Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heralds (Silver Jedi/Ask)

With blood and rage of crimson red,
Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
Together with our hellish hate,
We'll burn you all... That is your fate!


The blast within the force came as the sensors blipped, machinery came to life slowly like a great beast as shimmering blue pods lit up illuminating humanoids. Their skin different shades with mostly black hair. Slowly their eye opened in the center of their foreheads as the pods started opening. In the shadows loomed massive giants of men and women covered in armor as they walked. Slowly helping their masters from the pods while preparing fresh garments. The planet warmed by the solar winds in the nebula secluded allowing them to remain hidden.

San-Ji stood up while she moved taking a headdress from the stand as she went about slowly stretching. Their slaves were here, they had maintained their ships for what they might be worth in this new day and age. That was god it meant they were learning and knew still who their betters were as she entered it. The shine from a fresh cleaning reaching her weak eyes first and foremost. Her Go was there but still asleep wanting to relax and she had no reason to awaken her yet as they still needed to gather the bugs from their hives. Then they would go reclaim their home.


The sounds of klaxons blaring came while the people int he streets screamed. Police forces were going off and working to fight the large Ren_Popo that were fihting with heavy weapons or just throwing their own men around. The shrieks of the bug like To-Chw... Creatures from the outskirts of the system that were feared and regarded as a dangerous foe. There was more... the ones leading the assault as they directed blasts of force energy at buildings or crowds. Tearing into them as the soldiers were fighting while the emperor sent a message to the Silver jedi.

"This is Emperor Car-tr from Shri-Tal, we have fallen under attack by unknown forces and request assistance from the Silver Jedi. The few here int he streets are working to try and save civilians." The Emperor was moving now going towards a safe house while the armies of the Go nagai were marching through the city taking it block by block. Their ships hanging in a lower orbit but gleaming black with arcs of red turbolaser fire raining on the fields of the planet. Near the lake and the silver jedi temple the ones on planet were mobilizing to quickly reinforce in the city.

  • Battle Throughout the City
    Secure Medical Facility
  • Rescue Civilians
  • Rally Police Forces

[*]Investigate new enemies
  • Investigate Priests/Priestesses
  • Investigate Giants
  • Investigate Fodder

[*]Infiltrate Go Nagai Ship
  • Investigate Weapon Systems
  • Investigate Navigation Systems
  • Investigate Armory/Shield

[*]Treasure Hunting
  • Go Nagai Ship
  • Shri-Tal Capital
  • Twilight Selpulcher

Those were antiques. . . . .

Camellia stared out of the viewport of the Space station over Shri-Tal she was on. A defensive station recently installed over the planet as a defensive measure. One of three actually. The Silver Jedi Order had ordered many defensive stations to be installed within their territory. Shri-Tal was the proof of concept location, considering its importance, and Rendili's last business venture with the Silver Jedi taking place there. Hopefully the intention was to also develop similar defensive positions over Vaynai and Voss as well if the Silver Jedi found the addition of a Rendili Space Dock for commerce and ship construction, three Firestar Class Defense Stations, and two Bavos-II Heavy Military Stations over planetary orbit to be satisfactory.

Perhaps what was going on now was a great opportunity then to test these new defensive positions out then. Still, those were antiques out there. At least they should be. Centurion class battlecruisers. An Old Republic warship that had phased out Rendili's old Inexpugnable class because of its easier to produce design. Essentially, it was a rather effective combat carrier. Was. . . . .yet for some reason Camellia didn't think the Centurion Cruisers out there were faltering from ancient age. Plus, the fact there were fifteen (15) of them wasn't exactly comforting, not when each carried ninety-six (96) fighters within their hangers. Assuming they had that many, new or old it didn't matter.

