Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holo Hunting Is a Pain [Euka]

Darren didnt know what was happening but the force was pushing it self into the Twi'lik. she was in alot of pain. It could have possably been the temple. Darren picked her up with a groun. He hated lifting things. Darren moved her to the well and said "Put you hand on top of it. I have an idea."
Darren Shaw said:
Darren didnt know what was happening but the force was pushing it self into the Twi'lik. she was in alot of pain. It could have possably been the temple. Darren picked her up with a groun. He hated lifting things. Darren moved her to the well and said "Put you hand on top of it. I have an idea."
She complys but only barely she struggled hard to even attempt it.

She was in so much pain she could past out at any moment, some thing was after her mind but she fought it as hard as she could.
Darren saw that she was strugling to put her hand onto the Stone. He grabed the top of her hand with his, and place it on the stone. He could feel the Power flow into her and would seep into him. It was the only thing that he could think of to stop what ever it was. It may have been the same thing that attacked Onyx when they were at the tomb in Korraban. He muttered to him self "Come on damn it, work!"
Darren Shaw said:
Darren saw that she was strugling to put her hand onto the Stone. He grabed the top of her hand with his, and place it on the stone. He could feel the Power flow into her and would seep into him. It was the only thing that he could think of to stop what ever it was. It may have been the same thing that attacked Onyx when they were at the tomb in Korraban. He muttered to him self "Come on damn it, work!"
She slowly starts to calm down... breathing heavily she seems to almost want to faint but fights it. It was the most painful thing she ever went through, this reinforce her mind set of how every thing the Sith create or touch is pure evil to the core, corruption and vile, she wanted to destroy this place already. She wanted nothing more to do with it.

"I'm not staying here... this place is evil, we shouldn't be here, we should destroy it and leave the sith shouldn't have this place its tainted with darkness."
"You can, but when Im done. Ineed to find that Holo. If you want you can leave, or you can try and come with me futher." Darren had to find that Holo it may be the last clue that he had to find and save his mother.

using the force enchance power she got she crush a large support pillar in the temple where they were with the force as she concentrated on it hard, it shatter on the bottom and fell over the temple starting to shake and rocks started to fall she was about to bring down the whole temple over there heads she took off running in the ca motion towards the exit she wasn't going to let the place stand even if he wanted in it, he'd soon be corrupted into a Sith, or worse. She believed it benefited him more to forget about it.
"Goddamit Woman!" Darren yelled. "What are you doing? I need to find that holo about the Sith so I can save my mother!" Darren used the force to try and hold up the roof of the temple from crushing on them. Darren then reached over to the stone and used its energy to restore himself to keep the roof off the top of them. soot was falling to ladn on the both of them. He looked a tthe twi'lik and said "You want to kill yourself do ya?"
Darren Shaw said:
"Goddamit Woman!" Darren yelled. "What are you doing? I need to find that holo about the Sith so I can save my mother!" Darren used the force to try and hold up the roof of the temple from crushing on them. Darren then reached over to the stone and used its energy to restore himself to keep the roof off the top of them. soot was falling to ladn on the both of them. He looked a tthe twi'lik and said "You want to kill yourself do ya?"
(SOrry i was gone cause work.)

"Nothing the Sith can offer you will save her."

She pulls you're lightsaber and cuts a hole through the rock you're holding and steps out the hall leading deeper into the tomb was covered in rock from the collapse however the exit didn't have too much in the way
Darren let the Rock fall on itself and he rushed out. He met up with the girl and used the force to take his lightsaber back. he then ingnited both of his white blades saying "Take my blade again and It will be the last thing you see." He gave a paues to let it sink in hopefuly "My mother was taken from the sith. If i can learn about their ways then maybe I could save her. Cross me and you will end up like the last guy did. under a pile of ice snow and rock."
Darren Shaw said:
Darren let the Rock fall on itself and he rushed out. He met up with the girl and used the force to take his lightsaber back. he then ingnited both of his white blades saying "Take my blade again and It will be the last thing you see." He gave a paues to let it sink in hopefuly "My mother was taken from the sith. If i can learn about their ways then maybe I could save her. Cross me and you will end up like the last guy did. under a pile of ice snow and rock."
She shock her head.

​"I didn't want you're light saber i just wanted out, you're threats don't scare me the Sith Lords are much scarier i just wanted to get out, if i didn't have the rock would of crushed us. Besides, While I'm still under the influence of this place and the water right now i could toss you around like a ball. I'm leaving don't follow me if you do i will make sure this place crushes us both, chase after shadows all you like but i won't be apart of you damn adventure."

She pulled the rock aside and begun to exit the temple not even looking back, she didn't care about his threats. She knew he would fall not long after if he kept up what he was doing. She knew she couldn't follow him down that path as well.

The one thing that bothers you the most, is that even after her surge of force power you can't really hardly feel her only when shes really close but its faint, its almost as if she's either dead to you're senses, or she's hiding her presence, but why would she do that? Is she really a Sith spy? Some thing was really weird about her. You wonder if she's an experience Sith assassin
Darren felt weird. He walked to his ship and wondered why she helped him it was weird. but he didnt care. he took off his sword and place it next to him in the cabbin. he was fliping switches and moving stuff around. Not knowing where to go. It looked like he would never get that holocron. but he knew that next time he would be on a Sith planet, He would be getting his mother back. "I will get you Maylee, I will save you no matter the cost"

Darren said this under his breath. He said it with anger and vengeance. Darren would do anytihng to rescue his mother from the sith. He didnt care about the consiquences. In his mind he had already saved her.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren felt weird. He walked to his ship and wondered why she helped him it was weird. but he didnt care. he took off his sword and place it next to him in the cabbin. he was fliping switches and moving stuff around. Not knowing where to go. It looked like he would never get that holocron. but he knew that next time he would be on a Sith planet, He would be getting his mother back. "I will get you Maylee, I will save you no matter the cost"

Darren said this under his breath. He said it with anger and vengeance. Darren would do anytihng to rescue his mother from the sith. He didnt care about the consiquences. In his mind he had already saved her.
You notice A Sith Shuttle land outside of the field, as soon as they notice you several troops and Sith walk out battle ready to board you're ship, its obvious now there going to be alerted to you're presence and it may be best to leave before they alert there ships so that you're not blasted outside of the sky, however you notice some thing, as they get off worried about you, they don't notice Euka sneaking aboard, the Shuttle engines reignite and the sith turn around to there surprise the shuttle flies off into the sky obviously heading for space, this distraction easily gives you enough time to leave as well.
Darren got his sip off the ground and started to move anywhere away from them he lifted off into the atmosphere and proceded to leave the planet. He needed to get back home. he wasnt going to let them track him so he left in the oppsite direction first towards courscant.

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