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Public hunt for the Pirate

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
[Open ]
location: Ropagi II
Primary objective: Hunt for Ubbal Dusat, and put an end to the Pirate once and for all.
Secondary objective: find and destroy Ubbals supply chain and take out a few of his ships.

a lone frigate floats within the system traveling along the system's border and scanning for any vessel that it might be able to find. searching for the whereabouts of Ubbal Dusat or at the very least do the first major attack against the pirate. it had been weeks without so much as a whisper from the pirate in the Kalinda system and Laphisto was growing restless, and so instead of waiting for the pirate to attack them, he decided it was time to attack the pirate first. he had made all the preparations, hired more crew, and made a trade deal with a nearby faction allowing him the resources necessary for this expedition.

Laphisto sat aboard the first Drak'iv Assault Frigate the faction had constructed, the Var'nisk was the flagship of the newly built hunter-killer fleet. while standing at the bridge Laphisto would grip his chin in thought ear pinning back as he thought for a moment his communications officer breaking the silence "sir we have detected a small station in the system with several ships docked to it, none of them seem to know we are here just yet. and we cannot identify if they are a part of Ubbals fleet or not."

"I see, well let's wake the Mynocks nest then shall we? throw up every distress beacon we can let us scream and let them come to us shall we? and get ready to signal the fleet, if they come running to the bait ready to attack then let's be ready" with a light nod he would turn to look at the communications officer then towards the pilot of the ship " bring power down low, cut the engines and face all available batteries towards the station, keep the Tibana banks primed and get the gunners ready to fire. we will set this ambush off properly" a

within an instant, every electronic signal the ship could make was being broadcasted for everyone in the system to hear. though who would come running was another question entirely. be it the pirates they seek or another force entirely, that's what the Var'nisk was here to test.
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Distress Signal
Ropagi II

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Open

Cairo stared out of the cockpit as the stars were presented before him. The YV-929 Armed Freighter "Valkyrie," travelled through hyperspace as it neared Ropagi II, the location of the distress signal. Where there was danger, there was money to be made, and that make Cairo and his crew excited. They hadn't had a proper fight since their last heist. Frankly, Cairo was getting bored.

Today he'd chosen his regular appearance, that of a young adult, clean shaven face, semi-muscular build, and black hair. Most of his crew knew his little secret, and they knew they'd be gutted if they revealed it. He lost his train of thought as the ship left hyperspace, arriving to the sight of a space station, and an unknown vessel.

He activated the comm, moving beside the pilot. "This is
The Valkyrie responding to distress signal emitted from this location, unknown vessel please acknowledge."

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto would be standing on the bridge, two vessels from the station disengaging and rushing towards the distress beacon. two Interceptor V-series Scout Frigates began rushing towards the Var'nisk, and laphisto would be hopeful the trap was set and they were luring in the bait all was going smoothly according to plan. that was until a vessel dropped from hyperspace nearly ontop of them hearing is communications offer he would turn towards them

"sir unknown ship just dropped out of hyperspace. its been identified as a YV-929 Armed Freighter, they have opened a channel and are hailing us, we also have two vessels from the station rushing this way they will be upon us in approximately ten minutes."

with a frown he would look towards the bridge looking at the unknown ship as it approached, the last thing he wanted was to get a neutral ship caught in the inevitable crossfire. taking a few steps forwards, arms crossing over his chest and gripping his chin in thought " open the channel to the unknown vessel and keep me posted on the incoming vessels approach" with a small nod he would answer the freighter " Valkyrie, this is the Var'nisk divert course immediately, we do not want you caught in the cross fire, repeat Var'nisk to Valkyrie divert course i-"

"sir unknown vessels identified as a part of the Ubbals fleet, they are charging weapons, three other ships have disengaged from the station and are approaching rapidly"

" turn off the signals and hail the fleet, turn up about aim our port side to the approaching ships aim the cannons, and keep them ready," looking to the holo com he had left on with a small frown rolling along his face " ance again valkyrie disengage before it's too late"

as the two ships crept closer and closer they would open fire pelting the side of the Var'nisk, the ship's weapons still powered off the ship was more or lessa sitting duck, before the LO-78H batteries began returning fire. striking one of the ships as it quickly began to turn to flee, the second vessel would take the brunt of the damage getting destroyed in the process
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There was a static in the air, a sense of anticipation that set his hair on edge, it had been building and building the last few days until he’d woken up and unpacked his old Merc outfit, It had taken him maybe a hour or so to decide to leave it on his bed and just go to work as normal.