While on her hand Rendili Stardrive's full personal defense fleet of. . . .six (6) Hammerhead Cruisers. Well the numbers weren't very fair, but at least the the Bavos II stations each matched a Centurion so it was still. . .unbalanced. The Hammerheads likely only accounted for two of the enemy ships in sheer firepower, and unlike the Centurions they didn't share the same design where all the firepower could fire forward at once. Aside from that, there were also already many more problems going on. The enemy ships are arrived in system quickly and disgorged transport craft to the planet below and apparently there were uprisings already.

What a mess, she hadn't even got to properly meet with the Silver Jedi representatives to showcase the stations, but perhaps the stations could showcase themselves. And maybe they could even show off the new Battle Analysis computer they were working on towards the Silver Jedi's special project. it was technology put into practice in the old supercomputers of the Inexpugnable of older days and something brought up once again during the old Empire of Palpatine's day when General Dodonna developed his own. Camellia was getting very nervous and giddy about everything as she reached the command room of the lead Bavos II station. "Figure out what's going on with the Silver Jedi here. From the sounds of it this isn't their own addition to the defense stations debut. Get a hold of Lady Pallopides and whoever else is likely around Shri-Tal and can give us answers. And get a hold of the Silver Jedi's garrison if they have one and the representatives that were going to come aboard. In the meantime start up our Battle Analysis Computer and feed in the sensory data and the schematics of the enemy fleet and our own resources. Launch all the starfighters in the station's hangers and the squadrons aboard the Cruisers too. Have our security teams prep in their combat armor and also get our elite units to the shuttles. Have them on standby if the enemy tries to board the stations or if the Silver Jedi call for reinforcement planetside."


Came in like a wrecking maul
The reports came in, something had attacked at Shri-Tal and Saki was for a moment stunned. If there had been movement the stations would have picked it up she was certain. She was moving to one of the Astrometrics labs as the holoprojectors spun up giving her a view of it. The area of silver jedi space, then the sector as she spoke zooming in for more detail. Finally there it was the nebula and inside the monitoring stations were showing the planets, the asteroid belt, the enemy fleet moving over the world itself. She grabbed at it and was moving the projection to the side while she noticed the ships from Camellia Swift there as well.

Several of the standard Silver jedi ships were in place but they were not designed or fashioned for combat like this. They were scout and exploration vessels while she was moving again getting her armor, her saber and staves, the gauntlets with their shockwave emitters then finally her hammer. Designed after the taung ones they had been researching while she moved her feet jumping up to join another group heading towards the planet. She wasn't one for space as the transport sped there she was for the ground and reports showed there were plenty of things to fight as they touched down and the transports doors opened to large bugs and screams.

Glyph yawned as he stood beside Saki, one of his hands coming up to rub his eyes as he stood there in his normal old cothing and refusing to wear any form of Robe. "What in the correllian hells or what ever the expression is, is going on?" He looked over the report Saki had been looking at, interested and probing Saki's mind for a feeling as his natural empathy reached out and found her confusion. "Something wrong?"
As reports flooded in Ana sat outside under a tree reading. It wasn't often that the young woman had a chance to just relax. She was always running somewhere so this was very nice. Ana was oblivious to whatever was going on in the outside Galaxy for the moment.

A groan escaped her lips as she saw her comm link flash several times. The first time it did the young woman had ignored it. She knew however that she couldn't do that forever especially if the thing was going to keep beeping like it was.

Setting her reading to the side she picked up comlink to listen to the reports which had been flooding in on the attack. Grabbing the book she headed to a transport. Ana couldn't just sit here while someone else was being attacked. She had to help.
Serena looked up from the table before her lay samples taken from her recent trip to Onderon. The blare of alarms of different shrill sounds to alert one and all that they were under attack.

How could that be?

Serena called her saber to hand there were tasks to be done. Where would the threat seek entry first Serena emerged to look about her sharp eyes scanned. Where were they? Why had they come?

