Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meret return to Endor only to see that her regular responsibilities had been neglected. She called a meeting of her staff. Emma Bean, her housekeeper started the presentation. It was clear that life for Meret was changing; Endor was changing. There were more visitors, more activities and events for the soon to be Lady Cordel. Meret requested suggestions from her staff. Emma initiated the conversation. “Ma’am you need to hire someone to help out.” Clint chimed in “ A pilot or a military guy would help with security.” Emma added, “We do worry about you.” Meret nodded. “I think I will place an inquiry with an agency and see if we can add another person to the staff.”

Personal Assistant / Body Guard / Pilot

The Governor of Endor is expanding her staff. The candidate should be well rounded, having corporate knowledge of culture diversity, and trained in security. Male and female candidates will be considered. Force User a must. Military background a plus. The candidate must have a deep reverence for all forms of life. Submit your letter of intent with your resume to Mrs Emma Bean, Office of the Governor of Endor. Qualifying candidates will be contacted.

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
He sipped his cup of cafe as he sat staring at the screen. He was in a holo-cafe browsing, bored, and in need of adventure. An add jumped out at him, breaking him from his monotonous activity.

Personal Assistant / Body Guard / Pilot

The Governor of Endor is expanding her staff. The candidate should be well rounded, having corporate knowledge of culture diversity, and trained in security. Male and female candidates will be considered. Force User a must. Military background a plus. The candidate must have a deep reverence for all forms of life. Submit your letter of intent with your resume to Mrs Emma Bean, Office of the Governor of Endor. Qualifying candidates will be contacted.

This seemed like too much fun to pass up. He uploaded his resume, which included his 16 years of military service, but he changed his cover photo which was of him in uniform, and updated it to a more current photo.
Might as well be honest, it's not like they are gonna respond anyways
Lady Meret Blackmoon
The Governor Of Endor
Mr. Jace Trent: Your application has been selected to advance to a three day interview. You will be paid a stipend and a per diem for your travel and expenses. A land speeder will meet you at the Convention Center Landing Strip just south of Bright Tree City at 06:00, Coordinates (07, 14) on grid provided in the attachment to follow. Your day will begin with a guided tour of the Governor's Compound, Convention Center, Tribal Council, Lunch, and finally meeting Governor Blackmoon. The next two days will determine if you will advance in the selection process.
Best Regards, Meret Blackmoon
Meret scanned the applications but there were only a few candidates that she felt confident in their qualifications to handle the job. Meret appeared in the doorway to her housekeeper's room. Meret had her hair tightly braided and wore traditional tribal clothing. She spun around in a circle. "What do you think? Do I look like a local? I will meet Trent at the landing strip and give him the tour. This is one way I can decide if he is up for the task of doing my security." Emma inspected Lady Blackmoon..."I think you need your Kiffar tattoo that would add to your desquise." Meret decided against the tattoo. " I'll inform the staff of your masqerade so they will not give you away."

@[member='Jace Trent']
Deimos scrolled through the blackmarket list of possible jobs that are on the Holonet. He noticed a bodyguard position was open. Deimos threw his "resume" in the response. His enhancements alone should qualify him for the job. But he hoped to find something amongst the stars. A way to find what he's good for. Whether it's protecting others or destruction. he didn't have a clue, but he would do whatever he could to find out.
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
Lady Meret Blackmoon
The Governor Of Endor

Mr. Deimos: Your application has been selected to advance to a three day interview. You will be paid a stipend and a per diem for your travel and expenses. A land speeder will meet you at the Convention Center Landing Strip just south of Bright Tree City at 06:00, Coordinates (07, 14) on grid provided in the attachment to follow. Your day will begin with a guided tour of the Governor's Compound, Convention Center, Tribal Council, Lunch, and finally meeting Governor Blackmoon. The next two days will determine if you will advance in the selection process.
Best Regards, Meret Blackmoon
Emma walked up the stairs to Lady Blackmoon's bedroom and knocked on the door. "M'Lady? before you go to bed I have one more resume for you to read...there will be one more candidate joining you tomorrow morning." Meret when to the door and took the data tape from Emma. "Oh good the more the merrier! Let Clint know we I will be needing three horses saddled and ready for 08:00" Emma had extra food to prepare; her morning would start early.
@[member='T28-5 "Deimos" ']

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
Jace almost spit out his cafe all over the vid screen when he saw that he got a response. They must be desperate if they were gonna interview a crazy vet like him. Oh well, they called his bluff, and now he had to man up and deliver.

