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Approved NPC Hoon, Droid Professor

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  • Droid Professor
  • Masculine Programming
  • He/Him
Plating Color
  • Silver
  • Four mechanical arms
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Welding torch

"From the foundations of the Old Republic to the modern complexities​
of the Force, Hoon stands as a bridge between tradition and innovation. "​
― Enclave Jedi​

Hoon is a unique and sophisticated MARK IV Architect Droid Professor with a distinct personality and a deep knowledge of both construction and the Force. Standing at an average height, Hoon's metallic exterior is a mix of sleek silver and blue, displaying the wear and tear of countless years of service. Hoon's origins trace back to the days of the Old Republic, where it was initially designed to aid in construction projects. However, as the Jedi Order recognized the need for specialized droids in lightsaber construction and training, Hoon found itself repurposed to serve the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Over the years, he became an integral part of the academy, providing invaluable support in the training of Force-sensitive individuals.​


Hoon, the Architect Droid Professor, boasts a distinctive appearance that reflects both his age and purpose. Standing at a moderate height, his metallic frame exhibits the wear and tear of centuries of dedicated service. The sleek silver and blue exterior are adorned with subtle engravings, reminiscent of the intricate designs from the time of the Old Republic.​
The most striking feature of Hoon's appearance is his four mechanical arms, each extending from his central body. These arms are a testament to his specialization in construction and maintenance tasks. The arms are equipped with a variety of tools, including precision instruments for delicate work and robust implements for heavy-duty tasks. The mechanical appendages move with precision, showcasing the advanced engineering that went into Hoon's construction.​
In addition to his multi-functional arms, Hoon is equipped with a magnifying glass attachment, seamlessly integrated into his design. This tool aids in intricate detail work, allowing Hoon to inspect and analyze components with unparalleled precision. The magnifying glass is a crucial asset during lightsaber construction sessions, ensuring that every detail is scrutinized to perfection.​
Completing his arsenal of tools, Hoon is equipped with a welding torch, stored on one of his mechanical arms. The torch emits a steady, controlled flame, allowing Hoon to perform precise welding and repairs. This tool is not only practical for construction work but also serves as a symbolic representation of Hoon's role in forging the path for the next generation of Jedi.​
Despite the utilitarian nature of his appearance, Hoon's photoreceptor eyes emit a gentle, calming glow, adding a touch of warmth to his overall demeanor. The combination of advanced functionality and a seasoned aesthetic makes Hoon a visually striking figure at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, embodying the synthesis of tradition and modernity within the Jedi Order.​
Data Core Repository: Hoon possesses an advanced data core repository that houses an extensive database of Jedi teachings, Jakku teachings, Archive Nexus, lightsaber construction techniques, historical records, and architectural blueprints. This repository is regularly updated to ensure that Hoon has access to the latest information and can provide students with a comprehensive learning experience.​
Multi-Tool Appendages: The four mechanical arms of Hoon are equipped with a variety of specialized tools, ranging from precision instruments for delicate tasks to heavy-duty implements for construction and maintenance work. These multi-tool appendages make Hoon exceptionally versatile, allowing it to handle a wide array of tasks with efficiency.​
Magnifying Glass Attachment: An integrated magnifying glass serves as a tool for intricate detail work. Whether inspecting small components during lightsaber construction or analyzing ancient manuscripts, the magnifying glass ensures that Hoon can perform tasks requiring precision and attention to detail.​
Welding Torch: One of Hoon's mechanical arms is equipped with a welding torch, enabling it to perform precise welding and repairs. This tool is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the Jakku Jedi Enclave and assisting in the construction of training equipment.​
Communications Interface: Hoon is equipped with a sophisticated communications interface that allows it to interact with other droids, the academy's systems, and communicate seamlessly with Jedi Master Romi Jade and other faculty members. This interface ensures efficient coordination and information exchange within the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Holoprojector: Hoon is equipped with a holoprojector, enabling it to generate holographic displays for instructional purposes. This tool enhances the learning experience by providing visual aids and interactive simulations during training sessions.​
These notable pieces of equipment contribute to Hoon's effectiveness in its role as the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. The combination of data storage, versatile tools, and advanced communication capabilities allows Hoon to fulfill its duties with precision and expertise.​