Questions that the answers would help to know how to proceed. We're they to be conquered? Eliminated? Or was this something else. Serena would start in a logical place, move the civilians to safety, defend them and the temple.
In orbit over Shri-Tal
Objective: Investigate New Enemies

Much time had passed since Coci had visited this system. Her emotions turned in circles as she considered the past events, the discovery of the Hammer and the Taung and the subsequent dangers that that had brought down on the Silver Jedi. Regardless of this memory there was another, which made her smile. The memory of the cave and the discovery of love within those blacken walls never ceased to amaze Coci. Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], her protector on that day, saved her life from the falling rocks produced as a result of the unnatural electric storm, however, he had not escaped injury and so in turn Coci saved him. What followed from those moments set sparkles in her eyes at the thought of it.

Of course there is more to that story, and the trepidations of what came from the Taung still fresh in her mind. She feels the twinge of fear once felt and filled her heart, the near loss of lives of fellow members of the Order, the evil possession of Knight [member="Connor Harrison"] which later would included her own. And now the Silver Jedi are here once more, after a call for assistance for the leaders of Shri-Tal.

She let out a long sigh, as her hands gripped the arm rest, wishing the flight to end. The transport ship had began it's descent to ground and Coci is prepared for anything once more, her Silver Jedi armour fit like a glove over her black body suit, saber clipped to the heavy belt on the right, the left held her blaster.

Silver Jedi had been dispatched to aid the civilians which they would handle with a high level of protection and skill, she however, as a Jedi Shadow, will investigate a new enemy.
Objective: Investigate Fodder

The force shimmered around her, the world slightly muted as Quenladose let her eyes flick around taking it all in. She could see the dangerous parts, see the sections of the city that were being attacked by these bugs and that was her goal. SHe could fight one or two with a saber and maybe learn a few things but she needed to observe them as they moved. She was working towards that goal ducking into a corner and going very still as one towered over her clicking its mandibles. She could see the stripes on it, the eye looking around and the gleaming edge of its teeth that could tear into and pierce the armors of their soldiers. That was where it was dangerous as she stayed still holding her breath.


Came in like a wrecking maul
Objective: Investigate Giants


"Yeah something is attacking Shri-tal but from these reports it didn't jump into the system." No it had just appeared in the system which meant either these guys could create wormholes, they could disable their sensors or had already been there.... All three were something to investigate as she looked at what was happening. Those were what she called soldiers as a large one stood towering over everyone with a gattling gun spraying across buildings. "You work on helping the people escape I am going to fight that giant red thing and introduce it to my fist." Saki rolled her shoulders as she moved forward spinning up the shockwave emitters in her gauntlets as she jumped once, twice... then three times lifting higher off the ground at the Ren.
The Silver Temple

Sat in deep meditation at the time of receiving the message, Thurion dreaded the call to arms due to having to break a vow he'd made to himself. He had to return to that planet, where his bride-to-be along with a close friend of theirs verged on facing death. But he was willing to put his personal qualms aside to help the people of the Shri-Tal, and he knew Coci would do her duty to the Order. How could he protect her by staying out of it? In a locked closet aboard his ship, the Oathkeeper, his father's ancestral armour awaited him.

Aboard Troop Carrier

He'd never worn it before now, and despite his father's incredible size brought on by being Valkyri it still fit him like a glove, which gave him the impression that in his youth his father was not much taller than himself. He is a hundred years old, after all. Thinking of his father brought warmth to his heart, and it reminded him he would have to go see him soon. Perhaps he would bring Nina along, as the two didn't take long to grow fond of each other. She has that effect on many. He would also have to bring his fiancée; Thrand would surely like to see the woman his only son has chosen to marry.

It was strange, having such thoughts occupy his mind while riding into battle once more. He knew full well what would await once they'd hit ground; it didn't matter what they would face, for all wars fought still brought death and despair to everyone involved in some measure. Looking out the viewport he could see dozens of similar shuttles heading for the surface at lightning speed, cutting through the clouds in swift motion. Through the viewports on the other side of the vessel there were dozens more. The Silver Rangers were present in full force, sparing no manpower to help stem the enemy invasion who seemed to crawl out of the earth itself, like they'd always been there, sleeping. A discomforting thought, to say the least.

