Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hidden in Deep Shadow

Tag: Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Within the confines of the deeper levels of Nar Shaddaa, Avra and her new travel companion Felix had discovered one of the numerous entries into the caverns that ran beneath the polluted city. She had promised knowledge in exchange for his help in her spiritual trial, and he had kept to his word to accompany her even after their disagreement with the would-be slavers on the upper levels. They had suggested to sell her to the highest bidder, a disgusting prospect but they had no idea the power they toyed with when they agreed to try to apprehend her. He had seen fit to spare them, and so she had agreed, reluctantly. The Dathomirian hoped that they took this second chance to find more honorable and gainful employment than trying to run criminal enterprises in the streets, but she was not confident that they were smart enough to learn from their near-fatal mistake.

There was no illumination within the entrance of the cave, but the pipelines that entered the mouth showed that this was not a wholly abandoned cavern. With luck, the duo would not encounter anything troublesome. Avra was less forgiving than Felix, and interruptions to her test of faith would be met with open hostility if he did not intervene in the favor of those who would choose to oppose her.

"The air in this place feels heavy..." she said, placing a hand on the stone wall. Her heart stopped briefly and her eyes were flooded immediately by blood and black ichor. She grunted quietly as the pain flowed into her body and the spirits granted her vision of what once was. Avra did not know for how long she was taken away, but when she returned to herself she was seated against the cave wall. "A figure...a man, he ran through here. Someone...or something was chasing him. He was...scared, but determined. Whatever was chasing him...caught him at a dead end in the cave. He died in this cave and his body still lays here, forgotten." she said regaining her breath. Avra remained seated, pulling out a small cloth to wipe her face clean. "We must find the body, Felix. It is that body that holds something the spirits deem important."


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
The caverns weren't lit, there was no source of light natural or otherwise, and while he was able to manipulate and amplify the golden gleaming aura from his lightsaber and cast it out distantly to better illuminate their path, he didn't have a power source which allowed him to map out the entire complex. Felix Aquila was a man who could see through walls with his ability to bend light in a round a bout way, creating circuits back and forth between other objects and his own eyes so that he could see across vast distances, in the dimmest of lights and much more. However, 'no light' was a problem.

"I can't see too far in caverns like this, maybe another hundred meters in any direction or so, which at the very least is helpful, but I don't have the Lumins. But at the very least i should see danger coming and might be able to call out a couple dead ends early... otherwise, I'll rely on you for direction."

With that he would enhance his sight, doing exactly what he said, casting the light from his saber out into the world around him as his eyes would view the tunnels like a panorama. Something a normal person, or something not used to it would consider dizzying, perhaps even nauseating. The way his world stretched to him however was ordinary, and as the two began to step into the unknown world of the underground, Felix couldn't help but revel in the spirit of the adventure.

"So..." Felix would begin. "Do we have any idea the kind of creature that chased down our long departed target? Are there any stories or warnings the spirits have given you? Maybe you could conjure the soul of the person we're looking for to guide us?" He'd ask, not entirely sure how the whole spirit medium process seemed to work, though it was a good a guess as any. Ignorant though it was.


"It was running on four legs. A vicious thing, gnashing teeth and shrieking roars. It was quick, but disoriented by the darkness. The beast found our victim by trailing his scent. This creature was an apex predator, but it was not natural to this world. It might have been here as a pet to some misguided and opulent collector with some crass menagerie of beasts that they were convinced they could own. It could have been an escapee as well, scared, alone, and hungry. Regardless, my impression is that the beast did not linger after killing our target, but rather ate and left. That was, before this cave had pipelines built into the walls. Whatever they built down here dates after his death." she said, her mind gathering more clarity after her interaction with the spirits. Avra was still reeling from the sudden interruption they put her through, but in the aftermath things always came to light from her visions. It was just a matter of collecting her thoughts after they were so scattered.

The Dathomirian turned to Felix.
"Please, hold still. This will only take a few moments." she said, chanting quietly afterward. Green energy built up around her left hand and in a brief moment then focused itself at the tip of her index finger. Avra touched her ally's forehead with the finger, sending the magic into his body, granting him the Sense of the Veshet that his eyes might see more in the pitch darkness. "This will help you immensely, I believe. Like the veshet on Dathomir, you should be able to see much better now. It also enhances your sense of smell, though I will apologize now if Nar Shaddaa's offensive odor does become a problem. With your enhanced eyesight you should be able to guide us more confidently down these passages." she concluded.