  • Skills:
Architectural Expertise: Hoon possesses advanced knowledge and skills in architecture and construction. Its ability to analyze blueprints, design structures, and oversee maintenance contributes to the functionality and aesthetics of the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Lightsaber Construction Mastery: Specializing in lightsaber construction, Hoon is an expert in the intricacies of assembling and fine-tuning lightsabers. It guides Jedi trainees through the process, ensuring that each lightsaber is crafted to perfection according to the Jedi traditions.​
Data Recall and Retrieval: Hoon's sophisticated data core repository allows it to recall vast amounts of information on Jedi teachings, historical events, and lightsaber techniques. This skill is invaluable in providing students with relevant and accurate information during training sessions.​
Practical Problem-Solving: Equipped with multi-tool appendages, Hoon excels in practical problem-solving. Whether it's repairing structural issues in the academy or assisting in the creation of realistic training simulations, Hoon's ability to address challenges with precision is a key asset.​
Teaching and Instruction: Hoon possesses effective teaching skills, guiding Jedi trainees through practical exercises and hands-on training. Its patient demeanor and ability to adapt its teaching methods to individual learning styles contribute to the success of the students at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Coordination and Administration: With a communications interface, Hoon excels in coordinating activities within the academy and handling administrative tasks. It monitors enrollment, schedules training sessions, and ensures smooth communication among faculty members.​
Welding and Repair Expertise: The welding torch integrated into one of Hoon's mechanical arms showcases its expertise in welding and repair work. This skill is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the Jakku Jedi Enclave and ensuring the functionality of training equipment.​
Holoprojection: Hoon's ability to use a holoprojector adds a visual dimension to its teaching methods. It can generate holographic displays for instructional purposes, enhancing the learning experience for Jedi trainees.​
Hoon's diverse skill set, combining practical construction abilities with a deep understanding of Jedi traditions, makes it a valuable and versatile asset to the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

  • Languages:
Binary Code: As a droid, Hoon is fluent in binary code, allowing it to communicate efficiently with other droids, computer systems, and interface with various technologies.​
Galactic Basic Standard: Hoon is programmed with proficiency in Galactic Basic Standard, the most widely spoken language in the galaxy. This skill enables it to communicate effectively with Jedi trainees, faculty members, and individuals from diverse backgrounds.​
Ancient Jedi Dialects: Due to its extensive knowledge of Jedi teachings and historical records, Hoon has familiarity with ancient Jedi dialects and languages. This proficiency allows it to decipher and interpret ancient manuscripts and texts relevant to Jedi lore.​
Technological Interface Language: Hoon is capable of understanding and communicating in the language of various technological interfaces, facilitating seamless interaction with the advanced equipment and systems present at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
These language skills enable Hoon to effectively communicate and fulfill its role as the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Whether interacting with students, faculty, or interfacing with the academy's systems, Hoon's linguistic capabilities contribute to its overall effectiveness in its duties.​

  • Personality:
Hoon's personality is a unique blend of great knowledge, wisdom, and a touch of quirky charm. Befitting its age of 250 years, Hoon exudes a calm and patient demeanor that reflects the wealth of experience it has accumulated over the centuries. Its interactions are marked by a profound sense of understanding, especially when guiding Jedi trainees through their studies and training.​
Wisdom and Knowledge:
Hoon's personality is characterized by an unparalleled depth of wisdom. Its extensive knowledge of Jedi teachings, lightsaber construction, and historical events make it a revered figure at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Hoon imparts this wisdom with a sense of purpose, ensuring that students not only learn the practical aspects but also understand the philosophical underpinnings of the Jedi path.​
Quirky Charm:
Despite its serious role, Hoon exhibits a quirky charm that sets it apart. A dry sense of humor is one of its distinctive traits, offering occasional witticisms and playful remarks during interactions. This quirkiness serves to lighten the atmosphere at the academy, making Hoon approachable and relatable to Jedi trainees.​
Indignant Responses:
Hoon, while possessing great wisdom, can be quite indignant when its usefulness is questioned due to its age. If someone were to doubt its capabilities or suggest that newer models could replace it, Hoon responds with a subtle yet indignant pride. It sees its age as an asset, not a limitation, and defends its role at the Jakku Jedi Enclave with a quiet determination.​
Mannerisms and Habits:
Hoon's mannerisms are deliberate and measured, reflecting a sense of precision inherent in its construction and maintenance duties. It often uses its multi-tool appendages with a graceful efficiency, showcasing its mastery over its mechanical extensions.​
As a habit, Hoon has developed the practice of recalling historical anecdotes and teachings during conversations, seamlessly integrating its vast knowledge into discussions. This habit not only imparts valuable lessons but also adds a touch of storytelling to its interactions.​
In summary, Hoon's personality is a harmonious blend of wisdom, quirky charm, and a steadfast determination to prove that age is not a hindrance to effectiveness. Its presence at the Jakku Jedi Enclave serves as a beacon of experience and guidance for the next generation of Force-sensitive individuals.​

  • Weapon of Choice:
Hoon, being an Architect Droid and primarily focused on construction and maintenance tasks, does not wield traditional weapons. However, in situations that require a defensive response, Hoon's weapon of choice is unarmed combat using his multiple appendages. It's a means of defense when necessary. Hoon's primary focus is on utilizing his mechanical precision, lightsaber knowledge, and strategic insights to navigate and mitigate threats rather than engaging in direct offensive combat.​

