Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story)

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Aerion Ivelisse

Location: Castameer, Strip Mines.
Allies: Jedi, Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang.

His Stealth-X was heading down to the planet.

He had deployed from the Galactic Alliance Fleet like many others, and in the midst of the space battle, he had lost his assigned squad, but that wasn't important. He was meant to get to the planet, what did bother him was as to whether or not they survived.

"They're doing their job, Master Jedi! Get to the planet!"

And then the rest was a blur.

Glancing out the cockpit, he could see where part of his wing was missing. At this point, he was barely able to hold the ship steady. His muscles were flexing as he grasped the yoke with both hands.

No more beeps?

His astromech was slagged, he saw, and he gritted his teeth.

Past the clouds, and he was barrelling for the planet.

For the most part on his descent he was ignored, and his landing had been better than he would've initially thought. If only he hadn't busted the landing system when he touched down. Popping open the cockpit, he looked up into the sky to watch, as if mesmerized by the explosions and flashing lights, and then he pulled his hood over his head and leapt onto the ground.

This is going to be a horrible day.
Location: Heading towards the Strip Mines
Objective: Find a certain red haired student
Immediate area: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Choli Vyn"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Karen Roberts"] (And anyone else i missed)

Solan blinked as the sound of a ship got closer and before he could cover the distance towards Tiland and the others, a certain H-wing shot into the ground not far away, the crash sending waves of air outwards. His hand reached up to cover his face out of reflex, his eyes peering out through the dust as it settled and he watched the wreckage for a few seconds before feeling a two signatures, one barely there and the other very familiar. He immediately lost his focus on Choli's crash and started towards the H-wing with a run.

Soon one of the life forms vanished though as he experienced her last thoughts and he flinched, feeling her death like he always did. The feeling of loss worsened when he got close enough to look at the figure crawling out with a saddened expression on his own face. Already he knew what had happened, even without seeing how and as he got closer he tried to free the cloths around his head and looked around to make sure no one else had come down or was coming down on top of them.

"Bryce, get out of there now..." He shouted, knowing that the H-wing could rupture if they were too close and if it had sustained too much damage. He didn't know what to say otherwise and his hand reached into the cloak to draw out a few seeds. The best that he could do for the woman was give her a makeshift grave with his vines until this whole situation was done. He wasn't sure how well Bryce had known her or if they had just been partners for the mission but it didn't matter as it was clear Bryce had no intention of leaving her to rot in the craft.

The most worrying thing he felt though were Bryce's final feelings, hoping his presence would help the kid connect back to reality.
Location: Sith Academy territory
Allies: The First Order
Not far away: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Mael Ren"] |
DM: [member="Kith Verloren"]

The time for games was over. It was serious business now. Too serious for his usual laid back sarcastic attitude. This mission would probably be his toughest and riskiest one. It was at the top levels of priority and confidentiality. He had been briefed personally by the Director. Alone. Jude's face reflected the urgency and importance of this operation. A deep scowl was drawn on his face and all of his thoughts were on his objective - locate Omega.

He had long abandoned his drop vessel. The agent had deliberatly burned it. Travelling with a corpse that would serve as a decoy was certainly not his favorite experience in his life but it was a good idea. Whoever went to find out more about the destroyed vessel would at first deduce that it was a failed drop and the passenger dead. Only after further inspection would they be able to tell that it was a playwright. Did the enemies have that time considering all that was going on in space and on the ground, he was not sure. Eitherways, the situation was for now seemingly on his side. Until when though?

Donned in completely white and thick clothing, he made his way through the snow and ice like as if he was part of the environment. Within his shoulder holsters were a verpine shatter pistol and a particle beam blaster and on his back a shorter than usual vibroblade. Hidden behind his utility belt was his clipped one and only lightsaber. More of a relic during his short time in the Knights of Ren as a child and in his early teens before being released due to limited Force capabilities. The lightsaber was more of a handy tool rather than a weapon, although he had basic knowledge on how to wield it. Around his neck was his possibly most important weapon in this situation - a Force Dispenser necklace.

