Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]One last bite of her meat bun and her tasty, but minor excuse to keep herself occupied was gone. Not the memory of the expression Asmus had given her a few minutes back. The sort that had her belly tightening involuntarily and feeling the odd spike of temperature. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]He'd kiss her if he could. Kaile knew that. She also knew that she'd do the same if left to her own devices. Her mind was already drifting, considering the many private nooks and corners of the market where they could giggling off with one another. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]No, focus! City center! [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The agent told herself, wiping her greasy hands on the napkin given to her and giving her own pants a quick rub. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“This place seems big.” She added, looking down to her right wrist to bring up the holographic display. A few taps and she managed to connect to a crude map. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Well it's split in sectors…” rather large ones. Kaile hadn't realized just how large this Bazaar truly was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“This might take a while.”[/SIZE]
“Kayri… Mathers... Mathews…Matherson!” Asmus mumbled before looking at her triumphantly. “We knew a guy here. Now, we can't buy the parts from him with a transfer as… well… most of his stock… Let's just say most of it fell off ships and he picked it up yeah?”

[That seems unlikely.]

Asmus laughed. “But anyway, he might remember me. He will know someone we can buy from and I've probably got enough credits to pick up some second hand tools so he doesn't get grumpy about giving out free advice. We should probably call Hacken and let him know what we're up to. How does that sound?” He turned to Kaile, more hopeful than he necessarily should have been that she would like his plan.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Both of Kaile's brows gave a quick upward flare in approval. Asmus received Kaile’s approval with the flash of a smile and a nod of he dark head. A small burst of wind ruffled her bangs, eyes squinting to prevent any grit from going into her eyes.

“Alright, reckon that's as good as any.” And if that didn't work out, well they could go searching through the market.

“As long as he deals fair.” She said with mild humor. If Asmus thought the guy was good to deal with, then she trusted his judgement.

A slip over her wrist and the holographic display disappeared.

“Alright,”another nod to Jay Four and Asmus. “Let's go.”
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus had to make a quick call to find out where Matherson ran his shop. It had been years since Asmus had been there. Once they reached the street he started to remember. There was exactly the same dug selling imported datapads across the street. The shopfront was worn bare stone with a stained air conditioning unit hanging out of one corner.

“There's a bar just around that corner,” he said, leaning in towards Kaile and pointing. His expression was nothing but joy. “I was seventeen and it was the first time I realised this kind of place doesn't tend to ask for ID. Jarrick had to walk me home as Mai cackled. Huh.

Eight years ago. Had it really been that long? Just a silly kid trying to find some adventure out in the Galaxy. No cares at all. The drugs seemed to have made him nostalgic.

With a shake of his head he turned into the workshop. A heavily built togruta was carrying a small generator with his bare hands. Kaile might realise why the man had stuck in the pilot's memory. There were all kinds of small components and tools in the shop itself, but his best wares were kept far away in a secure lockup.


“It's Madunson.” The togruta put the generator down and turned towards them. He grinned as he saw Asmus. “But you could never remember of course! What happened to you arm? Bet it was another bar fight. Told you, you shouldn't have such a punchable face! Where's Kairon?”

“Good to see you to. Not around I'm afraid. Haven't been on the Quin a few years. This is Kaile and Jay.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]Kaile gave Asmus and Madunson space to greet each other, watching them interact with joy and good natured humor. The Lorrdian was quick to pick up bits and pieces on why Asmus recalled the Togruta with such fondness, but that didn’t matter to her. What did was reading how Madunson reacted and held himself. The body had a way of determining intent and general mental thought process. So far, so good. She didn’t read anything unbecoming. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]With a half smile, she waited as Asmus introduced them all, moving in to shake the Togruta’s hand once she was able to. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Pleasure to meet you.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Jay Four was already thrilled at the prospect of some sort of dastardly adventure, all the more touched when Asmus introduced him so. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][ We are here to survey your goods! ] he added, although how he had said it left it rather, well, open to interpretation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Looking to barter or buy a few parts. Need it for our ship and Asmus mentioned you run a good shop.”[/SIZE]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Oh I can always do business. Though I have changed things up a little bit since you were last here. I keep less stock in hand myself after there were some issues and tend be more of a facilitator if you like.”

