Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction In Your Element

Relationship Status: It's Complicated
TAG: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer | Beric Layne Beric Layne | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Lavria Xedrim | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs

Gerwald watched with curious eyes as all eventually arrived to the clearing. One of his own, Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs , had eventually found them all as well. Perhaps he should have remained with her as other masters had with their squires, but Gerwald's method of teaching tended to lean toward simply throwing his students into situations which required them to succeed or suffer natural consequences. He found the balance of nature itself could be ample motivator, even if the skill was learned with an element of fear. Still, Morrigan would have found the clearing with just her nose if required, so Gerwald did not feel too bad for leaving her behind.

One by one they each tried the skill, until each of them managed to produce something. His attention was not with those who succeeded per se, though he did give Palm-Imer Palm-Imer another small nod. This was an interesting lesson for her, considering the manipulation of her environment which was involved to do it. This was one small step further from the vow she had sworn. Gerwald needed her to know he was proud of her for seeking that independence.

His eyes fell to the black flame rather quickly. He had not asked the students to produce fire, nor would he in a forest. It was not the fire itself that was alarming to the Lord Marshal, but the color of it. What would have caused her to produce a flame so dark in color. Had she not been the apprentice to Darth Metus Darth Metus , he would have investigated himself, but instead he allowed the master his time with the student. Gerwald would have his answer later, but not without leaving a small observation for the Vicelord's mind.

<"She is an interesting one...>

Gerwald turned back to the rest.

"Good many of you succeeded. This one is not too difficult, and as you practice you will get better. The next requires you to dig a bit deeper."

This time as Gerwald spoke, his hand circled once more. Where there had been air before, now an orb of water seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Find the moisture in the air around you. Isolate it, and draw it together. You know how to find the wind, now find what is beyond it."

Lavria Xedrim


TAG: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer | Beric Layne Beric Layne | Millu Lee Millu Lee | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs | Danielle Mueller

The moment did not last long.

The sphere of air had only been hovering in her hand for a minute, when her master put a hand on her shoulder and his voice rang through her mind.

"Just then...when the flames appeared...what were you thinking about?"

Her golden eyes found his dark ones, suddenly guarded. She probably had to tell him. He could only help with getting the bastard out of her head. No.

Out of her heart.

I was thinking of my previous master - whom I killed. He haunts my every step. She looked away as she answered him, almost ashamed. Not a day went by when she did not see the last look on his face before he had died. It had stripped something from the arrogant, snarky Zabrak. She needed her life back.

Master Lechner spoke again, this time turning the air to water in his hand. Great. This just kept getting better. She sneered as she closed her eyes to conjure the sphere of air again that had dissipated when her master had asked her thoughts. Luckily the conjuring of the air went off without a hitch. But now to find the moisture the Lord Marshal had spoken of.

She tried to calm herself as she went looking through the Force. She had to delve deep and far, but finally she could feel the spray of water coursing through her. Not strong, but it was there and she grabbed hold of it. The orb of water in her hand wasn't entirely round - more squiggly than master Lechner's - but it was there....a hovering blob of droplets.



Tag: Lavria Xedrim, Palm-Imer Palm-Imer , Beric Layne Beric Layne , Millu Lee Millu Lee , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig , Vanir Eris Vanir Eris , Fury of Aerðs Fury of Aerðs , Danielle Mueller


When uttered, the word typically had a singular connotation in the modern Galaxy. Three loathesome syllables painted a picture of oppression. Of families being ripped apart and pressed into service for the benefit of others. Of abuse. Of terror. Of chains. Yet, there was far more than met the eye. Slavery did not always consist of criminal scum pillaging betwixt and between for sentient cattle. No, there was also slavery of the mind. Next to literal oppression, what greater servitude was there? What peace could one have if their mind was enslaved to another? What freedom? None.

And as the confession was silently uttered into the psyche of Darth Metus, the chains became visible. In Death, the former Master of Lavria had become more powerful than ever before. Not due to manifesting abilities from the beyond. No. But through living on through the oppression of her mind. It caused her to hesitate. It caused her to lose control. And if this had occurred during a live fire exercise - or on a literal battlefield - she might very well have joined him in Death. As her Master, it now fell to Darth Metus to remedy this great evil.

