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How to Talk like a Shadowrunner [Slang and Vocab]

This is a reference list for slang and vocabulary terms for Darkwire and its related stories (such as on the worlds in its cloud). If you're interested in general Star Wars slang, there are great references already here and some new ones here.

  • Corpos - the Corporate Authorities of Denon, or any company who enjoys CAD's free business practices and is eager to exploit its workers/customers, any employee of those, and anyone who sympathizes with them.
  • Discrete (also Discreet) - a denizen or resident of CAD and its worlds who isn't a Corpo or sympathizes with them, may also work for a corp but not necessarily in a significant-enough role to be seen as anything more than a number on a ledger; the Discrete themselves try to reclaim this term as Discreet.
  • CAD - Corporate Authorities of Denon, the corporatocracy that rules over Denon and the surrounding worlds.
  • CorpSec - the law enforcement agency of CAD, infamous for enforcing rules as they please not as written, even making them up when it suits the circumstances.
  • Seccer - a member of CorpSec, slang.
  • Shadowrunner - a criminal, crook, thief, smuggler, mercenary, etc., usually one associated with Darkwire.
  • Darkwire - a decentralized network of criminals, mercenaries, ne'er-do-wells, and anyone generally on the fringes of society, doing paid jobs from fixers, Corpos, or anyone who needs something less glamorous (usually illict) done for them. Typically they don't agree with the Corpos or do work for them, but they will if the pay is right and the situation is despearate enough. Darkwire's members are typically called Shadowrunners, though some who affiliate less closely with Darkwire's ideology just consider themselves Contractors.
  • Fixer - anyone who offers jobs for pay, usually a middle-man of sort who mediates between the client and the contractor.
  • Contractor - anyone who will do jobs for money, but isn't a direct employee. Can work for anyone, including Darkwire or Corpos.
  • Cloudcutter - extremely tall buildings, taller than a conventional skyscraper, whose heights can even breach the cloud layer, often taller than 1 kilometer.
  • Cloud Flyer - someone who lives in a cloudcutter or is assumed to, an ultra-wealthy individual, slang.
  • Cyborg/Borg - someone who possesses a cybernetic implant, slang.
  • Iron Hearts - a cyborg who is emotionless or detached, dergatory.
  • Factory Default - someone who doesn't have any cybernetics implanted, slang.
  • Walkout - a Corpo who burned their suit, i.e. stopped working for the Corpos and is now either an ally for Darkwire or sympathizes with them, derogatory.
  • Lapdog - a Discrete who leashed up, i.e. started working for the Corpos while turning their back on fellow Discretes, derogatory.

  • "There are no laws on Denon, only CorpSec." - an aphorism about CorpSec's willingness to take any action they deem necessary, without regard for written rule.
  • "All Corpos are Bucketheads" - a derogatory phrase about Corpos and their demeanor, sometimes abbreviated to ACAB.
  • "Fortune Falls from the Sky" - a proverb that describes the vertical alignment of the classes on Denon, rich in the upper levels, poor in the lower, so fortune (wealth/favor/opportunity) "falls" first upon those already at the top.
  • "Belazura[n] Beauty" - a moniker for something/someone that was once beautiful, but through time/hardship/injury is no longer beautiful.
  • "Trip through the Abyss" - an idiom about making a significant sacrifice for success, comparing it to surviving the literal Abyss under the city-world.
  • "Too much sun in your eyes" - a saying for/to someone who tries to live beyond their means, or aspires to, usually meant for those who live below the Sunlight Lofts.

Feel free to reply and add your own to the list!
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There's more than one way to be enslaved
Some Amavikka slang and vocabulary that may be common to find aming the discreets of Denon.

  • Depur: A slave master. This often refers to corpos.
  • Kol-depuan: Someone who's freed themselves and is no longer beholden to corpos.
  • Ekkreth: Slave who makes free. A figure of their mythology and religion. Anyone can be referred to as Ekkreth as long as they are freeing others from Depur. For example, Darkwire can be seen as Ekkreth as can your average twi-lek who works a corpo desk job.

  • Dukkra ba dukkra: Lit. Freedom or death. Colloquially Live free or die free. To the Amavikka, death is a form of freedom because no one can control you once you die

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