Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"

Location: Transitory Mists, Approaching Roqoo Depot
Time: 1300 hours

It was just a routine patrol. Relina had done this once before with minimal action out there among the vibrant colours of the Transitory Mists, which were visible from all planets within Hapan Space making true night on any such world impossible while providing a strong first line of defense for the Hapan nation. The last time she was pressed into this sort of thing, it had been quiet. Pirate patrol duty was a selective service sort of deal for the Hapan Royal Navy. All pilots and ship crews were required to be subject to a periodic compulsory deployment for this all-important necessity for national security. Pulling strings with Naval Command, she managed to get [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] clearance to fly with her and the Angel Squadron, having a mind to see if he could handle Purgatory. While this put a damper in her plans for a date, made quite some time ago, service to her nation took priority. The inconvenience would be worth it, she reassured herself. Compared to recent conflicts, this would be a milk run.

Two Hapan Type N909 Supernova frigates acted as starfighter carriers and as functional AWACS units apart from their normal duty of 'search and detain/destroy'. The Angel's assigned carrier for this mission was the Firedrake. Relina's comm emitted a soft tone, indicating an incoming transmission from the frigate.

"This is Firedrake, acting AWACS for the Angel and Mobius team. You are clear to begin fighter sweep procedures. If anything suspicious is detected, report it immediately. And take care... this space is a known haunt for pirates." Said a female ensign relaying orders from the Supernova's captain.

"Angel One to all craft, spread out and begin your sweep. Weapons safe for all units until further notice." Relina ordered. Command already knew that she would be putting her Jedi companion through a few paces as a pilot, well aware of the Purgatory screening that was the hallmark of the 7th Division, 77th Tactical Fighter Wing and an almost ritualistic requirement for any pilot who wanted to dance with the Angels.

"Yes, My Lady. Angel Two, detaching from formation." Came the voice of Commander Holland "Lance" Roc, Angel Squadron's number two. He was called Lance due to his more aggressive combat style which, at times, made him seem like he was jousting in flight. Incidentally, the term "Lance" had a number of meanings in this part of the Galaxy. A Lance, in Hapan order of battle, consisted of two 6-marine squads, equivalent to a platoon. It was also a fairly common male's name and it also referred to a polearm weapon class. Commander Roc's callsign referred to the latter. He peeled off from his position on Relina's starboard wing and began his circuit around the looming space station ahead.

The others in the Angel Squadron followed suit in turn, each announcing themselves as they detatched from the formation.

"Angel Three, detaching." The voice of Lieutenant Commander Rafe "Screech" Misra, so named because he squealed with a eardrum-piercing screech on his first Purgatory mission with Relina taking him "for a ride" as she called it. Taking one for a ride was where the flight lead would make veteran fighter-jockey manoeuvres with the astromech droid overriding the ship's controls with orders to make the ship follow the flight lead's movements as exactly as possible. A sufficiently skilled flight lead could wreak havoc on a novice, making it part-training and part-hazing.

"Angel Four, Detaching." The Voice of Lieutenant Taritha "Archer" Schiff. She was known as Archer because of her penchant for hanging to the rear of the formation, aft of Relina, and in combat, using long range concussion missiles with impressive proficiency. Having made more than her share of hail-Hera shots in her time, the name stuck. There were higher expectations of her, anyway, considering her cyborg status.

"Angel Five, Detaching." Major Cynthya "Aurora" Nori chimed in. Her callsign was earned simply because she grew up in a far north region of Gallinore where auroras were a common winter phenomenon. She was one of the first test pilots for Project Switchblade, a Paragon Enterprises R&D project that begat the Type M808 Terminus starfighters the Squadron was flying. Her combat flying skills were nothing to sneeze at, either.

"Angel Six, Detatching" Second Lieutenant Anna "Blackout" DuCroix said. Her callsign came from the fact she blacked out during Purgatory, which almost resulted in Major Zhan failing her. She proved herself notoriously persistent, however, which saved her spot in the formation. Growing from the experience, Second Lieutenant DuCroix remains Angel material and has become a pilot worth her wings, particularly in her penchant for not easily letting go of a target once she selects one.

"Angel Seven, Detaching" Commander Kael "Volcano" Lythos, the newest official member of the team, replied. While his callsign sounded as if he were some hot-shot fighter jockey, it actually came about because he vomited after his first Puragotry mission. Has had yet to live down the origins of the name, but through his skill as a combat pilot, he had been constantly attempting to change its meaning to something much more fearsome. Ambitious to a fault, Volcano was about as aggressive as Lance in combat.