Asmus nodded. “Alright then. I don’t have many credits in hand though I’m afraid.” That instantly put a suspicious look on Madunson’s face. He didn’t do store credit. “I can only do a transfer for large amounts as we’re in a rush. I know you didn’t…”

“Not a problem,” he replied with a smile. “We can deal. If I have what you need I’ll give you somewhere to make the deposit and get the goods to you.” Madunson had changed his model since Asmus had last seen him. Now there was a network of shell accounts for moving credits around. He had a number of contacts on the world and nearby systems who kept second-hand and smuggled stock and he would negotiate the prices, add a little mark up and ensure delivery.

“Jay has the list of parts then, we’ll go browse your tools. Still out back?”


Asmus put a hand to Kaile’s back and headed for the backroom. He could hear Jay start to read out stock codes and Madunson urging him to slow down whilst he took notes.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

"But aren't we gonna ---" well whatever protests Kaile had were quickly brushed off as Asmus went guiding her into the backroom. She was half facing towards the Togruta, walking backwards under the gentle encouragement of the Wraith's hands. The rustle of beads went sailing over them, the door really more of a thick canopy of heavy rugs and beads that led them into a storage area of moderate size.

It was dimly illuminated, and once they crossed into it, the flap covering the door fluttering behind them, even Jay Four's loud voice was barely distinguishable.

"Ain't we gonna have to barter with him first?" she inquired, feeling Asmus's free hand slip and slide along the curve of her hip but for a brief instant. There was a slit of a window up on high, allowing some natural light to bleed in. One could see the thin layer of dust that floated in the air, a very faint haze.

The light caught Kaile's hair just right, highlighting the mahogany hues and the strawberry blonde that was slowly coming back in. Around them were several crates as well as stock shelves. Parts aplenty for them to review and look through to their pleasure.

That is, if it was exactly that.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Who has a bead curtain?" He mumbled in that slightly distant tone. The light that filtered in through the slit seemed a lackadaisical thing, content to linger in the haze. Instead of a flat, harsh midday light, Kaile was shown in soft, warm tones.

[No I said 55 3...]

"No," he replied. Even has he spoke his right hand gave a slightly instent tug to draw her closer. She was warm against his side, her curves a familiar and reassuring press. His speech slowed as he turned to regard her wide, hazel eyes.

"He'll gather prices and get them all in his head before he's willing to..."

Those eyes stopped scanning their surroundings and turned up to meet his own. The warm steam of light picked out the gold flecks more than the deep green, almost seemed to make them blaze. His voice trailed off as he turned his shoulders in to stand over her, face to face.

His eyes closed as he leaned in. A soft sigh ran over her neck as his cheek brushed against hers. Force, just how much had he wanted to kiss her until the rest of the world faded away? A gentle, searching kiss at the corner of her lips, looking for a sign of encouragement as the fingers of his hand splayed against the small of her back.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]Kaile's breath caught at the first graze of Asmus' stubbled cheek. The soft rasp of the bristles there sending what felt like electric tingles from her cheek down her neck and nestle along the length of her spine. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her lashes naturally fell shut, tiny little butterfly kisses as the warmth of Asmus's lips and breath ever so cautiously searched and nibbled at the corner of her mouth. Her heart skipped a beat - or was it several? - heck, it was hard to really know with how Asmus seemed to just envelop her thoughts, her mind, her senses. Her soul.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Under the gingerly exploration, Kaile parted her lips. An invitation as much as the overflow of that building pressure between the two. Contact was hot, flooding her as her head went tipping back, canting slightly to the right. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Asmus wouldn't hesitate. Not when her hands had found purchase against his chest, flexing against the fabric of his jacket and shirt. The hand at the low of her back pressed her closer, and a half needy muffled hum was quickly swallowed up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was just a kiss. Only a kiss. But oh how it made her toes curl and belly flutter. The taste of the tangy meatbun still in his mouth, a savory coat as the roll and rasp of her tongue went reaching out for his. [/SIZE]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Just a kiss.

