Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Homeward Bound


Panatha had always been his home. As a boy, he remembered the palace. His siblings, all running around. It was rare he ever saw the same sibling twice in a row with how many there were. Kahlil had never paid them much attention, though. His time was better spent in the library, reading through the various tomes and stories. Fantasies written about Epicanthix heroes that he one day wished he could be. Spellbooks on the dark magics he was meant to learn as a Zambrano gifted with Sorcery.

It's where he'd almost been killed on more than one occasion.

It was a world he never thought he'd want to visit. All his adult life he'd been running from his family, his past. But this wasn't about his past. Or his family.

Hyperspace ended as his ship exited just above the jungle world. The Eternal Empire had taken control of the world, and for once he figured he'd be safe enough to go home. He turned his gaze towards Valery Noble Valery Noble , offering her a brief smile. That's why he was here. To show her just where he'd come from. Show her who he was. And maybe see something good about his family. "Hope it'll be to your standards. We're not going to the palace, but the town around it is a place I liked as a boy. I wonder if the pastry shop is still there." He hummed with thought, turning his gaze to the world again as the ship descended.

Carnifex and Prazitus weren't going to be here this time. All should be fine.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


It had been far too long since his eyes had beheld the majesty of his birthworld.

The hooded figure moved freely amongst the packed thoroughfares of the capital, his immense stature not uncommon amongst a people noted for their impressive heights. There were some who towered above even him, and, to the natives, they were barely even noticed in the hustle and bustle of the merchant district.

The atmosphere was tenser than normal, a layer of frustration and resentment blanketing the entire city. The epicenter was the Eternal Imperial garrison that had been built in the city when the Empire had first arrived, initially as a show of solidarity between the Empire and the native Epicanthix. Now crowds had formed outside of the perimeter, almost blocking the entryway, decrying the Empire's decision to banish the two most prominent Epicanthix in all of their society, the God-Kings Kaine and Braxus Zambrano.

In response to the Empress' decision, all Epicanthix spread throughout the Empire had vanished overnight only to reappear on Panatha armed to the teeth and teetering on the edge of open revolt. The priesthood of Qocia, the holiest city on Panatha, routinely decried the Eternal Empire and pressured the Epicanthix people to take a stand against them.

The figure nodded approvingly, it was good to see his people assert themselves. No foreigner would ever cow the Epicanthix, they were an exceptionally proud people and would break before they bent. Already there were whispers of an armed rebellion against the Eternal Empire, to slaughter those that trespassed on their sacred soil and resist all who attempted to bring them to heel.

All roads seemed pointed towards war.

He breathed in deeply of the humid air, the gold mask affixed to his face twinkling in the light as his head moved with the motion. They would be arriving soon, the Oracle had foretold it. His other half wanted to defy the edict against Him, but he had counseled Him that in such matters his approach was the necessary one.

So Demiurge had come to Panatha.

And he waited.


Location: Enroute to Panatha
Valery: Appearance
"I don't think I have very high standards, so I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, this is where you grew up. I can't wait to see it all with my own eyes." Valery said with a warm smile as her orange eyes turned away from the window and to Kahlil.
From the moment he had asked her to come along on this trip, she had been rather excited about the idea of learning more about him. As close as they had gotten, they both weren't exactly the type to talk too much about their pasts, so it rarely came up in conversation. His past especially had huge implications for the way they'd be able to spend their lives together, so she felt this was an important step to take together.
It made her wonder if she should show him more from her past as well.
With the smile still on her face, she looked out through the window again as the ship pierced through the clouds. She had read about the planet but seeing its jungles grow larger as they drew closer was something else. Valery had grown up on jungles worlds as well, but they never became dull to her.
"It's beautiful," she said.
Looking back over to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , she smirked. "Take me to all your favorite places here. I'd love to see them," she said, thinking this trip was going to be sunshine and roses for them.


