Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Want A Nemesis

The most creative title i think i have ever i'm good. *Hairflip*

But in all seriousness. I have been thinking long and hard about what conflicts i want Winter to run into during these next few story arcs and i decided...i need a reoccurring opposite force to clash with her. A rival...arch enemy. All that cliche stuff and what not. Basically what Dooku was to Obi-wan and Ventress was to Ani...and vice versa.

So, this can be done a number of different ways but first off i want to just...put it out there that i am looking for a 'direct' opposite to Winter. Symbolism, idealism, and ect. So, Winter specializes in Cyrokenisis Witchcrat and as a result i would like her nemesis to be the embodiment of fire while Winter herself embodies Ice. An interesting clash of ideals and such i thought would be fun.

If someone has a character already made that can probably fit into this, let me know. But i am also not apposed to someone willing to make this character. We can collab and even merge histories, create backstory, and ect to make this rivalry super juicy. Even throw in some 'Aw snap' moments as well lol.

Anyone down?
I could easily make a character to fit your needs. I live for making characters mang, please pick me mang.​
I'm down for anything man, weird, wacky, horrible awfuness, you name it.​
[member="Queen Sovereign"]
I volunteer as tribute!

Werah's very idealistic ect. , and is currently learning the art of pyrokenisis. (Fire-stuff)
I've been looking for a nemesis as well, and I think we could do well together.
[member="Queen Sovereign"]
[member="Queen Sovereign"]
If you are interested in nemesis'ing

I am spinning a new plot about a little tug of war between seers that goes on in the shadows, so for example you have people thwarting each other with subtle movements. Maybe dropping a book by an engineer so he takes a passing interest in robotics, creates the next generation of medical droids to cure a condition, and stop a plague. Or maybe on the reverse, Sera would stop a taxi driver drinking at a bar, so he didn't crash, so a weapons technician is spared and creates new weapons on mass to benefit her masters.

So little acts, moving a chair out of the way of a door, so someone doesn't trip and break their leg etc. Might be fun, and can be in background as an when.

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