Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I Dreamt Of You.



Cold stone passages glowed faintly from dying torches. The keep of Hardhaven’s castle was full of winding walkways and secret doors that would lead the unfamiliar or the unknowing to parts of the castle they had never intended to see. Choose the wrong door going to the library and you were likely to find yourself helping to knead dough in the kitchens. The same mistake near the apartments and you could end up in long dark passages that lead you full outside of the castle walls.

It was nearer to morning now than to night and the halls of Hardhaven stood empty as shadows danced in the glow of firelight. Empty but not silent. A song could be heard coming from the open door of the personal apartment of the eldest son of Clan Kanaka.

“Her heart was full of violence

Her soul could not be tamed

The young wolf with eyes full of flame…”

Declan’s voice carried over the threshold into the hall. the sound of it thick and sweet as honey from the comb. If one were to cross this threshold to investigate the source of the sound they would find themselves standing in a solar fit for the son of the Alpha, now brother to the new Alpha.

Declan’s apartments were in a round tower room and built of the same cold pale white stone as the rest of the castle. A weathered battle standard hung from the dark oaken rafters, the standard of Clan Kanaka. Declan had once bore that very standard into battle for his father when he was no more than twelve having had his first change only a fortnight earlier. The walls were similarly decorated. Declan’s old shield or the pieces that were left hung on the eastern wall. A striking tapestry depicting Durin I capering for Móðrysl hung near the door that led to his bedchamber.

There was a desk in his solar as well though you could not find it, so covered was it in empty bottles of smuggled off world liquor and books taken from his family’s library. Resting atop a stack of books was a small purple crystal. He had quite forgotten he’d had the thing and took it out to inspect it but that was…hours…days ago perhaps.

On the floor of the chamber was Declan, son of Durin, half naked, and more than half drunk singing a song of his own making, oblivious to or not caring that the rest of the keep may not care to hear his revelries. His chest were bare, revealing a body covered in story, from the eye-catching and almost gruesome scarring on his chest and abdomen, to the intricate and lovingly etched runic tattoos on his arms that told the story of his Clan on one arm and stories of his people on the other.

He made quite a sight, Declan Durinson, were any around to see.

Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Link!
Appearance: Link
Tag: Declan Durinson Declan Durinson

Yep, she was lost.

After Aelin Erevos Aelin Erevos had helped her pick out a new, more appropriate outfit for Islimore's cold North, Valery had decided that it was a good idea to explore Hardhaven a little more. From a small tavern to its various shops, she loved the atmosphere of it all. But of course, the large keep had also drawn her attention, and after going inside to take a look around, she passed through various hallways until she could no longer find her way back.

Somehow, she also didn't run into anybody, so she couldn't ask for help, and it was still way too early to start calling for some assistance out loud. People were undoubtedly still asleep, so her only option was to just keep walking and trying new doors and new hallways until she made her way out.

After about half an hour of walking around, and likely in circles, a voice drew her attention. With how it echoed through the hallways, it wasn't easy to gauge distance and where it came from exactly, but she began heading towards it, hoping to find someone who could show her the way. Because her right arm was still sore from having been broken, Valery used her left shoulder to push open the door and...

There was a man sitting on the floor without a shirt.

Valery blinked and became completely oblivious to everything else in the room, as she felt nervousness and embarrassment hit her pretty quickly. She was already one step into the room and decided to make a quick step back while she began to turn around to give him back his privacy. "Oh uh, I'm so sorry," she said, her tone apologetic as her eyes shifted away from him.

"I must have gotten lost..." she muttered in addition.




"Oh uh, I'm so sorry," A voice that was not his own said from somewhere near the doorway.

"I must have gotten lost..." The speaker continued. Declan did not recognize the voice but that was nothing strange, he had been away from Hardhaven for a long time and there were far fewer servants that he knew than ones that he didn’t. what was strange was that he did not recognize the scent. The speaker was a woman, clearly, from both voice and smell he could suss that out but what was also clear was that she was no Wolf.