"It was a joke. We'll be around the palace. I think you'll love it." He raised a brow, glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble again. This time with a much larger grin. It wasn't often he thought about his time as a kid, but royalty was still royalty. As.. Brutal and Sith it was. They'd land in the space port, and already he could feel something was wrong. Not that he sensed something. More.. There was a heaviness to the city. He took the Jedi's hand in his own, stepping from the ship. Into the town.

Tension. Something was building. The last he knew things were alright between the Empire and the Epicanthix. No, it had to do with his father's banishments. Unrest as their god kinds were removed.

"I'll take you everywhere I can. Just, stay close. Things are tense."

There they were.

Demiurge watched the pair emerge from the spaceport, just another pair of faces in an endless sea. The gold mask peered out from beneath the awning of a wide spacious black hood, glinting every time the sun was angled perfectly. He never deigned to approach so quickly, a dark primordial urge deep within him compelled him to prolong this cat-and-mouse venture. He stayed just on the edge of the periphery, stalking the pair like a native
Kral'ın Montaj.

Always just beyond sight.

But growing closer with every passing heartbeat.

Eventually, as the pair continued deeper into the capital, the figure in the gold mask appeared more frequently. Always watching, gold features staring directly at Kahlil from a distance. Yet whenever Kahlil and his Jedi friend would approach, the figure in the gold mask would disappear only to reappear at a further distance away.

It made no gestures nor indicated that it desired something of them, it just watched in total silence.



Location: Enroute to Panatha
Valery: Appearance
While Valery was happy to see him smiling, she got a strange feeling when he took her hand before heading into the spaceport. It was as if the tense atmosphere echoed through him, and into her. She tilted her head lightly but decided against asking any questions - this whole world was already a step into his past. Anything he wanted to tell her, he'd do when he felt ready.
"I'll stay close, don't worry," she said, the confusion somewhat audible in her tone. But despite it, she leaned into him a little more as they began to walk through the city. With this being a trip unrelated to their Jedi business, Valery wasn't quite as focused as she normally would be. She looked around at the town and the people, who drew her attention with how incredibly tall they were. But she wasn't expecting something lurking from the Shadows.
But after a moment, and several flashes of a figure seeming to appear and fade away, something began to feel off to her. She sensed something she couldn't quite understand yet - was it a sense of danger? Or just the atmosphere of this world of warriors, and this unknown figure?
She wasn't sure and looked up to Kahlil, hoping he could explain more.
"Hey.." she said as she gently nudged his side.
"Do you feel like we're being followed as well...?"


He didn't notice it at first. Perhaps it was a willing blindness in favor of enjoying his time with Valery Noble Valery Noble . They walked through the city, avoiding anywhere close to the Imperial garrison. Going to small shops he used to go to. A bakery that he loved as a child, before the training truly started. The off feeling he had, he chalked it up to the tension. War was going to erupt here.

But she noticed it. At her nudge he blinked, looking to her. Then around. At first, nothing. Then he saw it. The golden masked figure amongst the crowd. Watching them. Then gone. His eyes narrowed for a moment as he squeezed Valery's hand. This was no longer a safe place. Or, more likely, never was.

"We should go back to the ship and leave. If anyone's recognized me as a child of Carnifex we could be followed by his cult." That was the reason it felt off. Carnifex wouldn't step foot on this world, not until war broke out. A better plan, to let their people grow more and more rebellious against the Eternal Empress. But his cult. Their belief in his godliness. What did that translate to his family? Those that survived the purge must be something special, right? Kahlil didn't feel that way, but how his sister felt, that blind devotion and love to the godly figure she saw their father.

Was it possible he was viewed as a chosen?

He turned, not wanting to linger. "I'm glad I showed you as much as I did. Perhaps another time I can show you more."

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

The moment Kahlil's head turned around, he came face-to-face with the black tunic of Demiurge. The towering man stood only a few inches behind the pair, staring down at them with their gold mask. The power of darkness, only vaguely sensed previously, was now absolutely overwhelming. Like a noxious stench, it invaded every avenue of their senses to the point of causing actual pain.

