Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey there! Possible new guy!

So I've been giving the site a look over, and I am in love, and in my intro thread I was told my character idea would be best served either here or with the New Order.

My character idea is an Inquisitor from the Empire, and from Warhammer 40k, secret, shadowy organization, answer only to the highest authority, and live to not only combat exterior threats, but also interior, any means necessary.

I'm just looking for some more information about this faction since everything is set to private and I can't see it.

Basically, is this like the One Sith from Star Wars canon? Different? If so, how? etc etc. And, if my character idea would have a place here or not.

Thank you for your time!
It's somewhat like the One Sith from canon, but there are several differences that I'm sure my superiors would be more qualified to answer ([member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Daella Apparine"], [member="Darth Isolda"]).

A notable difference is that instead of the full-body Sith tattoes we use something called a 'Dark Mark', which is basically an insignia branded on your flesh through the powers of the Dark Side, and is basically how we 'tag' you as a full-fledged member of the One Sith.

However; only Knights and above can receive the Mark.

[member="Galen Otros"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

And here I wanted full body tattoos. :p But really I meant in set up and what not. If the biggest difference is a mark instead of tattoos then I have a good idea on the set up of the One Sith here, at least basic understanding. Would an Inquisitor type character fit within the ranks?
I'm pretty sure an Inquisitor type character can fit here. We have a few nfs here, and quite a few different type of Sith.

Also, the New Order is dead. No reason to even think about that faction.

[member="Galen Otros"]

That's what I thought about the New Order, didn't want to say it again though to not ruffle any feathers any more than I may have already done. >.>

And, an Inquisitor in Star Wars was a Force User who was trained(albeit very minorly) in the force(physical enhancements, force jump, minor telekinesis, etc etc) and was the Emperor's will basically.

I would prefer more like Starkiller in that regard, mainly cause I don't want my guy to be a drone his whole career and would like him to be more of a full character.

WH40K, the Inquisitors were secret police basically, which is more what I want. Secret police/Sith assassin of awesomeness.

Also, should I put the tag at the bottom? Is that standard instead of the top?
[member="Galen Otros"]

I know what an Inquisitor is in Star Wars, :p It doesn't really change much in different universes. ;)

But yeah, there aren't that much Sith Assasin type of characters around on the board, so I'm certain you'll be accepted and be able to find a place here! He probably won't be able to be the 'Emperor's Hand' since we use the Dark Lord of the Sith, but in that case the same thing because he's already got five Voices to do his bidding.

Would be interested to see a good Sith Assasin though. :)
*glares* breaking people is my job and I have much experience thanks to [member="Darth Vornskr"] forced labor camps.

As for the rest we are also very good at hiding, to public view we are a softer gentler sith order when in reality we handle everything properly. Don't buy into the tagline we are just very good at letting the true motives remain below the surface.

I merely described since you said "nfs" which I took as non force users. :p

Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.

[member="Seras Goto"]

Can we be best friends? Mainly cause you have a Garhoon thingie in your sig, and I was planning for Galen to be a hybrid Garhoon/Shi'ido(or Miraluka, haven't decided) and because you seem like a Sithy assassiny type character.
[member="Galen Otros"] hybrids are inferior specimens and I am not an assassin I am a doctor. We can be friends though never know when a need for someone to get mor bodies to experiment on will come in handy.
[member="Seras Goto"]
Well, doctors are good people to know as well. :p

And hybrids are inferior in the specific strengths of a species, however they offer more adaptability to one of the parent races, or are complete failures, depending on evolution's whim at the moment. Basically, I don't want him to feed on anything just to survive, but find feeding on a sentient as a delicacy saved for Force Users he defeats, hence the hybridization.
[member="Galen Otros"] no no no I meant that as part of her personality. Seras is essentially a concentration camp doctor. She worked for Kaine and Krag in camps culling inferior species who did not match the siths ideals.

Though I do like the idea and yes a doctor is a great person to always know.
[member="Seras Goto"]

Well no culling Galen. That'd make me sad. :p Although that offers a fun way to start this character. A member of the(or one of the) concentration camp(s) that Seras works at and is noted as an asset to the Sith's ideals.
Well, depending on what route my buddy is going to take with the sith he's transferring here(Cause he's the guy I know and want to continue writing with a lot) sounds like I have an excellent opening thread with you and I, [member="Seras Goto"], if you'd like? I enjoy starting characters from nothing and having them learn everything in threads.
Factory Judge
Eh it's not like I can dis on it because it's not really original, but hey, it's what I made, and it's worked so far. An some people like the fact that I literally eat people and look good while doing it.

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