Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heaven and Hope

Voss System

Draco grumbled to himself during the long trip through hyperspace from Alderaan to the far Outer Rim. He didn't like small ships like the one he was in, as in his experience they were more prone to failures and crashes than the larger vessels like Star Destroyers and Heavy Cruisers, despite having used several and been in several crashes. Larger ships just seemed to have a better fail safe. He needed something to distract himself before they began descending towards the planet to calm his nerves. Something like toddlers.

Draco, former Shukalar of the Mandalorian Clans, and Faith Organa, Crown Princess of Alderaan, both had strong reasons to reach out to the Silver Jedi, and when reaching out, it was better to reach for the top. Manda'yaim was in ruins, the Mand'alor was an impudent child, and most of all Draco was tired. Too many wars had taken their toll on the Dragon, worn him thin over countless battlefields. He had come so far, from fighting for the Sith on Contruum, Balmorra, and Lujo to aiding the Galactic Alliance after their victory over Coruscant. The Crusade had seen the end of a people he considered incredibly unstable and dangerous and with his own hands he had helped tear down the tyranny of the One Sith. Atrisia had been his last fight, the last time Draco saw the need to go into battle. Fighting against the Sith on that planet had shown him just how weak he really was, but in the end those Gods had been torn down as well. It had been his last, and after it he hung up his sword, cast off his mantle and returned his clan to the ways of peace.

<If we are to survive, war cannot be eternal.>

The big man grinned and reached across the table in the main cabin, wiggling his fingers at the twin toddlers who were bound within booster seats. Laira shouted "NO" and turned her head defiantly, still upset with having to be pinned inside the booster seat and not free to roam around, but Theo was much more understanding, happy to be shown the attention from his father. Despite going to Voss to meet with the Silver Jedi, a people the Mandalorians had recently attacked, Draco and Faith brought their children. They would likely even stay longer, visiting Midvinter before heading back to the Core.

Silently, even to Faith, Draco had held few Jedi in high regard. As a whole he had seen many terrible things done in their name by members of their various orders, including several attempts on his life while he was attempting to surrender, but of the Jedi, the Heavenshields ranked higher than most. Ryan Korr was probably their only real competition of Jedi Draco had actually seen or met in his time that he trusted. It was only because they were meeting with the Heavenshields Draco had even considered allowing the Twins to come along, otherwise he would have put his foot down on the matter. And now they sat strapped in booster seats for the descent to the planet of the Silver Jedi, one laughing gripping his father's fingers, the other defiantly looking away from her parents crossing her arms.

The ship reverted from hyperspace outside the security zone and drifted towards Voss slowly and politely, flying its diplomatic identification and tags.

"What do you think Faith, should I go for a more princely look?"

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Faith Organa"]
Faith was trying to keep from fidgeting she looked over at the twins, this meeting was also about them about their future something that Faith wanted to ask of the Heavenshields. Her thoughts bounced from one thing to the next all the trip, trying to teach the children about the ship, and understanding space from being on a planet was hard at their age. One too many times they wanted to go near the escape pods thinking them their own private playhouse.

Faith wanted to represent her home well, she remembered her encounter with [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] they had not been able to conclude their talks about Lianna perhaps now they could.

She had researched [member="Coci Heavenshield"] her Tia was more information than the research.

She heard Draco's voice finally she looked over at him, "You do not have to more princely, be who you are drahr. Do you remember what the King and Queen of Midvinter sent for Theo?" The armring was now kept as were other items for when Theo had earned them, just as the ones for Laira were put away until the time she reached maturity to understand their use.

Faith smiled, she knew Draco wanted to make a good impression as well. He had once before been among the Silvers but he didn't speak much about it she wasn't sure how it went.