Jude had shut off his connection to the Force, his mind - his strongest weapon - was disconnected from the Force. The agent's mentalism skills would always be his best weapon in operations but not today. Not yet, at least. The situation called for stealth and that meant also abandoning his Force-related powers. In the best of scenarios, he'd not need it at all.

The blonde man proceeded towards the Sith Academy slowly and carefully, He had to be the first in this race and survive too. Somewhere in this area were also the Knights of Ren, as far as intel had told him. Jude was not surprised.
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] | Mandalorians | Commonwealth
Enemies: Sith OpFor
Equipment: MM99, MM110, SD-11 (2), SpecOp

[ T H E M E ]


The roar of the MARV was unlike few had heard before. It was not like the quiet murmur of repulsor engines, this was ferocious. The smell of burnt rubber and petroleum hung thick in the air, for the Commonwealth it mean't the coming of battle, for others of the galaxy it brought back memories of a time when such archaic technology ruled supreme. The MARV's roared down the track of muddy furrows, a wave of slick dirt launched with the spin of the wheels.

The only thing louder than the engine was the explosion. Dean instinctively curled, he felt the vehicle sway hard right and begin to slide out and then it gained traction. He turned his head, the MARV that had been following them was gone, an ashen wreck a dozen feet back and getting further. The entire vehicle began to shake as the gunner opened up on a target, the vibrations ran through his whole body and his teeth chattered. The was big enough it could turn space wizards into swiss cheese, and whatever targets the gunner missed the driver made sure he ran them over, swiss cheese and mashed potato. Deans Lethams favorite meal. He glanced over his seat, past the feet of the gunner and in the far distance, the Mandalorians just begun their charge. The war drums and horns reverberated throughout the valley.

The Commonwealth had joined with them in battle, the two of them were traditionally warrior culture, albeit their craft in warfare was uniquely different from one another. Where Mandalorians cherished family and independence in battle, the Commonwealth nurtured nationalism and cooperation, they didn't have the training or equipment the Mandalorians had but they made up for it in fighting spirit. Whether it was fighting spirit or foolery, the Commonwealth was the first to make the push, a small team of MARV's carrying SpecOp forces into the citadel, push through Sith OpFor before they closed any breach. The sky was littered with AA fire, their only move was ground vehicles.

Dean switched the safety off on his rifle and spun back around on his seat to look ahead. Too late. The driver was slumped over the wheel, a thin exit wound at the back of his neck. His heavy boots holding the accelerator down. They were about to hit a trench. Dean snapped at the wheel, the MARV turned, spun, flipped and began to roll. Deans vision blurred as his world went end over end. Somewhere in the process he saw the gunner flung from the torn harness like a rag doll, limbs outstretched. Dean could feel his own harness holding him down but he felt like he too was about to be thrown out from the vehicle, but a moment before he did the MARV settled against something. Blood rushed to his head. He was hanging upside down. Snap, click, pull, and Dean fell into the mud.

Adrenaline was rushing through him but as his mind caught up with reality he realized he was gasping for oxygen. He had the air knocked right out of him. The Section Zero operative lay under the wreck briefly, listening for OpFor that may come to inspect the wreck. The wheels were still spinning and the engine sounded ready to pop. He couldn't hear footsteps yet but that of the Mandalorian charge. Snow, mud and blood mixed together, Dean inspected himself but found he was still intact, banged up but alive. His MM100 was snapped in half, crushed by the weight of the vehicle. On one hand he thanked the heavens the driver no longer needed a weapon, but felt a pang of guilt. This woman had just lost a life and had nothing to say for it. Dean wouldn't let it be in vain, he took her MM110, patted her down for spare mags and collected her MM99.
LOCATION: Hard landing somewhere near the Strip mines
CURRENT OBJECTIVE: Link up and help out
ALLIES: [member="Kira Vaal] | [FONT=tahoma] [/FONT][member="Maeriala Lavellan"] | [member="Solan Charr"]

The escape pods engines roared to life as it left the Starr. G-forces pulled Bryce back into the webbing as the pod rocketed away from the burning craft and stabilized in flight. Bryce watched wistfully out the window till he finally heard the voice calling to him. It was a strong and familiar one. A presence has had not been near in quite some time. Quickly he grabbed the controls and altered the landing site to somewhere close to that person.

