Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hearing: Authorization of the Libita

"With few exceptions, usually related to biological factors, most systems with some form of nobility and/or royalty in power operate under a degree of limited monarchy. It's interesting that you mention Naboo, because for most of their modern history, "Kings" and "Queens" have been elected officials. The Organas in Alderaan do not hold absolute power, but share the responsibility of governance with the other noble houses and their parliament."

"So, if
Sekalus is like Naboo or Alderaan, or any other modern kingdom, then it is in fact, not a dictatorship. In any case, as long as you respect the will of your people and their rights as sentients, then we're not going to have any issues."

"There can be no Republic sites established without some form protection from the influence of the nexus. I've identified that the people of
Sekalus have a strong predeposition for aggression, and the Dark Side in the case of Force Sensitives. I suspect the planet's high number of victims to the rapture had much to do with the planet itself being a nexus for the Dark Side. For the safety of my people, there will have to be some accommodations made for them. At nearly 9 billion inhabitants, surely there must be population centers with cleared areas that can be used for the neutral zones. Luss, for instance."

"Diplomats suspected of misconduct will be allowed refuge at Republic zones in the
Sekalus system as their cases are examined and/or await to be recalled, extending to military and government vessels. Otherwise, you are within your rights to refuse them access to any area outside Republic zones of control."

"If you agree to these terms, then that should about cover it, which just leaves the matter of technical issues to be addressed."

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Caius Flavian"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Suravi Teigra"] Ξ [member="Caius Flavian"]

Everything seemed sorted out now after the long process of exchange words. "I agree to the terms set, because I'm unsure how yalamir would effect our wild life there is alternatives. I could have the buildings lined with force nullification strips. As for my people and the effects from the nexus they have become less violent anyway. When they do berserk it's normally those who are latent criminals that we have countermeasures to deal with. Stun guns and trank darts. I have sets of droids that do those jobs to protect as much life as possible. Although from surveys the nexus isn't entirely bad. I have found out that force bonds are quite common there but else where in the galaxy they are very rare."

She stood from her chair. "Well if these matters are resolved then I guess I will head to the ships location. Once a team has been dispatched and arrived we'll have it moved to my docks straight away. I will also have payments started a month today and then will be monthly after that. That way it will give us time to get the aerodium and have it exchanged into credits. All my products sold to the republic will have a thirty percent discount. That thirty percent will go towards the loan and the discount for the mercs legion I'll need to speak to Cynthia." Sanya bowed to the woman and the man in the holo projection. "If there is need for a second meeting please contact me and when the meeting to retake rendili happens again tell me. I can offer a lot of information there and dark spots to hide assets to prepare for the liberation."
((We're not done.))

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

"The neutralization
effects of the Ysalamir are identical to whatever solution you are proposing, but Ysalamir are a much more reliable countermeasure. They should pose minimal risk to the eco-system, because their specific diet would prevent them from reproducing anywhere outside of artificially maintained habitats. Luss is a highly urbanized area with little to no presence of natural wildife. While your people may appear to have acclimated to the corrupting elements of the nexus, my people have not, so the effects would be more severe upon them."

She raised a hand as Sanya tried to excuse herself.

"We're not done here. Establishing a treaty and the terms of the loan is only the beginning. I wanted to handle that first before we moved to the technical side of this discussion. There are some issues that must be addressed with your design."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Suravi Teigra"] Ξ [member="Caius Flavian"]

Sanya sighed. She wasn't used to this mumbo jombo of politics. Sitting back into the seat she'd get comfortable once more. "Right... and what are thee issue's. My designs have been reviewed over and over by myself and my wife. There shouldn't be any flaws I'm not aware of if that's where your getting at. The weapon systems are top of the line, sheild generators are from Mon cal, the vessel has the equipment to look after everyone aboard. Even space to transport attack vehicles. I know the ins and outs of this ship." She was annoyed of course. The chances are they have only skimmed most of what is there in the design and missed some of the small important part. Of course Sanya thought it's dsigne was perfect to her. It took her seventy four times planning, drawing out and getting it's final draft.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
As the two went back and forth I continued to read over the design of the warship.
My thoughts were not on the technical details of the ship but the need now to take a thorough look at our Military forces disposition.
Ideally we would need to have a thorough discussion of these matters as soon as possible with another hearing specifically with the Supreme Commander.
I was reminded of my earlier days as I drifted off in thought of aiding the placement of our small but glorious Imperial Fleets...
An indiscernible shake of my head was made so I could return to the conversation at hand.
"Ms. Swift I suspect what Senator Teigra is thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that there is a concern here after looking over this design a little more thoroughly I fear we may almost be staring at a glass cannon."
I paused to look over at my colleague before continuing "Understandably a vessel of this size has a significant amount of work already put into it however there are certainly much more that can be done to improve its countermeasures and defensive systems."

[member="Suravi Teigra"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
She balked at the idea that she was just supposed to take Sanya's word on the intengrity of her design. At nearly ten and a half billion credits, the rude despot had better believe that she was going to make sure that her barn of a ship was going to be combat effective before doling out a single credit.