Relina then addressed Josh directly. "Angel Eight, stick close to me...." she said, trailing off. She was indeed plotting something, possibly evident in her subtle change in tone. She then switched to Hapan, giving an order to her droid in her native language. "R9, transmit override sequence to Angel Eight's astromech.... let's take him for a ride."

There were snickers over the comm.

"Complied, My Lady" a feminine, almost Human voice replied. The on board droid translation unit translated R9-Z5's binanry chirps into verbal Hapan.
Josh hadn't heard a thing. He hadn't even been piloting. Attached to the starfighter he'd been delegated to was his R4 unit, otherwise known as R4-J6. He didn't know why he'd been told to take one, the Final Dragon could work just fine, and it was bigger, and he could nap in a comfortable room until they got there. He'd just started using the ship and you had no idea how great it was to sleep in a bed while in space for once.

R4 was flying the ship - and what was Josh doing?

Well, Relina's order was heard by the droid and it would fly the ship to follow, but her comm would be answered by...


The Jedi Master had fallen asleep. Probably exhausted from the prior battle still. But eventually he would wake up, on the tail end of her speech.

"H-huh? Whuzz-I'm here. R4, stick close to the Ducha's ship" He spoke, scrambling to seem professional despite the droid ALREADY DOING just what he had said.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

"Joshua, dear. We spoke of this." she reminded him. Yes, she had mentioned an intention to take him flying with her. "This flight could just be another quiet patrol, but anything can happen out here." Normally, she'd have started by now with any other person, especially an Angel Squadron hopeful. Josh, she knew, was really only along for the ride, although she was to make good on her talks to giving him a taste of Purgatory.

Relina flew gently for the moment, taking a wide sweep around Roqoo Depot. The star after which the station was named shone bright blue in the distance. It was a large, brilliant blue-giant with a powerful solar wind that generated auroras on the surrounding gases of the Transitory Mists nebula. This entire area was truly a no-man's land full of ion storms and pirate gangs hiding out in hidden bases. Of course, once in a while, a foreign interloper comes along to do business with these pirates or, with enough courage, makes an attempt at grand larsony, usually targeting the space station located in the Roqoo system, which puts them at odds with the Royal Navy.

"Now.... I'm going to show you combat manoeuvring. Doing it in an airspeeder, like we did back in Dimitor, doesn't quite do it justice." she warned."Get ready. I'm going to twist you. I'm going to turn you. I'll bank you so hard, your nose might bleed... .and if you squeal, I'm only going to go faster and harder." Her tone started to sound like that of a Major again. "... hang on."

She then gradually pushed the throttle for a moment before , almost literally, throwing it forward to activate the SLAM afterburner system. The ship accelerated rapidly, the forward-swept wings folding inward as her astromech copilot was counting up each sound-barrier threshold every 6 seconds or so.

"Mach one... Mach two... Mach three... Mach four.... Mach five...."

If Josh's R4 unit was taking orders from R9, then his fighter would be mirroring her's. Relina, unfazed by the break-neck hypersonic speeds she was flying at, sharply banked to the right before aileron-rolling to the left for three complete rotations. She listened for the heavenly music of a gut-wrenching screech. The ship model's inertial dampers kept pilots from being liquefiied by insane moves, but one could still feel the effects of inertia. Josh was bigger than her, so she had to be careful not to black him out. Incidentally, people who were smaller and daintier, like Relina was, could withstand more abuse from the first law of motion.

She felt comfortable enough doing this on a patrol largely because sound didn't propagate in space and scanning sensors would have a difficult time detecting Terminus fighters from a distance, let alone in the Transitory Mists. The Terminus had a profile to its design that tended to reflect sensor scanning signals, such as radar, away from their sources; an early, inexpensive, ancient, but still effective method of stealth. It wasn't perfect due to modern detection methods and their variety, but it was helpful.
Quinn and Nico had been commissioned by the Jedi council to find the academy on Shedu Maad. At first Quinn was worried but then when she had been told that there was nothing to worry about from Nico herself she started to calm down a little bit but she was still worried a bit when there was a crackle of her earpiece in her ear she wondered who it was as she flew the time bandit.

[member="Relina Zhan"]
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]
Without warning, a brick red YV-929 Sigma armed freighter came screaming out of hyperspace, nearly suicidally close to one of the Hapan carrier frigates, just 20 kilometers. The red freighter began pummeling the shielding of one of the Hapan frigate's docking bays with its prow concussive missles and dual turbolasers. The freighter's minimum profile made it a difficult target to hit unless it was broadsiding, and its high shield rating made it even tougher.

[mood]/default.>pilot protocol initiated>command protocol initated.

