Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holo Hunting Is a Pain [Euka]

Telos was a strange planet to be on. He had heard about a mythed holocron that was hidden on the planet. The holocron was named the "Telos Holocron" becasue of its mythed intel about Telos and the Tith that used to rule it long ago, and own it now. he had flown here in his old space ship wanting to be alone for once with his new Apprentice Rheelynd.

Lanind in one of the may docking bays he payed with credits the price to store his ship. He neede to find a place where he could look at information on the Holo. thinking that he could go to the local tavern or library he went to the tavern first.

Stepping in the doors of the tavern many of the Sith there looked at him. it was unusual for a force user to be decked out in all white. Expecaly since he want a Sith at all. he could tell that they were feeling him through the force and coyuld tell that he was powerful. Darren saw a man get up and walkover to him. the man stood there for a few seconds. Darren stared straight ahead as if here were never alive. All of the peopl in the tavern were holding their breath. the man seemd to be a Sith officer of some kind. oblivously off duty. the Sith officer said

"Whats a maggot like you Jedi doing here?" Darren fialy acknoledged his presence saying "I am no Jedi. I am a Fallen, and I will not take orders form the likes of you." the man looked to punch him for saying such a thing. using the force he could tell where the punch would land and caught his fist. Twisting it Darren said "Now leave me alone you Dung herder."
There was only one person that stood out in the whole room, it was Euka, even tho she was wearing sith robes, some thing about her was off from the other sith, the other Sith didn't seem to notice but she was different deep down she was different, the hint of the dark side only linger on her outside, inside it seemed different. She was also the only person who looked at you with no hate in her eyes, no anger. Infact she seemed rather gentle.

"A jedi? How'd he get in here?"
Darren had let the man go so he could nurse his arm. he looked at him to say that he was not to be messed with right now. he walked up to the bar and was bout to order a drink. but instead stoped to feel the others in the room.

Darren was listening and feeling the vibrations in the ground fomr people walking. He heard a small and gentle voice off in the side of the room. it said "A Jedi? How'd he get in here?" knowing exaclty who it was from the direction of the voice he walked up to a young Twi'lik girl who was considerably shorter than him.

She was read skined with tribal tats on her Lekku. She looked as a Sith. but felt lighter. Purer in her heart. A person that would help people. Darren then said to the Twi'lik in a whisper "You are not a Sith am I right? you have a Light heart, but a damaged body. Most likely with a not so good past." Darren was intrested in this young woman. She could hide amoung the Sith with such ease that they wouldnt notice unless they knew what to look for. not how they looke or their possable past, but how the heart was allined with the mind. the mind may be crule. but the heart is always lighter.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren had let the man go so he could nurse his arm. he looked at him to say that he was not to be messed with right now. he walked up to the bar and was bout to order a drink. but instead stoped to feel the others in the room.

Darren was listening and feeling the vibrations in the ground fomr people walking. He heard a small and gentle voice off in the side of the room. it said "A Jedi? How'd he get in here?" knowing exaclty who it was from the direction of the voice he walked up to a young Twi'lik girl who was considerably shorter than him.

She was read skined with tribal tats on her Lekku. She looked as a Sith. but felt lighter. Purer in her heart. A person that would help people. Darren then said to the Twi'lik in a whisper "You are not a Sith am I right? you have a Light heart, but a damaged body. Most likely with a not so good past." Darren was intrested in this young woman. She could hide amoung the Sith with such ease that they wouldnt notice unless they knew what to look for. not how they looke or their possable past, but how the heart was allined with the mind. the mind may be crule. but the heart is always lighter.
"What are you after Jedi?"

She said in a firm and cold voice of a typical sith, but she knew this was only to protect her from being harmed by this jedi, she had no real training, hell she couldn't even get a Master, all her training was what she learned self taught through archives and basic training, she doesn't even have a lightsaber, worthless. What was she going to die if he decided to push her around, bully her like the other Sith do already, the non acylotes just love making her look like a lesser being, she was tried of it but nothing she could do.
Typical of her to act like she was still a sith. he said to her in return. "You are not a Sith. You are light at heart and want to help people who are less foutunate. That is what your heart says when I feel it. And hearts do not lie." Darren stoped to let that sink in for a few seconds. He wanted to show here that he could tell who she really was. Darren contiued saying "I can make a different world. all you have to do is accept." Darren didnt wait for an answer. he walked over to the door looked at her one last time before leaving the Bar.