"Miss Swift, an independent review is standard protocol in authorizing contracts, especially in your case when you're asking for massive financial backing for what will be one of the largest ships ever constructed. You would learn well to exercise some humility and tact in the future. Remember, you approached the Republic for this deal, not the other way around. We are exercising our right to make inputs as your creditor and ally."

"I'm noticing a distinct lack of dedicated protective measures against electronic attacks. Seeing as you intend for this vessel to fight at extended ranges, I believe some form of electronic protection is crucial to maintain reliable communications and accurate fire. Both the One Sith, and more recently, the Mandalorians, have been making extensive use of jamming projectors and other systems."

"I would also like to see some more protection against ion and pulse attacks. Redundant wiring, energy sinks, advanced voltage control, etc. Could some of that ultrachrome be dedicated for shielding the electrical systems?"

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

[member="Caius Flavian"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Suravi Teigra"] Ξ [member="Caius Flavian"]

Sanya was already aware of this problem but there was little that could be done. "Yes I know but with the amount of power consumption the ship already uses it wouldn't be possible yet. I already have plans in mind for this but right now it has the defensive capabilities that is needed to hold it's own in battle. In order to add more systems I would need an iso-five reactor installed but me nor my wife has access to that technology. In the design you see there is also internal defenses too. Those been biometric scanners and man operated turrets in the hanger. Externally there is the Ultrachrome Hull, MC1011 Delphus.2-class Double Redundancy Shield Projector, Chaf launchers, Point Defense Emplacements and a Reinforced frame. Thats more than most ships already." Looking to miss suravi Sanya could understand the concerns. "We have used up all the Ultra chrome we have on it's exterior to give it the best defence. All electrical are in place and would take months to replace. The easiest option would to put electromagnetic shielding under the plating to prevent emp attacks. That would be the only way I can think of to protect it without using any power."

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
"Ms. Swift, correct me, but if the ship is already built then wouldn't the cost of having to remove the ultra chrome plating and then install another layer underneath that both time consumptive and expensive? Use of Advanced Frequency hopping Systems? What is the power and strength of its holonet transceiver along with its Communication Array? A basic technique is to simply out power the opposing forces transmitters to break through the noise. Perhaps Polarization? How will its Targeting systems operate under system scramble? Is there analog? My apologies if these questions seem annoying but the issue is a strong point that Senator Teigra has brought up."
History had taught me that it was quite annoyance in the heat of battle when your advanced warship suddenly could not function because it was overwhelmed through Jamming measures.
My tea was almost gone and mind was getting weary, not because of the conversation at hand but the fact that I was disturbingly tired.

[member="Suravi Teigra"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
((I may be out until this evening, so feel free to continue in my absence.))

rather inconvenient, but you should still be able to modify the wiring so that any excess electricity is channeled across the hull to take advantage of the conductive properties of the ultrachrome."

"As for electronic protection, I can personally offer a dedicated program that pools sensor readouts and other data over an ad hoc network using friendly vessels as relay nodes. Useful for sharing information in environments with heavy jamming. It's called
Hydra. A pure software enhancement with minimal impact on power draw. Mon Calamari also produces a series of communication and tracking components largely immune to jamming effects, such as the Opal. I can provide the Hydra program free of
charge, and vouchers can be issued to purchase additional systems from MC and other vendors."

A great
number of ships in the Republic fleet could stand to obtain some refits for the myriad of systems that had been produced since their introduction. She would have to get with Caius later to develop a program for that.

"That just about covers my primary concerns about the design. I have some doubts about the ship's ability to withstand high-velocity kinetic bombardment. Slugs
from capital guns or Yaret-Kor can tear through shielding systems with ease, while point defenses may not always be up to the task to intercept them. Some field testing after the completion of construction will be an order." (We're going to pretend that we don't know about an imminent invasion.)

[member="Caius Flavian"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Caius Flavian"] Ξ [member="Suravi Teigra"]

"Everything should work fine under a layer of em shielding as it only defends against the radiation that causes electrical components to fry. The plating wouldn't even necessarily have to come off either. I've got droids that would be able to work in between so the only expenses are the shielding it's self." She said. Sanya could tell the man was tired and she herself had other matters to attend to. "I can make a quick call after this meeting to Reshmar to provide me with Opals along with she shields that he's sending. That should be no problem. As for your Hydra program iI can see about integrating it with the software on the ship."