He didn't think the thought in such simple terms. Asmus had kissed many people in many places. His chest never tightened quite like this, his pulse didn't quicken to the point that it was almost uncomfortable. It seemed like days since he had held her, weeks since they had kissed, months since they had made love. Why wasn't it like this with anyone else?

A gentle touch to start, but he leaned closer, forcing her hands tight to his chest. He ignored the twinge in his shoulder as his left arm was trapped between them. He adored the way she hummed against his lips as she kissed him. One final stroke of his tongue against hers and he broke away.

His chest heaved against his grip. Hungry eyes didn't deviate from hers as he tried to calm his nerves.

Awareness blossomed in those narrowed eyes.

“I wouldn't be satisfied if I could kiss you for another year,” he murmured. He nudged her nose with his, kissed her lips ever so gently. “So we should probably…” a soft hum left his own throat that mirrored hers, but full of masculine desire. A little battle was fought in an instant. “...Look at some tools.”
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]What was i doing? Oh, right, should probably breathe.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] That would be a rather necessary requirement for living. Kaile found her breath again, sucking in through her nostrils and feeling the air lift her chest. Her pulse was fluttering at her throat, beating rapidly almost in tune to the subtle nuances that her body could read off Asmus’ own. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She kept her eyes shut for a moment. Had to. Pearly white teeth came out to gently bite at the corner of her lip, feeling the graze of his lips anew. Just like that, Kaile knew she could very well melt like butter on a hot pan if he kept on with it. All the more when the flex of his fingers at the curve of her hip dug just a little deeper, an unconscious design of those slender digits own undoing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]No, if she opened her eyes then, Kaile knew she’d see the blaze in his eyes. That she’d catch the gold that flecked those orbs, darkening with a smoldering effect that would etch in hooded eyes, parted lips, and just enough of a rasp to the tenor of his voice that had her rocking on her heels again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Umm…[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]” she found her voice, dropping her head forward five centimeters. Those lips of his now brushed at her forehead, pushing past the fringe of her bangs and grazing along the side. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]I wouldn’t be satisfied if I could kiss you for another year. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Her throat bobbed. Along with that came the slight tightening of her fingers against his jacket again. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Umm, tools. Right. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Tools…” yeah, a reason why they were here. Lashes lifted and her first sight was the dark scruff along his neck and the line of his jaw. The temptation to trace that line with her mouth rose again. Asmus would tell where her mind was drifting, she took too long to say anything else. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Or maybe what she said next was all that really mattered. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Asmus.”[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]His name was a strained whisper, the tickle of her breath right just along the apple of his throat. One single word; so many emotions coated within it. [/SIZE]
His next breath was slow, deep and deliberate. He held it for a full second before letting it out in a low sigh. There were a thousand ways to reply to that one word and he couldn't settle on any of them. Any thoughts that tried to coalesce into words were pulled under the torrent of emotions.

Being on the mission it was easy to forget where they had come from. It wasn't easy to forget. Not properly. But being shot at had a tendency to push all errant thoughts aside. He thought back to the look of guilt and the frustration as she had pushed him out the door. Then the hot tears streaming down her face as she had revealed so much more in a few minutes in his cabin than she had with every word spoken to him.

He had stayed with her as she had stayed with him. She was conflicted, torn. She adored him and didn't know what to do about it.

“I know,” he whispered back. Loose strands of her hair danced with his breath. With her hands to his chest he was free to bring up his right hand to cradle the back of her neck and hold her close.

The scent of her hair seemed to calm his nerves, ease the turbulent waves. That one word, tinged with every colour of emotion, had started the storm but on the other side was clarity. A single thought. He didn't know if it was something so much easier for Asmus to arrive at than it ever would be for Kaile.

