Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Bowels of Bespin

Sam sensed the presence of [member="Caid Centurion"] before he appeared, another Knight of Ren had joined her, that particular taint of the dark side was unmistakable. "Oh so others did head the call," she said in faux surprise as he drew closer.
Either he hadn't heard her or was in no mood to entertain her as he immediately queried about those on board. She'd not even turned around to face the newcomer yet but the metallic edge to his voice told Sam all she needed to know. She had yet to earn the right to don a mask and obtain a unique Ren title of her own therefore this Knight was her senior and she would have to treat him as such. A pity, she had been getting used to being in charge.

Before she could answer her comrade's question, [member="Hyori Tal"] and the others disembarked. "Yes, she's right there," Sam smirked. Her biting sarcasm was perhaps not doing her favours but she was not here to make friends. She signalled for her stormtroopers to aid their comrades leaving the ship, now there was a fellow Knight of Ren by her side she no longer required their protection.

Now [member="Lady Kay"] was laying out requests. Sam snorted, the woman had gall that couldn't be denied. "It is for us to determine whether your mission was perfectly legal or not." She paused for a moment, eyeing the entourage before her. "However given that our men and women are not dragging you here at gun point I am inclined to approve your request on the condition that you, your pilot and mercenaries are kept separate from each other and monitored at all times." She turned to her masked companion. "Are we in agreement or do you have another approach?"

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Darlyn Excron"]

Caid Centurion

If Ciardha had detected the sarcasm in his fellow Ren's voice, he did not show it. Though his facial features were obscured, it was clear that his attention was focused intensely on the individuals steadily disembarking the vessel. During this time, he allowed various individuals to speak. It seemed as though the propensity for protracted verbal discourse was rather common among the Imperial society. Ciardha found it to be...rather contrary to the First Order's ideals.

It was not until Samka had, effectively asked for his input out of the supposed kindness of her heart that Ciardha responded. Regardless of anyone's assumed potential or authority in that particular moment, Ciardha was merely present to perform a service. Lack of cooperation would undoubtedly lead to unpleasant circumstances. "No. I care not for their exhaustion." Clearly Ciardha Ren was not addressing the arrivals, merely the younger Ren. "Have them detained for the time being and transported to a holding facility. Agent Tal - a word." Ciardha said nothing more as he turned to step away from the group, trusting the Agent would follow.

His fellow Ren may have allowed herself to be fooled into thinking she ever had some measure of authority within the First Order, but Ciardha understood the truth. He was part of a system, a mere cog in a wheel. As he was watching her, someone else was undoubtedly watching him. Further more, the actual fate of these individuals was not his to decide. That privilege and responsibility rested with the Governor. For now.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Hyori Tal"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
"I feel a presence. I doubt any... whatever their force users are out there are going to let us have a choice who deals with them." Darlyn rubbed his shoulder, easing a bit of the blunt trauma the friendly punch shot through his arm. The old whale hadn't learned, it seemed, the full extent of Darlyn's exhaustion. Normally that might've just stung, but now with his energy so low it karking hurt. The only comparison he could think of was a training saber, but even that wasn't *quite* right. Regardless, Darlyn didn't think he had the time to continue comparing what he viewed as a friendly sort of figure to implements of pain and suffering. No, he had to think on how to not get killed now on civilized ground.

Naturally this meant only one conclusion. Confidence, and trying to remain somewhat reasonable. Granted, he was in no mood to be the latter, but he'd at least make an effort. An effort... at least to not kill anyone on his way to the bar. He could hear them quite well, one ordering they be detained and another having the far more reasonable conclusion of allowing some time to rest and recover *before* strenuous interrogation. Seeing as they'd likely take more offense to the suggestion that he'd simply kill em and move on with his life than Hyori had, especially considering that in Hyroi's case he had actually been reasonable to suggest she compromise, he couldn't think of any other way to get out of detainment.