He boarded his vessel, the Defiance and took to orbit. He punched in the provided coordinates and sat back as the stars stretched into lines. The voyage was uneventful, no pirate attacks or anything fun. Jace glided the Defiance to Endor's surface, and landed at the appropriate coordinates. It was a landing strip just south of Bright Tree Village.

Jace exited the cockpit and entered his quarters. He retrieved a fresh set of clothes and changed into a grey long sleeve shirt and his brown trousers with a yellow stripe down the sides, to display his Corellian origin. He slipped on his knee high brown leather boots and stood up and clipped on his utility belt. He tied the holster to his leg which housed his DL-44 heavy blaster, then slung on his shoulder harness which carried his slug-thrower under his left armpit. Finally, he slid into his signature brown duster.
Finally dressed, Jace exited the Defiance, and closed and locked her up. He arrived at the prescribed rendezvous and waited for his pick up.

@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]

Alexandra looked over the advertisement and thought over it, she needed the money and stealing from bank accounts only got her so much, no she would need an actual job so might as well send in a application... or her version of one.

"Miss Blackmoon, i am Alexandra Cinthra, unaffiliated wanderer of the Force that is looking for work and i saw you were in need of a bodyguard, i would like to extend my services for a stable pay in which i will do as is needed and expected in a position. I owe no allegiance to any group and as such hold no reason to contain suspicion but i recognize there is to be a background check on me and nothing will come up due to my virtual non-existence. I do hope you take the time to consider my application below and wish you a good day." Was the message she put with the email, a standard application below it, filled out mostly, some parts like age and other details left out for a paranoid reason of her own as well as background.
Lady Meret Blackmoon
The Governor Of Endor

Ms. Cinthra: Your application was received late but has been selected to advance to a three day interview. You will be paid a stipend and a per diem for your travel and expenses. A land speeder will meet you at the Convention Center Landing Strip just south of Bright Tree City at 06:00, Coordinates (07, 14) on grid provided in the attachment to follow. If you can not meet the 06:00 call time other arrangements will be made. Please advise. Your day will begin with a guided tour of the Governor's Compound, Convention Center, Tribal Council, Lunch, and finally meeting Governor Blackmoon. The next two days will determine if you will advance in the selection process.
Best Regards, Meret Blackmoon
@[member='Alexandra Cinthra'],​
Deimos made his way to Endor with the help of a transportation service. He reported to the Convention Center as instructed in the response message from his possible employer. He waited on the speeder that would be sent to take him on his way to the interview.

@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
Meret took her beat up, carbon scored land speeder to the Convention landing strip. He was there waiting. She took a long look at Jace Trent and was pleased. Meret believed that if you are prompt and detailed oriented you understood the responsibility of the job. He was standing tall. She noticed the yellow stripe on his trousers. Meret took out her data pad and entered notes about Trent. Then she got out of the land speeder and walked up to him. Meret extended her hand and gave his hand a strong squeeze. For one moment it seemed he wanted arm wrestle with her. She smiled and introduced herself using her mother’s last name. “My name is Blush, Cutter Blush. I like you already. We are waiting for two others…we have sometime to kill. You have sniper experience? What is your favorite weapon? I prefer a long bow, silent and deadly.”
@[member='Jace Trent'],
Meret check her chrono and logged in the the exact time that Deimos arrived. Then she pulled out her data pad and made entries in both of their files. She extended her had hand to shake Mr. Deimos' hand. There was something about his demeanor slightly regimented and more reserved than Trent. Meret could not see herself arm wrestling with Deimos but Trent would be a likely opponent. " Blush, Cutter Blush I am your guide for the day. Do you know how to ride animals? tauntauns? horses? Do you have sniper experience? What is your favorite weapon? We are waiting for one more candidate."
@[member='T28-5 "Deimos" '],

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
Jace shook the gorgeous woman's hand. "A pleasure to meet you madam Blush, I'm Jace Trent"
They made small talk as they waited for the other applicants to arrive. She inquired about his expertise some of his expertise.
"I spent sometime as a sharpshooter during my time in the army, but I was by no means the best. I prefer pistols. Quicker to use, and they free up your hands."
At the mention of her skill with a bow, a small tingle went down his spine. Not only was she beautiful, she was deadly as well. A dangerous combination.

