Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to add people to a priavte rp

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
[member="Leina Snowfire"]

Still isn't working, it just appears as grey, doesn't tag them. I'm spelling their name correct and all, but it isn't adding them to the private rp
[member="Thoja Arlos"]

You don't actually technically have to tag them, just talk to the person and tell them about the thread. There isn't really a set system for 'adding' people to Private RP, it just sort of happens.
[member="Thoja Arlos"]

Try using the actual code for tagging.

[member="Tagged Person's Display Name"]
That's what I do, that way the @mention doesn't get screwed up by spacing or punctuation symbols.
[member="Thoja Arlos"]

Don't put them in the Tagging area of the post. In the post, where you type where you talk etc, you @Mention

It's more called Mention than Tag, generally. Like right here where this text is, up above where your name is put in my post. That's where you mention them. They'll receive a notification they have been tagged.
[member="Thoja Arlos"]

There's nothing that really keeps anyone from posting in the private threads except social norms. You don't need to tag or add them somehow, they just need to know they can post there. Of course, tagging them with the @mention or the [ member=" person" ] does help them keep track.

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