Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Inconvenient Truths

Late into the night, deep below the Star Lounge

The Donna stood, her back to the interior of her private office space. Most of the room was dark, with only a single lamp atop her desk & a few of the displays lining the walls providing any form of illumination. Her holo-screen was lifeless, and an empty plate sat - forgotten - on her desk beside an empty glass. Between two fingers, she clutched a cigarra; staring out through the “window” which occupied the wall, out across the shimmering, dancing, brightly-lit expanse of Coruscant’s skyline. It was, of course, an illusion, but a clever one; while her office was located deep within the Uscru District and two levels below the Star Lounge’s ground floor, the window implied her office was located high above the city on an immensely tall building. Visible through the camera used to pipe the transmission into the private space, starships & flying speeders of every shape & size criss-crossed the horizon.

Deep in thought, she appeared pre-occupied… silently lost in thought as she gazed out across the vibrant sky.

The Lounge had shut down for the evening, with all of its customers & employees having gone home. Members of The Family, however, were still able to come & go at their leisure. A handful of “soldiers” remained within the Sanctum, but most were away. While some might choose to go through the hidden passage in the alleyway behind the establishment, that was not the preferred route… mainly because of the half-dozen small, metallic entities which dwelt within the alleyway: Tanuki Droids, bundles of electronics, steel, and rage which had been gifted to Ivory by Yula Perl Yula Perl . The angry little creatures served to keep the alleyway free from degenerates & curious snoopers, while also providing a convenient service to the Lounge itself as erstwhile refuse recyclers. A number of The Family’s more prominent personalities might have found themselves lucky, and developed a shaky relationship with the creatures… but generally, the beasts were given a wide berth by everyone. Employees at the Lounge had even taken to simply hurling bags of trash through the open kitchen door before slamming it shut.

Ivory found the entire situation to be an unending source of amusement, but tonight, she was in no joking mood.

Replaying the evening’s events in her mind, she waited.

Finally, the door to her office emitted a buzz, signaling the presence of someone outside waiting to enter. The spell broken, Ivory turned, reaching underneath her desk to press a small button which would cause the door to slide noiselessly into the wall, allowing entry.

She looked out into the hallway from her position behind her desk, recognizing immediately the person stepping inside.

“Thank you for coming, Kardek. Please, have a seat. Would you like a drink?”

Two leather-backed chairs faced her desk directly, but off to the side, a small sitting area near a set of bookcases were also available - two chairs, facing each-other with a small table between them.

Even in the dim light of the room, it was obvious that The Donna took great pride in her personal space; the hardwood floors were covered by a smattering of rugs, and artwork from all over the galaxy lined the walls. The few display cases there were each contained artifacts of curious backstory… one, filled with gemstones of every shape & color, another a collection of death masks from some distant tribal culture, and a third - this one prominently set near her desk all by itself - contained a single lightsaber with a curved hilt encased in glass. The room smelled faintly of food, booze, and a recently-smoked Fiora Cigarra.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

The night was rather quiet in the lounge, as it was technically closed and the patrons had all already gone home. Kardek had spent more than a few evenings during this timeframe within the Star Lounge, enjoying the quiet atmosphere while he labored away at various administrative tasks related to his new occupation as the leader of the Hellmakers. One would often assume that leadership was abundant with the ability to simply let others handle such troubles for you, however reality was very much different. Leadership meant countless hours ensuring that communication channels were upheld, that logistics were secured, and that countless details were handled correctly. Others would enjoy the fruit of your labor and never think to credit you for such diligence. Such was the nature of the beast, and Kardek didn't mind, as he had been doing this very same thing for years on his own…

Granted the budget was much more substantial this time around. A factor that allowed for some definite improvements to be made in every category.

Kardek checked the time, realizing that his meeting with Ivory was approaching quickly. He snuffed out the cigarra in the provided ashtray at the table he was sitting at and turned off the datapad, cracking his neck to the side as he attempted to release the built up tension within his frame.

Alpha sat across from him, absorbed in his favorite hologame. "See you in a few, buddy." Kardek commented as he pulled himself up from their table and stretched out his arms. Alpha nodded, but did not pull his attention away from his screen. Kardek smiled with a bit of amusement. The gunslinger made his way down to Ivory's office. This would be his first meeting with the Donna since their initial introduction, and he was truthfully looking forward to it. He needed to build some relational equity with the woman. It was critical if his ambitions within the Family were ever to be realized…

And he did have high ambitions indeed.

