Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Will Draw Whatever You Say On My Character!


I am working on a lone Sith privateer character to accent my Rogue Jedi and my true-neutral Alpha; I want something on each end of the spectrum. I also just received my new drawing tablet in the mail a few days ago and I really want to break it open, so to speak, on a new project, and sharpen my skill drawing on an invisible surface. For that, I've decided to do something I've always wanted to and have seen as an interesting way to gain insight on how different members of the community think and create...
...You guys are going to determine what my new character will look like!

How does this work? Well, it's pretty simple. Below I will list several "slots" which will be open to interpretation and creative freedom, and you get to pick whichever one(s) you want and tell me what should be in that place! Links to pictures or items on the internet are also welcomed! Just know now that if it's something from another franchise (for example, Reckoner Knight armor from Kingdoms of Amalur), it will probably be tweaked and modified to a point that it is no longer familiar to its original predecessor. This will be a copyrighted work. In the end, I'll pick a assortment of things that fit best and will let you guys decide on the final product.

(I have decided to keep the species undetermined/undisclosed so that there's no bias in design :p)

Spread the word. I want everyone in on this so that there is as much freedom and input as possible. :)

  1. Headpiece or Hood
  2. Head
  3. Chest
  4. Shoulders
  5. Hands
  6. Waist
  7. Legs
  8. Feet
  9. Back
  10. Tail
  11. Weapon

Jordan Achilles

I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Weapon - Hmm let's see........Giant hammer to wack people with, PERFECT!!!
When I saw this I fell in Love

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