As they approached the surface, Thurion hailed all the other shuttles. "This is Master Heavenshield, calling all landing crafts. As leader of the Guardians, it is my responsibility to protect those around me. Each of you who joins me in battle will be my brother, and brothers look after eachother through thick and thin. I am yours, and you are mine. This will be the largest joint-operation in the history of the Order. While we will be fending off the enemy on the ground, above us our brethren will take the fight to the enemy ship casting its shadow over the planet. If you have loved ones at home, I pray that you have spent time with them before shipping out, just as I will pray for your families should I fail to keep you safe. I love you all. Thurion, out." A minute later the countless shuttles touched ground, followed by hatches opening and ramps lowering. Loud rallying cries emanated from each vessel as hundreds of feet made their way down the ramps. The battle was joined.

Obj: Help the innocents Escape.

He took one look at the Giant and longed for a chance to fight it, but the innocents and defenseless came first and even if Saki had told him to help her he would have not done so. With that he turned on the ball of his heels and charged for those that he could help, eyes shifting as he started to speak. "Come with me, you all need to get out of here now." He wasn't paying attention and was not sure if there were other enemies in the area, but just in case his saber and blaster pistol found his hands as he looked around. "You all need to get out of her, come on."


Disney's Princess
Lakeview Silver Jedi Temple
Organization is Key

Emma Prinn swooshed into the Grand Assembly Hall amid the bustling huff of an unexpected invasion. Students were swirling as the Masterly facuality did their best to finish the announcements. The commands were very clear. Everyone to their quarters. Await further instructions.

Prinn clammered up to the podium were the Headmistress had gathered together her priestly staff. Everyone was bickering and talking at once until Headmistress Lady Braskan finally silenced the group of divine squabblers. She was an imposing Echani woman in bountiful silver regalia. Effortless and with the posture of royality she did always remain, nie immortal amongst her peers. Emma took a large gulp and approached the group with a quick stepping stride. Headmistress Braskan finally began their rushed meeting with a clap of her hands,

"Enough already. We must prepare. The students are filling their rooms already and I will have no more distractions or flippantry. We need to remain calm everyone. This is important. Now? Lady Quitanious? What news from the other schools?"

"An isolated incident Headmistress. It appears the whole planet is under siege by an unknown force. However, the Order sends reinforcements to our aid already. Even now the fleets gather overhead for a confrontation."

"I see. Master Tenibob? What say you about the city?"

"Disasterous my lady. Enemy forces have touched down and are causing a panic. With no word from the local military, I fear our Temple is in immediate danger. We must act and act quickly."

"I understand Master Tenibob and agree. If the local military cannot contain this outbreak? Evacuation may be our only option. ...Mm. Master Cisly. Take Gabart and Phon and see to the preparations. The safety of the students must be paramount. Gather our ships or garner support from our friends. We must be ready should the enemy come here. Enough ships for everyone Cisly! I make no compromise. Understood?"

"Yes Headmistress. Right away."

It was then Braskan finally turned to Emma and nodded.

"Prinn? Come with me. We must make contact with the Rendili Forces that have appeared in orbit. With their guidance we can recieve a bird's eye-view of the battlefield at hand. Only then will our preparations succeed. ...Remember young Apprentice. Organization is key. Even in a crisis. Now come along. And quickly dear."

Emma nodded and quickly made way to follow the Temple's First Lady.

"Yes Mistress. Right away."

Braskan gave several orders as they passed others in the hallway. To the Council Chambers they would accend with great haste. Hopefully to make contact with [member="Camellia Swift"] aboard the lead Planetary Defense Station and finally recieve the insight they needed to prepare for the long conflict ahead. This was only the first step of many to come.