The man arrived outside her office, His eyes scanning the door as he pressed the apparent doorbell and waited for Ivory to allow his entrance. He brushed his hair back as he waited, his eyes focusing upward as his mind processed a variety of topics that had been preoccupying his mind.

Kardek sported a rather sophisticated look, his thick black pea coat covering a stylish wool sweater underneath, with black jeans and leather gloves covering his hands. It was surely inspired by the class he had witnessed exuding from Ivory herself, as well as her fellow Capo's.

As the door opened silently, the man lifted his chin with confidence and walked into her office, his gaze taking in the surroundings as well as the elaborate view displayed behind the Donna.

Ivory said:
"Thank you for coming, Kardek. Please, have a seat. Would you like a drink?"

He nodded as he sat down in one of the provided leather chairs, crossing his legs immediately and leaning back comfortably, "I'd love one." He said in response to her offer, the rogue pulling out a fiora cigarra and lighting it upon seeing one cradled in Ivory's own grasp.

His eyes drifted across the artwork on display, his attention being drawn almost immediately to the lightsaber displayed prominently within a display case. His head tilted, curiosity evident as he motioned towards it with his cigarra-held hand. "Yours?" He said rather casually and unassumingly. He assumed she had acquired it from some force user along the way, whether through combat or debt was unknown.
Silently, the raven-haired woman glanced over the tall, handsome shape which entered her office with an approving look. He'd changed much since first entering the Star Lounge seeking a drink, so long ago... taking to their lifestyle like a Natural, and proving his worth countless times over. Instead of the rugged leather duster & mildly-disheveled appearance upon their first meeting, he now looked the part of a Mafioso... fashionable, exuding an air of wealth & status every member of The Family found within their grasp upon choosing the ties of blood.

On the table, just outside the well of light cast by the lamp on her desk, an open bottle of Fiora Mogano Bourbon sat waiting. Ivory reached out, pouring a measure of the dark amber liquid into one glass, then the same measure into a second. Before she delivered it to her awaiting (and comfortable) visitor, she stubbed out her current cigarra - which had nearly reached its end - and retrieved another from the elegant cigarra case given to her as a gift by Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree . This fresh cigarra she lit, then walked around the desk to join Kardek.

As she did so, she seemed preoccupied up until the moment he asked a question. She glanced up, following his line-of-sight until it rested on the glass-encased lightsaber hilt. One corner of her lip curled; a small smile taking prominance where, moments before, her mouth had formed a terse & serious line. She handed him the glass of bourbon, then took the seat beside him - angling to face him, while leaning casually against the arm of the chair.

"No." She said, sounding thoughtful. "I imagine you've heard that, a few years ago, The Family fell victim to the machinations of the Jedi..." She swirled the liquid in her glass, then brought it to her lips & took a sip. She followed it with an inhalation from her cigarra, exhaling twin streams of smoke from her nostrils in a slow, considerate fashion. "Long story short, we nearly lost everything. Millions in credits seized, dozens of our number arrested, the Caporegime either killed or driven into hiding. I, myself, was arrested; spent nearly three years, under an assumed identity, in a prison in the Outer Rim before escaping. When I returned to Coruscant, much of what we once possessed had either disappeared or was claimed by the vultures."

She looked at the glass case for a moment, before turning back to meet Kardek's eyes. "That lightsaber belonged to the Jedi that almost ruined us. I took it, to remind myself that the words of my predecessor - the first Donna - rang true: that so long as even one small piece of the Black Oak survives, the Family will never die."

She was quiet for a moment, ruminating on that... before her melancholic mood brightened. She smiled pleasantly at the man beside her, and raised her glass in a toast before taking another sip. When she lowered her arm, she studied him in-earnest.

"You look good." She complimented. "I like the coat. You look as-if you've found your calling; a place to belong. Leader of your own Crew, credits flowing in & flowing out... I'm quite impressed with everything you've done, thus far. I notice that Alpha isn't joining us this evening... any particular reason?"