He reached out with a single hand as if to touch Kahlil's forehead. A deep voice resonated from behind the golden mask; "It was foretold that you would be here." The figure did not elaborate on the methodology of this prophecy, only that it had come to pass. "The time has come."

If one were to glance around at their surroundings, they would find the previously bustling and almost claustrophobic city streets virtually emptied of inhabitants. Within the span of a few scant moments, those who had shared the roads and alleys with the pair had fled in the wake of the fierce darkness that had arisen.

The figure's feet rose up from the cobblestone road, the entire man levitating a meter off the ground as he slowly slid back and away from them. His movements appeared disconnected, like a slowly paged flipbook, before he came to a stop several meters away from them. Lightning danced between his fingers, scintillating tendrils of energy flocking to encase the stranger's hand in brilliant blue. Without warning, the stranger unleashed that energy towards Kahlil.

"To determine if you are worthy."


Location: Enroute to Panatha
Valery: Appearance
Even though she continued feeling like she was being watched, Valery enjoyed the time they spent walking through the town. The little shops and bakery seemed to bring back better memories in Kahlil, and it felt like a proper date. That was, at least, until he picked up on what she had seen as well.
She felt him squeeze her hand and looked at him somewhat worried when he suddenly seemed to be in far more of a rush to get back to the ship. But if followers of his cult were potentially after him, it was likely for the best to get out and return another time, if it ever became safer to visit.
However, as they turned around, the man in black was standing right there, and immediately, a mental switch flicked inside Valery's brain to bring her on high alert. She felt his darkness beating against her mind, and his sickening taint on the world sent painful shivers down her spine. The Jedi Shadow within her activated but she decided against making the first move.
Her eyes narrowed but even with this focus on him, she noticed the absence of life around them. The people had all retreated into buildings or as far away from them as they could. Feeling his presence, they certainly had good reason to depart so swiftly.
"Kahlil..." she said softly as she heard about this prophecy but there wasn't much time to think or react.


The golden-masked man in black channeled the Force and moments later, the crackling lightning was fired towards Kahlil. Without a second thought, she stepped between him and the attacker and raised her hand up to meet the electricity. Using the palm as a focal point, Valery allowed the barrier between her energy and the environment to fade away, and actively siphoned the electricity through the blue funnel that formed.
The dangerous and dark currents transformed and joined the flow of energy that passed through her each passing moment. Instantly, she could feel a power build-up within her; one she'd normally turn against the attacker. But she feared that some civilians were still too close, and thus decided against retaliating. For now, she just formed a shield against the stream of lightning and allowed Kahlil to engage or make the next move.
But whoever this figure was, he had just ruined a date that she had been looking forward to. While she didn't believe in the concept of taking revenge, it certainly flashed through her mind for a moment.
For some reason, they always ran into trouble along the way. Or did trouble have the nasty habit of finding them?



It immediately gripped Kahlil's heart as the hand reached out for him. Where had the people gone? Why was this person so familiar? Too many questions without enough of an answer. His hand fell to his saber, pulling the weapon out as the cloaked figure stepped- No. Floated? This wasn't just some cultist. And what was that about a prophecy? Valery Noble Valery Noble . His gaze shifted to her as she spoke his name. Right, he wasn't here alone. Cultist or not, it was a threat.

Blue ignited in front of him as he brought his saber up. Ready to catch the stream of lightning as it was sent. Though Valery had a different idea. There was a power there. Not hers, he never doubted hers. But this figure. The stream of lightning. A Lord of the Sith? It wasn't uncommon to see a Lord following his father in some way, but why did this power feel so familiar?

He didn't waste a second this time. No, it wasn't going to be like the last time he was here. He shot forward, the Force fueling his body as he leapt to close the distance. Use Valery's shielding as an opportunity to strike. Holding back now was going to get one of them hurt. His blue saber flashed as he cut through the air, aiming a downward strike on the masked figure.