She felt the shift in the ship they were nearing Voss it was almost time, almost.....she kept her gaze on Draco. Maybe they shouldn't have brought the children. So many does and don'ts.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Communication came through from Control of the arrival of their guests and they soon would land at the starport near Voss-ka. A transport awaited for [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and herself at the bottom of the Temple steps. The trip from the Temple into the city does not take long and it is a very pleasant journey as it takes them through the surrounding forests. Coci readies herself in their private quarters, standing in front of the mirror adjusting her hair pulling it back before she would plait her long black hair and let the braid rest down her back. Already dressed in her ceremonial robes, she decided she was ready to depart.

"Thurion? are you done showering?", she yelled over her shoulder while putting the final touches to the braid. In the back ground she could hear her husband singing some jolly song he learned from this father years ago on Midvinter. If she recalled correctly, the lyrics had a rather colour nature to them, which of course made her smile as the song reminded her of Thrand and his way with words.

They were going to be late if Thurion did not emerge from the shower soon, and he had still yet to dress. Honestly, he takes longer to prepare then she does and like any typical man when in a hurry and late, he will give her the hurry on when he emerges all ready. So Coci decided to sit on the end of the bed and await her beloved.
[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Faith Organa"]
The lyrics in the Valkyri tongue came to a screeching halt when the voice of his wife called out to him, touching his ear like a caress most gentle. Yes, he supposed he'd spent long enough in the shower; once the hot water flows and runs down his back and chest it seems he never wishes it to stop. Showers were rare for him growing up on in the slums of Pelagon, and he did not get to use one regularly until Master Asha brought him to Tython for the first time. Fortunately for everyone else, he is often times way too busy to spend long enough time to use up all the hot water. "I'll be right out," he returned her call just as he turned off the water. He grabbed a white towel to dry himself with and wrapped it around his waist before stepping out of the bathroom.

There she sat on their shared bed, all dressed up in her finest set of robes, and suddenly he felt like a simple caveman in comparison to her radiant beauty. Her hair was done in the same braid she'd worn on many occasions on Midvinter, though none more vivid in his memory than the day of their wedding. His own hair, now recently dried, was a complete mess, hanging haphazardly down his face. "Wow," was all he could say as he drew closer to her until he found himself at the foot of the bed. He then got down on one knee and took her hands in his as he looked her in those wondrous dark eyes of hers. He smiled, unable to contain his adoration as he raised her hands to his lips for a soft kiss.

Letting go of her hands, Thurion then leaned down to rest his head in Coci's lap, wrapping his arms around her tight with his eyes closed. "I love you," he spoke softly while relishing their moment of intimacy. "So very much..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
"Well, I'm being myself. I have a lot of hats these days. Prince, Alor, Husband, father. I have to be able to represent all four at the same time sometimes. Like this time." He grinned and wiggled his fingers again, Theo pulling on his index and middle finger with all his might, struggling to pull the hand closer to himself.

Draco nudged her, sensing some of Faith's doubts and worries about this opportunity. "We will be fine. I'm not a fan of Jedi, but I've never known the Heavenshields to set traps. Much less endangering children." Despite his normal over-protectiveness, this was not one of the times he felt endangered or at risk. The big man smiled at her, "Besides, they couldn't fight an angel like you."

With the Mand'alor having some vendetta and supposedly under Sith influence, at least according to a traitor, it only made sense that Draco and Faith reach out to the Silver Jedi Order, if for no other reason that to protect their family and their home. War seemed inevitable, as unlikely as it was that the Mandalorians would be able to muster the forces to succeed, it seemed that it was still on the horizon.

War would do neither the Mandalorians nor the Silver Jedi much good with the Sith who were powerful enough to force the Silver Jedi out of the Stygian Caldera yet quiet enough to slink back into the shadows. Had they stuck around, at least then the Mandalorians would have had a place to seek the enemy out.

The ship slipped through the atmosphere to the designated landing pad smoothly, the Laira seemed to be at east with the transition, but Theo looked like he needed the distraction his father was providing, uneasy with flying much like his father was.

[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​

"No they wouldn't hurt us, I'm really not concerned about that" She reached over stroking Laira's cheek, "momma" Faith smiled, "it's ok" She lifted her gaze to Theo's little face determined to pull on Draco's finger.