So, why not remain confident regardless? Shooting Ghorua a grin, even momentarily lifting his mask for the Fish to see as much, he adjusted his attire and stepped out of the craft. Immediately he could tension, the taint of darkness and (since he was already aware of it) the faint light of Kay, and opted to help the woman out. He needed pay, after all. So he made sure not to stand too close to her, that his aura of darkness might draw attention to her own light, and yet stood within enough distance that it might help shroud it. The only active force user of the bunch, it wasn't exactly hard to have presence under his mirrored mask. If [member="Caid Centurion"] looked him in the eye, he'd see an amusingly distorted version of his own mask staring back in the mirror.

"I'd highly doubt a detainment facility would be good for any of us. For one, a hunter like me doesn't do well caged in. Makes us snappy, and that's bad for everyone involved. For two, considering at least one of us is a high ranking member of a profitable company, it would put economic strain on you and your organization as a whole, especially considering some certain members of the upper management. Three, I doubt you have a room big enough to even hold one of our members." Somewhat reasoned, if cocky, arguments. And the subtle message that just given a night in a decent room and they'd have quite co-operative individuals to deal with, which were always significantly improved to the alternative.

Granted they were big words, and he wasn't exactly... well.. able to back any of it up. If you could fake it, sometimes you just made it right?

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Hyori Tal"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Samka Derith"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded with a small smile, pleased that [member="Samka Derith"] was granting her request. But then the young lady turned to [member="Caid Centurion"] who then denied the request and sought to take them into custody instead. She clenched her jaw to keep herself from frowning. She was more disappointed than anything else.

And then [member="Darlyn Excron"] came out and started to spout his reasons as to why they shouldn't be arrested. They seemed sound and reasonable excuses, but in this moment, Kay didn't want any conflict. "Darlyn, whether we get to rest in our rooms or in a holding cell, at least we'll get to rest. We have done nothing wrong, so there's no reason to try to run or fight. Once they get their answers, then we should be released."

At least she hoped so. Agent [member="Hyori Tal"] should be able to explain everything that would secure their freedom. None of what happened was their fault. And if they weren't released, well, she had faith that her hired help would be able to get them out of their holding cell. Each of them were selected for certain talents that they possessed.

There was always a way out...

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Agent Tal regarded the [member="Samka Derith"] with a high level of skepticism; she had the look of inexperience. Especially evident by the way she turned to her superior for his approval. Her dark gaze never left the two dark force users, but she listened to the words of Kay’s party coming from behind. Hyori would not turn back to face them; instead her feet began to carry her after [member="Caid Centurion"]. Based on what she had seen in the mining platform, she had guessed that [member="Lady Kay"] would attempt to reason with the Ren. It would be of little help.

As Agent Tal and the Knight of Ren separated from the group, she turned her sharp eyes in the direction of his mask – eyes coming level with the spot where his would be. Of course, she would provide answers where there were questions. However, the bulk of her account would be detailed in a report for the Security Bureau. If the Ren wanted to seek out her report at that time, they would be welcome to do so.

“Yes?” Hyori’s brows lifted just a touch, a motion that would likely be unnoticed, unless watching closely.

Though the Ren’s form was tall and broad, a figure that would be intimidating to most, the agent stood her ground. Ultimately, she did not report to the Ren, her chain of command ran through the First Order Security Bureau – and in the end, she would answer to them.

[member="Darlyn Excron"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]

Caid Centurion

Ciardha didn't even remotely acknowledge the ramblings of [member="Darlyn Excron"]. He also didn't bother to ensure that [member="Samka Derith"] carried out his instructions. It seemed that everyone was almost completely failing to realize upon what ground they stood. If hostilities erupted, Ciardha wasn't even sure he would involve himself. What would be the point? [member="Lady Kay"] and her associates were outnumbered nearly ten to one, and the training of the First Order's elite was certainly not in question.

Beyond that, however, they all answered to the Supreme Leader. The Knights of Ren took their tasking directly from the Supreme Leader. Obviously the Supreme Leader cared a great deal about what happened on this planet.

Once they were out of earshot of the others, Ciardha stopped and focused his attention on [member="Hyori Tal"]. "Concerns have been raised with regard to the maintenance of the recently destroyed facility. I intend to speak with the corporations representative, but I need to know whom among them are hired help and who is not. Further more, a question has been raised as to your own involvement. How, precisely, did you end up in the middle of this debacle?"