As the pod descended the landing rockets fired rocking the pod violently as it decelerated. With a thud, the pod landed upon the hard packed snow kicking up ice and flakes in its' wake. Struggling to control his breathing Bryce reached out to his master.

"I'm out," Bryce tried to say back to Solan. "Out and safe."
Location:On foot to the Strip mines.
Allies:[member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Xiarr Sair"]
As lock was make his way to the stripes mines with his group he would feel a unnerving tightness come from his chest to stop tightness Lock grab a small bottle of whisk that lock would keep on his belt to settle his nerves he would take off his helmet as he quickly downs the bottle then throws it to the ground as he feel the tightness from his chest begin to disappear,Lock would look down at his helmet thinking about how this was his first major operation, Since the clone wars, he would then put his helmet back on he would then begin to clutch his blaster tightly think back on the clone wars and the good old memory's he had with his brothers as does this he begins to remember why he took up this mission "I will not let you down everyone,I will help make this galaxy just like we did in the clones wars" he would keep repeat this to himself
Location: Near Sith Academy
Objective: Find Sith relics, destroy opposition, get to Omega
Allies: Knights of Ren and other members of the First Order

The Supreme Leader had given us our instructions. Find Omega. And I was here to do just that. I trudged through the snow, sinking sometimes up to my knees. But I pressed on, my eyes staring intently at my objective: the Academy.

If I was being honest with myself, I would admit that I was eager to get to it for more than one reason. Inside, there might be some valuable relics of the Sith that could help me in my training. I was always eager to learn about the Dark Side and the powers that it let you wield.

Redoubling my efforts, I pushed on through the snow even harder than before. No doubt there were more Knights of Ren heading in this general direction. Together, we would be unstoppable. We would show the galaxy what the First Order was truly made of, and no one would dare oppose us.

Zara Lianna

Jedi Knight/Master/ Mother of three
The Strip Mines
Current Objective: Make it to location alive
Allies: Any Light siders
~ [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] ~
Viktoria Kess. A Jedi Knight that wanted nothing more than peace. This was not a time of peace though. It was a time that all Jedi were trained for and it was definitely the time that Viktoria herself had been prepping for. She had been waiting for a day like this as she knew that it would be coming shortly and it did.
Viktoria had been on The Outlander for a few hours and decided to meditate, getting herself to focus on their objective. The main thing was keeping themselves alive. There were many objectives, but the top priority objective was staying alive. And just as Jakkor was, Viktoria had recited the Jedi Code in her mind and made herself even more one with the force, the adrenaline and excitement, mixed with a calmness before the storm was building up inside of her. By the time they landed, she was more than ready to do this.
Now they were walking on foot to the Strip Mines. A smooth salty breeze toyed with her long platinum blonde ponytail as she walked, staying calm, still drawing energy from the land to enhance her skills and composure. As the two walked, she was also scanning the land for any threats and hiding places for later on if they ever had to take cover. She could sense her husband's nervousness through the force and knew she would have to stay calm to keep him calm.
Jakkor, the force and their daughter was what brought strength to her at this very moment. It was the very thing, other than compassion and confidence, that drove her forward with each step leading her down a path that would determine her life's destiny.
She soon caught the feeling of a few other force sensitives in the area that drew her from her thoughts. Viktoria continued walking until Jakkor stopped and turned to her, stopping her right next to him.
"Yes, I do sense them.. could possibly be allies. It could even be your friends. It's kind of tough to tell though at the moment.."
she responded. Viktoria knew she sensed them through the force, but she was unsure of who they were right now. She had once before fought by Jakkor's friend's, Xiarr, but it had been so long that she hardly remembered his force signature.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: THe Strip Mines enroute
Objective: Meet up
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Domino"]