"I." Sometimes the words hung in her throat when she had so much to say, "I want to make a good impression. It's important." It was important. "Have you ever read the stories about how the Monarchies of old took a child of another noble to ensure their loyalty, to...keep them from waging war." Faith had read a recent story something she had never considered. Not that she expected that someone would ask for her children, but she could see how it would ensure loyalty if someone had her would hold her to her place until she could get them back.

"angel, I'm no angel Draco Vereen. If I remember right it was a temptress who met you at the Cabin that weekend, long ago." Yes she had been one, she had enticed him slightly to well...get closer. He had. Who wouldn't?

"Let's just hope that they find us friendly and charming." And if the Vod followed through with their thought of invading the SJO, they would be the voice of reason to stop them. Least that was her thought right now.

The ship turned, "It sounds like we are on approach. Are you ready?"
She straightened her back as Thurion entered the room from the bathroom. A slight grin turning up the corners of her mouth and her eyes could not help but linger over his half naked body still glistening with moisture. You are so mean to me, she thought before her grin turned into a full smile as he approached her. Her black eyes followed his as Thurion kneed before her and the warmth of his kiss felt on her skin, but as he lay his head in her lap her hand lifted to rest on his head, her fingers playing in the tangles of his golden hair.

"I love you too, with all of me". Her whispered words barely audible. Coci looked across his shoulders and back to see the scars of life's experience written as a story. Some of which have faded with time, but she knew that each and every one he wore with honour as testament to the fight of injustice and freedom. Some where the remains of harder times, painful ones .. the war against the Vinterbound in which the family lost their patriarch and Thurion, his father. Others were that of torture he endured as captive of ruthless priates. She remembered the pain of that day for him and herself, Coci had arrived to save him but not before they had done their worst.

Her hand moved from his hair and caressed the scars as if still trying to remove them or at least the reduce the memory. However, the moments of quiet, the little time they seem to have to be together was interrupted by a chime on the control panel as the message came through that their guest would arrive in ten minutes.

Coci encourage Thurion to stand and as he did she kissed his lips with her love flowing through the touch. "We must go", she said as the kiss ended and she would help him dress.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
All good things come to an end, they say. No more true did these words ring than for moments like this, when husband and wife are permitted to be just that. How he longed for the day when they could hang up their lightsabers and spend his twilight years with the woman he loves, confident in knowing the Order he's served all this time is in safe hands. Over his many years as Grandmaster, new troubles seemed to spring up everywhere, from without and within. It would not feel just to relinquish his duties to the Order until certain of its survival. So he would serve, dutifully and honourably, until that day. Such was the way of his father, and his father before him.

The "assistance" Coci provided throughout his getting dressed did little to actually speed the process along, and more often than not did she downright halt it. Kisses were exchanged frequently, looks were cast both ways and idle hands did not remain such for long. In the end, however, there stood Thurion in full regalia - as full as Jedi robes go, at any rate - clad in silver and white fabrics. Taking notice of the few minutes they had before the estimated arrival of their guests, Thurion wrapped his arms around Coci for a full embrace, simply holding her close while resting his chin upon her head. Drawing a long, deep breath he inhaled her lovely scent.

"If only I were able to stop time," he whispered. "But I suppose that would not be fair for our guests," he then added with a chuckle, before taking her hand in his. "Come on, you. Let's go prepare for their arrival." The Princess of Alderaan and her Prince-consort were not the only guests scheduled to arrive this day, after all.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco ran his fingers through his hair, brushing it back and away from his face as he sat up. "Oh, you will make a fine impression. I'm just some old guy that doesn't feel like war should last forever. I feel like after the wars I've been in I've earned a little peace." He sighed, remembering all the battles and campaigns. Too many, especially with several of the major battles having tallied up too many losses overall.