“I would think so,” Declan said still lying flat. “I require no apologies, however. You have wandered into my room that is true but I forgive that, the door was open after all.”

Declan spoke cheerily, his voice thick from drink but not slurred. There should rightly be some dismay at a stranger walking the halls of Hardhaven, especially one who was not of their kind but Declan could muster naught but curiosity.

“If you must go, I would not keep you,” he said.

Declan rolled this way and that on the floor reaching behind and under himself searching for something until with an “aha!” he produced a bottle of wine so dark red it looked black.

“But if you stay, you will no longer be lost and I would be happy to share my drink and learn your name. You must be exceedingly important to be allowed to roam freely through my brother’s castle. The sun shall be rising up over the mountain’s peak sooner or late and the view from this window,” He gestured the best he could while still laying on the floor. “Is exceedingly lovely after a glass or two. Would you care to see it?”

Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Link!
Appearance: Link
Tag: Declan Durinson Declan Durinson

While Valery considered just walking off and quickly trying to leave this embarrassing moment behind her, the friendly voice that greeted her caused her to stop and reconsider. She had already been looking for a way out for... longer than she cared to admit, and the man she had stumbled upon seemed friendlier than she would have expected after entering his room without knocking. So after a second or two of quiet contemplation, Valery turned around and watched as he retrieved something from underneath his bed.

"I'm Valery," she said to introduce herself, her eyes fixed on the dark red wine for a moment. "I could use some help finding my way out but... I don't mind staying a little longer if sunrise here is that beautiful," she said with a kind smile before stepping further into the room to take a look around. It was only now that the style of furniture and decorating became noticeable, and while very different from what she was used to, it created quite a cozy feeling out here in the cold North.

"I uh, should probably explain myself a little though. As you've likely been able to figure out already, I'm an outsider from a different planet." There was a lot more to it than that, of course, but she had the feeling he was more interested in sharing a drink and staring out at the sun, rather than going into details about the Galaxy and her place in it.

"So I wouldn't really call myself important, not here anyway. But I have been trying to learn more about Hardhaven and the people living here." Another reason why she had accepted his offer — it was a chance to talk, relax and learn a little more.




"I'm Valery," she said to introduce herself, her eyes fixed on the dark red wine for a moment. "I could use some help finding my way out but... I don't mind staying a little longer if sunrise here is that beautiful," she said with a kind smile

“Well met Lady Valery.” Declan said from his place on the cool stone. “I have the pleasure of being slightly drunk and the distinction of being Declan, son of Durin, though sadly for me one does not wash away the other despite my attempts.” he said pleasantly.

“The servants will be here shortly after sunrise. They always are. Surely, one of them could escort you to where ever it is you were seeking.” He told her.

“I’m told the sight is quite breath taking, though I confess I have yet to see it. The last time I lived in the castle this was not my apartment and since arriving back, I simply have not had the time to look out the window, what with my brother being buried and all.”

Declan made half of a half-hearted attempt to joke.

"I uh, should probably explain myself a little though. As you've likely been able to figure out already, I'm an outsider from a different planet. So I wouldn't really call myself important, not here anyway. But I have been trying to learn more about Hardhaven and the people living here"

“Yes, That was obvious. I hope you dont mind me saying but you don’t smell like one of us. You don’t smell human either. It’s the lack of fear that gives that away. They’re always so frightened of one thing or another.”

Declan knew she had not left though he managed to remain laying flat on his back. It was rude he knew and unbecoming of his station but he mother was not here to chastise him nor his Alpha and the intruder didn’t seem to mind.

“There are glasses for the wine some where if you are interested. I know I am so if you find them please be a dear and grab one for me as well. You may not call yourself important but that does not change the fact that you are the first outsider in a thousand years to walk in this castle unattended.”

He made that number up. He couldn’t have said the last time a non-Wolf strode about Hardhaven, for all he knew this was the first it had ever happened. He would need ask Vali.