Whether she was making small-talk, or probing for something, he couldn't be quite sure.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha
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Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

The gunslinger received the glass of bourbon with a nod of gratitude, his attentions fixed upon the eyes of the masterpiece of a woman who sat down beside him, listening intently and with a bit of curiosity as she expounded upon the story of the saber. He brought up the glass and took a sniff, letting the aroma fill his senses before taking his first sip. He had heard bits and pieces of the history of the Family, however not nearly in as much detail as this account. It fascinated him.

A slight smirk crept across his face as she revealed that the saber belonged to the troublesome Jedi. As she fell quiet, he shared the moment as well, processing the details of the story himself. He then nodded with a bit of admiration…

"You truly are an incredible woman, Ivory." He said, taking another short drag of his cigarra and blowing the plum out the side of his lips, politely away from the Donna, "To face everything that came against you, and to not only prevail, but to thrive in the face of it…" He nodded again, in silent agreement with his own concussion, a smirk once again crossing his features as his eyes shifted back to the saber, "May all of our enemies share a similar fate." He raised his own glass as he joined the offered toast, then took another sip himself. She was dangerous. Powerful. Relentless. Ruthless. All qualities that he very much related to and respected. But most importantly, she was brilliant. Subtle. Patient. In order to survive and thrive in this game, such qualities were critical. And he had no doubts that with Ivory at the helm, the future was bright for the Family.

He smiled and nodded in grateful response to her compliments regarding his appearance, pulling down on the edges of the pea coat and offering a subtle wink in a somewhat playful regard. It was true, he had come a long ways within the Family, and the fashion and wealth had produced a more refined look for the man who had been previously investing all of his earning back into his ship and into procuring contracts of various bounty hunters, mercenaries, and the likes for his own jobs and temporary teams. Now that he was flush with profit and had a dedicated team of his own, he could afford to embellish his own stature… enjoying the finer things in life.

He felt a warmth within him at the mention of having found a place of belonging. It was true, he had drifted in dangerous directions after the death of his wife and had lost any sense of real purpose. But now he truly felt like he had found his home. His tribe. His purpose. And that meant more to Kardek than the credits ever could.

Not that the credits weren't appreciated, of coarse.

But Kardek was also undeniably ambitious. Not to mention competitive. He wanted to climb higher within the Family, but also knew that such desires would likely take time… and relational equity... and trust.

Hopefully he had earned the latter by now.

When Ivory took note of Alpha's absence, Kardek chuckled, shifting his legs a bit and positioning himself to face the Donna a bit more, "Oh, he's got this new holo-game, you see. Addicted. I can barely keep him off it." He took another sip, then took a more serious look as he continued to respond to her accolades, "I hope you know that everything I've done, I've done it for us. For the Family. Like you said… I belong here." He nodded with a serious note to his expression, implying he truly meant what he said.
The Donna smiled, concealing it behind another sip from her glass. Silently, she purred - feeling warmth from the praise he levied her way. It almost made her feel a tad guilty for the question she was preparing to throw his way.


"Oh, he's got this new holo-game, you see. Addicted. I can barely keep him off it." He took another sip, then took a more serious look as he continued to respond to her accolades, "I hope you know that everything I've done, I've done it for us. For the Family. Like you said… I belong here." He nodded with a serious note to his expression, implying he truly meant what he said.

A musical laugh escaped her lips as she relaxed into her chair, swirling her glass again. The motion woke up the scent of the caramel-colored liquor. "How humorous... not unlike what I have to do, daily, to ensure everyone in The Family is on-task. Everyone plays their games, balancing duty with a healthy amount of rest & relaxation... I don't deny people their escapes from reality, or judge them too harshly."

She turned to look at him again... but in an instant, her demeanor changed. Instead of a look of contentment, the smile upon her ruby lips evaporated like ice on a sun-baked rock. When she spoke again, she did so while making direct eye-contact with the man seated beside her. All pretense had immediately disappeared, and when she spoke next, it was with no detectable nuance:

"What is your relationship with Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx ?"