"No one is taking the twins." Draco grinned and waved at Laira who was starting to simmer down about being trapped in the booster seats. "But I get what you mean. I'd like to be able to stop a war, but I don't think the new rulers would listen to me unless I was telling them what they wanted to hear. There is no telling who holds Vilaz's ear these days, but it ain't me." All Draco might be able to manage is talk to some of the larger clans about it, see what they thought, maybe talk some sense into them. Vizsla was always anti-Jedi and likely always would be, but others like Rekali and Skirata weren't so much even if Rekali had been quiet as of late.

The man turned to Faith and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a quick kiss so as not to smear her makeup, "I think we are landing about now, I'll hold the Twins hands so you can greet our hosts." Draco stood, making his way to the other side of the table and unbuckling the twins, Laira first putting her on the floor but keeping a hold of her collar so she couldn't make a run for it, and then Theo before taking both of their hands. The couple had appearances to maintain. There were still likely some that believed their marriage was a power play made by the former Sith Lord, and some that might even believe he was still a Sith Lord, given that he still used abilities associated with the Dark Side. Having Faith take control of the negotiations, which she was better at than Draco anyway, would help dispel that in their first impression. Especially because in truth, these days he was little more than a trophy husband, a trophy fit for a princess, but still.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She nodded to Draco when he said he would take the twins, she looked down at them both. So different, and yet so much the same. Their eyes, their hair, so different, but their disposition the same. Personality both curious wanting to know, but Laira was the grab and deal with while Theo was the hold onto it and look kid. The day with the bug, Theo tried to eat it, while Laira had grabbed it and threw it declaring it 'yucky'. Theo had looked deprived of his still gave Faith the shivers.

"Ok, we can do this, I am HRH Crown Princess Faith of House Organa, and you are Draco Vereen, my Prince Consort." She closed her eyes and pushed the sensation of mynocks in her stomach away and repeated again to herself who she was, and what she was doing, who she was meeting, and that this was peaceful.

She did not know what the new Mand'alor was thinking, right now Mandalore was in need of assistance and he had turned them down from what the rumors had said. Course rumors were nothing more than whispers that no one ever heard clearly, or got right.

The ship was on the ground, it was opening and then it was time. Faith holding her head high, gave a reminder to Captain Lindsey to bring the box she had brought for Thurion, and the small case for his wife. The other gifts would be sent for as they were needed.

She walked slowly down the steps towards the meeting place, looking back to make sure her family was with her, and her detail behind them, with Ana bringing up the rear. She decided to slow down and then walk with her family not in front of them, it made her feel funny to walk alone when they were there. She reached down and took Laira's hand, "We are family Drahr, they need to know this, it's important to me that they do." Now she felt more at ease, as she looked across the landing pad towards their hosts.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Holding her husbands hand, Coci and Thurion made their way through the Temple to the waiting transport to take them to Voss-ka. A leisurely trip through the forest that surrounded the Temple until they reached the road. Voss-ka lovely as ever, and steeped in history passed by the window and Coci could not help but admire the buildings and streets, the artistic design in them depicted the talent of the people of his planet. Famous for it in fact, and Voss-ka was a wonderful place to live.

Soon they arrived to the star port where they would meet the visitors. Coci wondered about this meeting, what they had come to see them about was curious to her. The last time Coci and Thurion had seen Draco was on Ossus with the hand over of that planet from Republic control to the protection of the Silver Order. A curious meeting that had been that day, with him and another sneaking into the Temple to find some documents. She grinned at the thought of this, even though it was years ago now. He had been with the Silver Jedi early on in his career but had left them to go join the Mandalorians.

