Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hear it in the Wind

Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She looked and well this actually could work out well.. the factor of a second one here... someone bigger then all of them and making sure no crossing happened... well it did seem to be working as there was a sense of being wary among the twi'lek who slid a few more credits out then what might be expected. Azlyn was looking over it as she touched the credits and the one finished with the heads and nodded as all of it came through. "That is quite a haul but for one as crazy as you.... to be expected. At least this isn't like that time on vendaxia." She smiled and shrugged while the other was going over the equipment and had been dividing many of it.

"FOr the equipment we can get some of it but the personal effects, things that look valuable we might not be able to find a buyer for." She listened to him and walked around as she touched one of the pieces. A small statue of glass. "Oh so this isn't worth that much cause it doens't have a use?" She said it and flipped it in her fingers for a moment testing its weight and how it looked... then she struck and it was impaled in the one who was check,ing over the equipment... his body twitching and a scream coming for a moment when the second one rushed towards him. Holding him while he was on the ground and she looked at it. "Oh looks like I found a use for it."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne was in the mood to have a little fun, enjoying watching her impale the guard who was assessing the inventory with a piece of glass. Ciriling the Twilek, caressing the hilt of her vibro whip. "Mabe we'll up the anti"

With in moments, her whip in hand, sounds of cracking wrapping around the last guards neck. Pulling him to lay at her feet, Adilynne dug her heal into his neck.

"Well" smirking. The guard layed face forward on the ground, digging her heal into his back. Tightening her grip, with a flick of her wrist, the whip would sever his head clean.

Releasing the guard, Adilynne knelt down wrapping her right leg around his neck slowly applying pressure smirking as she felt the bones in his neck break.

"Are we in agreement, let's not loose our heads." Azlyn was right it was absolutely thrilling snapping necks with you legs. Looking over shoulder smiling at Azlyn.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She listened to the pained screams that were muffled with a grin on her face and the twi'lek lost much of his bravado... he was worried now and while he knew she needed him... she didn't need his guards they were just... extra. "Well looks like we might have a better deal yes?" She said it and the twi'lek was paniced... he was looking for a way to get out and began to empty some fo the credit chits onto the table while Azlyn started replacing what was in his bag with the stuff and bringing all of the bags for him. "Now we don't want you to think we are trying to cheat you... this is just good business yes. I know use it to get some guys to help you."

She had a grin on her face patting his chest. "Ah not these guys they seem to have caught a serious case of the dead." He looked like he was going to argue and she looked at him prepared for it with a gleam in her eye and her saber was in her hand. "NOw come on.... we are all professionals here." He seemed to be wanting to say more but took the bags and was moving away as she looked aat the two bodies and was dragging the one with her towards the airlock. Tossing it outside before coming back and getting her own small pack to gather the credits into and check them. "I think that went well.. better then last time."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

With a wide grin, she picked up the guard and threw him over her shoulder quite easily and followed her lead by throwing him out of the airlock. "Between the two of us, 'never a dull moment" she stated with an evil smirk."Anyways I got to play with my new toy." Her fingers tracing the hilt of her whip.

She wanted to grab a few things, her utility belt for one thing, holstering, her saber and a vibro shiv. Underneath her cargo pants strapping her sword to the outside of her thigh. Not that she would need it but just just in case.

Being rudely interrupted during thier little escapade while they were getting to know each other. Hopefully they wouldn't have any more interruptions. Kneeling down in front of her as she put away the credits she had earned..

"Hopefully we don't have any more unwanted interruptions, don't you think?" Sporting another wide grin. "Hmm my dear what to do next"she said with a chuckle. Counting the credits she could see they made out well. "We make a pretty good team, I am sure there is more where that came from, plus the Twilek I am sure next time will pay very well" still chuckling.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She nodded to that. "Perhaps... he is useful more the helpful and a coward but even cowards have their uses. He doesn't bring that many victims with him to meetings and I think he was trying to show he wasn't a pushover for you." Not in a way more so he couldn't be exploited she was guessing he might think better of it now. She looked at the whip and grabbed her pack with the credits and her saber clipping it to her hip. "Plenty of time for us." She said it and walking out of the airlock the starport was spacious... clean and filled with droids making sure everything was fine. THey were refueling ships as Azlyn walked over and put some credits for it.

"Now lets go and experience spira." She said it and opening the doors as she looked over more of it. Large stone and metal buildings with tons of glassteel on the outside People milling about in various outfits... swimsuits, vacation outfits with lighter dresses and shorts. Droids moving around as porters with beach equipment, stall carts of food and treats. The sounds of children all around and Azlyn grinned moving around as she stood in the sun and was the palest of them all... albino zeltrons a rarity but she didn't mind as it looked better in the bright sun while on three sides different views of the ocean aand beaches could be seen in the distance.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne smirked as Azlyn talked about him as he thought he was trying not to be a pushover. Secretly she hoped he would have tried something, the desire was there to try and squash him like a bug. She hoped for another opportunity to toss him around to gain more credits.

Spira was a beautiful place, it was more than she had expected with all different types of walk of life. Most often she would try to blend in, but this time it was her time to let loose and have some fun. To do something for herself, buy some fancy sexy clothes, she couldn't remember ever wearing a swimsuit. Azlyn was pale compared to her striking tan and couldn't wait to buy some new clothes.