“We'll be okay,” he whispered boldly.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]Would they? Would they really? It was hard to discern. There was so much up in the air. Kaile gave a shuddered sigh, turning her face to nestle it along the crook of his neck. They stood like that for a few moments. Or was it minutes? It didn’t really matter. Not at that present time. Not when Asmus’ arms were wrapped around her, holding her close within the warmth of his embrace. Not when she could feel the steady beat of his heart and feel the warm fan of his breath along her temple. Not when she could take a deep breath and breath in that unique scent of his, searing it to memory and locking it up tight as if in fear that she would lose it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Okay. It will be[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] okay.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Oh how Kaile wanted to desperately believe that. Her face gave an upward tilt, the brush of her nose and lips grazing against his throat. It was a perfect indulgence that wouldn’t last. Not long anyways.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Not with Jay Four’s voice bursting through as he swung one metal arm to push up that beaded flap.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][ I have narrowed down the parts that we require. Have you - oh. ] he gave a pause, seeing the pair in an embrace. Kaile suddenly jolted from Asmus’ arms, a fleeting expression of guilt and embarasement coloring her cheeks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sorry, I’ll get on those tools.” Kaile immediately replied, her chocolate brown eyes pannign from Jay Four over to Asmus and back again. Ducking her head, she turned away to do exactly that. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Jay Four went ducking down and then up to come in to the small chamber. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt][ I hope I did not interupt an intimate interlude.][/SIZE]
After a brief grimace of pain from her pushing away from him so quickly Asmus a short nod of acceptance. They couldn't have stayed like that all day, he knew that. As he had already said to her: no amount of time would feel like enough. So he took it for what it was and returned his mind to the job as much as he could.

“It's alright Jay,” Asmus replied, flashing Kaile a small smile. “What did he think on our chances of getting those parts?”

He turned and joined Kaile in her search. This time it wasn't actually as easy to return to the job as it had been before. He was a parched man in a desert and someone had just upended his cup of water.

[He's not certain he can get a twin coupler to match as the Solaris won't take the stock model, but he thinks everything else by the morning. Though he will need to confirm the condition of the parts against the price.]

“I think if we get the right tools we can get that back to scratch​ anyway?” He asked in Kaile's direction. “Got to remember she’s capable of flight now. But not these tools. Damn Vessel tools never last long,” he said tossing a welder up in the air and catching it. He'd spent many years working in ships. Well, ship. He was interested to see what Kaile's views were. She was certainly a better mechanic.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]Kaile caught the hurt in his eyes. It pained her as much as him. A fleeting expression of guilt lined the angles of her face, the Lorrdian turning away to focus on searching for what tools they would require. Her mind was half on the task at hand, already missing the warmth that Asmus’ embrace had given her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Umm.” she began, right hand coming up to run through the strands of her hair. Her bangs stuck out in different directions, the nervous finger combing making them puff out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“We can do just right with the basics.” She agreed. The parts were important, the tools, well not so much right now. Tools had their own lifetime, and to be honest, she was mentally already thinking that Amadgener would be claiming the ship and having it taken care of by SIS as per protocol. It wasn’t her job to try and get them the best tools that would last; but the best tools that they could work on right now. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Moving forward, Kaile took to the stock shelves at her right. “Don’t need anything fancy. Just enough to ensure we get them installed right and tested.” Kaile was avoiding Asmus’ gaze. If he caught her, it would be far too evident that her emotions were going on all directions and she wasn’t certain that she could keep quiet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“How much he looking at asking for?” keeping the conversation going would do them all good. Focus on the mission. That’s all they had to do now.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]At least, she told herself that. [/SIZE]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

[He didn't say that] Jay replied.

“That's not surprising,” Asmus replied. “If he's acting as the middleman he's probably working out how hard it is to get what we need first.”

Stupid, he told himself. That last comment had been too much. It wasn't the first time he'd done so. He did as he had always done, try to smooth things over by talking.

“Jarrick kept buying a Vessel hydrospanner because he had someone who could get their stuff cheap. It wasn't even as if they wore out. Just would go when you least expect it. And normally take the skin of my knuckles with it.”

He looked up at the sound of jostling beads. Madunson walked through with a comm-unit to his ear. He offered Asmus a wink. “Think we'll be good,” he whispered. Clearly he was waiting on someone to confirm. “What happened to your arm anyway?”