Thurion and Coci arrived just in time, as the ship landed and began cool down. She watched as the boarding ramp lowered and a family stepped out and began to approach them. Coci's hand moved to her robes ironing down any creases in the folds which of course there was none, it is just a habit of hers. She was aware that Thurion and Faith had met before, and so would leave the greetings to them initially.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
As the Princess and her husband exited their ship and descended the ramp along with their entourage, including their children, Thurion greeted them all with a big grin and open arms. "Welcome, all of you, to the planet of Voss and the grand city of Voss-Ka," he spoke loudly and joyfully. He then joined Coci in bowing to the royal family in traditional Jedi fashion. When husband and wife approached them, Thurion greeted first Faith with a courteous kiss on the hand before taking Draco's hand for a firm handshake. "We are honoured by your presence, I know the trip has been a long one. Fortunately the Deep Core is no longer as dangerous a place as it once was." The fall of the One Sith had no doubt created many smaller Sith groups hiding among the stars of their once powerful empire, but so far they appeared reclusive.

"Now, if you please come this way, we've prepared transportation to take us to the Silver Temple..." Thurion spoke upon turning around just in time to see what appeared to be an old Imperial shuttle, and he couldn't help but tense up just a little. Memories of the Sith Empire of old were still ingrained in his mind in spite of it having not been around for decades. Yet when the shuttle's engines cooled down and the first to exit the vessel were a pair of burly, bearded faces and taller than even himself, Thurion's face lit up once more. "Arriving just in time," he declared as he moved closer to the new arrivals.

Another pair of Valkyri warriors exited the shuttle, all of them wearing much lighter clothing than they were used to and looking more than a bit lost on this strange new world, before finally the King himself appeared in full regalia. In his arms rested the future of Midvinter in the form of a baby boy, white of hair much like his mother's.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
The journey from Midvinter to Voss was an uneventful one, save for the many astonishments made by his four protectors throughout their voyage, marvelling at the countless stars and seemingly impossible wonders only the gods themselves could conjure up. Thyrian did nothing to disuade them from their beliefs; they will learn in time that the world they live in is infinitely larger than they believe, when they are ready. Truth be told the simple yet physically challenging lifestyle of the Valkyri is all the former Sith Lord could ever hope for, and coupled with his role as their High King he could never dream of breaking ancient traditions integral to their society.

Him and Kära had by now proven quite the adept duo at ruling Midvinter side by side. It was not customary to have both husband and wife rule jointly, as usually the task was left to whomever was chosen by the other chieftains, but it was not an occurrence unheard of. It also allows them to venture out into the stars to get away from the mighty responsibilities of ruling an entire planet, such as this very occasion where he longed to see his little brother again. They had not seen much of each other since the catastrophe at Korriban - the day his son drew his first breath.

He'd been told that he would not only meet with his brother and sister-in-law, but also with Alderaanian royalty, and so he dressed himself in the ceremonial attire he wore on his coronation, even going so far as to wear his father's crown. As he stepped off the shuttle onto Voss soil with infant son secure in his arms, his otherwise stoic appearance soon softened as he laid eyes on Thurion who wasted no time in greeting him. Flanked by his loyal protectors, he and his brother met halfway and, as Thurion threw his arms around him, Thyrian wrapped his one free arm around him in return. "I have missed you, little brother," he spoke softly as their foreheads touched.

"As have I," Thurion replied as they looked upon each other's faces. "You look so much like him, you know," he added, noting a hint of gray around Thyrian's temples before stepping aside to allow Coci to greet him, as well as meet her nephew for the first time in person.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco stood beside Faith, hold the Twin's hands with his own, Laira between them so that Faith could hold her as well which wasn't a bad thing. Laira was a trouble maker by nature, and more often than not she was the one who devised whatever mischief the twins got into even if they were only half backed schemes concocted by a toddler. With both of them corralled Faith wouldn't have to worry about any immediate problems.

She was nervous. "Don't worry ner runi. Everyone likes you, I'm the normally problem here and you can't take that away from me." He smiled wide at his wife as he joked, making his way down the ramp. Now that they dealt mostly with civilized society, having a former Sith Lord and former Mandalorian Warlord around wasn't always a good thing anymore. Sometimes it helped having him around, such as occupying the twins or when dealing with warrior cultures, other times he was more of a space saver, such as changing time and when dealing with Jedi.

