Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heroes and Generals

First things first; Free to Play World War II FPS on Steam. Has planes. Tanks. Paratroopers. Three factions - American, German, Russian. Takes place in Europe. It's a multiplayer game (obviously) and the online 'War' is basically a battle between the three countries for dominance. I believe it resets whenever one side wins.

Anyone else play?

If not, anyone else interested?

I enjoy it but this is definitely the sort of game that's more fun with someone else.

My personal favorite bit is the fact you can name your soldier whatever you want, and as they rank up you can unlock specializations. So, if you want to be tank crew, you hit level 3 and then buy the tank crew specialty. Then you can buy tanks that you can spawn into the map in. Same goes for pilots. Not sure if you can change this though, still figuring it out personally.
I play it from time to time. I have a german tanker, pilot, and infantry character.

It's an ok game... the tanks are fun... The planes have very little impact on the ground battle and are typically little fun due to long time between bombing runs... Infantry... Well... from a german perspective, infantry is a pain in the butt due to the high number of american and russian snipers. The other two factions have better ironsights on their bolt action rifles and it makes most engagements... frustrating.
I play it- but I haven't made it past infantry. It was kinda boring to just sit there and pop pop pop pop with my M1 for days on end without a real sense of progression. But it plays like a graphically-updated Darkest Hour, so that's fun too.

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