Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello everyone, I just started today. I'm just wanting to say Hi ^^ I'm SC3PTR3. Everyone calls me SC3, 3, Scept, Sceptre or Scepty. It doesn't matter to me which one of these you choose to call me by, any of them are alright with me. Never got into a Starwars RP Forum before. Definitely not my fist RP Forum. I hope the forums is as nice as I was told along with its players. I'm not sure how things go here. Just by looking at the Home Page, I have some questions xD I'm assuming Private is where all of the IC Action is and Open RP is where the ooc fights and things happen.


I'll give you my normal greeting:

Welcome to Hell. Please keep any appendages you are fond of inside the vehicle at all times. Have a nice day.


Great ^^ Thank you. I actually do have some questions.

How do I talk in the Shoutbox?

Don't know a lot about the planets or how things go. The last time I saw a Starwars movie or anything Starwars related was years ago. Best suggestion from there? xD

How do you make a link out of another persons username?

Thank you, Dokeshi ^^
Oooo, I love that avi! Nice name, too.

Anyway, welcome to Chaos. If there ever comes a time when a bounty falls on your head, just know that I will happily end you. :p



[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

Thank you ^^

[member="Saevis Zambrano"]

Funny you should say that when I was close to attempting to make a BH myself xD

Also, how do I speak in Shoutbox?

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here and just shout if we can help you find your way.

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
Welcome to Chaos, Where we try to stay as normal as possible within the confines of our minds and....



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