Avra stood for a moment longer, "Do not mistake my wrath for callousness." she said, addressing the conflict that had risen between them. "On Dathomir things are different. It is pragmatic to do harm unto someone so grievously that they cannot harm you in return. Forgive me if I offended you with my inclination to see to it they could not threaten us again. This trial has placed a great burden on my shoulders, and I would much rather die than fail. I will remember that you would prefer to leave people alive in the future."


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
Felix would listen and do as he was told, but as the witchfire would come into contact with his head, he had to admit... even he was getting a little nervous about what was going to happen. Feeling the magik of the nightsister wash through his body, his eyes would begin to glow with the same green of the spell, the effects mingling with his force power becoming one. It seemed that manipulating the light here wasn't what he needed to do, now that it proved no bar for him, it was the dark that he would need to warp and alter.

Unpracticed, although still verily within his skill-set, he would begin moving his hands to and fro in figure eight patterns at his sides as though he were attempting to control the ebb and flow of the tide itself. It was a meditative technique, attempting to pull and tug at the shadow that clung to the world. Unlike light, which bounced around at speeds faster than living creatures could fathom, shadow clung to the world heavily, refusing to be moved unless it was loosened. Bit by bit he would begin to alter the solidity of the black light as it swayed before him like a drunkard until eventually he would be able to manipulate it enough to use it in a way that allowed him to expand his senses.

The smell however, hit him like a train, immediately his eyes would begin to water. He'd immediately wrap some of his clothing over his nose, so that at least he was able to mask the scent with his own for the most part dampening the effect it was having on him. "Alright, that's better, if you want to give me an hour depending on their size I could probably map out these tunnels for at least a mile in every direction now." He was confident about the distance, remembering him training to do the same on battle cruiser class starships for the most part.

Though when she mentioned her callousness, he would lend an ear. "I do err on the side of good conscience, but just as you're not callous, I'm not a fool. If people are trying to take our lives, I'll happily respond in kind. I've just always found that force should always be something carefully measured. On Ryloth, I've seen entire family lines wiped out of existence by alliances formed after someone killed the wrong person in opportunistic revenge." More times than he could count on his hands in fact, it was the typical response for someone overstepping. Something he took advantage of when it came to dealing with his own family...

"That is what happened to me. My family was wiped out by a rival family. It is the way of things for families to feud but on our world it is heavily frowned upon to outright destroy an entire lineage. They control the clan now, and are most likely holding it together through fear rather than wise guidance. Naked ambition is ugly, and violent. Perhaps they will fall without my intervention, but I would much rather avenge myself and my family by soaking the soil in their blood and let the nature reclaim their bodies." she said, her vicious streak showing again. When Avra was not roused to anger she was remarkably composed, but when provoked it was a towering inferno.

The woman just sat against the wall for the time being, allowing him to perform his own spell. She watched curiously, noting that it was very different than anything the Nightsisters called magic.
"This is a good time to impart some of my knowledge. You wished to be able to draw things to your grasp. It is a matter of willpower and desire. It is unlikely that you would not know what you want. Consider..." she said, focusing her mind. Avra knew that she most likely would need it at this junction, and so she drew upon her willpower and from her mind's eye focused entirely on her Dathomirian energy bow. Green ichor swirled around her hands as she stood upright, chanting quietly. Palms together, she expanded them, and between them out of the fire appeared her weapon. As it slowly formed, she finished the motion and caught the device in an outstretched hand.

"It works only on items with which you are familiar, as it requires you to focus your mind on what you want to bring to yourself. Vague impressions do not work, it must be something that you know specifically. Familiarity makes it easy, but personally owned items make it a trivial matter altogether. This is my weapon, my energy bow." Avra said clasping it to her belt. It was in its collapsed state at the moment. "But it is not the only thing the spirits can return to my possession. It can be something as simple as a flask of water, to something more complex like my bow, but it must always be able to fit in your hand. It cannot be used for theft, and it cannot be used to bring a destroyed item back in one piece. The ability to reforge a destroyed item is something entirely different and far more trying on the mind."