*tl;dr: saving the jedi temple, part 1
Location: Bavos-II Military Station in Shri-Tal Orbit

Hands on her hips, Camellia stared at the BAC's initial assessment once all the sensory and schematic data from records had been input into the tactical computer. In total, she read the computer calculated a ten percent (10%) chance of victory. She had fewer capital ships, six to the enemy's fifteen, her's were smaller ones at that, and in total she had two hundred and sixteen fighters deployed, half of them the new elite Honorable Class, the rest standard Rendili Starfighters, compared once more to the unexpected foe's fourteen hundred and forty. Ten percent seemed very generous indeed. . . . the BAC's first option. Retreat, however, this was a position from which Camellia knew she could not retreat from. So it started calculating the best strategy it could for her, plotting courses for the capital ships, selecting targets, and calculating squadron maneuvers to achieve superiority over the enemy's numbers.

Yet, Camellia wasn't sure the super computer Rendili had been developing could handle the task. The battle was so skewed could it be creative enough to snatch victory from defeat? Rendili Stardrive technicians had worked tirelessly to recreate and improve the supercomputer that the Inexpugnable class command ship used to perform the famous defensive Vanjerhallis Chain, incorporating the Dodonna style Battle Analysis Computer that had never quite caught ground in its original debut so long ago. The most worrisome part as far as the Republic Commodore and Corporate CEO was concerned was the fact the battle would be determined by the tactics of those in charge of the enemy fleet. The computer would act on all known strategies for the Centurion class and other vessels of their size and caliber and in that number, but it would still require time to collect data, calculate new courses of action, and adjust its battle plan according to the enemy's decisions if they differed from what it could presently predict.

All the same Camellia was hesitate to pull its plug and take command for herself. "This thing will be able to do its job yes?" This she pointed towards an engineer nearby working to keep all the sensor systems in operations. "Link it up to the cruisers sensor suites and have them extend the battle plan live to the squadrons. Have everything running to maintain a instantaneous feed so everyone is on key." The technology would never grow if it wasn't pushed. After a moment Camellia listened as the captains of her ships chimed in reporting links established with the BAC, and then she watched as it charted a rather daring and risky battle plan. Not something she would expect a computer to throw at her. Perhaps the timing was perfect too, as communications alerted her to a call coming in from the Lakeview Jedi Temple.

Signaling to patch them through, the young woman stepped toward the panel as she waited for them to come through. "This is Camellia Swift. Whatever it is your timing is coming last minute. Things are about to get hectic up here."

[member="Emma Prinn"]


Disney's Princess
Lakeview Silver Jedi Temple
Fleeting is believing

Headmistress Braskan stood front and center on the holopad. [member="Camellia Swift"] was a flickering blue vision entranced before her and Swift's words brought no hesitation to the Echani's effortless expression. This was game time.

"Bavos 2. This is Headmistress Alisha Braskan of the Silver Jedi Temple on Shri-Tal. My apologizes for the timing madam but our situation is ever grave. I must at this time request that you transmit your CIC's holofeed of the battle to our location here planetside. Indeed. We might be able to lend some assistance on the ground should you feel so charitiable. I regret that the local military has yet to respond to our attempts at communication. Our scouts are useless to us right and planetary communications are fuzzy at best. We are flying, quite blind indeed."

Emma was so surprised to hear the desperation in Braskan's voice. Echani are very diciplined and the Headmistress was even more so by education. So it was no wonder the Jedi Apprentice was stunned to find the experienced Master so far out of her element. Perhaps it was because she had no idea who this... [member="Camellia Swift"] , woman was at all?

"Again. Our Temple Library can supply enough power to run a very complicated CIC operation right here at home. All we would require is an uplink to your battlefield observations, probe, and sensor readouts. From there, this Temple can accomplish quite a bit of coordination assistance towards all of the efforts planetside. But you must allow us access before we can begin. I'm transmitting our satilletes server location to you now. With your permission, we can begin surveillance operations immediately."