The next applicant arrived in the form of a behemoth of a human male. He looked young, but he had that hard look that Jace knew well. This kid had been trained.
He let the two converse as he quietly stepped to the side.
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"] @T28-5 "Deimos"
She turned to Trent and asked him the same questions. "Do you ride animals,Tauntauns, horses? Do you have any experience as a combat medic. Lady Blackmoon would like to have someone with those skils. You know protection...taking care of her body." She started to blush and with a soft laugh tried to correct her statement. "That did not sound right, in case she needed medical know." She entered more data into her data pad. Then she checked her comlink and there was no update on the third candidate. "The landing strip has a small cafe where tourist watch the air craft land and take off. We could have a bite to eat while I wait to receive confirmation about the third candidate."
She pointed to the third level of the control tower. There was a glass enclosed balcony with wrought iron tables. She lead the way as they ascended the glass staircase.

@[member='Jace Trent'],@[member='T28-5 "Deimos" '],

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
Jace smiled at the question.
"I've riden a couple Tauntauns, can't say I'd prefer to do that again, but horses, those are fine animals, smarter than alot Officers I've served under." He scoffed.

"I've had combat life saving training, and have used it more times then I'd wish to remember, but I'm no doctor." He stifled the inappropriate joke that was on the tip of his tongue. She had opened the door, but her skin color was starting to match her last name, so Jace let it go.

He followed her up the glass staircase, food sounded pretty good at the moment. He made light small talk as they ascended.
"The village is gorgeous, I haven't felt this at peace in a long time."

@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
They sat at a table for four which faced the airstrip. A server came over to their table and stared at Meret while he passed out the menus. She ignored him and mentioned the griddle cakes and home made syrup. Another server brought coffee and tea over to the table. Meret fixed her coffee and looked into Trent's blue eyes. There was something familiar about him. "Did you ever serve in the Kathol Rift, Kathol Section...Aing Tii Monks? While we wait do you have questions for me.?" She looked at Trent and then Deimos. "The burgers are good also." Out of the corner of her eye she could see the kitchen staff talking amongst themselves. She excused herself and went over to the servers.
"Today treat me like one of my staff." She pointed to Trent and waved. "See him, he would never talk to me if he knew I was a politician, ok?" They nodded. "Bring a plater of griddle cakes over to the table." She returned to their table.
@[member="Jace Trent"]

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
Jave grabbed himself a coffee and blew on it to cool it. He added no cream or sugar, he liked it black and strong. He opened his menu and skimmed the contents. Madam blush's suggestion made him the eye griddle cakes, they sounded quite good. He noticed her looking at him so he looked up and met her gaze.
He leaned back in his chair after hearing her question.
"Only in passing, never stayed in system. But I can't say that I've ever heard of your monks"

He thought to himself for a moment.
"I just would like to know the basics, have their been death threats? and if so, how many and from who? But, I can find that all out in good time, lets enjoy our breakfast" He grinned.
She excused herself and left the table.

Jace was left alone with the not very talkative behemoth.
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]
The server brought individual plates and a large plater of griddles cakes, and fresh whipped cream, butter, syrups. She listen to his questions and thoughtfully replied. "Shortly after Lady Blackmoon became governor, she developed energy leases with the Republic and the Empire. The Empire did not want to pay the agreed fees but could not get out of the contract. A group of pirates showed up and terrorized some locals, two Jedi's were sent to deal with them. An attempted on her life by a Black Sun agent followed that. Recently, the Governor was elected to the Fringe High Council. She is surrounded by Sith which for the most part , she opposes." Meret had a good appetite and filled her plate. "How about humanitarian expeditions from Kiffu or Naboo? Do you know a Sam Blackmoon from Naboo?" She watched Trent because she was positve she had seen his face before. "Do you have an older brother?"
@[member='Jace Trent'],

Jace Trent

"I aim to misbehave...
Jace listened intently to the information provided by madam Blush. The food had arrived, so Jace filled his plate as she spoke. Jace had had dealings with all the threats that she had listed, due to his colorful military career.
At her inquiry, Jace responded. "I've been to both, but unfortunately they were not humanitarian missions, sadly, soldiers like me were used in more aggressive military actions." Jace's face hardened slightly. How he wished that he actually had been on those humanitarian missions, it might have helped with the nightmares.
"Sam Blackmoon doesn't ring a bell."

"I was an only child. why do you ask? Do I have one of those faces?" His face started to brighten again.
@[member="Meret Blackmoon"]

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