Even then, He had been on edge all day, staying quiet reading up on reports with the occasional sound of metal on metal as he repeatedly tapped his fingers against the desk to some nameless tune. He had gone over those reports 5 times now and still couldn’t quite remember what they said. He just couldn’t seem to focus and the looks that his co-workers were shooting him wasn’t helping.

“I'm heading of early, don’t think i'm much use today” he spoke rubbing his forehead in annoyance as a almost physical wave of relief flooded the room, he hadn’t been here that long and already there was a not completely false reputation about him being quite energetic…or hyper as some put it.. The quiet act he’d pulled today had gotten more than one worried look and a whispered conversation when they thought he couldn’t hear them.

It was also probably going to get him sent for a psych eval or at least some sort of talk before the week was done but for now he was going to get back to his quarters and make sure that his gun was still in working order.

It was funny really. He hadn’t been here for all that long and he was already getting twitchy, expecting something to happen, had to remind himself this wasn’t the Rose, you could fit several copies of the Rose into this ship and that here he wasn’t expected to fight, just heal.

He had needed work after getting his licence and with his former group disbanded, he'd sent out applications to whoever he could find that was willig to hire him, this posting had simply been the best offer that he got back. A sudden uptick in staff meant that a larger team of medics were needed to keep up with the increased demand and species specific knowledge. That and the fact he was a trained combat medic probably pushed him up a bit.

Shaking his head to pull himself back into focus, he raised a hand to unlock his door he gave a laugh, if this was his old group right about now ra.. and jwouldnt you know it, before he could even finish that thought, the ship's computer announced that they were about to engage in a battle and for everyone to get to their stations and a twitch formed in his left eye. Yea, Nope, He stepped into his room and started putting on his old Merc outfit, either he would be totally fine and could laugh about it tomorrow or he ready whenever something blew up. prefaribly without him being the one to blow up.

As The Prophet neared the planet, travelling through hyperspace, Marcus began to wonder what could have gone wrong. Only minutes ago had they received the distress signal, from a familiar transponder code, not the same, but it matched a ship they had encountered previously. One of the Lilaste Order. Could this be one of their ships? He'd met the Captain of the Conquerer's Agenda or something along those lines, whilst assisting a ship which had been attacked. He wondered what was wrong now.

Within minutes
The Prophet jumped out of hyperspace, the Vandal-class Corvette was greeted by chaos. It appeared they jumped far too close to the ship, as turbolaser fire streamed right past them. "Deflector shields to the maximum capacity, arm all weapons, prepare for combat."

It appeared as if the Imperials were not alone, just ahead of them sat a space station with a small mass of ships. Along with that there sat a freighter to the side. "This is Captain Sandor, aboard The Prophet, unknown vessel, we have responded to your distress signal. Please acknowledge." The captain finished over comms. He could hear footsteps throughout the halls as men prepared for combat and braced themselves. As soon as the response from the ship came, Marcus would call for reinforcements. He just needed to understand the situation.



Distress Signal
Ropagi II

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Marcus Voss Marcus Voss | Azure Rose Azure Rose | Open

What in the hell.. It took Cairo a moment to process they were being fired upon. He quickly looked at the ships, and began scanning them. It took a moment, but he eventually found what he needed. Dusate Pirates. Thats who they were. Why they were attacking? He didn't know, but they were pirates, thats all that mattered.

Hastily he activated the comm line. "Var'nisk, this is Valkyrie, disengaging as advised." He nodded to the pilot, ordering him to jump before it was too late. As a droid, Cairo knew if the ship was destroyed, it wasn't the end, but he viewed life differently then most droids, he'd actually been able to live it, treated as a human or whatever he wanted to be. He also cared for his men, whom were loyal to him.

Circling back to the present, the pilot entered coordinates for their destination, and prepared for hyperspace. Just then, the ship shook, an explosion! It must've been a stray shot, they had to leave now before it got worse.
"Sir, stray shot has hit our engines, we can't jump. We'll be shot up by crossfire."

Cairo being a respected bounty hunter, despised calling for aid, or anything of the sort. He was a Howlrunner of the Hutt Space Consortium after all, but this was a situation he could not avoid. Him and his crew were screwed. He hesitated, but before he registered his actions he keyed on the comm. "Var'nisk, do you read. We're caught in the cross fire, our engines been damaged by stray shots. Requesting assistance."

As he spoke, the crew ran around the ship, attempting to repair the interior damage from the blast. Just then, a ship jumped into hyperspace, a small one, according to the scanners. "Sir! An Imperial ship has entered the system." The co-pilot said. Cairo had a moment to pause, acting perfectly like a human. What was he going to do? Cairo knew he was wanted in more than just a few territories. Hopefully the Imperial ship would ignore them and focus on the fight. If not, Cairo was going to put up a fight of his own.

