Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Begging You

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"I can manage that." His parents had been clamoring to meet Jamie for some time now, something that he was eager to get over with. The Courier was entirely sure that such a trip would go much better than any of their previous excursions.

This was mostly because Tatooine was familiar to him. He could deal with everything from Krayt Dragons to overbearing Hutt's that wanted to hire him as a trophy racer. Tatooine had very few surprises for him, and those it did have were generally good, unless they were really bad. He frowned for just a few seconds and then broke his expression into a smile again, clearing catching the hint that Jamie no longer wanted to talk about the drab and dreary.

"They'd love to meet you." He told her. "And I think you'd like Tatooine."

Probably not actually, but Kurt could dream.

His homeworld was no ones idea of perfection, at least no one but him.
"Maybe sometime in the next month or so then." There was still quite a bit for her to do in the next week or two on Naboo, not to mention the whole situation with her family when they returned.

What a disaster that was going to be. Every thirty minutes she was expecting a HoloCall from her mother in hysterics over what had happened.Thankfully that hadn't come just yet. Hopefully she would be able to contain herself until she returned home, but for some reason Jamie doubted that.

"You think so, huh?"

Jamie knew a bit of Tatooine now, what it was like. She had even done some reading in her spare time to get a better understanding of Kurt's home. But she wasn't sure yet if she would venture to say she would like it.

There was also still the concern of whether or not they would find issue with her...upbringing. It was rather difficult to hide the nature of her birth and environment she was raised in.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Yeah!" Kurt seemed more than a little enthused on the subject, and there was a reason for that.

He loved his homeworld. To many people Tatooine was nothing but a big ball of dust and dirt, a place where Smugglers went to hide and Pirates went to fence their goods, but to Kurt it was so much more. 'The Greatest Hive of Villainy and Scum' as some called it was his home, and every aspect of it was beautiful in some way. There was no landscape picture more beautiful than the great Dune Sea, no place as picturesque as Beggar's Canyon. Even the Jundland Chasm had it's own charms.

"I can show you where I grew up." He told her. "Run around Mos Eisley. Fly around the track they use for the Boonta Eve."

He gave her a broad grin. "Maybe we'll even see a Krayt Dragon!"

Kurt had only ever actually run into one Krayt Dragon in his entire life, hidden away within the Norther Dune Sea and half buried beneath the sand, but the sight was something he would never forget. Those creatures were something to be in awe of, and it was clear from Kurt's tone of voice that he wanted to show Jamie all Tatooine had to offer.

"It'll be great." He said with a smile.
Sitting up in the bed, Jamie stretched her arms and let out a soft, squeaky yawn. "Okay then, but..." There was a pause, allowing her to turn her head to set her blue eyes on Kurt for a moment. "No Kray Dragons, please. I've seen enough in the way of giant monsters to last me a lifetime or three." She was definitely not a fan of things overly bigger than she. They made her nervous. They were unpredictable. And they were constantly hungry.

No thank you!

"Everything else we can do, but no giant beasts."

She hopped off the edge of the bed and fanned her fingers over her dress, brushing away the wrinkles in the fabric before turning back to Kurt. "When do you have to go back?"

Jamie knew he didn't have a ton of time, but with things somewhat back on track she was hoping to make due with what time they did have left.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He smiled, glad to have her agree to at least some of the things that he was excited for. He didn't mind fulfilling her last request if it was the only one, he would just have to ensure that she brought plenty of sunscreen with her. Jamie was rather pale. "Alright, no Krayt Dragons."

Guess they wouldn't visit the Pit of Carkoon either, that would probably scare her more than the Krayt Dragon.

"Tomorrow." He told her as he slowly rose from the bed, leaning up so that she didn't have to crane her neck and look down at him. "I figured that maybe you might be busy and wouldn't have time to see me until then."

The trip back to Sullust was a quick one thankfully, and after he returned he and Kaile were scheduled to do some scans in the core.