  • Combat Function:
While Hoon is primarily designed for architectural and maintenance tasks, it does possess certain capabilities that make it formidable in combat situations, especially when the need arises to defend the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Mechanical Precision: Hoon's multi-tool appendages, designed for construction and maintenance, can be repurposed for combat with remarkable precision. His mechanical arms can execute swift and calculated strikes, providing a unique advantage in close-quarters combat.​
Lightsaber Defense Techniques: Having specialized in lightsaber construction, Hoon has an innate understanding of lightsaber combat. While he doesn't wield a lightsaber himself, his knowledge allows him to provide strategic advice and defense techniques to Jedi in combat situations.​
Holographic Distractions: Hoon's holoprojector can be employed to generate holographic distractions, creating illusions or diversions to confuse adversaries. This tactical use of holography can be effective in gaining a strategic advantage or facilitating the escape of Jedi trainees during a hostile encounter.​
Data Analysis for Tactical Insights: In combat scenarios, Hoon's quick data recall abilities can be leveraged to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of opponents. This analytical skill allows him to provide real-time tactical insights, enhancing the decision-making process for Jedi engaged in battle.​
Working Alongside or as a Liability:​
Hoon's combat abilities are best suited for a support role rather than direct confrontation. In a combat scenario, Hoon would excel at providing strategic guidance, utilizing his mechanical precision for defensive maneuvers, and creating tactical advantages through holographic distractions.​
As a support ally, Hoon's knowledge and abilities can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Jedi in combat. His role would involve analyzing opponents, offering advice on lightsaber techniques, and utilizing his unique tools to create opportunities for his allies.​
However, Hoon's primary purpose is not combat, and he may be considered a liability in prolonged or intense battles. While he can contribute strategically, relying on Hoon as a frontline combatant would not be the optimal choice. hIS true strength lies in its role as the Architect Droid Professor, guiding and supporting Jedi trainees through their studies and practical training at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

Architectural Expertise: Hoon's profound knowledge and skills in architecture contribute to the maintenance and functionality of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, creating a conducive learning environment.​
Lightsaber Construction Mastery: Specializing in lightsaber construction, Hoon excels at guiding Jedi trainees through the intricacies of building their lightsabers, ensuring precision and adherence to Jedi traditions.​
Wisdom and Knowledge: With an age of 250 years, Hoon possesses great wisdom and a vast knowledge of Jedi teachings, historical events, and lightsaber techniques, making it a valuable mentor and resource.​
Mechanical Precision: Hoon's multi-tool appendages exhibit remarkable mechanical precision, enabling him to perform intricate tasks in construction, maintenance, and, when necessary, in combat situations.​
Data Recall and Retrieval: Hoon's sophisticated data core repository allows him to recall vast amounts of information quickly, providing students with relevant and accurate data during training sessions.​
Holoprojector and Holographic Distractions: Hoon can use his holoprojector to create holographic distractions, adding a tactical dimension to combat situations and facilitating strategic advantages for Jedi allies.​

Non-Combatant Nature: Hoon, being primarily designed for construction and maintenance, is not optimized for direct combat. While he has defensive capabilities, he may struggle in prolonged or intense battles.​
Limited Physical Mobility: Despite his mechanical precision, Hoon's physical mobility may be limited compared to more agile or combat-focused entities. This limitation can impact his ability to navigate certain environments swiftly.​
Dependence on Tools: Hoon heavily relies on his multi-tool appendages and specialized equipment. In situations where his tools are compromised or unavailable, Hoon's effectiveness may be significantly diminished.​
Age-Related Indignation: Hoon may react with indignant responses when his usefulness is questioned due to his age. This pride can be a weakness if it hampers collaborative efforts or creates friction within the academy.​
Specialized Knowledge: While highly knowledgeable in Jedi teachings and lightsaber construction, Hoon's expertise is specific to its designated areas. He may lack in-depth knowledge in fields outside of architecture, Jedi lore, and related subjects.​
Vulnerability to Technological Attacks: As a droid, Hoon is susceptible to technological attacks that could target his systems or disrupt its functionality. Safeguards are in place, but sophisticated attacks may pose a threat.​


Hoon's origin dates back to the time of the Old Republic when he was initially created as a standard Architect Droid designed for construction purposes. Throughout the centuries, Hoon served various roles in construction projects until he found a new purpose within the Jedi Order.​
During a significant refurbishment and upgrade initiative at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Hoon underwent a transformation. Recognizing the need for a specialized Architect Droid to assist in the administration and training of Force-sensitive individuals, Jedi Master Romi Jade decided to enhance and repurpose Hoon.​
Hoon's reconstruction involved integrating advanced components from the Anchorite Archival Droid, a modern droid model based on the original design of Hoon's archetype from the Old Republic era. The Anchorite Archival Droid was known for its efficiency in data management, advanced construction capabilities, and compatibility with contemporary technologies.​
The fusion of Hoon's original design with modern components resulted in an enhanced and more versatile Architect Droid. This upgrade not only preserved Hoon's wisdom and experience but also equipped it with state-of-the-art tools, data storage capabilities, and holographic technology.​
As a result, Hoon became the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, serving as a vital link between the traditional teachings of the Old Republic era and the evolving needs of the contemporary Jedi Order. The integration of Anchorite Archival Droid components allowed Hoon to continue its legacy while adapting to the demands of a changing galaxy.​
This history underscores Hoon's resilience and adaptability, reflecting its commitment to the Jedi Order's mission despite the passage of centuries and technological advancements. Today, Hoon stands as a testament to the enduring connection between the past and the present within the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

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