Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Iago Rekali



NAME: Iago Rekali
FACTION: Mandalorians; Freelancer.
SPECIES: Human with some Near-Human ancestry, yet to be discovered what ancestry.
AGE: Mid 20s
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.87m
WEIGHT: 83kg
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not tested yet.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Rekali Heritage: Iago's clan is renown for being a very 'multi-cultural' Mandalorian clan. Being a family of Vahla, Dathomiri witches and spacefarers, it is the latest 'branch' that the young Mandalorian belongs to. He'd been always attracted to the stars and space which all Rekali call home, being a rather nomadic clan. Like many other Rekalis, he'd use his free time to learn more about astrogation and space navigation. Explorer by heart and roamer of the space lanes, Iago can definitely be described as a daring spacefarer. A talented pilot and a capable man on deck for his age.

(-) Young: The young spacefarer has a sharper mind than most of his peers in relativity to his age. Nonetheless, he's still very, very far from being wise or experienced. Hence, he is prone to foolish decisions and acts of impatience.

(-) Not the Destroyer of Worlds, Titan of Conquest: The Mandalorians may be renown for their brutish and warrior culture. Iago, although as a warrior himself, differs from the standard stereotype of Mandalorian warriors. He's by far better behind the center stick rather than behind the gun and certainly lacks capability in long-ranged firearms. The young explorer is not the best in melee combat, as well, feeling more comfortable in the mid-range spectrum. Moreover, stealth was his preferred method of approach and truly where he did better rather than straight up direct action. This is all in relativity to Mandalorian standards, which, as earlier stated and generally known, are a culture of warriors before anything else.

(-/+) Proud: Not the arrogant type of pride but he'd not hold back when his culture, family or his own dignity is insulted or attacked. As any other Mandalorian, Iago also shares the fierce passion regarding the values of family and creed.


Iago would most often be seen in his Mandalorian Armor which is forged with the designs of the Clone Wars/Mandalorian Protectors-era with the colors of light-blue and grey on it. Its design also reveals the more pilot suit-esque features that it possesses. In the occasions that he has not donned his armor, Iago would most likely be found in casual navy blue t-shirt, a vest on top and cargo pants of various colors, with boots on his feet. A very stereotypical outfit for those that spend their time mostly in space.


Clouds, trees, animals, buildings is what most children grow up seeing in the galaxy. Not a Rekali, though. Spacedust, stars, nebulae, decks is just a pinch of what a Mandalorian of clan Rekali grows up seeing. Tree houses ? Nope, it's all about them vents on board. Hijack your older brother's speeder ? Nope, it's all about hijacking a star fighter. This is how Iago spent his childhood, as many others of his clan. He grew up taught to cherish the simple and small things of life. The actual things that made one happy. That could very well be the reason why he started out as a cargo freighter pilot.

The young Mandalorian always had been attracted to navigation and would often spend time studying star maps and hyper lanes. He was rather less rebellious than most of his peers and preferred learning about ship mechanics and functions. And in between those spheres, he found how well he fit between being on deck and being in the cockpit.

As a teen, Iago grew up hearing about the exploits of the Alor's wayward granddaughter - [member="Alec Rekali"]. Although, not as quarter as rebellious as her, her feat of navigating through the Kathol sector and surviving is what poured a ton of oil in his flame of adventure. Later on, Iago would start his own life with a profession that tended to be...quite non-Mandalorian. A pilot of a cargo freighter in the Outer Rim. This seemingly not interesting job had its spikes of excitement when rather more difficult destinations were given for Iago to reach.

The galaxy around him, though, ever changing and ever shifting had its own plans for Iago and with the Mandalorians' growing influence, fate would drag the young Rekali into its enigmatic whirlpool.

To be subbed.




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