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
My line of questioning had run dry.
Not that I did not have further interest in the matter it was simply physical fatigue.
Also didn't help that I was in this conference call after consuming quite a volume of chamomile tea!
"Thank you Ms. Swift, these matters are something we take seriously in when investing in such a vessel, give me a few moments and I'll have the contracts drafted up on the terms we have discussed so far. We hold it within our right to revisit them at a later time as needed. The performance of the Libita will also be called into review in a future hearing under the Senate Armed Forces Committee. The Libita falls under Inquisition Industries as the manufacturer?"
I finished my tea and adjusted the settings of my chair so that the back support was in place.
I still occasionally suffered from back spasms after my boarding action at Kad V all those years ago.
I began to vigorously type away.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Caius Flavian"] Ξ [member="Suravi Teigra"]

Sanya simply nodded. "Have the contracts sent to me once completed and I'll sign them. As for the treaty if the republic miss uses my trust on that matter I will also hold rights to have it revisited I'm sure that is understandable. Once you have the teams to work on my vessel I'll need a list of names so they can be added into the Biometrics system. Then we can move the ship to the sekalien space ring to finnish it off. As far as manufacturing is concerned it will remain Rendili made but Inquisition modified. If everything has been sorted here am I free to leave as I have other matters to attend to today?" She said like she had to have approval to leave. Although next time Sanya was going to simply hire someone to do this next time. Not only was this mentally draining but in a way physically.
((Last post.))

Only a little while ago, Suravi had been the one to initially suggest shielding the electrical systems with ultrachrome because of its properties as a natural superconductor. It was perfect for the job. She left it alone though, as Sanya had finally came around to the idea of hardening.

She saw Sanya trying to slip in a measure of control over the ship with the proposal of a biometric system, but Suravi was quick to snuff that in the bud.

"Any sort of biometric system or clearance protocol for the
Libita will be co-managed by both the Republic and Sekalus. I told you before that you will have no systems in place to restrict our access, until at least such a time when you repay your debt in full."

"I'll give Admiral [member="Reshmar"]
notice that you'll be contacting him for another order, and that the Republic will cover the costs of your purchases this time around."

"I have to speak on something else. I don't know where you get off with this indignant manner of yours, but let me explain something. The Republic is taking a huge leap of faith pouring billions of taxpayers' credits into an unproven design that defies convention. I know you are confident in your build, but none of us have even laid eyes on the Libita beyond some schematics. On top of that, we are providing security and trade opportunities to finally get your ravaged system back on its feet. No other state would have afforded you such opportunities."

"Now we may conclude. A formal treaty will be written up based off of our conversation today, to be ratified by the Senate. When the
Libita is moved to Sekalus or another location outside of Sith Space, the Republic will grant you the loan to complete construction. This committee will get to work with the Chancellor and Supreme Commander to prepare the deployment of a relief force to your system."

With that summary, Suravi was done. She had a full plate on her hands with both Kiribian and Republic issues, so she wasn't looking to
tarrying any more than Sanya.

"Senator Flavian, unless you have anything further to add, then I think this is a good stopping point."

Her counterpart looked beat, which was understandable. He was in the midst of spearheading some important initiatives for Carida on top of his Senatorial duties. While sympathetic to his situation, she was still going to tease him about those adorable PJs of his.

[member="Caius Flavian"]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Suravi Teigra"] Ξ [member="Caius Flavian"]

(Guess we should make it a 35 instead of 34)

"The Biometric scanners are just in the ships systems nothing else. But in order for those men and women to enter the ship I'd need to put in details so all arms are not triggered. For each new person this will be the same procedure. [member="Taneas Haring"] will be the person who has access to this function from the republic side and [member="Cynthia Garon"] from mercs legion. This isn't anything to con just security and procedure. Anyway I'm completely fine covering the costs for the software." She said simply explaining it. A feature like this would need rotating codes and would be those who she truly trusts will have this codes to keep security at it's maximum.

Although some how the senators cage seemed rattled not that Sanya intended to do so. Been under the titles of Queen and CEO had lots of responsibility and importent meetings that followed. "I understand that and I appreciate the chance you are giving me. But my system is not ravaged and I find that insulting that someone of your manner would say something like that. Me and my people have worked hard and we are getting on our feet before the aid of anyone else. The republic are not the only ones sacrificing things. On top of my current responsibilities that I do take very seriously I have put time aside to train the Jedi under the republic name. I sell cheaper to the republic than any other government or individual and on occasion gave product for free in the past. Even from behind the scenes I've supported the republic helping gain control over worlds. As an individual myself I've sacrificed a lot." She was speaking in a calm tone even though she wanted to say it in more of a telling off one.

With things finally coming to a close Sanya breathed out in relief. "The ship will be moved to sekalus. It will be a long journey so about a week then a further four for the rest of the parts integrated. Any parts before completion will be paid by myself. After that will be from the loan. Once my arrival I will provide some space for republic costoms to set up on the sekalien space ring. So your people will be greeted by your own before advancing to the world. The same happens with all people coming to sekalus. it makes it easier to keep illegal narcotics, weapons, animals and foodstuffs that can present danger. Once a place is clear that is suitable for a republic embassy I will send a message it will be decorated at my expensive the first time. If possible it will be close to the gomm embassy so it keeps things organized."

"Anyway thank you both for having me here to sort all this out. Suravi I apologize if I have angered you. So with everything sorted for now I really need to be on my way and make up time for my next meeting." Sanya would give a bow once more to both suravi and caius before leaving the room.

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