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How far ahead do you plan?

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To what extend to you try to plan things out for your character?

Granted, not everything will work out. But do you have goals for the long term? Do you have goals for a short while? What about goals for a thread? Or rather, do you just wing it 24/7?

For example, in the case of my characters, I actually plan things out months in advance as a long-term goal. I've had the same long term goal with Daella since her inception, as an example. It's not something that requires a strict roadmap, but it helps me drive the character and keep some sort of consistency. And also, it's mysteruz.

I also have short-term goals that span on the scale of a week or two. This will usually be things such as, "Fight on the frontline for 'months'" or "Create a base of operations on Ossus." The short-term goals help build into the long-term goal that I have and, once again, drive the character.

Then, I have immediate-term goals on the scale of just the thread. Such as, "Find and confront the Emperor," or "Save Diana from her stupidity."

Short term and immediate term goals are usually pass/fail - and in the end it doesn't matter. It's stuff I want to do in order to build up the long term goal - which will happen regardless so that I don't feel as if all my plans for Daella are ruined at any point.

What about you?
For this character I have the long term goal of attacking Coruscant with her and a terrorist group I'll be forming in time, similar to the Dark Knight Rises storyline. As for Vilox Pazela, I have the long term goal of doing something similar to the Dark Jedi generation from the Second Great Schism, as the lore behind the Dark Jedi facinates me.

Short term goals for Ayra include training new cadets into Sith Marauders and learn more about the Lightsaber. I'd really like to develop her into a Blademaster and the defacto Lightsaber duelist on Chaos. For Vilox, I'd like to begin uncovering the secrets of the midi chlorians like Darth Plagueis did, which would be interesing.

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
I generally wing it. Occasionally I'll say 'I want this to happen' (for a while I was trying to get Kila infected during Dark Harvest, lol) but generally its just...well, okay, that happened. NEXT! The one thing I do not want for any of my characters though, is promotions. I detest giving orders, I always feel like I'm overdoing it.

As a result, my characters don't change a whole heck of a lot. Kila's basically the same person as when I first made her, save that she has a blanket hate of Sith instead of a specific one. And she's more skilled.

Breya and Ruki are a lot less innocent now (yes, death actually happens in life, kits). Lilia hasn't changed at all.

Akodya Mune

I always have a rough plot sort of thing of what I would like to happen, but I think it depends a lot on you your character interacts with too.
right now I don't have a major plan I have been winging it, other than some basics.
I would like to get Sarah to have at least a little force user/jedi type training, and maybe start acquiring resources to upgrade her gear/ship, ... and see where it goes from there
I like ideas instead of plans for most of my characters, since I don't really like to plan too much because I know it will not turn out that way all the time. For Voroll, I have some long-term goals about learning to use a lightsaber, learning to use the Force and gaining Imperial Knight, but for Vereor the only idea I have is for him to get involved in something Sithly. With my newest character, Sralkai, I think I'd just like to see how politics goes.
My long-term goals revolve around the concept which inspired the character to be created. For Darth Metus, that is becoming a bonafide Dread Master. That involved falling to the Dark Side, working with Sith, training in certain powers, and culminating with a grand thread that'll earn him that title. That aside, my goals revolve around those around my character. Basically, I shoot for my long term and aim to help my buddies fulfill their short/long-term goals as well.
A majority of my characters I have a planned out arch for them. Tyrana I want to get to the rank of master and make her one of the higher ranking Sith, possibly the right hand like her master Balaya. Reela I want to be a Jedi master and a senator, as well as a queen of course. So she'll be serving the Jedi and her planet Glee Anselm. Siaq I want to make a Templar Master and have her reach high in the ranks of the CIS. Are that it's just a matter of seeing what comes up in their stories.


Disney's Princess
Not with this Character. I just try to keep her living in the present and keep the setting believable. :D
For Iella I have a plan. So far the story for her has been great and loved how it has developed. But .. there will be in the future a major shake up for her, I think there always needs to be some twist in the tail or the interest will be removed. What that twist will be .. I am working on that.. :)
With Alen, I'm always plotting months in advance. With my others, not so much. But I'm looking to earn Alen some respect and a good reputation for lightsaber dueling and some aspects of TK. And then there are his IC plans, which will be interesting. Mostly though, I'm just here to write and have fun.
I have some long term goals that are keeping consistency. Such as now that I have a faction of Jensaarai to run, I have a few long term goals but alot more short term.
Blessed are the peacemakers
It's a good idea to have an endgame for me. But Tracyn derailed in terms of what I had planned because of what happened to him. And that's okay, that needs to happen with characters! It's okay to not stick with the plan, that means your character simply evolved.
Believe it or not, I plan a long time in the future for my characters. Years even. I'll set an eventual end goal, like "Ruler of X" or "Destroy the galaxy" or "insert epic thing here" and generally plot out points between then and now. The in between parts I let happen as they happen. I do it that way because if I keep the "skeleton" of the character's plotline intact and let chance, randomness, and fate flesh out the plot, then it leads to a far more enjoyable plot line overall and I get the best of both worlds :p
I used to be big on planning ahead, but found that it did not realistically work for me. More often than not, I'd get into about the middle stage of a planned out storyline and wasn't vibing on what was taking place. For that reason, I try more to adapting to going with the flow, which seems to work out a whole lot better for me, usually.
If you want detail about what I plan for my characters, click the link in my sig :p

To summarize: I plan on having Sorin become a feared Darth of the shadows, and give the Jedi Council a run for their money as he kills many Jedi, maybe a master or two, or at the least nearly kill more than one of them. Eventually something will happen to where he will leave the Sith, redeem himself, and possibly become a Jedi, trying to atone for his sins. That's long term :p Short term, I'm not sure. I know I want him to be in a relationship with someone, though that could get complicated if that was while he was a Sith and then became a Jedi. Heck, maybe have a crush on a Jedi Master while as a Sith Lord xD That would be very interesting.

For Dumah, same expectation as far as relationships, winging it whichever way it goes, but he'll be staying a Sith. For him, I see him as becoming just as feared as Sorin, if not for the same reasons. Though Sith like to pursue the title of Emperor, Dumah will have no interest in it. Instead, he actually wants to control the power behind the throne: the Empire itself. Let the Emperor be the figure head, and he'll control the strings from the shadows, maybe even manipulate it such that he chooses who goes on the throne and who doesn't, under the title of "Advisor" or whatever I come up with at that point.

As for Vuk, I have no clue yet. Haven't finished the profile yet =(
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