With frightening ease, the Dark Figure reached up as Kahlil lunged towards him and caught the cerulean lightsaber blade with his open palm. Fingers curled around the blade without worry, a faint crackle of energy between the blade and the figure's fingers. Pulling Kahlil forward, the figure pulled back his leg and then sent the flat of his booted foot directly towards the younger man's midsection. A successful impact would send Kahlil careening back towards Valery, the wind knocked from his lungs.

Floating further back into the air, the figure's hands again sparked with powerful Dark Side energies. Yet, instead of streams of torrential lightning, this energy coalesced into two half-meter wide orbs in each of his palms. These orbs were then thrown towards Kahlil and Valery, moving at about the speed of a thrown gravball before colliding not with either of them, but with the ground near their feet. A second after impact, each sphere rapidly expanded to over three times its original size. The expanded energy atomized solid matter, turning the cobbled streets where they had landed into puddles of molten rock.

The figure launched another pair towards Kahlil and Valery, this time aiming directly for them rather than at the ground. As this happened, the same voice uttered by the masked figure rebounded through Kahlil's mind as a terrible whisper.

"You cannot deny the truth that is your family. Submit."


Location: Panatha
Valery: Appearance
Seeing the kick connect with Kahlil's midsection, she quickly hopped aside to make sure he wouldn't collide with her. The impact would likely knock him off-balance, but they'd be in a lot more trouble if she tried to stop him, and also lost her footing in the process.
She then stepped forward and placed herself more directly in the line of fire while he was channeling another attack. Feeling the power and danger of the spheres that formed, she stood ready and jumped away as one struck the ground in front of her. She blinked at the devastation it caused and looked over as another one was thrown.
But now, it came straight for her.
Using the energy she harnessed from her use of Tutaminis, as well as her own strength, she extended a hand and projected a powerful spherical Barrier to intercept the orb. On impact, a massive explosion followed that caused her to grit her teeth. She felt the strain of this fight kicking in, and looked over her shoulder at Kahlil.
Normally, she'd use her own prowess with the Force to fight back, but there was a problem. They were in the middle of a town, and there was no way civilians had gotten far enough to be safe. There was also the risk of the curious bystander getting caught in whatever display of power she'd turn against this Dark presence.
"Kahlil, we can't fight him here!" she exclaimed. "It's too dangerous!"
Her gaze snapped back onto the dark presence but she did not engage. She merely stood ready to defend herself and Kahlil, who she feared for the most. Whoever this figure was, he seemed particularly interested in her boyfriend.


Sorcery and strength?

The gears were churning in the back of Kahlil's mind. This level of power was familiar. Almost like his.. Father? But no cultist that he knew of could channel his father's strength without it severely deteriorating their body. It's what happened to him. So who was- The kick hit him in the stomach, knocking the air right out of his lungs as he was thrown back. No, this wasn't possible. Or, it was, but.. Carnifex wouldn't risk it over him. Over a failed son like him.

He coughed hard, trying to recatch his breath as Valery Noble Valery Noble once again put herself between him and this cloaked figure. But Kahlil didn't leave her to face him alone. He threw out a hand, pushing his will onto the Force to help her create that barrier. The explosion that resulted nearly knocked the breath out of him all over again. But he stayed standing.

"I might not be able to deny it, but I'm certainly not going to let some Kenite lecture me." He took a breath, lifting up his saber again. His eyes narrowed. Breathing steadied. Valery was here with him. He didn't have to fight alone.

"This area is empty, for now. If more cultists arrive.. We fight until we get a clear path to the ship. You have more experience, I follow your lead."

The figure floated back down to the ground.

They reached into their cloaked form, producing a large cylindrical
hilt constructed out of rough black cerakote. Extending the hand that held the cylinder out towards the figure's right, they thumbed the activator to extend a two-meter long sickly emerald blade from the crown-like emitter. Smoke curled forth from the beam of energy, the same color as the beam itself but blackened at its edges.

"If you wish to leave," spoke the figure, "Then you must fight."