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Kardek chuckled softly at her laugh and first remarks, taking another sip of bourbon. It seemed that she had grown comfortable with the gunslinger, which was a good sign. He had hoped that he would earn not only her respect, but her trust. Kardek had many questions regarding the various pieces that were moving across the board of Denon, but he needed to wait for the right timing before breaching such topics with the Donna. And the best case scenario, in fact, would be her bringing him deeper into the know without him having to ask at all. If such confiding where to occur, then he would know with confidence that she trusted him, and he was truly established. Until the right timing presented itself, he would simply have to trust the Donna, even in the dark of the unknown.

With the sudden shift that then occurred in Ivory, Kardek simply remained as he was, without much movement as he returned her gaze, uncertain of what was coming next and trying to process all the various possibilities. It did make him nervous, indeed, wondering if the comfortability had simply been a trap she had set.

Ivory said:
"What is your relationship with Dominique Vexx ?"

Kardek blinked, pausing for a moment as he processed her question. His heart quickly sank as he concluded that he was wrong…

She didn't trust him.

He let out a bit of a heavy sigh, his facial expression communicating a bit of disappointment, even irritation.

"My relationship with Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx ... Right." He shifted himself further away from Ivory in annoyance, taking another hit from his cigarra as he broke eye contact with the woman and stared at the vista behind her.

"When I became Made, you told me that I had proven my loyalty and trustworthiness, especially when granted freedom. So obviously you know that I take initiative and I make things happen. I don't wait like some grunt to be told I should do something. I do it. Because it needs to be done." His piercing eyes shifted back to Ivory, a blank expression on his face, "So after Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora 's meeting with Vexx, I knew that we needed to nurture the relationship… build equity… stay as close as we possibly could to Dominique. So yes, I saw an opportunity, and I took it. And yes, I karked her, if that's what you're wondering. Our relationship, as you put it, is like walking a very fine tightrope. She is suspicious of me, and I am suspicious of her, but hopefully, we are able to develop some level of trust." He almost spat the word with obviously greater emphasis, "I am working very closely with Dominique as her personal aid, granting me access to Alliance Senators and the DireX. I am the most significant relationship and influence the Family currently has with the Senator. And all of this, I'm doing for the interests of Family."

Kardek took another sip of his glass, honestly feeling a bit hurt that, after all this time, she was still suspicious of him. She could have just asked him without the intense intimidation tactic attached to it and he would have been more than willing to debrief her on his progress, but it seemed that he was not as established as he thought in her eyes. He did need to be patient, as the Donna had been through a lot, and so likely, trust was a currency she did not hand out lightly. And she was the Donna after all… the entire operation rested on her shoulders… she could never be too careful. Kardek's expression and tone softened as he continued to speak,

"I know your playing five-level chess on Denon. I'm not ignorant, Ivory. I'm doing what I'm doing in the dark, so if I'm getting in the way, just tell me."
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Her question seemed to disappoint. The Donna sat, listening as Kardek explained himself; hardly batting an eye at his defensive posture or sudden shift in tone. She could tell, immediately, that her question had thrown him off his game - which had been her intention all along. She'd wanted to test him... make sure his desire for physical pleasures wouldn't shake him from his commitment to the cause. Bringing her own cigarra to her lips, she drew in; exhaling out of the corner of her mouth as her demeanor changed for the second time in mere seconds.

She'd become a master of her Craft. Now, instead of the cold-eyed stare & serious tone, she again seemed entirely relaxed - disregarding his emotional outburst as-if it hadn't existed at all.

Instead of reassuring him verbally (which he probably would have seen as another manipulative move on her part), she reached toward her left wrist with her right hand (which still clutched her glass of bourbon & smoking cigarra), and tapped the thin metal band which rested there. The "window" on the wall behind her desk suddenly changed - Coruscant's night-time backdrop immediately replaced with a digital screen not unlike an Operations Panel one might see in a Military Command Center. Immediately, a stream of data began to filter in; pictures of various street-corners in Denon's District 7, a picture of the DireX headquarters - a massive building in the picturesque jungle of glass & steel in District 1, and pictures of numerous known Darkwire & CAD affiliates... with a few faces familiar to both of them.

Without saying a word, Ivory stood - glancing toward the door from her office into the hall, which was closed, then leaned against the edge of the desk. She glanced from the screen back to Kardek, calling his attention to the wealth of information steadily filling up the screen. When she spoke, any hint of anger & seriousness had departed her voice like mist evaporating under a noon-day sun:

"The truth is, you're not getting in the way. In fact, quite the opposite."