Thurion greeted them standing beside Coci, and another man arrived shortly after, whom Draco recognized hazily as the man who had sent Theo the arm ring upon the young prince's birth. He wasn't expected, but nor was his attendance unwelcome. Faith had mentioned wanting to meet with the Valkryi after the meeting with the Silver Jedi. It had just seemed more important to meet with the Silver Jedi given the rising tensions between them and the Mandalorians.

"Thank you, I am Draco Vereen, Prince-Consort of Alderaan, and this is Her Royal Highness Faith of the House Organa, Crown Princess of Alderaan. We are so glad you were able to meet with us." He pulled Theo's arm gently to get his attention, "This is Theodosius, our son." Then he gestured to Laira with a nod of his head, "And this is Laira, our daughter."

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"We are honored that you would allow us to come I hope you don't mind if we brought the children, I don't like leaving them behind much if it can be helped" She smiled as [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] took her hand in the traditional greeting, he was so very relaxed it seemed, were all Jedi so? She remembered her brothers were very tense, even her Aunt could be a bit rigid. But who knows, "Yes the Core for the time being seems to be peaceful we are all greatful for."

Faith turned to his wife, "Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] I presume." Faith reached over and took the woman's hand gripping it tightly and she looked up into the woman's eyes. "I can't begin to tell you how pleased we are that you would allow us to come to Voss" Faith smiled warmly, "I hope next time you will come to Alderaan see what we have accomplished." All gifts would be held til later when they were settled.

She let go of Coci's hand and looked to Draco he had introduced everyone quite eloquently, she noticed the other ship as they group walked towards the transport. One could not help but notice royal guards Faith looked back wanting to make sure everyone was with them or would follow in another transport. She saw the greeting between the two men, "Master Coci Heavenshield, who is that?" She whispered.

Was this the King of Midvinter, [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] the one who had sent the gift for Theo. The gift that waited now for him to earn it, Faith glanced back at her children. Yes...everything it would seem could be asked today. She waited with patience it was a warm feeling to watch such greetings.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
As the royal family approached and give their respective introductions, Coci stepped forward ignoring the parents for a moment and greeting the children in turn. "Welcome to Voss, Theodosius, Laira", she offered the children a small Jedi bow, "I hope you enjoy your stay here". It was now she turned her attention to Draco and Faith. "It is an honour to have you here Princess Organa, Prince-consort Vereen. However you must be tired from your journey and we will move to more comfortable quarters soon". A slight smirk sat on her lips as she looked at Draco.

However, the initial greeting was disrupted by the arrival of a transport and she knew who had come, his presences in the force very well known to her now. But not the other, a strong presences it was too, and it was cradled in Thyrian's arms, her new nephew whom she has not met. Diplomatic countenance vanished at his point, and as impressive as Thyrian looked in this Valkyri robes, that was not what was on her mind. Thurion reached his brother firstly, only moments later Coci graced Thyrian's cheek with a sisterly kiss paying no attention to his outward discomfort at this. "Good to see you again brother", she said by her eyes are on the child in his arms.

Thyrian would have no say in what happened next, as Coci took Thrand from his arms with a beaming smile. "So there you are little one", she whispered not wishing to upset the sleeping child. She took in all his features, a combination of his parents was obvious and a hint of his grand father to be sure. Coci stood gently swaying to lull the dreams of the sleeping boy, and she began to pine for one of her own. Eventually she took her eyes of the child's face and looked for Thurion with a smile and a questioning look in her eyes and finally she remembered they had company.

"My apologies, this is the first time I am meeting my nephew, Thrand".
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
While Coci was busy greeting her long-awaited baby nephew, Thurion got down on one knee to greet the two children the Princess and her Prince-Consort had brought with them on their visit. "Theodosius," he reached out for a gentle handshake with the young lad, offering him a kind smile. "You know, my boy is also called Théo, although he is a bit bigger than you," he chuckled, before then moving on to the equally young girl. "Laira," he spoke her name with the same smile ever present on his lips. Just as he had done with her mother, Thurion took the girl's little hand and placed a most tender kiss upon it, and then placed his hands upon both their shoulders. "You'll be strong leaders for your people, one day. I just know it."