The being made to step forward as if to charge, but then suddenly disappeared from view like a shroud had been thrown over them. This lasted for just shy of a second and a half before the figure
reappeared directly behind them, his sickly blade lashed out to strike at the both of them. Whenever the blade connected with another lightsaber's, the sound that was created was akin to a high keening wail, like the blade was screeching in suffering from mere contact.

The feeling the blade gave off was as sickly as its appearance, dark and perverse magic that was exactly similar to that employed by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. The figure did not appear to be aligned with the Nightsisters in any capacity, nor did he wear anything on his body that would indicate such. Still, the Dark Side was strong with him and was growing stronger every minute, the very air they breathed grow rich with the stench of decay and electrified ozone.

"Fight or die," insisted the dark figure.


Location: Panatha
Valery: Appearance
Valery nodded as her eyes turned to Kahlil for a moment. She was glad to see him recovered and standing with her. As long as they worked together, she always felt confident. The strength of their bond empowered her even more, and knowing it was safe to fight, she reached for her lightsaber.
After unclipping it from her belt, the purple plasma ignited. Her orange eyes locked onto the Sith, and her mind cleared as it connected with the Force.
"Let's do this together," she said with a calm tone.
The figure then began to move towards them, each step closer increasing the danger she felt through the Force. But some distance before he'd reach them, it flared up as he suddenly vanished. She blinked and if it wasn't for her precognitive skills, she'd likely be dead now.
With great speed, she spun around and positioned her blade into a vertical block, hopefully alongside Kahlil to stop his attack. She felt the sickening corruption of the Dark Side that emanated from him and his blade but pushed through it. To Vanquish the Darkness, one needed to cast the light against it, and this is what she was going to do.
<Telepathy> "Keep him busy - just a second." she telepathically communicated to Kahlil, with who she very easily connected.
She only needed a moment, as she stepped back from the clash and called on her strength in the Force. The Jedi Shadow drew upon the purity of the light within her, channeling it to her fingertips, and quickly, her strength began to rise with each passing second. As the Force gathered, she'd finally release it out towards the Sith in the form of withering blasts of pure light.


Perhaps that's what kept him so calm. The bond he shared with Valery Noble Valery Noble . He leaned heavily into that, letting it still his beating heart. Calm the fear in his soul. Whomever this person was, this cultist and their power, it didn't matter. They needed to escape, together. Then they could think about it. He readied himself, physically and mentally, for the battle that would come.

The figure charged. Then was gone.

His eyes widened. He knew the power. The skill, the spell. He spun immediately, letting the Force guide him as he likewise caught the blade brought down towards him. Reinforcing Valery's defense with his own strength. Kahlil didn't waste a second, stepping into the guard and shifting his blade. Shifting the weight behind it to himself to free the Shadow's blade and let her focus for a moment.

"<I've got you.>" Ingrid had bashed him before on his stubborn refusal to let his mind connect to another. There was a use for it, and one he sought to use here. He angled his blade, trying to push the larger man's weapon away from them both before raising a hand to push the cloaked figure back and away. Fight until they could either get away or they defeated this unknown foe. That's all they could do now. If he could teleport..

There was no escape.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

All of the figure's movements were measured, precise. There was nothing he did that was without a purpose. All three blades locked together, angrily crackling and sparking against one another; purple, blue, and green. Despite the harsh illumination set between the three of them, no light seemed to pierce the veil of shadow that lurked behind that leering golden mask.

"Beneath the veneer of light is shadow."

The figure moved back as Kahlil inflicted upon him a telekinetic shove and Valery lashed him with radiant light. Shapes danced across the figure's black robes, sharp and angular lines that formed a complex latticework of runic symbols written in that dark forbidden language of the Sith. The symbols glowed brightly when struck by the light, and the light in response flowed off and away from the being like oil over water.

Slowly twirling his lightsaber in one hand, the figure stood silent but crouched and ready for battle.

Suddenly, from the alleys and streets running perpendicular to the one all three found themselves on, came forth the soldiers of the Eternal Imperial garrison. They levied their weapons, barked something about order, peace, and law, and demanded that all combatants lay down their weapons and surrender themselves.