With a nod, she continued: "What I'm about to explain is to not leave this room, Kardek. Outside of myself & the Caporegime, nobody in this room knows what you are about to hear... so listen carefully."

Then, she began: "For months now, the District 7 Cell has been engaging in numerous small-scale operations; small engagements, a number of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, training operations, and a heist of Fiora Equipment from a highly-secure warehouse where Darkwire was able to acquire technology & weapons to assist in achieving our objectives." To illustrate this, images of a nondescript warehouse building - immense in scope - flashed onto the screen. In a few of the pictures, faces were visible; tied directly to info-boxes which listed known names: Samuel Exel Samuel Exel , Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva , Johnny Diamonds Johnny Diamonds (a known Netrunner/Slicer from Nar Shaddaa with ties to Darkwire), Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus (a face which would be familiar), and a number of others rapidly appeared, then were replaced with boxes of Fiora-brand merchandize which were clearly crates of weapons & ammunition.

"This operation was successful. With help from our dear Ms. Fiora, we were able to break in, and secure not only weapons, but important data associated with CorpSec's Aeriel Vehicle project;" she paused, allowing the screen to catch up. When it did, it displayed a number of pictures of CorpSec AVs; known to be highly maneuverable, well-armed, and valuable tools in CorpSec's arsenal for quelling resistance from the air.

Ivory glanced toward Kardek, taking another draw from her cigarra. "On the Corporate Front, Moonveil has - as you may know - been heavily involved with the Direx directly. Our appointment to the Board, through Moonveil's CEO - whom you met during your ceremony - has been extremely valuable... but, as the youngest & newest appointee to the Board, our ability to do much more beyond a few words in the right ears is significantly hampered. It turns out, even when you get invited to the club, you're still not one of the cool kids."

Again, the screen changed - this time, showing a face her companion would easily recognize: the shapely, sensuous form of Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx herself. A number of still-images popped up; one of Vexx in the Senate Chambers there on Coruscant, another of her walking from the entrance of a building toward a waiting speeder, and another (unusually) taken from a distance, photographing her on the balcony of her penthouse on Coruscant. Ivory watched, silent for a moment... then turned, flashing a smirk in Kardek's direction.

"The woman of the hour: one Dominique Vexx." In a single motion, The Donna drained the entire remaining contents of her drink & set the glass down on her desk, empty.

"Highly educated, including a degree in Political Theory & Economics. A skilled business-woman, connected in numerous political & corporate circles. Known to be arrogant, self-confident, and highly self-indulgent; preferring the finest life has to offer." At this, Ivory turned her head slowly - making eye-contact with Kardek, and flashing him a subtle & knowing smile. "It appears you have a type."

She paused, turning to look at the screen again and providing time for Kardek to comment or ask a question before she continued.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
His attention was fully upon the Donna, unsure of what was to come next. He tapped the side of his glass with a finger, his head tilting slightly as she touched the metal band on her wrist, and then his gaze was shifted immediately to the change of scenery behind her.

Kardek shifted a bit more forward in his chair, his back straightening as his eyes scanned the flurry of information that was being revealed to him, his sharp eyes moving quickly across the screens, taking in as much as he could. Kardek felt a rush of adrenaline and a sensation of excitement that accompanied it. Ivory had been testing him, and it wasn't due to a lack of faith in the gunslinger, but very much the opposite. She was bringing him into the circle. The man slowly leaned back a bit, touching an elbow against the chair as his hand found its way to rest against his mouth and chin in a contemplative manner, trying to mask his excitement a bit, his eyes shifted to Ivory as she stood up.

"The truth is, you're not getting in the way. In fact, quite the opposite."

He narrowed his gaze, not in anger, but in a swell of confidence. He was on the right path. He had made the right moves, and he felt incredibly validated in this moment. This is what he had been waiting for. Hoping for. And he was ready to take it to the next level.

He nodded at the vow of discretion. His eyes switched back to the screen, observing the details as they flashed across it. He had been there for the heist of Fiora's equipment, and in fact, that is where many of his questions had begun to develop. Why where they operating on both sides of the board? It was very curious. He had his theories, but hopefully many of those questions were about to be answered.

