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Private Holojournals: The Sith Pilgrimage (by invitation or request)

OOC/ Based on this thread, but for bad guys. Goal is to visit a ton of the Sith temples and academies that folks have established over the years. To participate, just post a picture or two (sourced) - maybe stock images or something from Artstation or Deviantart - and add some in-character commentary. No posting order, no pressure, toss in a picture and some thoughts whenever you feel like it.


My grandfather, Velok the Younger, was trained as a Sith Lord. His father was the Last Blackguard and a Sith Lord in his own right. I know the dark side of the Force through their legacy and as one of the Toglannoq, but my horizons have been limited. There's just been so much else to do. But I know that my people's place in the Sith Empire exists in relation to our relationship with the Force, as a matter of politics. I'm not a Sith, but it's in my people's best interests that I become so. These little people's traditions are inescapably important.

Grandfather always taught me that there are a dozen kinds of Sith, not just as a matter of personality but in terms of values. He's suggested that I visit the Sith temples and academies, mostly those related to the Empire. He says I should see what's out there and learn what I want to become. So we will see where that goes.

My first visit: a small, deserted
academy on Eadu, a remote world that the Bryn'adul overran. I went by stealth ship and kept my presence suppressed. The entire location is forgotten and has little to recommend it. Along with a handful of associates and other Toglannoq, I examined the Sith training grounds, tasted the echoes in the Force they left behind, and got a feel for how they lived. I do not know if their priorities will ever be mine. So far, the Sith leave me underwhelmed.



The boys and I spent some time in this wrecked chamber before we sneaked off Eadu again. We took power from the echoes of the abandoned academy and scavenged a few useful items, like Sith training tools and lightsaber components. I even found a good-quality kyber crystal:


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The Elder sent me to join a motley collection of Sith and Whiphid Darksiders on a pilgrimage between Sith sites both active and defunct. The Elder would like an overview of the galaxy's Sith academies and temples. I know for a fact that he's visited many of them, so there's more to this errand.

To my surprise I enjoyed the sheer cliffs and columns of Eadu. It's like a starker, darker version of the high trees of my homeworld. I meditated under an icy waterfall while the Whiphid boars searched the old academy.



I wasn't sorry to leave Eadu in the Whiphid leader's stealth ship. The Draelvasier are deadly enemies, beings I wouldn't cross without good reason.


The One Sith used this ancient ruin to store Sithspawn and probably to create them. They called it the Hadrion. It's deep in the jungles of Gallos. I don't believe anyone has set foot here since some Mandalorians, fifteen or twenty years ago. There are still bits of scarred Mandalorian armor lying around. The jungle has consumed everything else.

We were fortunate to find a worthy hunt here, a mutant predator descended or evolved from whatever the Sith left behind.




Darth Quercus

The Whiphids of the Toglannoq know more about roasting Sithspawn than anyone. I feel truly fortunate that they allowed me to join their expedition. I may gain significant weight.



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