"The mewling of lesser creation," spoke the masked figure, "Is an abomination."

The first guardsman died instantly, cloven from shoulder to groin without much warning. The others fell in quick succession, hewn apart and quickly dispatched by the flashing ethereal blade of the dark figure. When all was done, the bodies of the dead lay strewn upon the cobbles.

"And it shall not be tolerated."


Location: Panatha
Valery: Appearance
Following their combined attack against the figure of darkness, Valery stood side-by-side with Kahlil while Demiurge prepared himself to engage once again. He was ready for battle, and so was she, but something else drew their attention before a clash could follow. Seeing the Eternal Imperial soldiers, she immediately knew they were in danger, especially with how they addressed the fighting Force-users.
She had no intention of fighting them, but the masked figure surely wasn't going to tolerate their interference.
"Kahlil, more of them will come," she said as she watched the soldiers swiftly fall in front of her eyes.
"We have to stand our ground, and maybe we can force him to withdraw," she said, hoping a flux of soldiers would put enough pressure on the figure for him to leave. He could kill them very easily but demonstrating that skill so obviously only drew more attention to him, and surely that would mean reinforcements were coming. Or so she hoped.
With that said, her gaze sharpened and the Force began to flow through her more freely, allowing her speed to be augmented to levels far beyond what is natural. As a purple flash, she crossed the distance to the dark figure and unleashed a fast-paced flurry of attacks towards him. Using her acrobatic skills and speed, she tried to keep moving around him, closer to avoid the reach of his weapon keeping her at a disadvantage.
She deliberately made sure that her aggressive tactics were still somewhat conserved - she was hoping to just force his focus on her and Kahlil if he joined her in this fight. Hopefully soon, an opportunity to end this clash would show itself.


Kahlil was already gone from Valery Noble Valery Noble 's side as the troopers arrived. He knew what was going to happen. He dreaded it. The Kenite, their blind faith in his father and the cruelty they could inflict on their fellow man was something the wayward son remembered all too well. He was too late for the first. The next? The blue of his saber reached out to intercept the next strike from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . He caught it, but the weight behind it was too much for the Jedi to stop dead in it's tracks.

The trooper would at least survive. Plenty could without an arm.


The order was simple, not that he expected the Eternals to listen to him. He was no one in the Empire, just as he wanted. That didn't stop the others from helping their disarmed ally to escape in the alley. He wasn't much of a sword. Never had been. He stayed his ground regardless, his silver eyes focused on the dark shrouded individual. Kahlil was always more of a shield.

So that's what he would be. Letting his mind open fully towards the Jedi Master, letting their minds meld against this greater threat, he would weave between her strikes. Letting her strike while he'd defend her against the sickly glowing saber of the cultist. Press forward. Push harder. Force him to retreat. That was their only path now.

They both came for him.

To those who desired to remain nearby as onlookers, the three combatants looked more akin to a whirling sphere of clashing light than they did three warriors. The dark figure seemed to feed off of their aggression, no matter how subdued it remained. The faster they attacked, the faster he defended and countered. Green saber lashed back and forth, intrinsically moving to where the next blade would be regardless of how quickly they came.

A spark ignited and fire leaped from the figure's fingers, bathing their surroundings in bright blue flames. The figure jumped up and away from the two Jedi, coming to rest on an elevated landing that overlooked the street their duel had rendered ruinous. The figure angled his blade down towards his side, a neutral position.

"Do you know what He will say?" posed the figure to Kahlil, "He will ask if I have been to see you, and I will say that I have. He will ask what I believe, and I will say that I believe the hour approaches." The figure slowly angled the tip of his lightsaber to point directly at Kahlil. "You know the hour, Kahlil, you've known for a long time. You're drawn towards it, and you cannot escape its pull. Just as gravity ensnares whole worlds, so too does your destiny ensnare you."

Paradoxically, the figure deactivated his lightsaber but its position remained unchanged.

"Do you know what awaits beyond that hour, young Kahlil?"


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