Hyori could choose to withhold whatever information she so desired. Ciardha cared neither for the official report she would submit nor her perception of where her chain of command actually terminated. Ciardha was merely asking questions mostly geared towards evaluating the quality of her responses in more than just the verbal spectrum.
"...Three, I doubt you have a room big enough to even hold one of our members."

If there was ever a cue to enter, that was it. The dull thuds of Ghorua's footsteps were audible as he tromped down the cargo ramp, helmet positioned under his arm. The Herglic had a big smile on his face, sharp teeth out for the world to see. The Shark went to stand next to [member="Darlyn Excron"], creating a duo of imposing figures. One mirrored your face, the other a face of your nightmares. Quite the cheery bunch.

The ten-foot behemoth took a cursory glance around, noticing the plethora of troopers on duty, as well as the two darker individuals, [member="Caid Centurion"] and [member="Samka Derith"]. Perhaps these were the mythical 'Knights of Ren' he had heard so much of. He nodded to [member="Lady Kay"] as he heard her spoke, and chose to remain silent. The fact that a First Order Officer had accompanied them down meant a much better chance of being let off the hook, so to speak. Sharks and hooks rarely go together anyways.

Ghorua readied his holopad, in case the First Order needed confirmation of his membership in the Bounty Hunter's Guild. That would most likely sweeten the deal a little between them, perhaps ease the tension before it begins. He bit his tongue, trying desperately not to escalate the situation. His appearance alone usually gave people the wrong impression.

- [member="Hyori Tal"] -
How humiliating, Samka reflected bitterly. Her earlier belief that [member="Lady Kay"] and her mercenaries had been saboteurs no longer held water, otherwise [member="Hyori Tal"] and the troopers would not be with them. They had clearly engaged the true enemy in combat and as it stands there was a heavy chance Lady Kay and the others knew more about them. Yes, all that knowledge can be gained through interrogation but it would leave them with... unpleasant opinions of The First Order and make any future co-operation against their mutual foe strained at best. They could have been allies but alas [member="Caid Centurion"] had not followed the same logic and in the process made Sam appear weak and softhearted before everyone else on the landing zone.

Samka merely stared at the figures of Ciardha and Agent Tal as the two walked out of earshot, her lips pursed in displeasure. She barely registered the arguments [member="Darlyn Excron"] was making, all that mattered was that he was talking while she was frustrated which never ends well for anyone involved. Lady Kay had gently scolded him but it was a matter of respect, something Sam felt was being stripped more and more from her by the second.

"Indeed," she thrust out her arm, palm extended and painfully delved into the bounty hunter's mind. It was brief, (partly because there was more resistance there than expected, perhaps he'd had some training against such techniques or just had a natural strength) but enough to deliver a message and reassure the teenage Ren of her own authority. No one would undermine her further. "No more talking once the decision has been made. Received and understood?" She looked at all of them in turn, taking a particularly long glare at [member="Ghorua the Shark"], xeno-studies had never been her strong point and she found herself unable to identify the species. "Now drop your weapons on the ground and follow me, if you co-operate they may even be returned to you later."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed [member="Samka Derith"] 's gaze towards [member="Hyori Tal"] and [member="Caid Centurion"] . She was curious as well, but figured that what was being said was a quick debriefing.

She was glad to hear [member="Ghorua the Shark"] step up behind her. She was sure that he didn't want any conflict either. Even though he was bigger than everyone else, they were out-gunned and out-manned. The last thing that they needed was to be chased by the First Order. It wasn't as though Bespin had a lot of places to hide.