Matsu felt Claire with a nod of her head while she was going and looking at the padawan as they were enroute to the mines here. The probes were showing it was the ideal place to start and they could head in when she felt it and saw that familiar being there with her. "Karen." She said it under her breath and a chance that she would be able to meet up with the jedi peacock who would be able to help with this task. Much like she had on Dagobah when the harvesters were there before she looked at claire. "You forgot your bracelet to protect from the cold my padawan." It was no matter and she would be able to handle the cold when she was motioning them forward towards Karen Roberts. All they needed were the other ones who could come and help in their massive discovery here. A solid team of skilled jedi could accomplish much more then just a couple of people competing. "Master Roberts, I do hope you are ready and able to come with. Someone with your talents and mine can make a lot more progress then just going at it alone."


Saint of the Damned
Lark walked silently through the war zone, hands held peacefully behind his back. A fierce battle raged in the skies above, a battle that would soon spread to the land like a disease, if it hadn't already. Some ships managed to land on the surface. Most crashed in a fiery ball of death. He watched it all with a passive amusement.

And yet it wouldn't be safe for him to be alone. Through the snow he saw the silhouettes of a small band of people. He tried to get a good look at who they were, but the snow was blowing to hard, and they weren't exactly close. They were probably hoping to link up with a larger force.

Once more, Lark looked up at The Omega. He was transfixed by it's beauty, and the destructive capabilities it held within. He smiled, and hurried to catch up with whoever the small party was.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Location: Outside Sith Academy
Allies: None
Objective: Save what liquor survives/Reach Academy
Nearby: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Jude Falkrowe"]

One day I was going to learn to mind my own karking business and keep my nose out the going ons of the galaxy. I could be in a bar on Nar Shaddaa, a club on Zeltros. I could’ve been anywhere in the galaxy but I had chosen to come to Castameer. Why? Out of some deluded sense of heroism? That I had come to save the galaxy from the clutches of another Sith? Psh! What did I look like? A jedi? The thought of their selflessness nearly made me gag. I had done more deeds that helped the galaxy than some of the jedi that fought today. But that was a long time ago, still within the same galaxy however. I stared into darkness as the klaxon’s of my personal shuttle blared in my ears. The strong scent of liquor filled the cockpit and it was at that moment I knew that I had lost my best barrel of Tihaar. It had been aged for over five centuries as well. A sharp pain filled my chest as though I had just lost my best friend. “Rest in peace.” An odd sentiment for liquor but hey it had been the only constant in my life since I had been freed.

Stumbling through shuttle guided by the dim red light cast by the alarms I tried to remember how I crashed. Oh yea! I had been pouring myself a glass of Tihaar when the ship decided to crash on its own. Could’ve sworn that accursed autopilot had been activated. I wanted a refund! Snatching up two bottles of Corellian ale and a large canteen filled with water I shoved them into my dark robes. No thicker than the average Sith robes. On my hip I had an array of weapons equipped. A sonic pistol, slugthrower pistol, and to top it off my lightsaber.

Pushing the button built into the wall I was welcomed by a gust of cold wind that would’ve chilled another to their core. The moment the gust touched my body I breathed out summoning the heat from within my own body. Similar to how I would when using fire shaping, except this time I was controlling my temperature. Stepping out my feet sunk into the snow. Better than being on Hoth at least. Reaching into a pocket I retrieved a thin flask taking a drink from it. Eyes scanning the area I saw others approaching the Academy. Of course I wouldn’t be the only one. Instead of making a straight approach to the temple and getting near those already arriving I walked diagonal to the academy allowing my body temperature to drop to the environment around me.
LOCATION: Hard landing somewhere near the Strip mines
CURRENT OBJECTIVE: Link up and help out
Immediate Vicinity: [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Zark"]
Nearby: [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Solan Charr"]


Next thing Choli new is that she was helped out of her smoldering snub fighter by a wolf of all things -- wait, she must be dreaming right? That didn't actually happen, right? As the girl hadn't met [member="Solan Charr"] 's species before and she had just crashed, that made the most sense.