"Concentrate heavy fire on that docking bay! Keep those Ion cannons ready to disable those starfighters!" PRIMUS' eyes glowed white as his combat programming took over. "Cookie! Deploy one of those Ion mines at 15 kilometers to contact!"

"Yes, Captain! heh heh heh This will be a nice surprise I think!" The stout, blue, bearded Toydarian hefted the small satellite to one of the air locks of the ship and closed the inner door, standing by the control for the outer door, he waited for the command.
The freighter came barreling in at high speed toward the frigate. "3..2..1 Deploy! that should keep some of those fighters away."

PRIMUS focused his attention on the docking bay. "Keep firing, I want that shield down. Boarding party! Get ready!"


PRIMUS waited on [member="Dar Moraal"] 's ship to jump out of Hyperspace behind his, that aught to catch the enemy off guard.

[member="Relina Zhan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Jartani Ponds"]
[member="Olan Teff"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Matthew (Rogue) Drevur"]
Dar ginned with anticipation. He could feel the blood lust on the command deck. His men wanted a slaughter. He was happy to oblige. The "scourge" left hyperspace. "Men fire all weapons target their hangar bay!" The ardent-class frigate turned about and fired its guns hoping to disable their fighters. Laughing like a maniac Dar could tell he was going to enjoy himself

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"

The enemy ship very suddenly appeared... too suddenly. How did he manage to navigate the Transitory Mists like that? No one knew nor cared at the present time. The Firedrake's captain didn't bother to order the ultimatum, then warning shot protocol. They were already taking fire. "Forget the pleasantries. Missile tubes 1-16, full salvo, FIRE!" she ordered gruffly. The other Supernova frigate, the Kestral echoed the same order. Both Frigates angeled their ion cannons, turbolasers, and their proton torpedo tubes at the incoming ship, returning fire with a brutal barrage. Most of the cannon fire were of Hapan Ion Cannons, among the best and most potent in the galaxy. If anything, it should keep the interlopers from flying flat. "All fighters, Target that ship and fire at will! Repeat Fire at will!"

Major Relina Zhan, receiving the order, ceased her Purgatory introduction and armed her weapons. "Acknowledged. Angel Squadron will prosecute! Set s-foils to attack position." she ordered. The frigates deployed their retractable battle-blades and bridge armour, the coverage area of their point-defense lasers widening. The s-foils of the Terminus Starfighters would go from a needle-thin delta configuration to the standard forward-swept position, widening the convergence angle of the wing-tip mounted ion cannons.

"Yes My Lady!" came a unified acknowledgement from the rest of the Angels. The other fighters were beginning to launch in defense of the frigates. It would be a little bit before additional reinforcements could arrive should the need to call them present itself.

Relina would then bank sharply around, relying on her own low-profile ship to get in close without immediate detection. It wasn't long before she got a sensor-lock on the trespassers. "I have tone... Angels, we are red and free." She said. "Angel One, Fox Three!"

"Angel Three, Fox Three!"

"Angel Seven, Fox three!"

From the seven official members of Angel Squadron, a salvo of concussion missiles were launched. Each Terminus only briefly exposed the revolver-like cylinder hidden inside the fuselage to keep the profile of the ship low. The cylinder, packed with ordinance, dropped down low enough to launch a missile before rotating a fresh one into place as it disappeared back into its internal housing.

"All wings, split off, all weapons authorised. This may be an attempt at an ambush. Don't fight by yourselves, take any enemy ships two-to one if you can. Lance, on me." Relina ordered as she manoeurvred sharply to keep the enemy freighter in front of her.

"Yes, My Lady" Angel Two replied, coming around to support his superior.

"Joshua, fall back. R9, release hold on the ship."

"Complied, My Lady." her droid's translator replied and released her hold on Josh's ship.

The Firedrake began relaying his situation report to the military logistics station at Roqoo Depot in real time as the skirmish unfolded. If reinforcements were deemed necessary, they would be summoned. Either way, the Queen Mother would be made privy to this event.

The Frigates took some damage, but the shields, which were redundantly layered, still held for the moment.

[member="Dar Moraal"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Dar laughed as they returned fire. Nothing like a bloody fight. "Evasive maneuvers return fire keep any fighters off of [member="P.R.I.M.U.S."]!" Sitting back on his command chair he watched the carnage ensue. Even if he didn't get paid this was not a view to miss. Hopefully they'd board quickly.
[member="Relina Zhan"]

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Dar Moraal"]

"Angel Seven to Firedrake, we have two new contacts. Unknown classification." Said Volcano as he and Archer would turning into Dar's ship. He had a lock and was prepared to fire.

