Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hottest Guys of SWRP 2013

John Harrison

TiCira D'Arr Hawk said:

Thane and his cane <3

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] , Khan face, and @[member="Jonathon Patches"]
"Khan face." It's brilliant.
I didn't need help counting, but thanks :) I just needed time off from long work shifts and school. Anyways, your sexiest man is......

@[member="Thane"] ! With 5 votes he barely beat out @[member="Tefga"] (4),@[member="Jaxton Ravos"] (4) , @[member="Dark Onyx"] (4), and @[member="Darron Wraith"] (4).

Very close call but I guess in the end it boils down to the sexiness of Thane's Cane.

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