Either that or whatever the guy with the long grey facial hair ( [member="Tiland Kortun"]) had her sniff really was giving her weird hallucinations.

"Thank you," she added, offering a small smile of thanks. Plopped on the side and staring at the incoming array of sapients, Choli found herself attending to a cup of liquid with questionable herbs. With a grunt, she managed to pull off her helmet before taking the brew -- at least until [member="Zark"] 's voice registered.

Oh hell.

Her eyes went wide, the trickle of blood at the left side of her face starting to thicken. Her jaw fell only to close back like that of a fish out of the water. He was the LAST person she thought would be here.

"Ah.. um...Cap..tain?" enter the wince. Thankfully, that is when [member="Taeli Raaf"] came in, trying to get a semblance of coordination out of all of them.

Off to the side, there was a young woman, [member="Raeya Papanoida"]. The sigil on her chest marked her as one of the New Republic.
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: Mandalorians [member="Dean Letham"] | [member="Cole Dagos"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [members="Damien Daemon"]
Equipment: A285, 5 Vibroblades, 1 Curved Sword, MediKit, Bactapatches

The snow was such a fickle weather, it bit with cold and slowed movements tremendously for those unlucky to travel by foot. Rhan kept his arms crossed over his chest as looked forward towards the Mandalorians Mand'alor [member="Ra Vizsla"], my Mand'alor Rhan mentally correct himself. Military doctrine was a tad different than from his time spent with Planetary Defense Armed Forces and other structured military groups. True enough Rhan knew of brotherly emotions from his other military experience, but he hadn't known that such a group would take the "We are Family" motto to a whole new extreme with Military doctrine.

Perhaps it was his newly added environmental suit and padding added to his usual garb of clothing, but Rhan did feel warm despite the snow. Or more likely Rhan could almost feel the flames coming from his Mand'alor by his speech, bringing forth the war drums to pound the beat of their march and the horns to echo the enemy's impending destruction. The screech of the War Droid gave Rhan an entirely different sense of fear, or perhaps instead of fear it was awe? Regardless he stood straighter and raised his head up to the Gate of Hell itself.

"Oya Mandalore indeed," Rhan replied, "Slanar parjai," he added, Go to Victory as they say Rhan mused to himself. He looked over to the rest of the armor clad Warriors, various of colors and weapons decorated all of them, and yet despite such diversity Rhan never seen an army so cohesive and passionate for a singular cause before.

The wind picked up and Rhan ran his fingers through his snowy white hair before he jumped on his own speeder bike. The battle had already begun, his feet pressed readily on the accelerator and joined the charge of ground vehicles heading towards the very Gates of Hell. He patted his singular armored half-head covering, a bit flowery of curves and designs, it was simple enough HUD and detection unit for the use of a high-speed hover bike to avoid any and all debris or large rocks. Or possibly our own vehicles Rhan thought as he pulled a quick turn to avoid slamming into a troop transport vehicle.

His headpiece spotted one of the wreckage of a vehicle, one of their allies, he pushed his speeder forward. Rhan kept his wits about him as he tracked the heavy incoming fire as he quickly swept closer to the wreckage and have it act as some sort of cover. Rhan dropped from his speeder, low to the ground as he moved quickly to inspect the wreck itself. There was a body Rhan had passed but the eerie positions of the limbs and head gave Rhan enough information to know that soldier was beyond his help.

Rhan moved low towards the passenger side of the flipped vehicle and ask, "Any need of assistance?" Rhan asked, he ducked lower as nearby explosion shook the very earth he was standing on lightly. "But if you're dead, by all means let me know," He added, a bit of dry humor as he clutched his MediKit.


Disney's Princess
The Strip Mine
w [member="Matsu Ike"] , [member="Claire Ouron"] - A quick chat (2)

Matsu approached Karen nearer her starfighter at the rim of the mines. Ah. And she had brought another snow bunny with her too. A woman that the Peacock did not recognize.

"Greetings to you Master Ike. And to you, Lady Jedi, who accompanies her. I am Karen. An old friend of Master Ike. Force bless this meeting."