“So you’re staying then I hope?”

Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Link!
Appearance: Link
Tag: Declan Durinson Declan Durinson

Lady Valery?

She had heard a lot, but that wasn't a greeting anybody had used before. Perhaps it was more common here in Hardhaven, as most Lupos she had met seemed quite polite and very kind. Either way, she offered a smile and dipped her head in gratitude when he mentioned the servants who could show her the way through the hold. "I appreciate it. I'll try to go with one after sunrise," Valery said, and finally, she looked for a place to sit down herself.

After making herself comfortable, her fiery eyes shifted back to Declan, who explained why he knew that she wasn't human. If she hadn't met other Lupos before, the comment about her smell might have seemed weird, but she understood. "I don't mind, it's... something I've gotten used to hearing around here," Valery said with a soft chuckle.

Declan then asked about the wine glasses, and Valery got back up to grab a pair, "First outsider in a thousand years, hm? Well, I suppose that's another reason to share a drink." Not that she was the type to ever really drink much, but wine on occasion was the exception for her. So with two glasses, she returned and held them out so he could start filling them up with the red liquid.

"So you're staying then I hope?" he asked her.

Valery blinked in response to what he said and turned her eyes to him, "You hope?" she smirked. "But it depends on what you mean by staying. I'll stay here to watch the sunrise, and I'll also be in Hardhaven for a little while. But I do have to return to my own people soon as well."




Declan had become quite adept at pouring whilst lying on his back. He proved that skill now, filling both glasses half way without spilling a single drop.

“ depends on what you mean by staying…”

He could hear the smile in her words. Perhaps she thought he was a fool. Perhaps he was.

“I mean only that you do not leave.”

He could not say why he wished her to stay. He had not wanted for company before her arrival but now that she were here he found the idea of her going painful. Declan had avoided most company these days, no, that was not true. Declan was the life of many a night in the low taverns of the city on the water. It was not companionship he was avoiding but familiarity.

Suddenly he wished to look upon her. With surprising speed and grace Declan pushed himself up from the floor. He stretched, feeling the muscles in his back and legs ache from the strain. At his full height Declan stood much taller than she did.

He studied her. She was not much taller than Aelin. She appeared older than Aelin though, closer to his own age but that was an impossible guess without knowing where exactly she was from.

The predator in him saw the way she stood, how she held the glass of wine and knew she was hurt or had been recently and was not fully herself. It saw too that there was a fierceness to this woman and a power he could feel without seeing.

She was not prey.

He reached down to softly trace the scars under her left eye.

Jeg trodde du var en drøm.” he said to her. His voice was soft and touched with melancholy

Valery Noble Valery Noble


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"A dream?" The woman asked. She tensed slightly at his touch but did not pull away nor remove his hand from her. He was amused to learn that she could understand him. Perhaps he had in fact dreamed her

"I don't think I'm all that interesting, not when this whole place feels like a dream," Valery said with a soft chuckle.

"It's... mesmerizing,"

her fiery eyes locked with his own eyes.

"It can be truly…enthralling." He said and drained half his glass of wine in one swallow. his eyes blazed like emeralds filled with sunlight. "How would we know whether a dream was of any interest until it were over?" He asked, the palm of his hand resting gently against her cheek, his thumb gliding softly over the corner of her mouth. Discarding his glass of wine onto the desk near the eastern-facing window

"When the longing sets in for that fleeting moment of half-forgotten feeling. Like moonlight trapped in ice, so tantalizingly close, yet impossibly far. A memory made of mist. Those are the ones we seek to hold onto."

At these last words, struck by the madness of dreams Declan would grab Valery round the waist lift her wholly from the ground and place her sitting on the desk, sending empty bottles, stacks of books, his wine and that crystal an heirloom of his past all crashing to the floor as he would place himself impossibly close to her, daring her to make the next move.

Or that is what he would try to do. There was no telling whether Valery Noble Valery Noble would have other ideas.



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