Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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IC Poetry: For all the poets in the galaxy

This game makes you really think like your character. You have to write a poem signifying their inner selves. You know, the things that they never say out loud. Have fun!

My finger trembles
above the trigger.
I need to pull it now.
The innocent in front of me stares,
his eyes wide with fear.
I look into them,
though I know I shouldn't.
I can see his pain,
his torment.
Why must I look?
Why must I see the pain that I cause,
silencing one voice only to be met with a multitude of others
crying out in mourning.
Why must I be the one
to bear the guilt?
Why must I be the one who cares?
Why must I be the one to pull the trigger?
As I stare back,
I find my answer.
Because no matter how much it pains me
he has caused ten times as much grief.
My purpose is to save the ones
he hasn't trapped.
That is why.
With a sigh
my finger flexes.
A single shot.
A thud.
No more pain.
Fire, ash, heat, sulfer
Feel my wrath!
I am tired of letting it go.
Of letting you slip past me
without punishment.
I am tired of doing
what is right.
You DESERVE to burn!
For everyday that I
burned because of you,
you deserve double
Your skin will turn to coal
at my touch
your bones to ashes.
You will feel what you did to me.
And mine shall be
the last face
you see.
And I will smile.
Is that all you hear?
Can you not hear
my cries?
My pain?
My passion?
My longing?
My strength?
My anger?
Is silence all that you see,
that you feel,
when you see me?
Just because
my voice is lost
does not mean
that I do not speak.
My words make
the ground quake.
My words make
the oceans rise.
My words make
the stars tremble
and fall!
My words are there.
Sitting in my actions,
my thoughts.
They scream at you.
They beg to be heard.
Will you listen?
From the Jedi fallen not long in the past
There lies a story that is to be told
It is still without an end, though beginning is forming at last
And the sad tale of Nero Darkstar begins to unfold
"The Council ignores my power," Nero would say and perhaps they did
This brought Padawan Darkstar further to the darkside
Towards the very same the Council forbids
With each step, Nero walks away from the light
And though his saber is blue
It is the Sith for whom he fights
Nero has lost his way, and misses the ways of the Jedi
But he is far gone he is blinded
By none other than the Darksides lie
A lie of power, a lie of greed
Nero is nothing like the redempted Jedi told in stories old
He is lost in a tree of lies that began as seed
Now let us sit and watch as the tale of Nero Darkstar begins to unfold


Little Miss Psychopath
Torment of time past,
O wretched outcast.
This is my lot.
The suffering of bondage,
The fear of every move,
Of the lash.
I am battered,
Damaged, pained,
And wrecked,
But still I struggle on.


Once was a man with everything to give;
A promising future, a passion to live.
Days turned into years, his dreams took flight;
A man who served through morning and night.
But the axis of evil was constantly at work,
In the darkness, in the shadows, in the depths it did lurk.
Red mist then surrounded him, his life started to fade,
The promising future cut away by a blade.
A casualty of corruption; a soon forgotten name,
This wounded man held the galaxy to blame.
His past life gone, a mask he adorned,
To become a figure who was vengeful, bitter and scorned.
He will answer to no-one, cutting away crime,
No boundaries to stop him, now or any time.
From Corucant to Illum, Tatooine to Rhen Var,
He watches from shadows, his voice haunts the stars.
Answering his victims with a message dark and true;
“You will curse the day you dare not do,
All that the Phantom asked of you…”
People. Places. Moving so fast...
Oh how I long for the days of the past.
All I see is stone and streets,
And crowds of speeders as large as fleets.
I long for the mountains and valleys of home;
I long for a chance to be alone.
I want the quite peace of the trees,
and to feel the scrape of grass on my knees.
I yearn to hear the birds sing songs,
and to hear the crickets all night long.
But here, there is nothing but buildings so tall,
and I can't find nature at all.
Nobody understand Estonian... So sad... *throws in the poem anyway*

Mängleva kergusega mõningaid otsuseid teeme,
et me ei riski.
Vahel elu tundub kui rollimäng,
kus raskused ja ohud
ning ei karda me miskit.
Neil hetkedel unustada võime,
kes oleme, mis teeme.
Kuid elu pole mäng,
mille kaotades lihtsalt
päriseluga edasi läheme.

Elus pole võitjaid,
kui enda saavutusi võitudeks ei pea.
Elus pole kaotajaid,
kui eluga edasi minema sa pead.
Kuid kui teisel toetud
ja ise ei usu
ja ise ei jätka...

Siis vaatamata kõigele
on elust saanud mäng,
milles kaotaja sa kipud olema.

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