Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holo Hunting Is a Pain [Euka]

Darren Shaw said:
Darren shook his head. He walked over to the Sith who was at the temple. He laughed and asked "Did you just see me do all of that? Because if you did...." Darren was slightly embarised. Althoug someone who may have not known at all what to do may have taken longer. He smiled at the fact that he looked stupid. although she may have not seen him smile because of his helmet.
She laughed gently

"I did but i expected it. I had to make sure you were resourceful enough to get into the shield without any help."

"This temple is old, the Sith recently found it and the clearance required are Lords, so of course i am not suppose to be here, but since i still don't have a master i have a habit of stealing things from the Lord's when there not looking, its a little talent i picked up, helps me get info on what's going on. I try to keep tabs so i can at least stay a step ahead mentally."

She pushes on a hidden lever and the door opens.

"There shouldn't be any one here right now, they haven't gotten far in the temple its laid with all kinds of traps and defenses. They've been delicate with it because there worried about accidently destroying the temple by activing the defenses. However i'm sure what you're looking for is here."
"It matters on how long it has been hidden. if it were a shot time then no. this is not the place. If it were a long time then yes it is the place." Darren didnt really trust the Twi'lik all to much yet. so he didnt tell her what he was looking for. he then said to her. "So you have theaving talents? Intresting."
Morna said:
"It matters on how long it has been hidden. if it were a shot time then no. this is not the place. If it were a long time then yes it is the place." Darren didnt really trust the Twi'lik all to much yet. so he didnt tell her what he was looking for. he then said to her. "So you have theaving talents? Intresting."
"More like a natural ability to conceal myself in the force."

"This place, has supposly been here a very long time, just the rediscovery of it is new."

"The sith are wary that some one like you will find out about it. However that's just what i want, i hate the Sith i want to leave and i don't want to ever see them again, there evil and cruel."
I don't know much about this place either. It doesn't matter to me, however you're the big strong jedi. I don't even have a weapon.
Darren laughed "You're telling me that you dont even have a Lightsaber? Well then it looks like I will be leading" Darren thought that something might be up. If she was a Sith she must have some sort of a weapon with her. He walked into the tunnle that would lead to one of the rooms inside. Using the force he felt for anylife forces near by but he didnt feel anything. Which was weird. Usaly he would have felt mice or other small creatures. But in here there was nothing.
Darren Shaw said:
Darren laughed "You're telling me that you dont even have a Lightsaber? Well then it looks like I will be leading" Darren thought that something might be up. If she was a Sith she must have some sort of a weapon with her. He walked into the tunnle that would lead to one of the rooms inside. Using the force he felt for anylife forces near by but he didnt feel anything. Which was weird. Usaly he would have felt mice or other small creatures. But in here there was nothing.
"Doesn't feel much difference then the tombs in korriban if you ask me"
She doesn't seem very effected by the odd temple.
( I didn't I was just commenting about how the place was it had nothing to do with the force as much as her senses are not very attuned you can view it as her saying it felt like a tomb on korriban she was speaking outside of the force senses)
OOC got ya. and srry about the long wait. been trying to do some work on the Grepan.

Darren agreed with her somewhat, when he realised that he never got her name. "What would your name be? Im Darren." He had ran from Sith and was now entering a temple with a woman who he did not know at all. But last time he did that. He gained a friend.
Darren Shaw said:
OOC got ya. and srry about the long wait. been trying to do some work on the Grepan.

Darren agreed with her somewhat, when he realised that he never got her name. "What would your name be? Im Darren." He had ran from Sith and was now entering a temple with a woman who he did not know at all. But last time he did that. He gained a friend.
(Just a heads up my character won't be able to leave together with you.)

"Euka, that's all i know, I don't know if that's my real name or if its the one the Sith gave me as i have no Last name."
OOC i was planing on leaving you there any ways lol (could use and informant?)

Darren had not been suprised when she only had one name. Sith usualy do that. That was when he walked into an open room that had a foutan in the middle of the room. The walls were covered in glyphs that had no meaning to him. He walked in and instanly saw the foutain saying "Thats a Sith well! Ive sen one of these before."
(No i defect shortly after our Encounter i steal a ship and get capture by the Empire where i defect to them.)

"What's it do?"

She looked it curiously wondering what it could do.
Darren didnt realy know what it was him self so he replied "A water well give you water so a Sith will will give you Sith or Dark side feelings. If you go over and touch the stone on top you will feel and increase in power and it will rejuivnate your body. making you feel like you were reborn." Darren walked up to the well and wanted to touch it. he rased his hand to reach for the stone. but pulled his hand back.
"I can sense some thing, isn't quite right...."

She felt some thing in the force that she wasn't sure of it, it bothered her, and she didn't know what to do.
Darren Shaw said:
"Its the well" Darren said "The well has a mind of its own and that is what you must be feeling."
"No some thing else!"

(OOC any rules that say i can't control an NPC or some thing like that?))
OOC matters on the Witer Pm me and ill explain.

Mmmm Darren wondered what she was feeling and so he expanded himself to be asorbing all the things he could about the srounding area. He felt something weird too He nodded his head to say he felt it too.
Darren Shaw said:
OOC matters on the Witer Pm me and ill explain.

Mmmm Darren wondered what she was feeling and so he expanded himself to be asorbing all the things he could about the srounding area. He felt something weird too He nodded his head to say he felt it too.
"Hes coming.... i have to get out of here.... hes going to invade."

She was speaking in riddles the force in her was changing, not on her level some thing else was there you could sense two beings, her and some thing else. She was under attack! Some thing was trying to take her body and mind, she was in extreme danger of being posses by a force spirit she was struggling and fall onto the ground holding her head and screaming in pain, she was obviously not trained enough to go into this Tomb, at this point only her raw force talent is keeping the spirit at bay.

"No i don't want that... arrggh"

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