"If they aren't our's, swat them down!" The comms officer on the Firedrake replied. All three ships present did not show up as friendly on any Hapan IFF. All were assumed hostile at the moment... unless Quinn could prove she wasn't with them.

"Angel Four, Fox Three." Archer announced, as she fired a long range missile at Dar's ship.

((Work in the monring. gonna crash for the night. will reply tomorrow evening.))
Quinn swoops in and goes to attack the ship she assumed was sith while dodging fire from the other " Report we are not hostile we are jedi don't shoot I repeat don't shoot" She yelled into every frequency.

[member="Relina Zhan"]
The shields the PRIMUS so often boasted about were pounded by some of the first barrage of turbolasers and the starboard shields were failing from one of the missiles. Red emergency lights flashed in the ship. Fortunately, because of how close to the frigate PRIMUS' ship came out of hyperspace and the minimum profile of his ship much of it missed including all but one of the Ion blasts which was causing PRIMUS ship to fly in crooked now. Large ships like frigates were designed to engage other large ships and usually at a respectable distance. PRIMUS was not respectable. He was a pirate.

"Rerouting auxiliary power to starboard shields. Continue to concentrate heavy fire on that docking port. Ion cannon gunners take out those two security cannons next to their docking port! Then, hit any fighters who get past that mine!" PRIMUS finally began to slow the ship for approach. By this time, they were close enough to the large ship that only a few surface weapons could hit them and the other frigate would be in danger of damaging this one if they were to try to fire on PRIMUS' Brick. The starfighters were the main threat now. "Great work [member="Dar Moraal"]! Keep them off me just a bit longer! Feel free to do some fancy flying but don't get too close to the Ion mine I dropped 15 kilometers from the ship, it has a 10 kilometer detection radius and will disable any ship that flies through it with its Ion cannon."

[member="Relina Zhan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

[member="Jartani Ponds"]
[member="Olan Teff"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Matthew (Rogue) Drevur"]
Dar noticed the nearby fighters. More targets. Walking down to the hangar bay he signaled his fighter pilots to launch. His six fighter should keep them off his back. Tapping his wrist he opening the frequency to [member="P.R.I.M.U.S."]'s ship "are you ready? Because we are taking some fire out here."
[member="Quinncolson"] [member="Relina Zhan"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Jartani Ponds"] [member="P.R.I.M.U.S."] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Matthew (Rogue) Drevur"]

A wild look was plastered over the face of Olan as he felt the ship come out of hyper space and the fight began. Shifting back and forth on his feet at the boarding ramp, waiting impatiently to raid the ship and do what he so loved-mayhem. Even for all the good in him, he always loved the thrill of destruction. And it would never go away. Feeling that oily fire of anger building up within him, mixed with his savage glee.

Today unlike his usual plan of 'quick and decisive' attacks, he went full ham. His armor and suit was holding bandoleers full of different explosives of all types. Though his standard Vibroblades and his pistol were with him, he was looking forward to the chaos today.

Sometimes you just needed to get it out of your system. And if you are getting paid to do it, all the better.

"Ready to board when you are, captain."

He said with barly contained excitement on his Comms. Then he looked back at Matt. A grin on his face. "Sounds good! I'll get the food!"

At this he tighten the blood red sash at his hip and does his best to quiet himself a bit. He needed to focus at least a little. No need to totally losing control. What if he had to fight with his blades? Can't have your mind wandering in that kind of engagment.


Captain of the Emeralde Luna, and owner/friend of
"I bet you will [member="Olan Teff"]! So, we never really got the details on this mission, what are we even lookin for anyways?" I say trying to hit the enemy fighters. "[member="Dar Moraal"], do you have any idea?"
"What are we looking for? Blood" Dar ended the transmission and focused on the ensuing battle. "Focus all guns on the main ships! We'll let our fighters deal with theirs!" His captain nodded and wuickly transferred the orders. These men he could be proud of. They never questioned an order nor did they ever hesitate. While on his command chair he meditated and looked at the battlefield through the force. It was something he was just beginning to learn yet he found he was quite adept at it. After awhile he began to look for any weak points in the enemies defense.
[member="Matthew (Rogue) Drevur"]
[member="Relina Zhan"]

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"

Relina heard an unknown voice pleading in Basic over the comm line. apparently, one of the interlopers was using the same frequency. The accent was, to her, foreign, resembling Josh's (in that it wasn't a Hapan accent)... and claiming to be a Jedi? Were they friends of Josh's? Of course, now wasn't the time for pleasantries. "You are also trespassing in Her Majesty's Realm, Lady Jedi. Turn back or support us. it is your call, but if you stay, you will be boarded, searched, and dealt with according to the law." The Comms Officers on the Firedrake replied.


