him, Raziel steadied his aim and carefully depressed the trigger. With a “womp” the grenade was fired. The shot was good, the grenade going through the opening in the window and airbursting within.

The repeater fire immediately ceased. Two of Raziel’s team advanced across the open ground whilst the other two provided covering fire. Watching the window, Raziel saw blue flashes as stun shots were fired. Then one of his team appeared and signalled for them to advance.

The Naboo Center of Cultural Arts, Sciences, and History was slightly more heavily defended than expected. Raziel had no care for the artefacts it contained. He was simply interested in some of the advantageous firing positions it offered. The complex was around two kilometres across, covering a large swathe of land in the city centre.

Devoting such a large section of prime estate to this kind of endeavour alluded to a great ego that had decided to show off the planet’s opulence. They were stalled as they reached the complex, finding it more heavily guarded that expected. It seemed the complex had its own defences designed to keep intruders aware from any precious artefacts. However, they were not designed to keep out serious invades and the droid forces soon had a foothold in the eastern corner.

Raziel found a firing position that looked over the rest of the complex from a tall building in the medical complex. He’d passed a large number of signs urging people to keep out, as biological research was taking place. He hoped the dangerous chemicals had been moved, but such a process might have been too laborious to undertake before the ASA arrived. At the least, he hoped the Protectorate might think twice about bombing this series of buildings. He loaded a sonic smart mine, ready to use it to block off an approach route if necessary.

“Droids have found a network of tunnels under the complex,”

“That’s potentially a problem. Post guards as we move and send some to scout them out. We don’t want to find a Battalion hiding down there!”

The surprise attack had been made, but from now on it would be brutal building-by-building fighting. At the very least, the Protectorate were now fighting a messy urban brawl, rather than on a limited front.
Una shrugged and rested her head on the top of her knees. She felt sick to her stomach and the cold water Solan offered was much appreciated. Accept it wasn't cold. It had gone warm and stale in the heat of the sun and probably in someone's backpack too. Still, when the liquid hit her lips she felt refreshed and her dry lips ceased to be. She wiped the corner of her mouth with a dirty sleeve and glanced down to the slightly larger than before red strip on her robes. During this entire time Una had never once been focused on her wound, but now she was sat down and the stress of events had begun to wear her body down, it stung like it never had before.

She lent her body to the side and lifted her robes up. They peeled away from the wound with a sickening noise and a view that matched it perfectly. The sticky blood had long since dried up, but fresh blood had begun to seep from the scab. It looked a lot wider that it hand since she started. "Just this..." Una was surprisingly calm, keeping the hem of her robes up and away from the wound. The bandage that she had wrapped around it fluttered in the wind, then was picked up and carried away over the crowd. The only pain she seemed to show was the sporadic crumpling of her face.

"It doesn't matter..." Her head hit the cold stone wall again. "I just want to get home now."

[member="Solan Charr"]


Victory is mine!
Viper flinched as the droid, who had already removed the upper portion of his robes to get to the wound, had begun cleaning it up. Gritting his teeth, he looked up and realized Felicity was already rolling. He was a little self conscious, not really wanting to be seen so tore up. But then he figured, this was the reality of war. Might as well get an accurate telling.

"Well I suppose I can tell you about our small part in what has happened..." He cleared his throat as he tried to collect his thoughts. "My name is Viper. I'm a Padawan of the Jedi Order. Myself and my fellow Padawan Corvus, who is currently flying us and these wounded..." he said gesturing to the men around him, "to a safe location away from the fighting, came here to Naboo to aid our allies the Omega Protectorate." He paused for a moment frowning. "I came more so though because Naboo is my home. And I wish to see her free. Free from the indiscriminate destruction that the ASA bring with it."

"Anyway, when we arrived. ASA had just slammed into our defense fleets in space. It looked like they were trying to split the fleet in half. We skirted around the battle and dropped to the planets surface. It wasn't long after that that the ASA began trying to land drop ships. The first small wave without fighter protection. When we saw that, we joined a wing of fighters and mowed down the first drop ships foolish enough to not wait for cover."

"We eventually pulled out after our shields had taken some major hits. Not long after that, the main ASA forces, began to pour in. This time with proper protection for their drop ships. We could hear the ordinance in the distance being dropped by their bombers. It was then we got in contact with Felicity Mason. Daughter of the Queen of Naboo. We were able to coordinate our next move while she made other preparations within the Palace. As such, Corvus rallied many civilians who also refused to allow ASA to just walk in and take what is ours."