At the mention of Moonveil's CEO being on the board of DireX, he nodded and scratched his chin with a glimmer in his eye. He had been in a few DireX meetings with Vexx, but due to being a new aid, was forced to wear a visor that shielded everyone's true identities. It would be very beneficial for the two of them to collaborate together at some point.

As Senator Vexx appeared on the screen, Kardek took a sip of his bourbon, but then as the penthouse on Coruscant appeared, Kardek chuckled softly, shaking his head and offering a smirk back at Ivory.

"The woman of the hour: one Dominique Vexx."

"Indeed." Kardek said, taking another hit from the cigarra, his eyes shifting back to the screen.

Known to be arrogant, self-confident, and highly self-indulgent; preferring the finest life has to offer." At this, Ivory turned her head slowly - making eye-contact with Kardek, and flashing him a subtle & knowing smile. "It appears you have a type."

Kardek raised his glass, almost in a cheers, offering a subtle wink. He knew those traits could likely be said of himself, so it did amuse him a bit. He leaned forward and smushed the remainder of the cigarra into an ashtray, his face intently focused as he leaned back in his chair and looked back at the screen.

"I'd like to meet with Mr. D'Aquila, with your consent, of course. I think we could work together in some ways related to the DireX." It was a preliminary request, one offered before he would get to the heart of things. He looked back at Ivory with a pause, tapping the side of his nearly empty glass, "Darkwire… DireX… Vexx… we have our fingers in everything. You're arming Darkwire, stirring up greater levels of chaos and disruption. D'Aquila is making in-roads with DireX. I'm working alongside the Senator."

Kardek leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs again and stroking his chin in contemplation, "Tension is mounting on both sides. But it is intentional tension. You are the one fueling it." He paused again, his eyes shifting back to Ivory, studying her for a moment, "If i were to assume, I would say that you are looking to destabilize the DireX and cause them to crumble. Darkwire is growing more violent, and so they will respond with harsher pushback, causing greater public unrest and possibly more intervention from the Alliance. DireX will lose control of the situation, and you will have Senator Vexx, with the authority of the Alliance behind her… to bring awareness to the Senate, possibly proposing an alternative governmental model, or at the very least she might help to facilitate a changing of the guard… And when that happens..." He paused, muling over the idea before verbalizing it, "...we would be poised to be the ones ultimately in control of Denon."

Kardek stared at her, still contemplating, his verbal processing of all the data and possibilities potentially miles away, but he awaited for the Donna to either confirm or correct his assessment with eager anticipation.
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Ivory turned, as Kardek began to speak. His request to meet with De'Aquila was an unexpected one, but welcome nonetheless. However, he didn't stop there… continuing on to outline, as best he could, what he assumed her plans to be. It would seem that his attention to detail & intuition were razor-sharp. "That can be arranged." She answered.

She let him finish, smiling in his direction - violet eyes sparkling. "Not entirely fueling it, no…" she responded, then clarified: "This is going to happen whether we're involved or not." She indicated the screen. "Darkwire, which is loosely-knit & entirely decentralized, is pushing for this. My involvement only extends to the Seven Corners Cell; there's hundreds, perhaps even thousands of Darkwire operatives working behind the scenes, with varying levels of involvement."

She turned her back to the screen and rested her lower back against the edge of the desk. "Your mission is simple, but also vital. Vexx can't be controlled like we would otherwise… her reach extends too far, her own ambition too large to simply predict. She's a larger player, it seems, than we predicted…" At this, the screen behind her changed, displaying more information - this time, a string of code captured from what appeared to be CryptNet, an underground crowd-sourced Holonet Service which was infamous on Denon (and other parts of the Galaxy) for hosting much of the underground Net-traffic between criminal organizations, Darkwire operations, and countless other personalities & loose organizations with an interest in secrecy. "Not only is Vexx a politician, but we have reason to suspect she goes by another name. Mastema; a Netrunner & Infochant who's worked with Darkwire in the past."

The screen behind her again changed, and Ivory glanced backward. This time, a number of images appeared showing Dominique Vexx alongside another woman. "Her ambition even goes so far as to not be above blackmail & manipulation to get what she wants. We suspect that she seized her position on the Senate through unscrupulous means. Denon's former Senator evacuated the position under mysterious circumstances, with Dominique taking power shortly thereafter."