But he would not break the chains by his own hands. No. That honor was reserved for Lavria alone. Instead, he would only lead her to the waters to drink.

As the Lupine gave the next round of instruction, the Sith was silent. It was not lost upon him that she looked away, ashamed, when she had made her confession. And thus, before the words uttered by the tutor were complete, Darth Metus rested his hand upon her shoulder. The gesture was simple. Yet carried a world of meaning. She had nothing to be ashamed of being chief amongst them. He retracted his hand once the application phase began. His sulfuric gaze remained unwavering from her hand as the element of water began to form. Droplets swirled about, not forming a perfect sphere, but the task had been accomplished overall.

The Force shall Free you. came his whisper into her mind. Low, yet strong, his words carried a promise. She would not be haunted forever, or even for a lengthy period of time. He would see to that. For now, the education of the moment proved a valuable opportunity. Lavria craved power - and the ability to control the elements was all well and good. But there was so much more one could do with it. Consider this, oh apprentice mine. Blood is mostly water... His psyche would direct her attention to one of the many squirrels in the clearing.

She could control water droplets, no? Force them to exist when none are to be found? Then surely she could manipulate the puddle existing within the arborial rodent.

Bring the rodent here.





Tag: Millu Lee Millu Lee | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Adilya Solveig Adilya Solveig | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer | Lavria Xedrim | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura
Word Count: 618

Millu had now grasped firmly on the location that the Lupine had wanted the present Knights of Obsidian to follow. At first, it had been a challenge, a struggle for Millu to wade out of the blurred emotions and fog that had clouded her mind, that had clouded her senses in the Force. Skill with the Living Force was not something that was instantly acquired but honed and attained through years of practice.

Beric had spent much, if not most, of his life learning the mysteries of the Force. Climbing mountains with naught but his bare hands, braving the ice, cold, and storms of Frosthall with only the Force to heal and protect himself. When he had braved the winds of Frosthall that fateful day that a girl had crashed her ship on a mountainside, a girl who by all standards was too young to be traveling alone, a girl who held a secret power, an unknown potential, and a rare affinity for the Force, Beric had felt the tugs of fate and destiny pull on him ever so slightly.

Since then, the pair had braved many dangers together. They had been on Ryloth when the terrorists had attacked, they had survived one of the worst storms that Vandor had experienced. They would face more challenges and trials as they both continued developing, Millu as an apprentice and Beric as her teacher and mentor, but he was confident that somehow they would be able to brave those dangers and come out of them stronger.

They picked and peeled their way through the dense forest growth of Haruun Kal, Millu leading the way while Beric followed right behind. He could feel her presence in the Force stronger than ever as it reached out, seeking the way, seeking to divine the path through which they could follow. Millu was not the only one reaching out with her senses; Beric was feeling his way through the forest as well. The soft patter as a creature treaded on fallen leaves and dead growth. The tunneling of worms and burrowing animals below their feet. The forest was alive, and the Force flowed through it and every living creature in a torrent. By just breathing he could feel the energy of it around him. It gave him succor, it gave him strength.

They had arrived at the clearing, and Millu had given an earned exclamation of celebration. Beric smiled and supportively patted her on the back with a gloved hand. They had arrived late, it seemed -- the Lupine instructor had moved on from manipulating air to showing how one could reach out and control water, the blood of life, itself. But Beric was not worried nor anxious for any lack of development in Millu's skills. When she would be able to control them, she would learn them in her own time, and Beric, as skilled he was in the manipulation of elements, would be there to teach and guide her.

"Very good, apprentice. But now you must refocus." Turning away, he found a sufficiently wide-enough rock and used the Force to create a depression in its center -- a crude but functional bowl, of sorts. Drawing from the water in the ground and the air, droplet by droplet he fed the bowl until in it was a puddle of pristine, clear liquid, which he then turned and set before Millu. "The Force binds us to all things, living and nonliving. It is your ally, and you are able to use it to take control of things that otherwise would be impossible. Now, just as you reached out and found the clearing, reach out the water in this bowl, and summon it, command it to rise."


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