Standing back up, he cast an eye over at his older brother as he approached them, leaving Coci to admire the bundle of joy resting in her arms. "Faith, Draco - this is Thyrian of House Hearthfire, High King of Midvinter, and my brother." A bit more formal than perhaps was necessary, but there you go. Thyrian extended a hand towards first Faith, then Draco. "My lady, my lord. It is an honour to meet the representatives of our mother's homeworld. It will always be part of our heritage, same as Midvinter."

Leaving Thyrian to his greetings, Thurion stepped over to where the four Valkyri bodyguards were marvelling at the vast architecture and all-around strangeness of their surroundings. When their Thane wandered up to them, however, they all bowed their heads in reverence. "Easy there, fellas. No need to stand on ceremony here," Thurion simply spoke while lighty punching the closest shoulder, to which the four chuckled, already feeling more at ease. His eye was then caught by the sight of his wife cradling the white-haired baby boy, and one of the Valkyri nudged him with his elbow with a knowing smirk.

At first he wasn't sure what the large man was insinuating, but soon he caught wind of just how much Coci appeared to yearn for another one of her own just by the way she so motherly held the toddler. Thurion approached her, gaze fixed on her and the child, and promptly wrapped an arm around her as a kiss found her cheek. They both knew what this meant, and so the Heavenshield family could come to expect a new face among them in a not too distant future.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Faith nodded, "Oh I understand" in reference to [member="Coci Heavenshield"] comment about meeting her nephew for the first time. Faith hoped that one day Bella would have children so she could play Aunt. It was so evident at how much she adored the child she was reminded of when her own were just babies. So soft with sweet smiles, not that they were so different now but there's nothing like a baby.

Faith watched as [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] greeted Theo and Laira she could tell instantly that he had experience with small children, the immediate sink to one knee to be on their level rather than look down on them. While the children may not have completely understood the compliment Faith understood nodding her thanks to Thurion. She looked passed his shoulder to see the other guest.

He must have read her mind for just as she looked upon the King of Midvinter he introduced them. "Your Majesty" Faith curtsied as was customary for a Princess to a King, bowing her head to him but not for too long as she rose up she reached for the King's hand, the timbre of his voice as he greeted them. "My Lord you should come and visit your mother's home world the mountains will whisper greetings, while the valley and oceans beg for your attention, and I must thank you for the gift you sent Theo. I hope that in time he earns the right to wear it." She couldn't help but smile, letting go of his hand so that [member="Draco Vereen"] could step up, Faith side stepped taking the hands of the children so that Draco could greet the King.

Would the King [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] consider an official visit? Perhaps.
"Not quite tired from the trip." Draco said with a smile. Travelling wasn't always the easiest thing in the world, and with two toddlers who could be mischievous and cunning didn't make it any easier on their father and mother. Luckily the two had slept a good portion of the trip, which also gave them plenty of energy to run around on Voss and stir up what troubles they could. "Thank you for having us."

The warrior noted the arrival of the Midvinter King with a respectful nod, an unexpected but not unwelcome surprise. Faith had wanted to meet with them after the arm-ring had arrived for Theo, wanting the twins to get to experience more than just Alderaan in their youth, to be well rounded by the time they were adults. Open and accepting of other cultures, willing to learn from even the primitive and the advanced races that lurked in the galaxy. Draco was a bit more closed off, but had come around by being reminded that both children would need to be taught self-defense, and it was better to involve numerous masters and techniques considering neither of the children seemed to be built like he was.

"No apologies need Master Coci. Family reunions should always take precedent to strangers." The Mandalorian grinned as their hosts introduced themselves to the toddlers, both children staring at them but not shying away or hiding from them. Curiosity commanded more of the twin's minds than fear, which lead to its own set of problems. Theo was a climber already and there had been a few times Draco and Faith had to pull him off cabinets he climbed up but couldn't see how to get back down.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

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