As the order for silence and to drop their weapons was ordered, Terrac look to Kay, gave her a subtle nod and unholstered his blaster, tossing it to the ground. She followed suit, removing her blaster from her satchel and tossing it to the ground as well. As they did so, Troopers approached and grabbed hold of their arms, following Samka. Kay looked over her shoulder and gave Ghorua and [member="Darlyn Excron"] a look that told them to comply. Afterall, their paycheques were on the line. She then clenched her jaw as she stared forward, watching the young Knight of Ren's back. Hopefully their questioning would be finished swiftly and the two mercs could at least be set free.
Agent Tal listened patiently to [member="Caid Centurion"] her expression quite calm and collected – a mask of her own to match that of the Ren. His request for clarification concerning the corporation’s representative and the mercenaries were understandable. However, Hyori felt a stab of annoyance at the mention of concerns revolving around her own involvement. As though she had knowingly played a part in the skirmish on the mining platform and perhaps held a hand in the subsequent destruction. Had she been the sort of woman that laughed easily, it is likely that she would have done so. But her stern exterior remained. After all, she and the Ren were here for the same reason... they were ordered to be.

“You will need to speak with [member="Lady Kay"]; she is here to represent the mining corporation in question.” She started, her gaze shifting in the direction of the group, her voice void of emotion. “Ghorua – the Herglic, and Darlyn Excron were hired help for this mission.” Her hand indicated the two men, though the hulking form of Ghorua truly did not need calling out. “I am not sure the terms of Terrac’s employment.” However, it did seem that Terrac and Kay were well acquainted, which would suggest that they worked together on a regular basis.

“I responded to a call yesterday to investigate the arrival of Lady Kay’s mercenaries.” Agent Tal began to elaborate, her voice a bit harder than before. “And I remained behind to accompany the party into the platform, as ordered – by General Vaas.” Her head canted to the side slightly.

Agent Tal was a woman that did not like to partake in lengthy conversation, but she felt the need to add a question of her own.

“I was monitoring the presence of an enemy vessel, it dropped off our scanners immediately following the explosion. Have any of your scans indicated that it may still be within the area?”

She knew that they had been tracking the Rusty Bucket, no doubt they would have seen something, if the alien ship had evaded the explosion.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Darlyn Excron"], [member="Samka Derith"]

Caid Centurion

There would be no torturing of detainees. Officially, that was not permitted under Imperial law. More accurately to this situation, it was unnecessary. They were being held merely to answer a number of questions and verify their identities. The mercenaries would, inevitably, be turned over to the Ministry of Security. There were rather specific limits to mercenaries operating with impunity within Imperial space.

As for the corporate representatives, they were likely in the most danger in terms of forfeiting licenses enabling them to carry out various activities on the planet. That too was a decision for the Ministry of Industry. The Knights of Ren were here for one reason and one reason only - to safe the Supreme Leader's interest in discerning the truth.

As [member="Hyori Tal"] spoke, Ciardha Ren arched a curious brow. "Thank you for the orientation. I know nothing specific about an enemy ship - you will have to discuss that with port authority and system defense. Such matters are not my concern. Though I'm curious as to why you see them as the "enemy"? Also - what specifically happened on the platform?"

[member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Ghorua the Shark glanced at [member="Lady Kay"], nodding grimly. Taking a Hunter's weapons was like confiscating a Jedi's lightsaber, or a Corellian's booze. Even so, the Herglic knew his credits, and maybe even his life, were on the line. The Shark wasn't confident he could do battle with so many troopers and two Force-Users, and he knew he didn't want too. The large Bounty Hunter knew he had done nothing wrong, so there was no need for worry. He just hoped the FIrst Order didn't go looking for reasons to start a fight, as [member="Samka Derith"] apparently was. She had extended her arm out towards [member="Darlyn Excron"] threateningly. Ghorua just hoped the impulsive Hunter didn't try to do anything about it.

With a simple shrug, the Shark began unpacking his weaponry. First went the Spinster, his most notable possession. Then his blaster pistols, then his bandolier. He slowly detached his wrist gauntlets from his armor, careful not to set off any of the various weapons in them. It would be quite embarrassing to accidentally shoot a Knight of Ren with a Tensor. Finally, the behemoth reached down to his boot, and pulled his large vibroknife from it's hidden sheath, and with a bit of dramatic flair, twirled it in his palm before setting it down.