She shook her head. "Vexx is the very definition of Pay-to-Play, Kardek. I want her working with us; not for us. She's an unknown quantity, with her own schemes… and she's likely just as tired of answering to the DireX as the DireX is having the Alliance watching over them."

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Kardek's brow furrowed slightly, still unsure of the ultimate play regarding Darkwire. It seemed to him that it was ultimately just a tool to achieve the desired end result, only to then be discarded or disbanded once control had been established. But he wondered if that was the case, and what Ivory's plans with the organization truly were. But the real question was why. Why obtain control of Denon? Was Ivory truly a bleeding heart, desiring for social justice? Or was it the power and influence that such a position would surely levy. Kardek could only assume that there was a mixture of both, but the Demone Superiore was a bit surprised to see such a compassionate motive being so central to a major move of the Family. Compassion was surely never something to belittle, however often it caused for things to become personal. And when things get personal, things get messy.

Before Kardek had formulated his question about all of this, Ivory had shifted the focus to Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx . He nodded in agreement at Ivory's assessment. Trying to control Vexx would be next to impossible. She was not a pawn to be moved across a board… she was a player. And hopefully she landed on their side in the end. To have her as their opposition would be catastrophic to say the least.

At the revelation that it was possible that she carried another alias on the dark web, Kardek couldn't help but shake his head with a soft chuckle. It was like seeing two expert chess masters moving their strategies carefully into position. Both woman were extremely capable, careful, and invested.

The blackmail and manipulation did not surprise Kardek. He had been around the Senator enough to know what she was capable of. He took in a drag of his cigarra and blew it out through his nostrils slowly. Observing the various images and data being displayed.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud said:
"Vexx is the very definition of Pay-to-Play, Kardek. I want her working with us; not for us. She's an unknown quantity, with her own schemes… and she's likely just as tired of answering to the DireX as the DireX is having the Alliance watching over them."

Kardek stood up, sliding one hand into his jacket pocket as he took in a deep sigh, letting it out slowly as he stood there, observing the screen.

"She's a lot like you, Ivory. And that's what's so terrifying." Kardek nodded slowly, his head tilting a bit to the side as his mind continued to process everything, "She is only loyal to herself. We can't trust that she won't turn against us if the alternative becomes more beneficial. However, we will never fully get on the inside with her unless we begin to intentionally develop more trust with her..." His eyes shifted from the screen to Ivory, his words pausing for a moment, "It's like you say, she is pay to play. She won't give me anything if I don't give her something in return, and if I'm being honest… I think it's our turn to give." He took in another drag, "She has brought me into her circle to an extent, but I sense that I have hit a wall. I won't be able to go any deeper with the Senator unless we give her something. Something real..."
The Donna watched & listened, leaning against her desk - having shifted attention from the screen toward Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha himself. She couldn't help but grin at the compliment he paid her - marking she & Vexx as seemingly cut from the same cloth. Agreeing with Kardek's assessment, she turned - saying nothing yet - first retrieving the bottle of bourbon then using it to refill both their glasses.

As she set the bottle back down, she crossed her arms over her chest, bringing her own glass to her lips and taking a sip.

"She has brought me into her circle to an extent, but I sense that I have hit a wall. I won't be able to go any deeper with the Senator unless we give her something. Something real..."

"Credits mean very little to a woman who has everything." Ivory responded coolly. "What do you suggest?"

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Kardek nodded gratefully, taking the glass in his hand and taking a sip. It was true, she was uninterested in credits. In truth there was only one thing the Senator wanted, and he knew that it would be the most challenging of all for the Family to give…

"Information." He stated, offering Ivory an almost apologetic look, knowing that such an offering to an unknown variable would be hard for a syndicate built on anonymity. "She knows next to nothing about us, and it's hard for her to trust in something that is so ethereal. I know we need to be careful, but I think it would go a long way if you were to have some kind of meeting with her. Even if your identity was concealed. Let her ask you some questions, and you just answer her however you feel is most viable." Kardek took another sip, his gaze locked onto Ivory, wondering how his proposition might be received. "The greater the investment, the greater the return."
Silently, the Donna considered his counsel. She leaned back, picking up her glass and taking a sip. After a moment's pause, she glanced back at the screen, then looked at Kardek, meeting his eyes... before nodding in agreement. The idea was sound, and she agreed - they didn't have enough information to go on, and needed to speak with Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx directly.