Darren started to walk to the Library. He needed the Information on the holocron. That is if he was going to save his mother.
Darren Shaw said:
Typical of her to act like she was still a sith. he said to her in return. "You are not a Sith. You are light at heart and want to help people who are less foutunate. That is what your heart says when I feel it. And hearts do not lie." Darren stoped to let that sink in for a few seconds. He wanted to show here that he could tell who she really was. Darren contiued saying "I can make a different world. all you have to do is accept." Darren didnt wait for an answer. he walked over to the door looked at her one last time before leaving the Bar.

Darren started to walk to the Library. He needed the Information on the holocron. That is if he was going to save his mother.
(I have to go to bed for work night ^.^)

"Damn, but i'm interested."

She gets up and walks out after a moment he leaves, and slowly follows him a bit back to try not to let any one see her following him, she followed him to the libery and watched him not long after she creeped up

"You can't stay here if you do the Sith, will ambush you when no one can see it, and will try to kill you."
Darre had been reading up on the holocron about the fabled holo. he laughed at himself for using a holocrom to find another. He was about to finish wehn he heard the same voice again saying "You can't stay here if you do the Sith, will ambush you when no one can see it, and will try to kill you." he nodded and answered her "I already know that. I have been ambushed before. it was called Korraban. and I think I can do it again. it also seems that you take a liking to my offer?"

He was catious on what he said. if Darren were to say the wrong thing he could lose a "friend"

OOC thats fine lol
Darren Shaw said:
Darre had been reading up on the holocron about the fabled holo. he laughed at himself for using a holocrom to find another. He was about to finish wehn he heard the same voice again saying "You can't stay here if you do the Sith, will ambush you when no one can see it, and will try to kill you." he nodded and answered her "I already know that. I have been ambushed before. it was called Korraban. and I think I can do it again. it also seems that you take a liking to my offer?"

He was catious on what he said. if Darren were to say the wrong thing he could lose a "friend"

OOC thats fine lol
"You don't understand, i just heard two of the Sith going to alert the lords, theres 3 lords on this station. I might be able to help you but we need to get off this station, and now."

She didn't seem like she was in a panic she seemed calm however she was serious and wasn't going to waste a chance to get away from the Sith after all.
Darren turned to the Twi'lik and said "Do you think I already know that? Its stupid Sith tattletelling on me again. I came here looking for a Holocron and you are telling me that I have to leave because of a Sith lord? If you would like to know I took on the "Betrayer of Hope" and if you know who he is. then you sould reconsider telling me to leave. I need to find this Holocron." Darren claped his gloved hands saying "So, are you going to help me or are you going to run away like all the other Sith that I have faced? If not then we can leave asap becaus I have a apromixation on where the Holo is."

Darren then place the holo on the table and stood up. Darren then moved towards her and said "If you want to follow me. We can leave after I get the Holocron."
Darren Shaw said:
Darren turned to the Twi'lik and said "Do you think I already know that? Its stupid Sith tattletelling on me again. I came here looking for a Holocron and you are telling me that I have to leave because of a Sith lord? If you would like to know I took on the "Betrayer of Hope" and if you know who he is. then you sould reconsider telling me to leave. I need to find this Holocron." Darren claped his gloved hands saying "So, are you going to help me or are you going to run away like all the other Sith that I have faced? If not then we can leave asap becaus I have a apromixation on where the Holo is."

Darren then place the holo on the table and stood up. Darren then moved towards her and said "If you want to follow me. We can leave after I get the Holocron."
"No you fool, listen. You won't find it... here you just shut up and follow me i know what I'm doing we have to get off this base first, trust me."