Ghorua smiled sharply, seeing his formidable mass of death-bringers all in one place. Even without his equipment, the ten-foot colossus was more than formidable in a fight, so he wasn't too worried for his well-being. He was more worried that his gear would get misplaced. He turned to the nearest First Order trooper, and spoke, his voice soft and deep. "Ghorua the Shark, Bounty Hunter's Guild." The Herglic held up his datapad, which showed his position in said guild. "If any of my stuff goes missing, I'm sending the bill." Ghorua had a joking tone, but the threat buried within was anything but. The trooper didn't flinch, which was impressive, to say the least.

Ghorua crossed his arms over his chest, and surveyed the area again, waiting for someone to take him somewhere.

- [member="Caid Centurion"] - [member="Hyori Tal"] -
Poor Darlyn was about to speak again, when [member="Samka Derith"] forced her way into his mind for a brief moment. Yet, within that brief moment, a variety of factors immediately came into play. First, was rather obvious, his natural protections to his mind as a force user, and the second was his intense concentration on control. They offered at least a small barrier to protect his mind, as she first made contact. However, it was rather painful as well, being so unexpected (due to his lack of dealing with a Ren) and immediately a massive surge of that pent up anger and aggression, the very same that had allowed him to crush the creature's neck with ease on the station, rose to the surface and almost, *almost* made him lose control outside his body. As it was, [member="Ghorua the Shark"] would notice Darlyn tense up, as he was the one who had the most interactions thus far with Darlyn, in a way to indicate to the master hunter he might very well lose it and try to probe Samka's brain, with a blaster bolt.

To his credit though, he barely managed to calm down enough to not provoke the Rens further, at least not physically. Though the look he gave the younger girl gave a very clear message. Next time, he wasn't going to play nice, the only reason he was being so now was the paycheck on the line. When they came for his weapons, though, he was more hesitant. He gave up his father's DL-18 with some reluctance, but when they motioned to his lightsaber, he was, more or less, refusing to do so. Even for him, giving up something like that was beyond reasonable. However, he did open the weapon, removing its crystal and placing that with his blaster, in a bag from earlier. "Satisfactory?"

Without the crystal, his lightsaber was useless of course. So he still held the comfort of having his lovingly crafted weapon, yet still had complied with their orders, for now. Surely even a rigid blockhead like [member="Caid Centurion"] would understand the motion, or the rather naive [member="Lady Kay"] for that matter.

[member="Hyori Tal"]
Just relax, Samka's rational side was begging her. The ache in her head, the one only satisfied by bloodshed began to fade. Her little show of power on [member="Darlyn Excron"] had awoken it at the wrong moment. The time needed for both Darlyn and [member="Ghorua the Shark"] to relinquish their considerable arsenals gave Sam her own time to regain her composure. Her anger and insecurity faded and once more confidence and a sense of control returned to the young Ren.

"Impressive," she remarked to the mercenaries as a pile of sophisticated weaponry lay at their feet. She gave a short nod of understanding to Darlyn Excron as he dropped the saber crystal too. He was a force user which explained his resistance to her earlier assault on his mind. Perhaps the other Ren on the platform would not be quite so forgiving but he was distracted and Sam could sympathise. Getting separated from one's lightsaber is like loosing part of one's soul. It is not like parting from a blaster. A lightsaber is something unique, tailored to the individual, something you become one with in the heat of combat.

Sam turned and beckoned for the group to follow. She took one last glance at [member="Caid Centurion"] and [member="Hyori Tal"] on the platform and quashed the jealousy inside. She was still very young, her time would come.

Cloud City's long pristine white corridors could seem endless for those unfamiliar with the city. But this was Sam's childhood home and the main reason she'd taken such an interest in these events and she'd be damned if she'd hand them over to local authority without any information of her own.

They'd been in silence for around 15 minutes before Sam finally spoke to the group. "You heard my instructions. I am to take you to a holding facility to await questioning." Sam allowed a playful smirk to creep onto her face. "There are many 'holding facilities' on Bespin and the instructions were... rather vague. Do I take you down to the filthy bowels where you'll be alongside angry Gamorrean pit fighters? Or do I take you to 'the VIP section'? Where esteemed guests who just need to be held a little longer are provided with their own bathroom, hot food and access to the holonet." She paused letting her offer sink in. "I just want to know the truth. That is all."