Braskan raised her chin and took a deep breath. It was always a gamble to trust.
Location: Silver Temple

Nagate sat on the temple steps. He heard the calls going around that the nearby systems had been attacked by some creatures. He was unsure of how he could be of use with no training and no weapon. He felt that he had to do something but, he knew not what.

He started by heading towards the hangar of the area. Nagate figured its as good a place to start as any.
Location: Bavos-II Military Station in Shri-Tal Orbit

Sometimes a gamble paid off though.

Camellia listened to the reports being given by Headmistress Alisha Brasken, staring at the countdown the command center had ticking until operation launch began. The BAC had determined the most successful strategy, and it would adjust depending on how things continued to move about the battlefield, the shifts of tides, the successes and failures of specific mission objective, the movements of the fleets both allied and enemy, even calculating how a starfighter even a little out of formation might effect things. Projecting courses and attack targets to the pilots in their fighters and the helmsmen and gunnery crews of the cruisers. It was taking in everything, and Camellia watched what its first best action was determined to be as she answered the Jedi Master on the other side of the communication.

"Master Braskan, we can comply with your request. In exchange I want to request the link to the satellites be extended to our experimental Battle Analysis Computer as well. Its technology we've been redeveloping for the Silver Jedi's big project or so I've been told. Eventually it would be connected when the final product was completed, however, this prototype was meant to be tested first, but with the situation as it is I want to give it a live field test, and I have the utmost confidence in its abilities. The added sensory feeds would extend its ability to outthink the enemy with more data sources giving it information. We have staff and secondary computer systems calibrating it to keep it from slowing down from sensory overload. If you cannot do this I understand, but it would help things up here and might prevent enemy reinforcements from reaching planetside. I'll have my technicians supply an uplink feed to you now."

Nodding to one of the officers nearby to begin operating the station's sensor station so that the Shri-Tal Temple had a feed to the suite from all five of the defense station's and her fleet. The next part concerned the actual battle here. "I have a separate favor I would like to ask for as well. The enemy has fifteen large warships, outnumbering the six small cruisers I have in orbit. My squadrons are also outnumbered seven to one. . . . .the BAC calculates a 10% chance of victory, and it supplied a battle plan to achieve that victory. I ask for your help. In approximately thirty minutes my fleet will be positioned along the enemy's left flank, appearing to be fleeing local space and abandoning the battle with half my fighter support. The rest of the fighters will be positioned around the defensive stations in a loose scatter defense. Once the enemy closes in my fleet will swing in and hit their left flank aiming to try and focus all their fire on one or two enemy ships at a time. Its their best option to avoid immense casualties, and they'll press the enemy warships toward the stations who have the defenses and firepower to exchange with them. At that point my squadrons will press forward and engage in dog fights with the majority of the enemy fighters, aiming to push them near the Firestar stations heavy anti-starfighter guns. By the BAC's calculation all stations will suffer moderate damage and the fleet will suffer 40-60% casualties. The enemy will lose eight of their ships. By the computer's evaluation the other seven will be swinging wide, their fighter support going with them to avoid the stations and fleet altogether. The enemy flagship will be among those. It calculates they will either be performing mass deployment of invasion forces with supporting bombing runs, or a Base Delta Zero, though with their own forces groundside we'd hope that's not a threat. . . . . .this is where I desire your help. thirty starfighters will escort all the dropships aboard the stations and cruisers in a run on the enemy ships, aiming to blow holes in their hanger bay doors to their flagship and flanking Centurions so that boarding teams can attempt to overrun the enemy and take control of the ships and turn them on their allies and destroy the rest of their fleet. I wish to ask that any Silver Jedi who can be spared groundside be sent up to join my security teams and elite commandos in boarding those craft. I also would not be against a few Jedi also supplying security to the stations should the enemy launch their own boarding parties for the stations as these are our major defensive positions up here."

