Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!
So I'm Regan, I'm obviously new around these parts, but not to roleplaying having been involved in many and having admined a few. This is my second time roleplaying in the Star Wars universe. I have joined Mass Effect roleplays, Star Trek (Yes it is possible to like them both) fantasy worlds, Westerns, and a current Dragon Age site that is in its infantcy. I feel like a babe in the woods, but will try to do my best. Thank ya kindly.
[member="Regan Mendebras"]

Welcome to SWRP: Chaos, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and hopefully our characters may meet in the future!

Also, join the Dark Side.


Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!
Thank you all again for the very warm welcome. I'm just trying to get my barings for the moment, it is nice though that their is a welcome wagon on a site like this. Pretty cool.
The Imperial Intelligence is just what the name suggests, Intelligence. We specialize in collecting information outward, interrogation, spying, secret missions... we're still building our group so there's a lot of available places depending on how you'd like to expend on your previous experience. Someone with a police background certainly contains lot of the basic skills that work rather well as a starting point while the Intelligence allows you to take in new skills and grow further in your professional field. We're part of the Imperial Remnant. It's still not a major faction but we're getting there.

[member="Regan Mendebras"]


Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!
Well I figured it was an intelligence agency because that is what the name suggests, I was hoping for a sort of rundown which you so kindly provided as you are trying to recruit yes? It could be fun, I'll think about it.


Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!
Oh no no my dear that is quite alright. I do it too, I like to prance arround in flowery language and dramatic writing myself. Also fair warning I use the words darlin', dear and hun quite a bit...fair warning.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Regan Mendebras"]

Welcome to the Chaos! We got fun and games!

I hope you enjoy your time here, and just shout if we can help with anything at all.


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