Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Will Have War! (Ession)


A yellow blade sprang to life in Tycho's hands. Its snap-hiss sounded in unison with his reply.

"Thy death."

Tendrils of green lightning sprayed forth from Shorn's splayed left hand, in answer to whatever retort the besotted fool might give.

There was no words of retort when someone threatens your life. Especially when it was from a random stranger who just activates a saber. [member="Tycho Shorn"] would find a faint blue aura to meet his lightning. A barrier, visible to those who were looking. Thankfully, having your hands up made it rather easy.

Krest didn't bother to speak, rather he was really really confused. There were plenty of Dark Jedi in the Ession, and Krest was working his way away from the dark side. And now a random person was attempting for his life. Todays been good so far.
Armand approached Graxin, a padawan now approaching his master. "As a loyal servant of the Ession Reformation, I wish to go where you go," he said. He wanted to say what was bred into him from a young age, that he served the Hapan Queen but with a Sith war quickly upon them, he remained quiet about his home planet loyalty. "I hope you can grant me a place on your ship, Cyril."

[member="Graxin Rade"]


Tycho Shorn was interested in rationale discussion or 'seeing reason.' Darksiders and Darksider associates needed to die. That was what Ession Reformation was about. Wiping every remnant of the Dark away, by whatever means necessary. [member="Krest"] just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, recognized by the wrong person. The Zabrak might not remember Tycho Shorn, who was supposed to be dead after all, but the cousin of Mikhail remembered him.

While lightning blasted from his fingertips, Tycho strode forward and attempted to cleave the Zabrak in twain, from crown to groin.
While Joshua was busy playing to the crowd, his dragon, John, was not. Jonathan Lightscales The Second (As Josh so affectionately nicknamed him to the dragon's amusement) would notice the quarrel between [member="Krest"] and [member="Tycho Shorn"]. But instead of snapping up Shorn for a snack like it was tempted to, the large beast would let out a massive roar in the direction of Shorn and Krest, a warning to back it up and end this quarrel before it got involved.
[member="Tycho Shorn"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

The barrier held, as it was intended to do. But Krest didn't need to be still to use it. He'd just jump back from the blade, a frown plastered on his face. And then the dragon. Well, hopefully that would stop.. What ever this was.


Shorn didn't stop. In fact, he didn't even appear to have heard the dragon.

He came at [member="Krest"] again, swinging the yellow blade.

"Have at thee."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The dragon's roar did get Josh's attention, and it would turn to the man, who he assumed was a lightsider by his aura, attacking Krest, a man he recognized and knew was a member of Ession. He would excuse himself for a moment, working his way through the crowd, igniting his blue lightsaber as it would make contact with [member="Tycho Shorn"]'s. The blades would lock, as Josh had planned on, and he would take the opportunity to attempt to smooth over the situation.

"End this" He stated firmly, his eyes meeting Shorn's. "You have the aura of a lightsider, I would like to assume you one of us. Why do you attack one of your own, my brother in arms?" He would ask.... But not in the same naive tone that Josh once used to take... No, this time it was firm, serious, a tone of one who had seen too much of the galaxy to be innocent anymore...



"Thy words carry something... I sense...."

Shorn narrowed turquoise eyes at a man he'd never met and never heard of.

"Thou doth dabble in the Dark. Ye only play at the light, making mockery of it with paltry words containing more venom than salve. Thy life is forfeit."

And he resumed attacking, only now his blows were aimed at both the [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] and [member="Krest"].

One couldn't reason with justice.
[member="Tycho Shorn"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Krest kept his distance as the dragon came back. Though he did let out a sigh as he saw the Master. Good, he was back in action, and here stopping a radical from giving a bad name to the Ession. He'd watch though, curious.

Until the man started to attack again. It was at this moment that he decided to go on the offensive. His own emerald lighting would fly from his finger tips, going to sap the boys strength.
"Right, and Circe is a virgin"

That little bit of sarcasm wasn't something that came out as often as it used to be, but Josh would quickly allow himself to get into proper position to defend himself from this radical. Before he could attack back though, Krest would suddely shoot out emerald lightning.. A tactic Josh recognized. Electric Judgement, if he recalled... The blonde would allow himself to stand back and allow them to fight for now while he used this attack. No use to gang up on this radical, only defend oneself when necessary.

(Sorry, got the powers mixed up! Edited!)


Tycho transitioned his swing into a block, since [member="Joshua Dragonsflame"] hadn't elected to counter attack, and held the yellow lightsaber before him, blade horizontal, watching with a light sneer, a heavy dosage of righteous indignation and a sprinkling of apathy as the plasma blade swallowed the incoming lightning.

Krest halted the judgement, frowning mostly to himself. But, he did pull out his sword, holding the metal blade off to his side. He'd cast a glance to [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] unsure on what to do exactly. [member="Tycho Shorn"] wasn't really a foe, just.. A bit off it seemed. So.. Why not talk?

"Who are you anyway? And why are you trying to kill us again? This time in common basic, not.. What ever it was you were saying before."


"The Will of the Force doth not pause for the whims of man."

Shorn withdrew the coiled lightwhip at his belt and flipped the activation switch. The whip burned with the same golden light as the blade. Tycho drew it back.

"Nor shall I."

He cast his arm forth and didst send the tip of the whip anon nigh the Zabrak's feet, with full intent to ensnare the legs and sunder them from body.

[member="Krest"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Tycho Shorn"]

It was not the blade that came around to meet the flexible weapon, but his own hand. Rather then deal with the cord that would only wrap itself around his sword, he would send a blast downwards through the Force, to blast the whip straight down harmlessly. His eyes never once left the man, but his voice went to the other present.

"I believe that this man is broken in the head."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Marcus Rann


And beside him was [member="Rexus Drath"] - one of his " nika ", Marcus, along with Rexus, had his bolt laughing out loud while strolling with him. In fact, they're of the same kind. Oh, and hey! Marcus often tells those cliched " plug in the cable jokes " around, rather than getting his job done - mainly the reason why almost of the people he have met disgust him. They bursted laughter among the streets until a speech was heard right from the capitol building. It was the Archlord's, scorching words of sampled courage. He always knew war would come at any place, any where, and at any time. It was shocking as farkles, while crowds chant shouts of war, he then takes a brief glimpse to Rexus.

"Any regrets?"

Marcus grinned over the fellow and derived a small gulp.

" Heh, nothing at all. "


The whip blasted straight backward, bisecting Tycho Shorn in twain without so much as a by-your-leave.

And he was dead again, just as dead if not deader than the last time, when he'd lain in pieces before [member="Soliael Devin Talith"].


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