Their schedule was flexible enough, all they had to do was meet specific deadlines. Three weeks on the job, one week off with a few days squeezed in that would let them do whatever they wanted. Headquarters expected reports on their scans and aside from that they could do what they wanted. It was a good gig, paid well enough and got them health insurance, exactly what they needed right now. The only detriment was really the lack of freedom. Kurt couldn't just do whatever he wanted now.

Though he was alright with that.
Her face scrunched a bit, wiggling her nose while she thought about what to do with their remaining time.

"Well. If you have to leave tomorrow, that doesn't leave much time."

She puffed a small gust of air through her lips to blow a strand of hair away from her vision. "I could make us dinner here, and we can relax in the pool if you'd like?"

Kurt hadn't yet seen the entire estate yet, not the large, ornate, heated pool, or the impressive dining room that sat over twenty-five. He hadn't been taken to the library either. He had only seen the few rooms Jamie took him through during their brief stay the last time they came to Naboo, and the gardens through the courtyard. There wasn't quite enough time to make a trip back into the city and do much of anything, unless he preferred a meal outside of the manor.

"Unless you had something else in mind?"

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt wiggled himself to the edge of the bed, coming up behind Jamie with his legs falling to either side of her. His arms wrapped around her, his chin coming to gently rest upon her shoulder. The Coutier let out a satisfied sigh, kissing Jamie's neck. "No."

He didn't need anything big. They didn't need to go to some fancy party or meet with a dozen people. He didn't need to see Naboo or swim around in a submersible next to some Gungan city. Kurt had come here to talk to Jamie, to be with her, to once again be able to just hold her whenever he wanted. He had that now. Anything she wanted to do would be more than fine with him.

"That sounds great." He gave her a gentle squeeze.

A home cooked meal and a little bit of swimming? Kurt could definitely get behind that.

He nuzzled his nose against her neck.
Jamie's hands settled atop Kurt's. Her head leaned back, turning slightly to kiss his cheek. "Great!"

Now what to make?

She hadn't been home in some time, so she wasn't entirely sure what she could make for the two of them, though whatever there was she figured she could make do with.

"Come on. Let's go see what is in the pantry. I'd rather not have to make a trip to the market when I am trying to fix dinner."

The blonde tugged Kurt by the wrist towards the door to head downstairs with her.

Leading Kurt down the massive familiar staircase she brought him to another large wooden door and another flight of stairs, circular this time, that led to one section of the basement. A massive food pantry, complete with neatly organized boxes and jars and canisters was arranged from wall to ceiling, something Kurt might find astonishing, though Jamie would hardly think twice of the matter. This was just every day normal life to her. Food was as readily available at a moment's notice as water.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Force." Kurt said as they stepped down and Jamie opened the pantry up, his eyes darting from place to place. The only time he'd seen this much food had been back at a logistic center on Anaxes, when the Republic still held the world. He and his squadmates had nicked half a dozen crates of liquor from the place, they hadn't really cared much about food. He marveled for a few moments and then watched Jamie step forward.

She of course knew her exact way, but Kurt couldn't help but be astounded.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he came up behind her once more, his arms wrapping around her stomach. His fingers pressed against her skin as he pulled her tight, his eyes still gazing all over the place. " this mountain of food...."

He trailed off as he kissed her neck half a dozen times. "Could you possibly make?"

The Courier smiled.

"I don't think you'll ever be able to choose just one thing." Another half dozen kisses followed the words.
Jamie giggled, trying to slip away from his persistent kissing and hands. She turned around, facing him while she padded backwards along the floor, pointing at him with squinted eyes and a faked scolding glare.

"I'm thinking maybe..." She paused her words, turning back to face the wall where several freezer and refrigerator doors were, pulling open the door to one of the units. "A honey glazed Shaak pot roast..." She stepped inside, peering around at the hanging slabs of meat, everything from Nerf to Bantha to the Shaak she was after. The blonde motioned for Kurt to lend her a hand. She could have used to Force to simply lift the portions herself, though she had no qualms simply asking for Kurt's help.

