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Approved Species Indoumodons

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  • Intent: To flesh out the otherwise completely generic sentient population of Indoumodo
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Name: Indoumodons
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Indoumodo
  • Language: The collection of languages and dialects spoken by neighboring tribes, collectively known as the Indoumodon Dialects.
  • Average Lifespan: 40 GSY; although capable of living as long as any human, Indoumodons tend to die relatively young due to the dangers of their homeworld.
  • Estimated Population: Rare. There are slightly less than one million living Indoumodons, over ninety-nine percent of whom live on their home planet.
  • Description: Gray skinned, slim near-humans who dwell within the swamps and jungles of Indoumodo, surviving - and nearly thriving - despite living on a planet that seems determined to kill them at every turn.

  • Breathes: Type I Atmosphere (although see Weaknesses)
  • Average Height: 1.71m
  • Average Length: N/A
  • Skin Colors: Some shade of gray, from almost-snow-white to nearly-black.
  • Hair Colors: As above, but inverted. Darker-skinned individuals tend to have paler hair, and vice-versa.
  • Distinctions: Aside from their skin tones, Indoumodons boast a higher muscle density than most mammalian bipeds, making average individuals appear frail and waifish to the outside observer. Other than that, their most interesting trait is the reduced presence of sexual dimorphism in the species; unlike in, say, humans, females and males of the species boast near identical muscle density and distribution. Women do, however, tend to be slightly heavier, due to the presence of mammary glands and other features generally associated with the child-bearing population of a humanoid species.
  • Races: While the species is not populous enough to have widely divergent physical characteristics, there are a number of groups made up of culturally similar tribes. Two of the largest continuous alliances are as follows -
    The Yrn (Literally "Children of the Mother of Mothers") make up the nomadic tribes wandering the Yrnitik, the single largest swamp on Indoumodo's surface. Around twenty tribes count themselves among the Yrn, including the Meskyr, Dezyr, Naltyr, and (formerly) Skaiyr tribes. While not overly hostile for the most part, most visitors to the planet consider the Yrn to be especially savage, as the majority of them have a tradition of eating their deceased. This disgust puzzles the natives - it is a sad thing to see one of your own die, but is it not worse if the living hunger while fresh meat rots beneath the soil or turns to ash in the fire pit?
  • The Alisayisis are an alliance of tribes who collectively form one of the only examples of what could be considered a proper nation of Indoumodons - a number of stationary, semi-autonomous clans that all handle their own internal affairs, but that all follow rules about inter-tribal trade and which all band together in times of war or defense. It should be noted that this defensive pact came to fruition as a direct result of inter-tribal conflict, and the realization that a means was needed to prevent the eventual mutual destruction of all involved parties.

  • Hyperdensity – Indoumodons are a lithe and slim species, a trait which comes in handy when navigating the dense jungles and swamps of their homeworld. Indoumodons, generally speaking, are around thirty kilograms heavier (give or take a few kilos, depending on the individual) than a human of the same size and build.
  • Neurological Bulwark – Indoumodons are highly resistant to certain chemical means of defense employed by a large number of creatures on their home planet – namely, neurotoxins. This isn’t full immunity, but it might give one enough time to, for example, burn down the Kouhun nest that just attacked you so your friends don’t get attacked when they try to rescue you and carry you back to the village for healing. Or, failing that, scream for them to run away as you get eaten alive by a hive of carnivorous insects. Note that this resistance only applies to chemicals (whether natural or synthetic) which target the nervous system. It does not provide protection against any other kind of poison, venom, toxin, or bioweapon.

  • Sensitive Respiratory System – Indoumodons are perfectly capable of functioning on their home world, or on any other pre-industrial world with a type I atmosphere. Anywhere else? Not so much. To function on any planet where wood smoke and tallow fumes have gone out of fashion as the premier atmospheric pollutants, they need filtered air – typically, this means a respirator designed for their specific needs – lest they be reduced to coughing and wheezing every few minutes. In certain heavily industrialized areas, like the Works on Coruscant, lack of filtered air will often prove fatal. It is, however, theoretically possible for an Indoumodon to acclimate him or herself to the modern galaxy’s air, assuming they don’t go into shock and die of the galaxy’s most excessive asthma attack. It is generally considered wiser to shell the credits for a respirator, however.
  • Pseudo-Eusociality – Indoumodons are not cut out for solitary life. When an Indoumodon is cut off from his or her social group, he or she suffers extremely. Effects vary from individual to individual, but anger, depression, and erratic, self-destructive behavior are all common. Above all, the individual does everything within his or her power to reconnect with their family, tribe, guild, or whatever other unit they've bonded to. Should they be unable to do so, and also be unable to form new bonds, suicide (whether actively or passively, such as by self starvation) is inevitable. No Indoumodon has gone more than a year so isolated, due to the species' intense social drive. Note that, for Indoumodons in the wider galaxy (and therefore capable of instant, long-distance communication), simply being physically isolated is not enough; the individual must be unable to communicate with those with whom he or she is bonded.

