Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How's my character.

Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Hello everyone,

So I have been roleplaying on here for a couple of weeks. I am trying to just build up my character and what not but one day I wondered what other people might think of this character. Thus that is why I am here today, I was hoping people could possibly critique my character a little, and maybe offer some advice on different things I can include or stuff that you think I did well on or did poorly on. Thanks guys and may the force be with you!
You're doing well for your first posts, better then my old posts in fact, but there is always room for improvement

1. It seems like you're struggling to make detailed posts, try and write about Tylukos, feelings, surroundings, and his thoughts.

2. I suggest that you highlight your characters dialogue with color, it makes it easier for people to know what is actually being said and what his actions are.

3. To be honest, I really can't tell if your character is a grey, jedi, or a dark jedi. Try and explore your characters ideals more.

[member="Tyluko Dubykee"]
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
I have been thinking that highlighting what my character says is a good idea, as for my characters force-alignment, I plan for him to eventually become a Jedi, he is just learning how to survive and live in new surroundings.
Thank you for your advice!

[member="Xiarr Sair"]

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