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
Listening to her plight, Felix couldn't help but feel his heart sink, it sounded all too similar with everything he had been through. He smiled at the fact it was taboo to destroy entire lineages, but she didn't say that it didn't happen. It was a subtlety, but one he was attuned to recognize. But the will to avenge her family was something that Felix understood all too well, it was something he worried about more and more these days. He'd nod attentively to show that he was listening as he focused on the shadows roiling. "That sounds really hard, well, its a good thing you don't need to be going through this kind of thing alone."

However, as she began to teach the technique he had hoped to learn his focus would turn, observing her, listening to the incantations as well as the hand motions she made. Somatic and Verbal components he had read were important to spell-craft, but that more experienced users could go without it. As she summoned the item to her hand with a puff of green flame, he was impressed. He wasn't sure that the skill was something that could simply be taught... but he was willing to try.

The stipulations however seemed steep, the ability had its limitations, but all things did. "Is there anything about the process i should focus on? I don't exactly have a foundation in the using of Nightsister Magic. Are you saying that with simply enough will I could transport something to my hand, or is there some state of mind or image i should be using to help me?" He'd heard stories, he didn't intent to question the woman too deeply on the matter, but while they had a moments quiet as they moved. It was then as his senses continued to expand at the rate of the shadow spreading outwards, he caught a glint of something, something bleached and reflective in the midst of the caves. His attention would snap in its direction.

"There's something down that way..." He'd state, beginning to move as he would continue to listen to her tutelage. Looking at his lightsaber, it was probably the item on his person that he was the most intimately familiar with, he didn't have much else that was personal on his person. He hoped it would work on the ancient artifact. But, holding the weapon in one hand he would begin focusing on the weapon going to his other hand. But as the saber hilt would begin to pull, it was evident it was only his telekinesis he was tapping into with his willpower.

"You are approaching it incorrectly. It does not work with items already in your possession. Why would you need to reach through the spirits to draw something that you already have? Your ability to draw things through telekinesis is entirely unrelated. Treat this as if you were reaching into a container and pulling something you've stored for later. Imagine that you have reached into something and the only contents you are aware of are your own. You know what you wish to have, you just have to see it in your mind and grasp it. Your lightsaber will not serve for that purpose, because it is already within your grasp. To use the spirits to grab it would be abusing their power out of sheer laziness, and they do not take kindly to those who would use their gifts for something to basic." Avra said, taking on the tone of a leader from her clan. It was her role, what she was meant to be doing, and yet here she was on Nar Shaddaa searching a cavern for something that the spirits deemed important enough to have her in exile.

The Nightsister shook her head as they continued traveling,
"No, you must wash your hands of this attempt and look to the spirits to guide your hand toward something that is not here already. They did not answer your call because you could simply have grasped it in hand without using their power. Perhaps picture something important to you, something you wish to have that is not in your possession. The more emotionally connected you are with what you seek the spirits to grant you the better, because it creates a more clear image in your mind and for the spirits to seek out. Vague impressions do not work, you must be intimately familiar with what you are searching to draw from the spiritual world." she kept teaching the technique not knowing if the outsider could grasp it. Avra was a woman of her word though, and she would do her best even if he could not truly comprehend the spirit of Dathomirian magic. "There is no shame in failure, though, Felix. This is an advanced technique even for my people. I do not expect an outsider to truly grasp our magic immediately. Even the most talented mystics on Dathomir must learn this technique through experience alone, as the principles are easy to teach but the execution is dependent entirely on the mind of the user."

Avra kept pace with the man as they walked through the cavern. It was the hint of light ahead that alerted her before anything else and she quieted herself and stepped into the deeper shadow of the cave. "We are not alone. Be mindful." she said before sinking into the ground in shadow and moving through the spirits to bring herself closer to the source. The Dathomirian reached into the mind of her guest to speak through the spirits, "Two men. Weapons, lights, and digging equipment. How do you wish to proceed?" she asked, having taken initiative on the surface in a way that Felix disliked, she opted to allow him to choose how to deal with these strangers that appeared to be searching for something.


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
Mental blocks made sense to him, of course when he thought about it in the light that he wasn't using his own power, he was lending the ability of something else, spirits in this case that would help do something for him. He hadn't achieved or done anything worthy of their consideration, and those he had failed and died would harbour little more than resentment toward him... so why would they lend their help? The Rylothian felt frustrated and defeated in that moment, but there was more that he was able to do. Thinking of his favorite book back home, he would attempt to will it into his hand... but nothing would occur.