[member="Lady Kay"]
Agent Tal’s dark eyes watched as [member="Samka Derith"] directed the members of [member="Lady Kay"]’s party to surrender their weapons. [member="Ghorua the Shark"] had come well prepared, the Herglic was like an armory himself, and she could hear the clatter of his weapons against the ground. Though she could hear [member="Darlyn Excron"] speaking occasionally, it sounded like he was cooperating with the Ren’s requests. All the while her eyes were on the group, she was still listening to [member="Caid Centurion"] speak. And her gaze returned to the masked Ren.

“We were ambushed.” She answered simply, “The platform had been out of operation for the past few days, the systems were dead – as were the employees.” Agent Tal drew in a short breath, “The alien species we encountered on the platform held similarities to the Kaminoans in appearance.”

The aching of her shoulder was a reminder of their fight.

“Nothing appeared to be missing from the platform, there was only destruction left in the wake of the alien race. It is an issue that will need further investigation.”

After all, their time spent on the platform had yielded few answers. It was a fact that was disappointing to the agent, as she liked to deliver results.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well, at least [member="Ghorua the Shark"] and [member="Darlyn Excron"] were listening to her. Terrac she wasn't worried about, but them? Despite their paycheques waiting for them, they still could have tried to refuse. But she was ever so glad that they didn't. Her reputation and theirs was on the line. The last thing that they needed was to have the First Order chase them throughout the Galaxy.

Kay followed [member="Samka Derith"] as she led them through Cloud City into a section that she had never been before. She stopped and listened to Samke as she gave them a choice. Of course the answer would be obvious. The VIP section, if you please. We have nothing to hide with regards to the mining platform and what happened there today."

If they were to go to the other holding facility where the Gamorreans were, well she had confidence that Ghorua and Darlyn would take care of them. Regardless of where they were going, she had hoped that they would be set free soon.

[member="Hyori Tal"] [member="Caid Centurion"]

Caid Centurion

Caid was about five seconds from snapping [member="Hyori Tal"]'s neck as she elected to divert her gaze when he spoke to her. By the time the Agent had returned her full attention to the Ren, the damage had mostly been done. Rather than exploding in anger, however, Caid simmered silently behind his mask. The sounds of his steady breathing continued to fill the air around the two Imperials. When Agent Tal finally responded to his questions, he was not surprised to find the insight of her answers as unimpressive as her apparent decision making throughout the ordeal.

The excuse of 'I was just following orders' rarely held water with the Knight of Ren. He would have asked if she'd thought to propose a different approach to the situation as the person on the ground, but he knew the answer.

"General Vaas ordered you to accompany a number of mercenaries to a platform that you knew little to nothing about. Intriguing." It was a statement she had made earlier, but he specifically chose to bring it up at this point. "Very well, Agent Tal. It would appear that you acted in accordance with the extent of your training and...ability." The tone of the Ren's metallic voice indicated that the statement was made with no shortage of derision. "Thank you for your time and good luck with the investigation."

Finally, Caid broke his attention from Hyori, glancing in the direction that he'd felt [member="Samka Derith"] retreat with the others. 'Holding Facility' was a rather definitive term. The Ren had clearly meant the official holding facilities provided for at the local Ministry of Security office. There was no such thing as a VIP holding facility for people taken into custody. That was not how the First Order even remotely worked, especially for non-citizens. Silently, the Ren returned to his transport for the short trip to the headquarters. Once he was done with the individuals, they would be released to the Ministry of Security for further processing. Placing individuals under arrest was not Caid's responsibility, he merely needed to ask his questions.

As he was enroute, he dispatched a simple message to Samka that he would arrive in five minutes. If she had left fifteen minutes ago, she should have already been there. Following that, he opened up a file on one Hyori Tal. A file that would be made available to any Ren interacting with the woman in the future.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Ghorua the Shark could sense the tension in the air. Unneeded tension, in Ghorua's professional opinion. The situation seemed fairly straightforward to the Herglic. Once they explained what had happened, and answered whatever other pointless questions the Order had, they could leave, [member="Darlyn Excron"] and him could get payed, and they'd all go out for drinks. Heck, Ghorua may even invite [member="Hyori Tal"] and [member="Lady Kay"] along, even though he was fairly sure both would decline.