She turned her helm to the explosions that rattled the sky. Even now more ally ship's were being torn from the sky. An ill omen. So her voice changed. Became harder. Pointing them towards their mission and beyond these damp fields.

"To join together in this endeavor would be wise. Indeed? Already I sense more potential allies out in the muck, somewhere down there. Some ships burning without their pilots. Other's lost to the snow. Wanderers, all."

The darkly garbed woman stepped forward towards where other allies might be found.

"Master Ike. I intend to seek out these allies before striking out for the Shanty Town in the distance. That is our clear path to the Air Base and beyond. Should you and your companion wish it? My my. Verily, come along. ...And if you have more allies yet to find you? By all means. Bring them too. Surely with such a grand war party we cannot fail. Hehe. If the Force wills it."

She smiled underneath her helmet. Then quickly. Without even a gesture of closure. She set out across the ice and mud towards another downed starfighter. Perhaps where Solan Charr, Taeli Raaf, Choli Vyn, Tiland Kortun, Zark, Papanoida (Lancaster), and Bryce Bantam, might all be found gathering. A mist swirled upwards at her departure and visibility across the expanse was intermittent. A cold planet for a bloody, hot war.

Thus the mission continued. Gathering allies. Never wasting time. Roberts once again cloaked herself from the Force Sense of others and let her mind enter the prescience world. The eye of many paths. Deepening the way forward.

She proceeded.

ALLIES: BLACK SUN, MANDOS? ([member="Ra Vizsla"], [member="Damien Daemon"], [member="Cole Dagos"], [member="Rhan Komo"]) COMMONWEALTH? ([member="Dean Letham"])
ENEMIES: ROGUE SITH, [member="Kith Verloren"]

The mark of a true warrior wasn't strength, although muscle certainly helped. It wasn't smarts, yet one had to have a brain. It wasn't even honor, or whatever codes one lived by. No, the mark of a warrior was heart, and all those before him had plenty of it. Sadly, Ghorua wasn't trying to be a true warrior. He was trying to be a winner, and warriors rarely won in the end.

The Commonwealth had already begun the battle with MARVs blazing, a glorious battle unfolding. The Mandalorians were steeling themselves at the moment, but would no doubt follow closely behind. The Black Sun was nowhere to be seen in the battle, as it should be. Instead, the criminal organization was doing what it did best; staying in the shadows.

On a snow-capped mountain overlooking the Voracion Citadel, a slight shimmer in the frigid air was barely visible. Ghorua the Shark crouched low in his Photoreceptive Spidersilk Elaxtex cloak, the fabric blending in with the dreary atmosphere. The monstrous Bounty Hunter rose to his full height, his ten feet of muscle and blubber obscured by his cloak, and frowned under his helmet. He had sent three of his Probe Droids to the Citadel itself, probing the defenses for weaknesses. Despite the difficulty of spotting them, one had already been shot down. Probe #2 had lived a long, happy life anyways. The Shark shed no tears. Not when there was so much on the line.

The gigantic Herglic had used the mountains, and his cloak, to sneak through the defenses thus far. What he hadn't been able to bypass, he eliminated. More than a couple trenches had been decimated by the Shark's advance. He had reached an impasse, it seemed. Even if he found a way into the Citadel, the chances of him being able to slip past the guards and security systems was minimal at best. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed the army of Mandalorians and Commonwealth soldiers as a distraction. If he did manage to get through the walls, perhaps he'd even open the front door for the approaching armies. It would be the least he could do, after all.

The Black Sun Huntmaster waited. For more information, for more allies, for a way in. He lurked just below the surface, a patient predator in the snow. And he smiled, rows of sharp teeth covered by the emotionless face of his helmet.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
location. hurtaling to the surface in a crashing ship
Alies tba
Enemy Gravity

" Awe Smeck." it's funny when you are crashing.. no hold on no it isn't its terrifying that's the word terrifying.
lyth jumped in to her I1-2-B3 and ejected from the ship.