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as the valkyrie responded he was just about to end the coms before the freighter was hit, " sir the freighter was struck, looks like a stray shot from the Dusat vessel." it wasn't much after that when he heard Cairo on the comms requesting assistance with a small frown rolling over his maw he was about to respond before the communications officer spoke up again

" sir another vessel has dropped from hyperspace, they jumped right into the crossfire, looks to be imperial they are hailing us as well"

" put them through and take us forwards put us between the valkyrie and the oncoming fire shield them as best we can and put the imperials on the holo " waiting for the nod from his officer laphisto would answer the call from the Prophet " Captain Sandor of the Prophet this is High commander Laphisto of the Var'nisk, advised disengaging, pirate activity in the area with several ships closing." as the var'nisk pushed forwards they would shield the valkyrie using the bulk of there vessel as a shield from oncoming fire. with the beacon out it would be a matter of time before Mau'luk squadron arrived to assist. as the scout ship flees it would be quickly replaced by the Terrik-series Attack Frigate and the Tantara-series Corvette, which now began firing upon the prophet assuming them to be working with the lilaste order

"sir missiles incoming activating warhead deactivators"

grabbing the comlink he would speak through the ship's intercom system " all hands brace for impact repeat all hands brace for impact!" with a small growl he would brace for the missile's inevitable impact against the ships hull, weapon systems firing but just starting to come online. the LO-21H defense turrets opening up on the approaching warheads

while the terrik frigate aimed for the Var'nisk the supporting Tantara would quickly move to engage the prophet
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"Brace for impact.. what the hell do you mean" he snarled to himself "I swear if I find out this was planned"

He threw his mattress against a table and wall before bunkering down, something that proved invaluable when barely a minute later an impact rocked the room, his back bouncing against the now padded surface.

"Missile strike?" he muttered in distaste, before hearing a yell outside. What lay beyond that was unpleasant, this part of the ship seemed to have taken enough damage to knock people flat or injure others who didn't know what to do or expect and it didn't look like anyone was in sight.

"Medic staff Rose reporting, Impact seems to have hit the South quarters enough to cause shockwaves. Yelling and screaming here, I'll do what I can but I would appreciate someone else coming in case I need to drag people to the medbay!" he barked into the comlink before heading towards the source of the yells. Thankfully most of the rooms opened quickly under his credentials, with only one jammed.

That one would take time so he did what he could for the others first, pulling them out from beneath beds, tables, chairs. Thankfully they were all relatively minor injuries, painful? Disorienting? Yes, but ones that he needed to deal with this second? No, he could leave that to whatever backup was sent. If they actually sent backup.

Grumbling to himself he turned on his laser cutter and got to work 'opening' the last door.

Cursing when he saw the occupant, there was a rather large cut going horizontally down the woman's face, starting at the forehead, down through the eyes and ending at the chin where a sharp piece of metal was still poking out.

"Addendum, Looks like shrapnel hit one of them, bleeding out, eye gorged and left side of their face ruined. Il stop the bleeding but someone better get here soon, they are already going into shock" He wasn't looking hopeful, he'd chatted to a lot of the doctors here over the weeks. It didn't seem like any of them had actual battlefield experience, this wasn't one, not exactly but it was enough to cause people to freeze which is why he was shouting so hard though the coms, there was a not so unlikely chance that they had ignored his first message not knowing how to act.
"Give me a response time here!" He gave one last bark before someone finally responded, thankfully in time to stop him cursing them out.

The ship was a frenzy of activity as everyone got to their posts, preparing for combat. Multiple reports came over the screens of The Prophet as the Captain attempted to maintain communications. "Var'nisk, that's going to be a negative on disengaging. We're here to assist." The co-pilot raised shields to full power and began arming the non stationed armaments as previously instructed.

"Captain, get me the Third Fleet on comms." Marcus said. The Third Fleet was patrolling the area, and if they were going to get reinforcements from anywhere, thats where it would be. The Captain worked hastily, managing multiple different screens at the same time as he attempted to contact the Vice Admiral.

Marcus looked out of the glass as the Var'nisk moved to defend the freighter, odd for it to be here in a battle, but he'd have to inquire into it later. He still hadn't noted the fact the man identified himself as 'High Commander Laphisto,' perhaps the leader of the Lilaste Order he'd heard about? He was snapped out of his thoughts by the Captain.

Captain Sandor nodded signalling the line was open. "This is Inquisitor Marcus Voss, supervisor of The Third Fleet, do you copy." He waited a moment for a response.