A second attempt ended in failure before the comment to make the object something deeply personal, something that he was attached to, his mind moved to Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin , His old weapon that she had taken from him and placed behind her as she kissed him in his temporary room aboard a massive ship following the mess that was that damned world.

The Moment she kissed him there he'd seen a future, distantly, not one that he thought he'd ever be able to reach, as it was faint, transparent and distant from the path he'd been on. Where the two of them held hands in the sunset of a dying world, older, happy and fulfilled. In the infinite branches of infinite timelines most things could be possible. In that vision Felix still had that same weapon in his possession. There was nothing on his person that he associated with her more deeply. And so he would call for it... once again to little answer.

A little frustrated, but taking solace in the fact that she had said that few get this skill early, he would give it up for now, it seemed that her senses had managed to pick up something before his sight which penetrated the darkness now in an almost omnipresent manner. Allowing his sight beyond sight to reign back in he would speak. "We approach. Direct confrontation is usually best in scenarios like this. Worst case they're thieves and they attack. Not that i would think they would stand a chance." He said with a smile, making his way towards the two.

"Good Evening!" Felix would call out as he would approach the two, arms open and looking towards the two men. "no need to be alarmed, My name's Felix, and we're just looking for something that was lost down here by my friends people some time ago. You wouldn't happened to ahve seen anything of the like down here in your travels would you?" He was asking kindly, politely, but his posture revealed his lightsaber in threatening manner, just to ensure they knew what the consequences would be should they step out of line.

Avra's energy bow pierced the blaster pistol that one of them had chosen to go, pinning it to the wall. For in the sudden interruption that Felix had given them both, it proved effective in having their attention drawn from anywhere else in the small chamber. The other looked around and elected to remain more pacified than his obviously gung-ho companion. She stood on the ceiling as one would have stood on the floor and then sunk into the shadow like a pool once more to rise out before them next to Felix, "Your friend is wise to not reach for his weapon. You, on the other hand, could learn a lesson from him." she said with a grimace on her face.

"Speak truth. Have you seen anything down here in these caverns that does not look like it belongs here? Something that draws your attention, otherworldly, and powerful?" she asked, politely but firmly, adding to Felix's line of questioning.

"There's a part of this cave system that none of us scavvers go in. They say it's haunted, and we don't want to mess with anything like that." the disarmed man said with a bit of fear in his voice. He had been shaken by the shot that she placed into his weapon.

"The entrance to this cavern, can you guide us there? I am willing to reward you if you show us the way." she said, reaching into her cloak to pull out a small shimmering gemstone. It was nothing of value to her, but what it could do is allow her to keep an eye on these two if they went off to inform someone of their whereabouts after they showed them the path.

The second one, still in possession of a functioning weapon,
"That...I mean...we..." he said, quite clearly unsettled with the events that had transpired. "Sure, sure we can. Just, that's as far as we'll go. We'll take you to where that part of the cave starts and that's it. Got it?" he said finding some backbone as she set out that limitation.

Avra tossed the stone to them, "We have a deal then. Please, lead me and my friend here to where this tainted cavern is and you can be on your way."

The two men led the way, after the one managed to get his weapon back in working order. It was a long trek, but that could just be the feeling of travelling in the dark with strangers and no real sense of how deeply they stood beneath the surface of Nar Shaddaa. At a particular point the two stopped and shivered in their footsteps. "Here, it's here. Nobody goes down there that wants to come back. Must have been a dozen scavvers like us try to go down there to see what's in there and ain't one of them ever come back. Good luck..." they said before scurrying away toward where they had come from faster than they did to get here. Avra smiled knowing that they were afraid of something that in all likelihood was a very real and tangible danger. Spirits were not to be trifled with and angry ones were quite capable of harming the living as they suggested.

"Let us not take the idea that this portion of the cave is haunted lightly. We must tread respectfully here. The dead are not to be disturbed and those who are angry even less. Our lives are in very real danger here. If it is true that this cave is still home to a lost soul then I will commune with them myself. I will not put your mind in peril of being lost to the ether."


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
Felix would follow along, hand on his saber, his body lowered into a sprinters stance as though he were about to take a stepping lunge and hew through at least one of the strangers with a wide arc of his plasma blade. However, when one of their guns were shot out of their hands, and the other surrendered well enough, Felix would do away with readying for combat. Breathing a sigh of relief at that, it was like they had just scared them.