" smeck smeck smeck. this is going to hurt."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Meet up
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Domino"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Aria Vale"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Tyyni Oluja"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] [member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Kyra Sol"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"]

Matsu looked at Karen as she was moving and going along the pathway towards the mines. "Then we shall work with it, we'll be looking for ways to link up and form a larger party for handling things." Matsu waited until she was pointing where they could go and. "I have several probes out gathering as much information as they can and am working with some of the other drones overhead to get a better map. Once we have that, link up and use it. We'll be able to establish hopefully some waypoints in case of danger." Matsu looked at her and then at the others while she was setting things up for a waypoint and pulled the force internally to herself. Staying with it until she released a force call for the silver jedi to gather them to come and join with a team. She was looking at Claire though while walking and could sense Lyth when she focused to guide the small As-Aki to her.
Location: Castameer
Allies: Jedi, GA, GR, KO
Objective: Strip Mines
[member="Kith Verloren"]

It made total sense. Fight through the chaos above Castameer - orbit and atmosphere both - to get down to the surface of the planet. Once on the surface, fight through the defenders to reach an air base. Then use that air base to head back up to orbit, to the Omega device, infiltrate and destroy it. It seemed much like someone had designed it to be a grinder, to chew them up before even getting to the main objective. Some of the top minds had put together this plan though, no doubt it would be for the best.

The Jedi Master rode in a Galactic Alliance drop ship. It wasn't his preferred method of getting to the surface, but he had a sneaking suspicion that if he took the Hathol down, even with a veteran fighter pilot at the helm, that he wouldn't be seeing the ship again. Jedi though he may be, he'd gotten attached to the ship and didn't want to lose it. The beskar alloy armor would have been comforting to have right about now though. The transport jumped and shivered in response to the myriad elements being impressed upon it: the pilots' attempts to keep it on target, the vagaries of the atmosphere, the incoming fire impacting against the shields, and even the explosion of the ship directly starboard. The entire thing slid to port because of that one, almost impacting the next vessel over before course correcting. The pilots were good at their jobs; maybe not as good as a Rogue would be, but more stolid to be sure. They'd get the drop ship to the landing zone.

Or maybe not.

There were three concussions, multiple somethings impacting heavily against the shields from below. Then a fourth, much heavier than the others, and a fifth from above. Fighters making strafing runs, fantastic. That was why they were all strapped in. Finally the coup de grâce, a final hit to the belly of the ship. That one tore through, more or less cutting the thing in two. All of the sudden there was open air in front of them, the cockpit falling forward with twin ejection trails originating from where the transparisteel had been as the pilots ejected. Something had shorted in the control lines maybe, because one of the engines was still roaring at full throttle while the other was dead silent...and the aft section entered a flat spin. In practiced, professional movements the elite soldiers provided by the Alliance unstrapped themselves, braced until they got to the opening, then let inertia and friction pull them out. Each had grabbed the emergency repulsor stored in their seat. Which would have been great for Audren, had he not taken the spare fold-out that didn't have one of those. In fact, he was lucky he hadn't gotten roasted by whatever had separated the ship.

The Sephi was outfitted for war. He had armor of course, minorly lightsaber-resistant but very light. His lightsaber, standard issue for any Jedi. But he also carried other weapons holstered, sheathed, or strapped to his being. Jedi though he may be, he was fully aware that blasters and knives could come in useful. His blond hair was tied back to enough of a degree to keep it from his face, yet loose. The wind brought it to life as he unstrapped himself - rather less calmly than he'd have preferred - and released himself into the air. Once he had oriented himself, falling face-down towards the ground, the hair simply streamed out behind him. There would be knots galore when he was done, not that the thought crossed his mind. Most would panic on falling from this height without a repulsorpack, but he had the Force. And maybe a bit of panic.