"I flew the reinforcements in to the front, and we pulled out as many wounded as we could fit on my ship. While trying to extract the wounded, ASA opened fire on my vessel. There rounds seemed to go straight through our walls as if they weren't even there. How they managed it, I still don't know. We lost quite a few wounded men from the shelling. Still, we were only just able to pull back out before we were blown from the sky. My ship sustained heavy damage. But we still managed to get away."

"A while after that, we were able to get back in contact with Miss Mason. An arranged an extraction point. We were in the middle of doing that, when an ASA sniper almost took me out." He said gesturing to the somewhat mangled looking shoulder that the droid was working on. "From what we could see from the air. It looks like ASA means to raise the whole city to the ground if they can't have it."

He winced again as the droid began to close up the wound. "Oh and for this story I can provide data from my ships black box to verify the authenticity of my description of the events here at Naboo. As for our fighters still out there....may the force be with you my friends."

Viper at this point didn't have anything else to say, and turned away from the camera to look at what the droid was doing with his arm.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
location: Air
Allies: [member="VlPER"], OP
Enemies: ASA and friends
Objective: Interview, edit, release

Felicity held the recorder steady through the whole interview. Well, as steady as she could on a ship. When Viper had given his report, she moved back to sweep across the wounded piled into the ship, focusing on the ones who were bleeding the most. Then she went back to her city, her home as little by little the virus that was the ASA ate away at it.

Thank goodness they hadn't reached the Palace yet. Mom was still in there, and dad for all she knew. And Percy, and Marea, and Vorhi, and... And...
She felt weak, tired. It was hard to stay awake and keep going, but until they reached a zone safe enough for her to sit down and edit, she had to keep going.

"For Naboo," she mumbled, focusing her view on the main battle as they went.

[member="Una Gal"]

He saw the wound and had no idea just how bad it could be, immediately looking at the face of his friend and smiling lightly as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He hand glided over her wound and eyes remained on it as he looked at it. "Una, im going to need you to lay down slowly so i can look at this. And stay awake and focused on my voice or face. I just need you to stay awake and still." He tried to lay his friend on her back and began to mix the small amount of healing he knew with modern medicine, healing the wound very slowly as it was draining him further and further. He cursed at his inability to help his friend, forcing fear to stay out of his mind, the thought of her dying because he couldn't help her there though, he hated that thought.
Enemies: The Omega Protectorate: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]​
Allies: The Abrion Systems Authority: Prime, [member="Raziel"]​
Objective: Continuing to increase the death toll of the defense​

Perhaps it was the carnage the elemental shapers unleashed prior that caused so many to flee the other side of the capital towards the sanctuary the Palace offered. Those very benders sent them to their deaths either by the destruction they created while playing with mother nature or by what they met when trying to escape the madness. There were some that lived, yes, but it was impossible for all of them to survive such a vicious enclosed attack. How much longer was the question though. Numbers were dwindling on this provincial side and this was not to say that the System's Authority was not taking due hits; they'd been taking them the whole time. Fear and chaos had shaken the opposition though when they fled into the open arms of the offense in their bout for survival, for safety. They had been ready for this upon hearing of The Obsidian Knights destruction, been waiting to take out what could have been a mass number of reinforcements were they not so high strung on fleeing their scene in panic.

Too many had fallen on Naboo, the scent of their deaths perfuming the air. More and more joined, the dead far outnumbering the living now. As the numbers of the Authority grew within the city, men and droids alike, vying for the upper hand- rather outnumbering the natives. From the center, to the reaches of the palace, Protectorate and prized capital defense blood ran cold through its streets and into the river. Constant fire by albeit wounded soldiers and droids sprayed the area with machine guns [Reaver Series and the CZ-837], rifles [Sniper and Assault], and shotguns with the respective ammo. VENOM slugs had been fired first, not only upon their enemies, but on the ground and surrounding buildings of Theed that they could reach. Then the FLARE slugs to accentuate and utilize the acidic properties of its sister round. Those combined efforts in tandem caused small pyres of chemical fire to break out like a plague being as not all slugs launched were not from the sniper rifles, but from weapons that did not hold the same deft accuracy. Homes and buildings had been infiltrated and even more so now, what with everyone trying to escape the lick of flames that grew following the trail of venom where ever it may have went.

This particular fire was not prejudice and held no favor for either side in the battle, however those that caused it were able to see the effects without being touched by it. If you were shot with the duo on point, the effect was disastrous, likely taking your life. The buildings, while normally unaffected by just the acid round [unless constructed of only metal], bloomed and illuminated with wisps of green-blue fire upon contact. Lush vegetation that had only been stomped upon and withered previous shriveled from the nature of chemical warfare and already dead bodies began to corrode and turn to nothing more than ash upon the ground. Either way, both sides felt the ramifications, some of the ASA's own men and droids were taken down unable to get out of range. Snipers in city windows, army men and marines alike were buried in the thick of it, many having moved underground with in the sewers to both further infiltrate and avoid the raid above ground. Remaining defense of Naboo and the Protectorate had moved to take shelter, mostly at the superstructures [Theed Palace and The Center] with armed droids nipping at their heels.