"With carrots, onions, potatoes, and a mixed green salad."

Outside of the cooler and closing the door once more she stood on the tips of her feet to look for several different spices along one of the top shelves, though finding it was a bit too tall found her way to a small step stool before collecting the ingredients necessary. "How does that sound to you?" She'd ask, while lifting a modestly sized basket from the floor to collect the vegetables needed.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt helped her as they moved along, still a bit stunned by the sheer amount of food that was in this place.

"That sounds delicious." He told her, food had always been a rather interesting issue for Kurt. Before he'd met Kaile he often ate the worst sort of junk. Bantha Jerky and Gamen noodles were basically his life. When his new Roommate had come aboard his meals had quickly changed, something that he had appreciated quite well. He rather liked home cooked meals, but in reality he'd eat almost anything put in front of him.

"Will you need help?" Kurt asked as she began to load the basket up. "I'm quite skilled with a Knife."

That wasn't at all true, but she didn't need to know that.

"The Galactic Chef's Society has been trying to get me for years." Also highly inaccurate.

Jamie finished gathering her supplies, half of them lugged by Kurt as they headed out of the massive pantry and back towards the kitchen.
"Great!" Bringing everything up the staircase to the kitchen would have taken Jamie several trips without Kurt's help. With it, he carried most of the items and made it in only one. "If you want to help, but I don't mind cooking for you." She didn't mind making food when it came to just herself and her family, but when her mother had forced her help with events and parties it became an exhaustive task, one she didn't not enjoy whatsoever. Cooking for just her and Kurt? That was a piece of cake.

The blonde looked at Kurt with skepticism. "They have, huh? I've never heard of them reaching out to someone specific. It's generally the other way around, I think." The GCS was a rather exclusive group, notable for their monthly magazines, their own HoloChannel exclusively for cooking and kitchen shows.They also ran several galactic stores to sell their own line of cookware. It was really the best of the best. She doubted Kurt was quite on that level, if for no other reason than him having never mentioned it before, unlike his ego behind pod-racing and piloting.

Setting the food atop the counter she made sure one last time that she had what she would need before turning towards Kurt, leaning herself against the edge of the countertop of the center island in the middle of the kitchen. "So, food first, or pool?"

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Yeah they're practically desperate for me." Kurt said as he placed the food down next to where she had put hers, his hands quickly slipping into her waist as he offered her a charming smile. He'd never even met anyone at the GCS of course, that was all just a bit of stretching of the truth, for fun. He smiled slightly and pulled her a bit closer to himself.

"Probably the pool." He told her. "I may have grown up on a desert planet."

He glanced towards the food. "But my mother did tell me you're not supposed to go swimming after you eat."

Of course that was ignoring the fact that Kurt still couldn't swim. Jamie was supposed to have taught him back on Spira, but that sort of fell by the wayside after that Manka cat had run into them. He frowned for a moment as he thought about that particular memory, wondering if one could still see the scars from where the cat had swiped his back. His head shook after a moment, dispelling the thought so he could instead focus on the now.

"Though I didn't bring any swimming trunks." He hadn't really expected to end up in Jamie's pool.
"I bet they are. A galactic famous chef and pod-racing champion. They must be persistent."

By now she knew he was full of poodoo, but if he wanted to play this game she would play along all the same. "I bet they even send you lots of products for free in hopes that you'll review them and spread the word."

Jamie draped her arms over Kurt's shoulders, brushing her nose against his before kissing him. "I think that's actually a myth that got passed around the galaxy somehow, but, the pool it is." Breaking away from Kurt she gestured with a nod of her head towards the refrigerator near the opposite wall. "Want to put the Shaak in there for now so that it doesn't spoil?" Kurt not having swimwear wasn't the biggest of issues. But the thought of teasing him amused her.

"You can always borrow one of mine." She said, giggling. Of course, in all actuality, he could likely just not wear one. It wasn't like anyone would see him.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He nodded emphatically.