  • Diet: Omnivorous. Indoumodons tend not to be a picky lot. If it'll keep them fed, and won't kill them, they'll probably eat it.
  • Communication: Verbal, limited writing. While most Indoumodon proto-civilizations have developed the use of symbols to convey limited meaning, only the Alisayisis have developed a complete written language.
  • Technology Level: Equivalent to a Bronze Age. Most Indoumodon tribes have yet to develop something akin to carbon steel, and are still using malleable bronze or iron analogs.
  • Religion & Beliefs: Like in almost any sentient species, different tribes and clans of Indoumodons approach spirituality in different ways; the Alisayisis tribes are by and large polytheistic, worshiping a pantheon of deities that cover almost all aspects of life. The Yrn, in contrast, take a more monotheistic approach to spirituality. They name their land Yrnitik, Cradle-Of-The-Mother's-Children, and call themselves the Children of the Mother of Mothers, for what else but some Great Mother could have created all life? Still other tribes worship their ancestors, see the spirits in all things, or perhaps don't think about it at all. Views on the Force are similarly diverse, although as in many primitive societies, those who display seemingly supernatural powers are often placed in positions of authority or outright worship and reverence. The Yrn view the Force as an extension of Yr herself, and those who can manipulate the Force are quite often regarded as being a part of the Mother-of-Mothers, or at the very least as her favorite children. Force Sensitives are given great privilege and power, but also face great pressure and extreme responsibility - a Mother does not simply rule over her children, after all, but loves, protects, and provides for them as well. The Alisayisis take a decidedly less spiritual approach to Force Sensitives; they're simply better. Some people are better than others, after all. There are those who are smarter, or faster, or stronger, and there are those who can do things others simply cannot. If a warrior can rip apart foes with nothing but the power of his will, or a hunter can stop her prey's heart with a thought, then they are simply better than those around them, at least in regards to those things.
  • General Behavior: It would be inaccurate to say that community is everything to the Indoumodons, but it's not far off. There is no such thing as an Indoumodon hermit, and those rare Indoumodons who willingly cut themselves off from society always do so out of either deep shame, such as after committing a terrible crime, or for the survival of the group, such as if the individual has contracted a virulent disease. That said, Indoumodons are not a peaceful, all loving people - quite the opposite, in fact. Their rather short history as a sapient species is riddled with violence, conflict, and competition. While not all Indoumodons tend towards violence, all have a competitive streak that, to an outsider, may seem to starkly contrast their otherwise communal nature. In fact, these two seemingly incongruous aspects of Indoumodon psychology work in unison; their competitive streak and aggressive nature ensure that members of the tribe don't become complacent, while the intense communal bonds Indoumodons develop keep the tribe from tearing itself apart. Of course, these bonds do little to reduce inter-tribal conflict, and so most Indoumodons see nothing particularly wrong with violence committed against those who aren't "like them," so long as excessive cruelty is avoided.

While the modern Indoumodon species has been extant for roughly three-hundred-thousand Galactic Standard Years, the development of what may be called Indoumodon society is relatively recent, forming no earlier than three thousand years ago. Considering the lack of interest displayed by the wider galactic Sentientology community, and the fact that Indoumodons themselves are as unconcerned with recording history as any early society, it's quite impossible to say exactly what the history of Indoumodo entails. What is known, however, from the few studies done on Indoumodo, is that Indoumodons themselves seemed to have evolved in a manner similar to humans (and most other sentient species, for that matter) - their ancestor was a "middle of the food chain" primate, lacking in natural weapons and any inherent defenses, and therefore relying primarily on numbers to survive and cleverness to attain food. Considering the sheer viciousness of most animals on Indoumodo, it is likely that the earliest examples of what we now know as Indoumodons relied less on endurance hunting and more on ambush, stalking, and, later, trapping to procure food.

The first account of metal tools (in this case, weaponry) being used by Indoumodon natives was in 2000 BBY, during which a gopher for a small-time Assassin's Guild recounted tales of his capture by and later escape from a tribe of Indoumodons during an otherwise routine Kouhun harvesting assignment. The first account of a fully fledged writing system (that of what would be, eventually, the tribe which headed the formation of the Alisayisis) was roughly one thousand years later, and the first verified record of an Indoumodon leaving the planet's surface was nearly two thousand years after that - although that specimen was taken forcibly by the Epicanthix known as [member="Darth Carnifex"], and had before that moment never witnessed electricity, much less space travel.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Hello there, [member="Nisha Skaiyr"]. I shall be your friendly neighborhood Codex Judge, today. Please give me some time to read this over and gather my thoughts. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ping me. :)
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