She grabbed him and pushed him forward to signal him to get moving, she needed to leave even if he could some how manage against Sith lords on his own, she couldn't she'd be a traitor and as good as dead.
Darrren was suprised that the twi'lik was pulling him. He stopped where he was to say "Well I believe my test worked." Darren had been testing her to see if she really was telling the truth, and apparently she was. from the other side of the library he saw 3 very dangrous looking Sith walk in looking for someone. he looked down at the former Sith and said. "You need to get out. I dont want you to be seen wtih me at docking bay 4. and ill be ther as soon as i can."
Darren Shaw said:
Darrren was suprised that the twi'lik was pulling him. He stopped where he was to say "Well I believe my test worked." Darren had been testing her to see if she really was telling the truth, and apparently she was. from the other side of the library he saw 3 very dangrous looking Sith walk in looking for someone. he looked down at the former Sith and said. "You need to get out. I dont want you to be seen wtih me at docking bay 4. and ill be ther as soon as i can."
"No they'll have camera's set up and portals looking for you, and may even lock down the hangers, you don't understand the Sith are going to look at you as an extreme threat." *she hands you a data pad.*

"This has a location to a hidden temple the Sith have been digging into, i'll meet you there i can get it open, i have the passcodes already. I'll meet you there Just get to the docking bay fast and get out of here before lock down."

She runs off towards the 3 Sith and starts talking to them and pointing in another direction, obviously leading them off you're trail.
Darren let the girl leave rather than argue with her. He put the under his arm and started to walk out. Daren was slightly suprised that she was helping him. He left out the back. Looking into the allieway he went to his right. Leaving from there he jumped onto of a roof. he looked over to where his docking bay was and jumped from house to house, rooftop to rooftop down to where his ship was. He felt the presence of some Sith just outside the hangar door. He lumped to land right next to his ship. proceding to get in he turned on his engines, and in the prosses alerting the guards.

They came in without warning and started to fire some blaster rounds at him. he deflected them with the force and left the atmosphere. He looked at the data pad to where he was to go next.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren let the girl leave rather than argue with her. He put the under his arm and started to walk out. Daren was slightly suprised that she was helping him. He left out the back. Looking into the allieway he went to his right. Leaving from there he jumped onto of a roof. he looked over to where his docking bay was and jumped from house to house, rooftop to rooftop down to where his ship was. He felt the presence of some Sith just outside the hangar door. He lumped to land right next to his ship. proceding to get in he turned on his engines, and in the prosses alerting the guards.

They came in without warning and started to fire some blaster rounds at him. he deflected them with the force and left the atmosphere. He looked at the data pad to where he was to go next.
The data pad had coordinates to a location that was supposedly uninhabitable in the northern reaches of Telos they were odd. They also had some sort of codes. The codes looked almost like landing codes, but some thing different.

The datapad is Vague and has no expatiation its obvious it was suppose to have a very secret meaning.
Darren was in his ship and flying to the coordinates. It seemed strange that they lead to a desolat area. but the last on he had found was in a tomb so he thought nothing of it. lowering back down to Telos he had gotten there. It was hot and desert like. barren and alone. He had to wait for the Twi'lik so she could give him the rest of the info.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren was in his ship and flying to the coordinates. It seemed strange that they lead to a desolat area. but the last on he had found was in a tomb so he thought nothing of it. lowering back down to Telos he had gotten there. It was hot and desert like. barren and alone. He had to wait for the Twi'lik so she could give him the rest of the info.
There was some thing there, some thing that blocked you're path but you weren't sure what. It seemed invisible it wasn't of the force tho. You're pretty sure after a moment its a shield. Theres a large shield in the area. Which was weird since nothing was supposedly there at least not that you could see.
Darren felt his hand on the "Shield" Darren went to his ship and used the ships scaner to see how large it was. he looked to see that it was about 1 click in a circle Darren thought about blasting the shield but thought better of it. He then thought about putting the data pad on the shield. getting out of his ship he walked over to the shield and placed it on the invisable surface.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren felt his hand on the "Shield" Darren went to his ship and used the ships scaner to see how large it was. he looked to see that it was about 1 click in a circle Darren thought about blasting the shield but thought better of it. He then thought about putting the data pad on the shield. getting out of his ship he walked over to the shield and placed it on the invisable surface.
The codes pop up again and the shield disappears, also reveling a temple behind the shield, the shield was more of a stealth field. A temple was sitting there half covered in sand, the Twi'lek girl stood at the entrance watching you as if she saw you doing all of this the whole time.
Darren shook his head. He walked over to the Sith who was at the temple. He laughed and asked "Did you just see me do all of that? Because if you did...." Darren was slightly embarised. Althoug someone who may have not known at all what to do may have taken longer. He smiled at the fact that he looked stupid. although she may have not seen him smile because of his helmet.

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