Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Need Of Sith / Dark Siders

Okay so Connor has no ties with the Silver Jedi and the Light now. He's out there to become a full Dark Side warrior.

Problem - he has been severed from the Force and slowly has to build back up his connection and confidence with it - yeah, never simple with him is it.

But I need to surround him with more Sith and Dark Siders to full immerse him in their culture, strength and lifestyle so it becomes second nature to him. I want every last bit of arrogance, stubbornness and sentiment beaten or battered out of him. This has been 2 years coming, so I want him to be something wonderful in the eyes of the Dark and nightmarish in the eyes of the Light.

He is currently under Matsu Xiangu to restore his Force connection and delve into the Sith world, and Taeli Raaf is helping also with his development.

So I'd like more threads in-between, during and after these stages so I can get Connor back to form for all writing and reading his work.

I'd appreciate any ideas you have or situations, because after all this guy has been a Silver Jedi for over a decade so I can't imagine many trusting him or welcoming him with open arms...but then that's what good drama and stories are all about!

Feel free to message me or PM here if interested.

Thanks all. Let's make Connor great again!
[member="Lady Kay"] That's PRE Dark Connor remember... who knows what the future now holds! :)

[member="Darth Prazutis"] I think I will. Your name has cropped up so probably time to pay a visit if the welcome mat is there.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It is? But he had already left the SJO. So I guess this means he won't be working for Kay for long. Gotcha. Will need to hunt for more people...
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Hey, um, weren't you some sort of bad ass? I mean, like, weren't you at one time a leader in the Silver Jedi? So decorated, so special, like... I thought of you as like a King in there, haha. You have such a wonderful story and life in this character!
Darth Prazutis said:
Your already on my home Maena...come visit.



Aria lives on Maena.


[member="Aria Vale"] What are you worried about? You've got a Sith Squad now, and I'm a mere Acolyte with little Force power thanks to those Silvers.

You could kill me in a heartbeat if you wanted on Maena. :)
[member="Connor Harrison"]

I could probably help you out a bit.

Ajihad could sort of get Connor in the Sith mindset. Maybe right now, he's sort of in a "Ooh, Sith are cool. I want to be a Sith." state of thinking. Ajihad could show him what it truly means to be Sith, not just a Dark Jedi. It would likely involve Aji putting him through a sort of crucible, sort of like when the Ancient One trapped Doctor Strange on Everest. Showing him that what he's getting himself into isn't a joke.
[member="Lord Ajihad"] To be fair, Connor has battled with this for a decade now, serving the Jedi to the best he could. Only now there's no point pretending he is someone he isn't inside.

He is under no illusions about what the Dark Side presents, and by no means looks on as a "Ooh Sith are cool" way - they aren't cool. It's a way of life, not just a side to fight on, and he is resigning himself to this and everything it brings for a satisfactory life.

No jokes here on this venture!
[member="Braith Achlys"]

Back to the factory with you!

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Tru dat. Wasn't really sure where Connor was at, so I was just throwing down what seemed like a cool plot idea.

One thing I'm sure Connor could afford to learn is Sith philosophy. Sith are quite different from just Darksiders. There's a whole mindset that goes along with it, including adhereance to the Sith code. Ajihad wouldn't be too great a teacher in this, as he's in a bit of a moral gray area himself. Still, I'm sure it'd be good for Connor to find someone to teach him the inner workings of the Sith. I'd recommend @Tirdarius.

What Aji could do, however, is assist Connor in the development of his powers. To the extent is up to you, as I know you're already working something out with Matsu. He could certainly give him enough of a boost where he could begin working the dark side at new levels.

Whatever, really. We could even just have a friendly chat if that's what you want :)
[member="Lord Ajihad"] I'd like that - anything he can get will benefit him to understand the Sith, the Dark Side and really absorb it. Trianing, talking - anything!

He doesn't want the strings of the Light. It's destroyed him. He wants to be free again and the Dark Side is the key to that as he builds up his strength and connection to the Force with Matsu Xiangu.

I'm happy to move forward a little in development as Matsu will be the one ascending him in rank so the more I can do, the more I'll prove I'm in this for good.

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