[member="Emma Prinn"]
[member="Emma Prinn"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

The fleet was moving, the ones who had entered the system faced a frontal assault as San-ji stood on the bridge and spoke letting the communications show. Her voice coming out while the image on screen of the three eyed woman had her arms crossed. "Lesser being who have entered our system you stand in the middle of Go Nagai space. Prepare to be destroyed to appease your gods." The screen cut out as she sneered and looked down at the planet with the eye closing and her personality shifting. "We should stop this... they are innocent people." 'No they are affronts to our divinity, the Go Nagai were displaced by the taung... now we shall return and raze their descendents to the ground.' The ren in the ship holding her steady while the internal struggle between two personalities came. On the planet the Go Nagai were fighting and pushing into the city as one held their hands out and sent a shockwave that leveled a wall collapsing it on a group of civilians.
Serena raised her head from the lab table before her lay the four slabs of stone found here on Shri-Tal, she had been asked to come and look at them during her examination she had fallen asleep having the strangest of dreams.

Her mind felt clouded but she could now her the claxon blaring, turning her head slightly to look out the window she could hear the voices of others, the sounds of urgency filled the air. Slowly she got to her feet, she felt unsteady, she felt displaced. She reached for the edge of the table holding herself upright. What was it that was happening, she felt as though she had already been through this that she had already taken to the streets to help others.

Serena shook her head again, moaning softly. what was this about. She reached out to call her lightsaber and realized it was already in her hand.

She was now becoming concerned, when had she picked it up. She dismissed it putting away the tablets securing them into the locked cabinet that only she knew the combination to, she headed out to help.

She ran down the stairs at times taking two at a time until she reached the ground floor as she stepped onto the streets the sight which met her blue eyes was one of panick, she needed to calm them and move them to a safe zone.

She could sense her Master [member="Quenladose"], as well as others that she had met within the force.


Disney's Princess
Lakeview Silver Jedi Temple
Overwatch & Volunteers

The Headmistress listened without expression. He return to a calm demeanor meant the world to Emma. It meant things were looking up already. Braskan nodded to the hologram of [member="Camellia Swift"] and began in earnest,

"Permission granted. Our sensor net is small, numbering no more than four satellies total, but they are now yours to command. May they bring you victory indeed."

She turned to look at Emma and pondered for a moment before returning to the com,

"To your other request, I will ask for volunteers amongst our numbers and have them escorted to the Bavos Stations as soon as we are able. However, it would be best if you planned that they did not arrive within the next four hours in the minimum. I apologize again but this is the best we can do under such extreme circumstances. Planetary invasions are no Jedi's speciality. Still. ...May the Force be with you Lady Swift. Jedi Temple out."

The Headmistress cut the call and immediately turned to leave. Emma was hot on heels. More questions, than answers.

"How shall we proceed Master? The situation seems..."

"I understand the situation very well Miss Prinn and this is no time for idle delay. With the battle net's data already streaming in we can truely begin in earnest. Now. Gather all of your classmates from the Tier Seven Training Group. Have them meet me in the Library in no less than fifteen minutes. Do you understand? Immediately."

"Yes Headmistress."

"Good. Now go Emma. I must arrive to ensure our plan does not fail."

The two women seperated in the outer hallways. Emma would go to gather up a taskforce of students and head for the Library for further operations. Braskan departed elsewhere to ensure that her faculty members were all arranged and accounted for. She was going to need all the help she could get. This day would be a test found long in the making. For both of them.

Glyph yawned as he listened to the broadcast and was tapping into the relays as he tried to find where it had originated, he was curious and wanted to see just what it was that the woman was thinking by exposing her face on the screen like that. "I swear, people don't even understand what a decent encryption system is worth these days, if only my job was made easier by the constant fact i get shot at by the wrong side..." He sighed, looking at the Silver Jedi that passed him, his armor scorched by a soldier that had mistook him for a bomber.

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