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Hegemonic Automaton Storefront

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To: [member="Gerion Ardik"]
From: Orick T'ane

Good day,

I would like to place an order for some of your droids. I would like

10X Z6 Naval droids
1X Z6 Naval droid (officer package)
5X Z5 Maintenance droids
5X Z3 Labor droids
5X TA1 Battle droids

If you could, please ship this order to

C/O Orick T'ane
Ship-fil-A Ship repair
Corellian sector, lever 7
Nar Shaddaa

Thank you in advance

Vladimir Tedesky wired some thousand credits for 5 TA-1 droids and a message.

I couldn't help but notice your droids could aid my cause greatly. I'll take five of the first of the Talos series.

~Vladimir Tedesky, former VyperTek Industries CEO

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

//From: Imperial Grand Moff Corvinus Palpatine
// To: Hegemonic Automation

Dear Mr. Ardik,

I write to you today in interests of obtaining a contract between the Imperial Remnant and your renowned establishment. This contract would entail, among other things, the ability for the Imperial Remnant to utilize your facilities and staff in the production and conception of droids; the rights to which would be made exclusive to the Imperial Remnant.

The Empress has authorized me to meet with you in person to discuss the details at a location of your convenience.

OOC: I will start a private thread shortly if this all sounds good to you
[member="Gerion Ardik"]
Can I get 40 TA4 Ultra Battle Droids. They are intended to be used as personal security.

Thank you in advance. Credits will be transferred upon approval.
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

I would like to purchase the following droids
20 TA4 Ultra Battle Droids
2 P1 Destroyers

On behalf of ArmaTech Combat Systems.
I would also like to negotiate a larger order for the defense of our locations. Please contact CEO Draco Vereen if you are interested.

Thank You in advance, credits will be transferred on approval.
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

Corellian Engineering would like to inquire about setting up a meeting with a representative to acquire a license for a droid brain, as well as any sensor or repair droids you may have, for a special project we have in store.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Mr. Ardik, thank you for taking my holocall earlier. Here is my order, paid for by the Chapter of the Silver Jedi Agricultural Corps:

2 TA1 Battle Droids
5 Z3 Labor Droids
1 S2 Field Medic Droid

While the Mehrunes Series is impressive, I fear that will look too intimating for our peaceful endeavors and invite attack.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
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