“Got shot.” Given their relationship the answer drew about the least attention of anything that came to mind.

“You do have that kind of a face. Remember when...Ah yes I'm still here. You found one? Excellent…” the togruta vanished back through the curtain.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

[SIZE=9pt]“Wait what?!” it was Madunson, startling the trio at his outburst. Perhaps not the sort of reply he was expecting? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Concerned, Kaile motioned to Asmus with a cant of her head. The pair journeyed over towards the bead door, Kaile reaching out with her arm to pull it aside. There she caught sight of the Togrutan as he paced back and forth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“What do you mean they left?” He demanded, his crimson painted face scowling.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][ Well at he doesn’t seem to be in danger. ] Jay Four added, stating the obvious. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“They were supposed to secure the shipment and bring it to me.” Madunson continued, visibly even more vexed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“That’s why they got the additional hazard pay! “[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Perhaps, a trade gone wrong?[/SIZE]
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus let the desire to hold her close again melt away. He had a bad feeling about this and he couldn’t afford to lose focus if there was something up. Kaile was concerned and she was better at picking these things up than him. That feeling became worse when the togruta turned and spotted them watching him. Rather than continue into his back room he suddenly stopped speaking.

“Hang on,” he said placing his hand over the microphone. He flashed Asmus a broad smile. “I don’t suppose that my very favourite bolt magnet still does the kind of work he did with the old crew?”

Asmus didn’t reply immediately. He gave the togruta a discerning glare and gave a count of three. Partly because Kairon had always told him to leave space in a negotiation. A guilty party will often fill it with words, he had said. But also to make sure that with the drugs in his system he didn’t blurt something out.

“What kind?”

“The kind where you go and pick something up and make sure it gets to me in one piece. I could do with two steady gun hands and a droid with some sensors as it happens.”

That sort of job had usually required Jarrick and his keen eyes.

“This isn’t the Quin crew Madunson. What is it you need moving and from where?” He returned Kaile’s look, hoping she could get a read on him if he was trying to pull something.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Anyone else would have been a bit confused on just what was going on; yet being a Lorrdian meant that Kaile was able to pick up on subtle nuances going on between Asmus and the Togruta.

Her hand came up, finger rising she glanced between the pair. "What exactly is going on?"

"It is simple really.'" he tried to assure, but the way he was shifting his weight suggested it was something more.

"Well, it is an ore. Shards really; and I've a deal from one of the mines that will provide it." of course, there was always a catch.

"Thing is that I'm not the only one looking to get it." he gave a slight shake of his head then a faint wince.

"Which is why it is hard to get shipments delivered.... safely."
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus sighed. He looked down at his feet and then up at Kaile then over at the togruta who had doing his most innocent smile. Asmus shook his head.

"This sounds..."

"I'd pay well. And you don't have the credits to afford all the items you need," Madunson replied with a smile.

[Oops] Jay said once he realised both Kaile and Asmus were looking at him.

"Come on Madunson. Jarrick was a decorated soldier and Kairon..." He trailed off.

"Boarded and stole ships for a living," Madunson finished. "He used to speak very highly of you, you know. Said you were made for better things than him. Felt bad that he didn't know how to get you on that path."

Asmus' cheery expression melted. The drugs made him more emotionally vulnerable. "That doesn't sound like him," he protested weakly. He'd been called lazy more times than he could recall. Stupid boy was also popular. Never once had he said 'destined for better things.'

Madunson grinned. He snatched at the blaster on the counter. If he hadn't been drugged up Asmus perhaps wouldn't have been baited. Instead his own blaster was out of its holster and levelled at the togruta before his fingers had finished wrapping around his own.

Madunson laughed. "Don't need Jarrick or Kairon. Just keen eyes, a steady hand and quick reflexes. Well, I need bodies to look intimidating and your droids sensors."

"I'm not the one in charge," Asmus replied, lowering his blaster. He hadn't even seen how Kaile had reacted.

"I wasted that whole routine on the wrong person?" Madunson asked, exasperated.

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