"Of course they do, it actually gets super annoying. You wouldn't imagine the amount of boxes I have to break down every week." He let out a listless sigh, as if he really did have to conduct such a chore every single week. Eventually though he raised his head, giving her a small smile and doing as she had asked. He popped open the fridge door and popped in the meal they would have in a few, turning back to Jamie just as she made her joke.

Immediately Kurt perked an eyebrow.

"Don't objectify me." He told her. "You just want me dancing around for you in swimwear you know won't fit me so you can see everything."

He let out a psssht sound. "No thank you."
"Well." She said, heading towards the hallway. "That leaves you with two choices then."

Jamie held up a finger, "One, you can borrow one of my father's." The second finger popped up. "Or two, you can go in the pool without anything."

A roll of her shoulders indicated that was all he really had the option of doing.

"Your choice, but I need to change."

Turning towards the corridor that led back into the main foyer she raised her hand and half waived, heading towards her bedroom.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt took that as an indication that Jamie definitely wanted company.

He followed after her, though it was mostly because he still felt incredibly awkward within the halls of the estate. There was just something very eerie about the place, something that made him feel rather small. Maybe it was the sheer size of the place, or maybe it was the knowledge that somewhere around here lurked more secrets of the Pyne family. He frowned slightly as they passed by those odd portraits again. His footsteps increasing in speed as he caught up to Jamie.

She immediately stepped into the mess of her room, something that still made him smile. "If you promise not to ogle too much."

Kurt said as she headed towards her closet.

"I suppose I can choose option two." He doubted that any of Jamie's fathers clothes would fit him. The man had been bigger than him in dimension, not fat, but Kurt was just skinnier, more lanky than her father.
Jamie paused as she stepped inside the rather large, mostly organized, mostly, closet. "Would you close the door?" She was well aware there was nobody in the estate currently, but it was the simple feeling of vulnerability that really got to her. She had always closed her door when changing, no matter what, so breaking that habit now was next to impossible. "Please?" She then turned and began to thumb through her innumerable swimwear to find something cute.

To Kurt it would likely feel like an eternity waiting, while Jamie sorted through article after article before settling on a white and blue striped high neck halter top two piece.

With the swimsuit in hand she returned to the bedroom where Kurt was once again sitting on her bed, eyes watching her. "I'll try not to, I promise. I wouldn't want to disrupt your modesty."

What little of it he had.

Had it been anyone else in the room she would have demanded they leave while she undressed and changed. Even her own mother, but she had become comfortable enough with Kurt to change in front of him without much fuss.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He closed the door, knowing not to question why.

As the lock latched shut The Courier wandered over to the bed, sitting in the same place that he had before. As Jamie picked out her swimsuit from the ten thousand she had collected within her closet, Kurt couldn't help but let his eyes wander over the organized mess. There were a few pictures, some small statuettes, a lightsaber on the dresser. He frowned for a moment, recognizing that the weapon was longer than the one usually carried by Jamie.

He frowned and was about to ask when she stepped back out into the room. "Thank you."

Kurt said without a hint of irony.

"I'm a very private individual." A small smirk touched his lips as he watched her.
She murmured a small sarcastic mhmm, before raising an eye in disbelief.

"Very private."

Jamie proceeded to undress, shaking her head towards him. Her arms slipped from the small straps of the dress, pulling it down and stepping out of the clothing. The small mark left by Waide during the Ossus skirmish on her inner thigh would be easy enough to see, coupled with the knife scar left by Vrak on her opposite leg, just above the knee. Aside from those things she looked just about the same as she had ever. Her own injuries were rather small when considering the gashes left by the Manka Cat on Kurt's back, so she could hardly complain.

Her arms twisted behind her back, releasing the small twin hooks holding the fabric of her underclothing before dropping it down past her arms to the floor and replacing it with the halter top. "Luckily there will be nobody around to shame you for such an indecent act." She said, a small grin appearing on her face as she replaced her underwear with the bikini bottom and finally slipping her feet into a pair of flip-flops.

"There are towels outside in the cabana. So I think I'm ready to go."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

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