Disaster continued to reach out, and upon seeing first-hand what combined efforts of only two of their slugs could do, soldiers moved around by way of discarded speeders left upon the streets to further advance around what little unaffected areas they could to paint lines along the borders of the amassed structures and water lines that made up the Center of Culture in the city center from the area that had been rebuilt. Lines that would make it harder for reinforcements to pass without working for it as it acted like a deterrent or blockade. As it were, once the chemical fire began, there was little to do in ways of controlling it. Thus giving the Authority more time to reach the objectives. However little it added for them, the fires also hindered movements of some of their own troops, sectioning them off with little way to move in either direction lest they wanted to face the fire they had created.

Personal com systems went off like like hot oil, spouting necessary information to allies of the current situation, directing them and pinpointing the locations of inferno havoc.

And so Hell was created anew and the angels that did cry, pleaded for no mercy to be taken upon their foes.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
En route to [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] and [member="Raziel"]
All significant NPCness to be managed by [member="Ayden Cater"].

Leaving the forces he'd joined, Jorus fell into step beside Sarge, Mandalorian shell gun over his shoulder. Behind them, Rhoujen's survivors were being arrested and subdued, their positions secured, the former breach reinforced. Some of the defenders, no doubt, were joining Cater's forces. This front was over, but it had never been the primary front, despite the seventy Obsidians killed or captured.

Jorus made no comment as he walked along with Sarge, plaeryin bols scanning the cityline.
Location: Getting the heck out of here
Objective: edit and send.

As the ship made it;s rocky escape from the city, Felicity filmed everything she could, until the city itself was out of sight. the moment that happened, she went right to work, connecting her datapad to the recorder.

She had interviews, videos, images. Enough to work with. But she had to move fast.

She put everything she could in there. Her own little intro, Vipers side of the story, the battle below, the damage on the streets, the bombs, the injuries...
But it was missing something.

The girl turned the recorder to herself now.

"My name is Felicity Mason," she said, "And I am Naboo."

She looked dirty. She looked hurt. She looked tired.
But she was not beaten.

"Vipes? I'm almost done editing," she told him in a raspy voice, "When I'm done, can you help me find a decent signal so I can upload it?"



Victory is mine!
Viper walked over slowly to her. Taking a seat, he looked at what she was doing for a minute. "Well the holotranceiver is still operational. So once your finished, we'll be able to send this piece to every corner of the galaxy. They can't stop the signal." He said with a wink and a small smile.

He ran a hand along her back to try and ease a bit of her obvious discomfort. "Just let, me know when you're ready and it'll be done. Also I got a place for you to sleep if you need it." He stood back up, and began walking to each of the wounded to see if they needed anything further and were doing ok.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Her body flopped to the side, stretched out across the rocky floor. Now that her head was down she was rather sleepy, but she focused on Solan's voice and decided it best to listen to someone for once. "Is it baaaaaaaaad?" In all honesty it hurt a lot less than it did when she first received the wound. But by now it was probably infected or been torn to shreds by her long climb. "I need to find Gravy. And his ship. I want to go home." Keeping the robes bunched up around her chest she sighed heavily. The war had taken its tole on her for now and it showed in her face. Her eye shut, concerns for Gravy and the thousands of others trapped unfairly by the war flashed past her eyes.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Una Gal"]

"What you need to do Una is sit still, shut up, and stay awake, got it?" He looked at her and for a single, odd and chilling moment, he had lost all shred of happiness. His words aimed like venom at both the fact this wound was worse than he thought, and the fact that he had no idea if he could heal her. She needed a experienced healer and he just wasn't one... "Una... im going to take you to someone, i can't fix this... im going to need to blindfold you and take your equipment, is that ok?"
"I am awake.." Though her words slurred as she peeled her eyelids open. Una lazily lifted herself up from the floor and pulled her robes over her torso. She frowned at Solan, furrowing her brow. It was the first frown she had ever given him. "What do you need my equipment for? And why would you need to blindfold me?" Her hand fumbled for her saber and curled around it protectively. She had only just made it and the crystal was rather special to her. Plus in her state she didn't exactly know whether or not to trust him. But she needed the medical attention, she could tell that much at least.

[member="Solan Charr"]

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