Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What color is the dress?

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And for those who are astonished by the voodoo magic...Here's the explanation:

I personally saw both. And I was freaked out.
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
The answer is neither as this is a photoshopped dress floating around facebook that (if you use the color picker tool) shoes that the color has been inverted and then the hue has been altered. It was originally blue & black, but the change was done to create an optical illusion of a dress that changes color depending on visible light in the room you're looking at it.
Darth Vitium said:
The answer is neither as this is a photoshopped dress floating around facebook that (if you use the color picker tool) shoes that the color has been inverted and then the hue has been altered. It was originally blue & black, but the change was done to create an optical illusion of a dress that changes color depending on visible light in the room you're looking at it.
I finally figure out how to change the colors. If you see blue look at something bright for about a minute. if you see gold and white cover and close your eyes for about a minute. When you look again the dress should be the other color. < This has worked twice for me now. I first saw blue and gold however.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
My wife and I have looked at it in the same varieties of light, a bunch of them. She and I still see different things consistently. There's a physiological difference.
The dress is hideous and if I ever see anybody I know wearing it, I will burn it. With them still inside of it. I don't need fashion blind people in my life anyway.
My brother gave me some long-winded explanation than showed me the real dress that was for sale. Something about the room the picture was originally taken in having poor lighting, along with a poor photo editing job in an attempt to 'fix' it. I've seen it both ways, but mostly as white and 'gold' (it's seemed more yellow to me a few times).

Science, you're weird.
It's lilac, grey-y brown and silvery brown.

I'd have thought that someone on a board like Chaos would have taken the picture into photoshop and ripped that thing apart for BBCodes by now.

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