Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Heart of Darkness


The planet that didn't exist. The planet the Republic never colonized. And the planet that things DEFINITELY did not get out of hand in. Voph had never liked Belsavis. A planet that proved that at times, the Republic was no better than the Empire had been. In the old days, the old wars, Belsavis had been a prison world. One that the Republic had settled, fortified the only landing pad, and let the prisoners run rampant. They had built a number of shelters and facilities there, to be sure, but for the most part, the Republic had treated the entire world as a dumping ground for the galaxy's most wanted. The targets that were too valuable to kill, but too dangerous to keep elsewhere were also brought here, and stowed away deep within the bowels of a location known only as The Tomb.

While evidence was scattered here and there, the Tomb was where it became obvious that the Republic was not the first to colonize the harsh planet. The Rakata had been there long before, now leaving the frozen wastes to whatever fate nature deemed fit. But their technology still littered the planet. From Section X to the famed Eternity Vault, the signs of habitation were clear to all. And to an extent, this was what brought Voph to the planet. But not for the technology itself. No, the galaxy had already replicated what was worth replicating from the Infinite Empire. What he sought was knowledge.

Knowledge that was too ancient for even the Jedi to have recorded.

His ship sat nestled in a clearing where the old maximum security section used to stand. It was as close to the Tomb as he could get. And from what he could find, Belsavis was a hit with Smugglers and Hunters alike. There was much impressive game to be had on this twisted planet. Even the odd Terentatek could be found in the deepest wilds. Voph secured his bag tighter around his torso. With any luck, he wouldn't cross one of them today. He stepped out into the snow of the clearing, turning his head towards the north where the Tomb waited. He hoped that if he did not find the answers he sought, at least he would find a clue to point him in a new direction...

Tags: First come, first serve!


Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Kyyrk Kyyrk

Red was kneeled down next to Voph's ship, scanning the surrounding area with his macrobinoculars. He had his helmet and armor on, as it provided him protection from the elements, especially the cold. He was scouting out the area, looking around for anything moving around, or that was alive. This planet had dangerous wildlife, and combined with the dangerous weather and the smugglers and hunters that frequented the planet, this place was pretty dangerous, so they couldn't be too careful.

Red had gone with Voph for this sole reason. It was better to go with a partner to a planet like this, in weather like this. He was certain that Voph could handle himself, but it was still better to head out with a partner. Plus, Red had to admit he was intrigued by what Voph was searching for... Knowledge, or at least that was what Voph had told him. Apparently, there was some long lost information here, and Red was definitely interested by that prospect. So, he had gone with Voph to this planet to assist him in any way possible.

Red heard Voph walk out next to him, and Red stood up, putting the macrobinoculars away. "Sir, so far, I haven't spotted anything, but the weather makes it hard to see anything. From what I can see, we're clear for now. We're a few klicks out from our destination, so it'll be a bit of a journey through the cold and snow before we reach our objective." Red reported to the man.

"Well, if we want to get started, we should start right now. It looks like the weather is about to get worse, so we should hurry while we still can." He said.

Man, Red wished that they had brought speeder bikes... It would have made things so much easier...


Voph nodded in response to Red's summary of the conditions. "We won't have to worry about the weather. Most of our path will be underground, maker willing. Assuming that the tunnels haven't collapsed. But, the natives used them far more often than we did, so I would think that a few battles aside, we should have a clear path."

Voph handed him a datapad, displaying a small write-up of creatures known as the Esh-Kha. "I may be able to reason with them if we encounter any, but best to assume that we'll need to put some work in. The Tomb, for all intents and purposes, is their home. If they're in a poor mood, it'll be enemy territory."

Voph began trudging forward towards the sheer rock and ice walls, seeking the old tunnels that would guide them deeper into the Tomb. Ancient passageways of Rakata make some natural tunnels forged by lava flows. "There's a landmark ahead called the Scar, where a lava flow breached the surface and created a large hole in the ice. If we can get past it without the Esh-Kha starting a fight, then all we should have to worry about is the local fauna."


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