"I'll make arrangements." She said, then tapped her wrist - powering the screen off & returning the window to the same night-time backdrop as before.

She took a deep breath, then sighed... before deciding to bring up a final point before calling their meeting complete. "There is... one more thing, Kardek. Earlier this evening, I spoke with Samuel Exel Samuel Exel - who visited me by surprise." She gave her Operative a stern look. "Mr. Exel has been working with CorpSec on Denon, in a limited capacity, as a private contractor through Moonveil. It seems our most recent venture on Denon has garnered a bit more attention than I'd like..."

"While you're working with Ms. Vexx, do watch your back. I'd hate to see that handsome smolder of yours turn into a frown."

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Kardek nodded, drinking down the remainder of the provided liquor and approaching the desk, setting it down carefully, then pivoting towards Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . This would hopefully strengthen the relationship between the Family and Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx and hopefully, the two parties could move forward together with greater clarity.

As Ivory shared about the nature of Samuel Exel Samuel Exel 's working relationship with CorpSec, followed by the warning that the Demone Superiore should watch his own back, Kardek's features darkened a bit, brow furrowed and a frown upon his lips, processing the information. The idea that him and Sam could find themselves in direct confrontation was disturbing. Hopefully it never came to that. "Understood." He stated, "I appreciate the heads up."

Sensing their meeting was coming to a close, Kardek shook off the concerns regarding Samuel and looked up at the ceiling, running his hand through his hair with a bit of a mischievous smile crossing his features as he stirred up the courage to flirt a bit with the woman he admired so much, "I can't imagine the pressure you face every day, my Donna. Don't forget to have some rest and relaxation yourself every once in a while… it's good for the soul." The statement was regarding the Donna's first comments at the beginning of their meeting. He leaned back against the desk a bit, turning his gaze towards his Queen with a bit of a smolder directed at her, his eyes sharp and focused, "Your right. I do have a type." He crossed his hands in front if him, holding onto his wrist, "Strong, powerful, dangerous, brilliant, beautiful women." He then smirked, breaking eye contact and glancing back towards her collection. He didn't come right out and say it, but he was sure that the Donna would understand what he was implying.

"Thank you." He offered after a moment, pausing as he shifted his stance against her desk slightly, "…for trusting me, Ivory." He looked back at the Donna, his expression sincere, "I won't let you down. I promise you that." To be trusted at this level only served to fuel and drive him all the more. He had been brought into the inside, entrusted with the vision. He would not let her regret that decision.
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As Kardek set his glass down on her desk, she watched him - head quirked to one side, studying him silently. She was satisfied with the meeting, and felt she'd given her Agent what he needed to succeed.
"I can't imagine the pressure you face every day, my Donna. Don't forget to have some rest and relaxation yourself every once in a while… it's good for the soul."

She couldn't help but smirk; doubly-so as he mentioned his type. She knew exactly what he meant... and if she was being honest, she rather appreciated the flattery. The Donna reached out, resting a hand in the center of Kardek's chest... immediately feeling the pulse of his heartbeat through the material of his shirt.

"Thank you." He offered after a moment, pausing as he shifted his stance against her desk slightly, "…for trusting me, Ivory." He looked back at the Donna, his expression sincere, "I won't let you down. I promise you that.

"I know you won't." She said, reassuringly. "You're among a trusted few - a place very few within our organization may claim to hold. Do this job well, and I see many more opportunities ahead."

With a thoughtful smile, she let her hand fall away - disengaging the momentary intimate touch. "I'll be returning to Denon in a few days. Someone will accompany me, as - if what Samuel told me is true - things have gotten significantly more dangerous since I was there last. I'll be in-touch, to arrange the details of a meeting with Ms. Vexx. In the meantime, should you require any hardware, see DeData... that includes any alterations to your existing augmentations. I want you at your best."

Two could play the "implied seduction" game.

With a nod toward the door, she signaled that their meeting had concluded. For now, she had much to consider... and she preferred to be alone.

- END -

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

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