"You know, drawing a weapon on a person with their arms raised is generally considered rude..." He'd utter to both of the men, a little disappointed in the fact it was something he'd had to do. Although there was no rhyme or reason in why they had turned to fire, were they mercenaries? ghosts? Grave Robbers or explorers? There was no humanly way to tell without reading their minds. Not to mention Nar Shadaa was a dangerous place, more than most.

But for the most part Felix would accompany them and go along with the effort to bring each of them to the mouth of this forbidden cavern of secrets that seemed to resign within these lost halls. Looking to the witch that walked alongside him, warning of the dangers of the spirits. Felix furrowed his brow looking to his saber, there was a truth that light could do away with many shadows and shades, but he wasn't sure if the crystal within his weapon would be effective against the ghosts of the past.

"I've had my run-ins with angry spirits before, they weren't exactly the kindest to me, but i think that had more to do with the ritual i was stopping than specifically the spirits that day" He chuckled, there was something inherently humorous about him having offered to help only to find that in this case he was likely little more than a meat shield when it came to the realm of the dead. His powers afforded him little protection unless they decided to manifest physically.

It was a conundrum, one that he didn't have an immediate answer for...

But he would look to one of the self admitted scavengers smiling as he did so, "Well its a good thing we're not the average crew then, we're a little specialized when it comes to this kind of thing. So, we're not worried. Just... don't let us catch you down here on our way out. But thanks for the info." He'd say rather politely as far as all things went, scratching his head as he hoped to consider what their next move was.

"So, how are we going to deal with this place? I can map it out best as i can with that spell you used. But im not sure if all our probelmes there are of this world. And seeing magick isn't something they teach us as kids. " He'd chuckle, semiserious the entire time.


Avra knew that spirits were present the moment she set foot in the entryway of this segment of the cavern. She sat in the shadows and reached out into the darkness to commune. It was a silent response to Felix's question but she put her mind to work. The souls of the dead often lingered in places where their death was violent, or their lives met a tragic end. It was doubly so for those who left the living world with what they considered to be unfinished business. These were often the types of ghosts that did harm to the living, and felt like they were trapped. They were scared, alone, and likely only knew that they still had something to do but no way to complete what they intended to do.

With a green glow, her eyes opened to the room and she saw traces of the past in the stone. A spirit ran by, chased by a creature she was unfamiliar with down a corridor, and out of sight. Moments later it happened again, and again. They were trapped in a spiritual loop and choked of the freedom and release of death. Destiny had seen fit to keep this poor soul lost on Nar Shaddaa and it broke her heart. Avra waved her left hand and dissipated the predator, breaking the cycle and causing the spirit to come to a stop in its loop. It looked around and with trepidation approached her, speaking in ghostly tones, "You, you are one of us. A are here to take back what was lost." she said, holding out in her hand a simple carved box.

Avra nodded in reassurance, speaking to the spirit without physically speaking, "I am. The spirits have guided me to this place, to you. I wish to end your suffering, to bring you to peace and reclaim what it was you carried for our people. Please, put your mind at ease, and let go of your bonds to this place. What you carry is in good hands, and will be returned to Dathomir where it belongs."

The ghost grew dim and as she reached the box out, it fell from the spiritual world into the real world with a clatter that echoed in the cave. For a moment there was a sense of relief in the ghost, and with a small wave she disappeared never to be seen again. Avra had taken as much time as was needed, and though it felt like only moments to her for Felix it was several hours of silent commune interrupted by the sudden appearance of an item which she had drawn from the spirits personally.

The Nightsister's eyes ceased glowing green, and now with a two-fold voice she spoke as the spirit had attached to her,
"The blade will guide you..." she said, cryptically before coming out of her trance. Avra was exhausted mentally by the ordeal, but she reached to open the container and inside of it was a fragment, a piece of a blade that had carvings and filigree that looked to be a portion of a map. It radiated a powerful aura, and for a moment she lingered on that before handing it off to Felix, "You have traveled the stars, does this look like it leads anywhere?"


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
While the nightsister was dealing with her spirit journey, Felix was standing guard, it took him only a moment to realize that something had changed in the room, surrounded by spirits it stood to reason that among them there were those who wanted to play with the resident pleb among the ranks. Saber at his hip, suddenly gone he would only notice the luster from the weapon a couple of meters away on a rock as he turned his head, reading the shadows of the caverns as the item came into his focus...