Relina did not add to the officer's laying down of the law to the newcoming Jedi. She stuck to PRIMUS like white on rice. She stuttered her dual link-fire laser cannons at his engines, alternating with ion cannon fire to mess with his shields."Right where I want you, ash'taka." she said, using the Hapan for a common insult to an annoyance. "R9, find their comm frequency and monitor their chatter. If they decide to jam our transmissions, then play a little tactical music." she said with a grin. She knew space combat tactics well enough to expect such things and have clever countermeasures. As soon as she got a good tone, she said. "Angel One, Sweet lock! Echo, Fox two!" Another Concussion missile, this time a shorter range, but higher yield one, was launched.

The Firedrake now concentrated his fire on PRIMUS"s ship, converging his point-defense lasers on the enemy's sheilded starboard side as he attempted a broadside. The ship's captain recognised the brazen and rather stupid course he was taking and ordered the docking ports on the ship to be barricaded; Cyborg Warriors up front, Marines in the back with redundant formations at each corridor. Personal sheilding units were activated and weapons were cycled into stun-mode until further notice. The Royal Navy would take prisoners and impound their ship tonight... if the pirates got that far. The new broadsiding shots hit the shielding with a single layer out of two in that particular area falling, snapping back onto aft half of the ship until it could recharge enough to snap back into place. Electromagnetic disturbances in a localised area from a ship of inferior scale and class ensured it wasn't all the way around the ship and would really pop back after a moment's cessation of fire. If the pirates sought to bore a hole in the shielding, they didn't have long to do it and live. The PDL gunners were having a field-day, no doubt taking bets on whether the pirates so brave as this would actually be able dock.

[member="Dar Moraal"]

Meanwhile, Angels 4, 7 and 6 began fighting... fighters?

"Blackout to Edge, we're engaging fighters now. Looks like one of our playmates wants to stay out of combat... I smell a boarding attempt. Frak it, I'm pursuing the freighter. Archer, Volcano, cover me."

"Rodger, Blackout. I have tone." Angel Seven replied. He had a lock on a fighter that had JUST launched and decided to take him out first before turning to engage the next. "Angel Seven, Fox two!" he announced as he launched a Concussion Missile followed by a short Ion cannon burst.

"Angel Six, Fox three!" Blackout said as she fired a missile, also pulsing her Ion cannons on Dar's Ship. Notoriously persistent, her sights were set. That ship would be shot down by her hands or she would be taken out trying. She'd match speed with the ship, latched on like a nexu with prey.

"Angel Four, Fox Three." Archer said as she fired a volley of ion cannon fire at one of the fighters. The concussion missile was fired off exactly four seconds after the ion cannon burst from a fair distance. She'd pursue to confirm the kill.

"Rodger... Aurora, Screech, flank my target and take him out." Relina ordered. "Lance... Close the pincer and skewer his little carrier friend, then swat down the flies... it is getting dreadfully crowded in my sky."

"Yes, My lady!" came the reply from Angels 5, 3 and 2. Screech and Aurora both turned to engage PRIMUS on his port side, both at differing angles to account for his combat manoeuvres. They were getting too close to their carrier for comfort and they weren't interested in stray missiles hitting it, even shielded.

"Angel Three, Fox two!"

"Angel Five, Fox two!"

Lance, meanwhile, turned sharply, engaged his afterburners, and headed for Dar head-on, waiting for tone and his opportunity to slam a concussion missile straight into the ship's cockpit. This was the aerial jousting he was known for that earned him his callsign.

The Kestral turned and fired it's own barrage of Turbolasers, Ion cannons, and Proton Torpedos at Dar's ship while sending for two Type-D505 Wyverns and two Novas for assistance, in case more ships wanted to follow the interlopers in. The Hapes Consortium has never been known for hosting intergalactic keggers, after all. With the firepower split up at this point, there was concern that this would open their patrol force up too much should friends of these pirates arrive... or perhaps local pirates.

[member="Matthew (Rogue) Drevur"]
[member="Olan Teff"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Soon, enemy fighters would be turning to engage the three Angels covering Dar. The Terminus model was more difficult to get a sensor lock onto unless one was right on top of one due to the particularly low profile of of the ship's sleek shape, with its bevels and occasional sharp angles in certain places. Of course, there was one way to detect one apart from visually... it wasn't the coldest ship in the galaxy. The Kestral began to launch his own fighters out, one squadron of dated Miy'tils with the other being newer and better Terminus fighters. What did pirates expect facing off against a faction with a professional and sizable military?

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