Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interview Log 003: The Fires of Progress

Akilah Samara

"Dumped the Jedi". Akilah held in a chuckle. It was funny how she almost spoke of a millennia-spanning para-military monastic order as if it were a boyfriend that didn't give her respect. Elpsis wasn't a Sith, and she didn't abandon the Force, the Jedi just weren't a good fit, or perhaps they didn't help her fit in enough. A sign of the times perhaps, and the independence of the modern Force User from the two party system that had dominated the spectrum of Force Users for so long. She wanted to see if it was the failing of the Jedi and Sith to attract and keep their ranks or simply the viability of other Force Traditions and independence in comparison to the old days, but she suspected it was a "nuna or the egg coming first" type of questioning.

As she spoke of being "special" or not Akilah was impressed how sharp the Firemane Forcer was. They had their differences, but both ladies in the room were far from average, and could impact the galaxy in different ways. But who's voice would be heard more? Which avenue would better shape the next twenty years to come? The next fifty? The next century? Pride made Akilah wish it was her's, but she had her doubts.

"So one last question, and I'll stop bugging you." She said with a smile. It'd been a fun interview. "You said you're open to the idea of a higher power. There are a couple of views that travel around the Jedi Circle, the Living and the Unifying Force. From what I understand the former believes in the Force being in every living thing around you and living in the moment, while the later believes in fulfilling prophecies and the future. What do you and the Order of the Flame believe in how the Force affects the galaxy around us outside of Force Users? Is their a sort of 'current' that the Force flows on guiding destiny, or is there some Akala like being that bestows it's power and shapes the galaxy or is it just some strange substance around us only some can manipulate?"

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Akilah Samara"]

"I think most of the Fire Order's pretty agnostic far as the Force is concerned. Tempest doesn't have any religious beliefs. Nor does Siobhan. The Force is a source of strength to them," A cynic might say that Siobhan's ego was simply too big for her to accept the idea that there was a cosmic force above her and beyond her reach.

"We got a couple elves though. They believe in the Eldorai or Qadiri goddesses. Far as I know, they think their powers are a gift from their supreme goddess, who sits in heaven and helps the faithful. They're free to worship their gods long as it doesn't interfere with the job. I was, well, pretty atheist till now. But lately I've come to believe there may be something above us. I can't say if it's an impersonal force or a higher being with physical form that intervenes in the galaxy. Maybe I'll never find an answer, but I think it's kinda comforting."

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