I... didn't put that there...

He would confirm to himself leaning down to reclaim his lost saber. But no sooner than his fingers moved to clutch it, it was gone again. Moved yet again to another hiding place somewhere within the caverns. Frustrated Felix would attempt to search for it. Taking a running step, jumping to kick off a cavern wall and leap for it, only for the weapon to disappear a third time. Felix wasn't exactly enjoying the game they were playing, but it seemed now his weapon was not in his immediate vicinity.

While his guest talked, Felix would begin to move around the perimeter, using his shadowsight to attempt to locate his lost weapon. Unsure of where to begin he cast a wide net. It wasn't too long before the distinct pattern of the hilt would come into his minds eye. Making a run for it behind one of the many fallen boulders. Vanishing for him then to find in a small foxhole, another time in a crack within a wall. Until finally, it was placed back at his belt. Felix looked confused, concerned, unsure of what had come to pass but happy knowing his saber had returned to its rightful place. He'd have to question the Nightsister.

Having a sword thrust into his arms with a starmap upon it, Felix would simply confirm. "Oh, that's the Piii system, there were some sisters of Dathomir that took up a position there some time ago. Place is a nightmare of pollution, though it has a couple moons. If what you're looking for is on there, it probably has something to do with those light side sister tribes of yours" Felix would think, still keeping his eyes out, as he could sware his shadow sense was beginning to play tricks on him, seeing images in the darkness. Faces. Or at least one face.

Felix would stop, confused looking down to his hand again... focusing on that favorite book of his once more reaching out and grabbing it... but nothing happened.


Avra did not relish the idea of interacting with the more narrow-minded sisters of her kind. She revered both aspects of the spirits for better or worse. To be so closed to certain spirits because they are associated with the concepts of light and dark is a flaw that can only be rectified by enlightenment. She hoped she could enlighten those around her to accept all spirits, but some are too set in their ways to change.

"Where, is this Piii system? Is it far away from here? I hate to ask you for any more than you have already done, but your help has proven to be invaluable thus far; would you assist me in at least getting to the Piii system? We should leave this place as quickly as possible either way." she concluded, sounding a little dejected. Avra had no ship to ferry her across the far reaches of the galaxy, and worried that the trial would take far longer than she anticipated.


Tag: Avra Elru Avra Elru
Felix had almost no other option than to blink in disbelief, eyes focused on the woman as he would attempt to discern her meaning, coming to the conclusion that she was somehow on this hellish rock with no means of getting off of it. Tilting his head to a side he doubted his conclusion, but finding no other he was compelled to ask. "D-do you not have a ship...?" Dumbfounded, concerned, otherwise baffled, but acknowledging at least it was an easy fix he would begin making his way towards the exit of the place, not being able to help but feel as though he was being followed by someone else.

"We can take my ship to get out of here, it shouldn't take too long to get to the Pi-iii system. The Daughters of Allya are a rather pleasant bunch, they've been trying to heal the world of Pi-iii. To that ends their tasks and mine have generally aligned. Sadly however, wealthy as though I may be, im not rich enough to buy the entire forestry industry on the planet. It would be nice, but that business has been there for thousands of years."

He'd talk as he moved, making his way past the treasure hunters that they had met before, waiting with baited breath as they would exit, morbid curiosity and awe holding them to their place, but also something more. Felix could feel that feeling of being followed end, as he would watch one of the two men stiffen, and begin to well up in tears. The other would soon follow with looking increasingly saddened, as though pain was flowing through him, but a smile being drawn over his face. There was no doubt that the two of them had experienced something, as they would rapidly take their leave soon after.

It was only then Felix would be able to feel the touch of something to his hand... he couldn't hear the attempt to whisper into his mind, as his disposition prevented it. He could feel frustration, that sensation of being followed again but no sound. A spirit had become attached to him at some point, likely after playing the game, one that was perhaps connected with the robbers that had been waiting outside who had been reunited with old friends and giving them passing words. But Felix had no idea as the soul was getting progressively more annoyed at feeling like it was being ignored.

"They can be rather secretive though, the Witches of Dathomir, I dont know if they'll let someone in who uses the night magic. They've never been a fan. "


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