Ghorua walked quietly behind Kay as they were marched around Bespin, each footstep thumping against the metal floor. He listened to his charge and [member="Samka Derith"] talk, again opting to remain silent. To be completely honest, Ghorua sympathized with the young Ren. He understood what she was doing, partly because he often fell into it's trap. She was acting tough, exerting her power over them, talking big. It made one feel as if they were in control of a situation, confident. The Shark used this tactic often in his hunts, as more of a confidence booster than anything.

Finally, Ghorua spoke up, careful to avoid saying anything offensive. "As long as we get out of here quickly. We've been through quite an adventure, and my Massiff hates it when I leave her behind. Pee everywhere, I tell ya." The Herglic cracked a grin, trying desperately to keep the situation light, hands folded behind his back.

- [member="Caid Centurion"] -
Pleased with the response she was getting, Sam began to lower her guard. It appeared as though they had accepted her control were willing to co-operate. "Good. Now we are getting somewhere." She flashed a half smile towards [member="Lady Kay"]. But just as Samka had been about to open her mouth, her holo buzzed. Pulling it out of her cloak, there was a message from [member="Caid Centurion"]. He would be returning soon to get answers of his own.
"Blast it," she snarled, tucking the holo away again. "We're all out of luck. It seems as though my colleague from the platform wants to question you himself. I trust you remember him." She thought she'd had the freedom to take a risk here, to bend the rules slightly but it was dangerous. The First Order's bureaucracy could be rigid and not all shared Sam's more liberal ideas.

"There's been a change of plans. Apologies, the deception was unintended." Sam said as she steered the group on a new route towards a basic Cloud City Security centre, passing the co-ordinates on to Centurion. Upon arrival the Bespin guards promptly escorted all four to temporary cells although it proved difficult to find someone suitable for [member="Ghorua the Shark"]. The creature could barely navigate the city's thinner halls so cells already designed for discomfort became unusable. For now though they were all complying, even [member="Darlyn Excron"].

Sam pulled up a chair and sat outside of Lady Kay's cell. She leaned in and drummed her fingers together. It wouldn't be long at all until the other Ren arrived but there was nothing stopping her having a little chat in the meantime. "Where would you like to begin?" She asked.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Things seemed to be going well. The little smile that [member="Samka Derith"] gave brought Kay a little bit of hope that this wasn't going to be so bad, afterall. But then the sudden change in plans gave her a cause to worry. While she was confident that she could go through an interrogation by the young Ren unscathed, she wasn't so sure about one with [member="Caid Centurion"] . He was taller and far more intimidating. Knights of Ren were rumoured to invade the minds of others and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to block him and hide her Force signature at the same time. It wasn't something that she had practiced often.

As they walked to the new location, Kay looked over to Terrac. His eyes displayed a hint of worry as well. The old man probably knew what she was thinking. It wasn't long before they were brought to the Security Centre, and it came at no surprise that they were separated from eachother. Kay frowned a little as one of the guards took her satchel away from her before she was pushed inside the tiny cell.

As Samka sat just outside her door, Kay folded her arms across her chest while she examined the cell. Her eyes then fell upon the young Ren as she sighed a little before answering. "I came here to investigate a loss of contact with one of our mining platforms here. Keep in mind that we have operated here before the First Order's territory spread this far and had operated legally afterwards. I feared the worst, and not wanting to endanger anyone here, I hired some help to investigate and not be a bother to you. Long story short, we were attacked by strange and dangerous beings that nearly killed us all. We managed to escape by the skin of our teeth and only my company's assets were destroyed. If it was up to me, those troopers and Agent Tal would not have been there to get hurt or killed. But they were ordered to come anyways. The First Order will be compensated for the lives lost. Any more questions?"

Kay felt that being as open as possible would save them from pain and imprisonment. Hopefully Terrac, [member="Darlyn Excron"] and [member="Ghorua the Shark"] would be thinking the same thing.

[member="Hyori Tal"]

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