"This is Vice Admiral Brosso Astcol, we read you." The voice of Marcus's cousin came over the comms.

"Requesting immediate reinforcements, transmitting location now, encounter with pirates." Hopefully Marcus's brief explanation would suffice.

"Acknowledged Inquisitor, dispatching the NIV Harbinger and Liberator immediately. Reinforcements are on the way." With that, the transmission ended and assistance was on the way.

As Marcus glanced out the glass, he hoped the reinforcements would arrive on time, because there in the distance, a pirate ship was moving into attack position on their corvette.



Distress Signal
Ropagi II

Tags: Laphisto Laphisto | Marcus Voss Marcus Voss | Azure Rose Azure Rose | Open

As turbolasers fired past the freighter inching closer and closer to the ship, Cairo began to worry. Once he was out of this mess, the pirates would pay for this. A turbolaser glanced off the now activated shields, rocking the ship. Help better arrive soon, because he didn't know what to do. He activated the PA system on the ship for a moment. "I want the hyperdrive repaired as soon as possible! Your lives depend on it!"

Even if they did escape, chances were the Imperial ship would scan them, and figure out who they were, the ship was old, and while it did have a few systems in place, they had failed when the ship was hit by turbo laser fire. More than a few factions wanted Cairo's head on a spike.

Just then, the Var'nisk moved into position, blocking the Valkyrie's view of the battle, and also shielding them from fire. Their safety was not his concern, but he was grateful. Now they needed to make an escape, before the rest of the Imperials arrived.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
As the Var'nisk got into position in front of the freighter, its point defense cannons began opening fire on the incoming warheads, and the deactivators began turning the missiles off as they grew too close. Unfortunately, with twenty armed warheads and the risk of striking the imperial corvette, five of the Missiles struck the ship's side. Shields rippled as a few duds smacked and bounced harmlessly off the ship's hull. They were rocking the new ship. Although the explosives did little to no damage to the vessel's exterior, those who had not braced themselves felt the inevitable shock wave.

Soon, the bridge began flooding with damage reports and requests for medical aid.

"Sir, we have reports of wounded on D deck, nothing serious minor scrapes a- scratch that reports coming in now, looks like we have one possible fatality re-routing available medical staff now," with a slight frown at the possibility of a death Laphisto would reach for the coming hailing the prophet " copy your request to assist. we are adding your designation number to our terminals now." turning to his communications officer he would almost growl his words " get Tia Tovar on comms, I want to know what's taking the rest of the fleet so long to arrive."

Within a few moments, another individual would appear on the holo, joining the communications with the Prophet and the Var'nisk. Taking the form of a selkath woman, "sir, we are en route. We only just received the beacon. Our estimated arrival time should be no later than three, maybe four minuets."

As several turbo lasers from the oncoming ship begin battering the hull, it causes the vessel to rock and groan, the ship's hull holding up as the shields draw closer and closer to failing. " get me the valkyrie."

"aye, sir," the communications officer would end visual transmission with the Prophet only to redirect laphisto to the valkyries com system " valkyrie, this is the Var'nisk ETA on repairs? We can't sit here forever. If you are unable to repair might, I suggest we pull you into our docking bay. It will be a tight fit, but we can only be a shield for so long."

as the pirate ships grew closer and closer, the one that had laid its eyes upon the Prophet began opening fire the moment they got within weapons range, making a b line for the more heavily armed yet sizable prey. meanwhile, the Terrik-series Attack Frigate charged at the Var'nisk. with the Sand Panther-series Heavy Cruiser sitting in the distance content to launch miles and turbolaser fire at the two ships
The moments following the coms report were nerve racking, he switched channels after minutes of silence from the medical team, his team. At least command could keep a level head, it seemed, though he would need to have a talk to them about multiple things after things calmed down, first of which was permission to run some ‘training’ sessions. As well as possible reworking of his current contract.

He’d injected the woman with a ‘stimulant’ to seal the wound and stop any infections, it wouldn’t do much but it would keep her breathing until they could get her to somewhere that they... ahem he could get that piece of metal removed. He could use the emergency Nanites for that, but considering the situation he was in, there was every chance he would need them later on, hopefully not for himself.

“Command, Rose here again, Medical team still not responding to me, any chance communications to medbay got knocked out? Permission to draft some of the less wounded in this deck to help carry….Gemma here before she gets worse?” he looked around, he was going to have to knock on some doors but hopefully there were some people without concussions about. However “Any estimate on how long we are going to be engaged or likelihood of any more shockwaves?” if they dropped her while carrying her, well that was just going to make the situation worse.

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