Piercing blue eyes examined the situation as best they could through the wind. For better or worse, he was free-falling towards what had been an empty field of snow, the pristine expanse now marred by debris and fire and bodies. Optimally, he'd want to land on something soft and absorbent. Well, in truth, he'd optimally not want to be falling like this in the first place, but circumstances dictated. There were no such soft and absorbent things handy though, and the Force could not conjure one for him. His next option would be a long a shallow ramp, allow him to bleed vertical speed into horizontal and have less of an abrupt stop. But his power was not enough for that. The last option was a pillar of power. Weaker towards the top, getting thicker as he got closer to the ground. Yet it had to push on something to provide resistance...that would have to be the ground, there was nothing else.

His hands and arms were busy stabilizing his fall, but a tower of cables of pure Force power began building itself below him. He didn't try to make the top softer than the bottom, as he got closer to the ground the proximity would do that for him. Slowly, maddeningly slowly, his speed decreased. The rate of decrease increased the closer to the ground he got, but the effort was tremendous. Both mentally, and on the surface below him. Equal and opposite after all. The snow compressed under the weight, revealing a boulder hidden beneath the drift that would smash his body and break bones at least. At the last possible moment, the Jedi tipped himself to the side, essentially rolling over and missing the rock by less than a meter. He plopped into one of the few patches of fresh snow left, sinking in until he was completely encased but for the imprint he'd left. Fortunately, the snow was also relatively deep there, and he finally stopped his vertical motion centimeters from the hard ground. Miraculously alive and without a single broken bone.

It hurt.
The Thunder Before The Storm
“I have seen hell, it is a great city under siege.”
― Joe Abercrombie, Best Served Cold
Location: Moving towards the Voracion Citadel
Allies Nearby: [member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Thraxis"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Mandos Nearby: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Cole Dagos"] [member="Damien Daemon"] [member="Rhan Komo"]
Enemies Nearby: Our conscience
Equipment: In Bio
In a shower of light, in the blink of an eye the planets exploded into view, the ship winking into the space above like colourful radiant blue blister popped and let loose its content, they sailed down on the solar winds like a great vulture the long arm of the looter, the pillagers, the defiler reaching out and over the battlefield, becoming bloated on the carnage of others.

From the dark of space to the blue atmosphere, it sailed through the sky swathes through the skyline, leaving clouds of moisture split and divided, forming patterns and shapes in them as it passed overhead. His eye's opened up in the dark of the cockpit, slits of luminescent light startling to fitful LIFE. "Land." the metallic voice crooned, the ship began to drop passing overhead flying into the distance.

He sat there, his finger's falling against the arms of his chair. 'TAP' 'TAP' "A drink, a drink." he sat up all geometric shapes and sharp points, the heavy rumble of pistons the creak of a gear and the metallic moan of metal and the ever so audible scratching of pronged feet. "Have my bike ready."

The Storm
Raiders on horses of steel, the lesser known riders of the apocalypse, petty theft, forgery, arson, and rape but no one liked to talk about rape. "Get aboard your bikes." he said climbing aboard one of the row of speeders, his feet locking in place his hand's going to the handle bar, turning it around let out a mechanical howl as he revved the engines to hateful life. "[member="Ghorua the Shark"], can you even ride one of these?" he looked up towards the large Herglic, his roll of his shoulder's the slight incline of his head the mechanical equivalent 'I'm telling a joke, laugh'. "It'll hold your weight, [member="Thraxis"], Cadan." he gave the the Duros a stern look, none of the mirth in his last sentance in his words, cold and steely. "You better be sober enough to ride, I don't want to see your head half way through a bag of spice, I'll put that head half way through your bike."

"Good, we're all ready. Remember keep it civil, kill like honest folk."
The bike tore up the ground under invisible treads, throwing clouds of dirt and dust into the air, doom had came to the citadel and its chosen champions were pirates, it probably could've chose better..

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
Location.. painsvill usa population1
Alies. none
Enemy reality

the droids optics finaly came on as it lifted itsselt up on its feet.
"IT'S ALIVE ALIVE IT'S ALIVE." iyth yeled ad her armor's redundencies came online.
Biting in to a peice of nutrient bar she checked her goggles.
"Good news B3 you are fine so are the new wings. bad news is i have no idea where i am. near some mine it looks like."
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