"Yes we have lots of time. Where should we start off first" Adilynne smirked.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmm where to start, she moved and looked around finding a small directory that would be able to be used to show them. There were stores yes but you didn't just want to go into a random one... not always. She was looking at it as a directory and tapped her chin. "Hmmm now where to go.... these ones are the easier to access but they are also the tourist shops." She was looking and went for one near some of the more upscale districts but not the private ones. THe grin forming on her face when she started to walk and moved so that she was near the larger woman and could guide them through. Stopping to get some of the food as a stick had a massive ball of frozen sweet cream on the end of a flavored string you could hold and she looked at it while it swung back and forth after she managed to get a lick in but was walking. "Hmmm this is something devious." She said it but was going towards the richer districts as many of the tourists spaced out but the buildings got larger and showed more opulance.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne smirked a mischievous smile as Azlyn moved closer to her. She could be just as devious, placing her arm around her back, placing her hand on Azyn's hip as they walked. "Very devious indeed."

Adilynne wanted to take a lick for herself from her ice cream. Mostly every one parted and moved out of the way as they walked moving through the crowds as they passed through the tourist district. It was obvious they didn't want to cross thier paths.

The upscale district was more to her liking, the exquisite shops caught her eye, and she was looking for something where she could pick out something sexy to wear.

"If only someone would help me pick out something sexy to wear" she said with a devious grin
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

There was a wider grin as she heard the request... "Hmm if only." She said it and went inside looking at the ones who were there.. the woman taking in the sight of them and impressively she was pure passive for a moment and then she was smiling and coming towards them. It was an impressive feat as she likely took in them as well could be anything.... though someone pale in this sun was likely a surprise. "Welcome welcome, it is your first time yes." The woman spoke and was all smiles... and Azlyn looked at her as she held a hand up showing several of the large denomination credit chits which got wider eyes. Her initial smile was still there but you could feel the air change as credits to spend was important.

"We need some swimsuits lets look at some of the most risque you have." She said it and raised an eyebrow as the woman took in Adilynne and then her and nodded. "We can do that.... ones for you might not have the whole selection but We should have something this way." She said it and was walking as Azlyn looked at some of it and offered the sweet to Adil when she ran a hand along and on one of the top pieces. "These look a little large in the chest for me... but there should be plenty for you my dear." She said it and was picking at a few as the other areas they were led into opened to less frilly fabrics, colorful and more strings and jewels.

"Oh pretty."
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Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Azlyn certainly had a taste for flare, this would be the first time Adilynne wore something this risque, she was going to enjoy indulging.

With a wide grin Adilynne went to try on her new risque swimsuit.
With a wide grin, Adilynne turned every ones head when they saw her. It's not every day you see someone such as her dress in something so risque.

Ofcourse the top fit beautifully,laced with white jewels. The bottom was a thong laced with the same white jewels on the front. The room went quiet, She was enjoying the moment this was the first time she wore something this revealing. Her top complimented her, revealing some cleavage. They just stared at her, her flat stomach which looked more like a checkered board. Her white jeweled bottoms only showed off her thick legs.

'Too much" she chuckled."Have you decided on what to wear?"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"Never." She looked and took in the white jewels, laying some more credits down as the woman who was showing for them was beaming. "It looks wonderful." The albino zeltron moved and slid her hand as she looked at the different fabrics and materials picking the thinnest one. Small crystal beads threaded while she was trying it on and stood there with the micro c-string and turned around. The thin string getting a grin. "Well no tan lines from this." She spun around and grabbed some more credits from her bag while she laughed with the woman. There was still plenty for them and these things. Grabbing a pair anklets that could go with it and the small chains had rings for walking around without shoes but small repulsor to keep the feet from being dirty but not enough to fly. She spun around again while moving and tying her hair back with a nod. "Wonderful."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne winked in adoration "You look beautiful". There were a few things she had missed before; one or two things had caught her eye. One in general were a few arm bands, some were just too plain to even bother, but one had had tassels of jewellery. One she particularly liked, all white and gleamed radiantly in the sun.

Carefully wrapping the jewelled band around her upper arm, she was hoping it would well show off her muscles. She would not be disappointed, Placing one across each arm, in the same place aproximanrly if she would flex would reveal her biceps.

And on another note she had her vibro dagger, a whip and a light sober to somehow carry. The same jewelled band also strapped to her thigh, which was almost to roo small to hook together; holding the dagger. The same with the other thigh housing her saber. Across her waist was a white belt with a sash at the back hiding her whip.

"Who would have thougth these bands were almost to small" she smirked.

Carresing the jewelled band around her arm."Almost didn't fit how do they look?"

"How are these, I to show off a.little.leg, " winking, who was she kidding Adilynne was enjoying showing off her legs, we'll and her arms too.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She stood there and looked at the woman with a nod of appreciation for it. The bands were a beauty to see... more than that she had them for her legs and. "I am not certain what is better... the look or that you are good at accessorizing with those weapons." She said it standing there while she walked around and placing credits down for anything when she looked at the legs and the whip. "Hmmm definitely the weapons and the legs...." She was nodding to herself and stood close but looked around at the flexing muscles with a little shiver. "A little wiggle, a squiggle... seeing all that muscle does give a little tingle." Hahaha she said it to herself but nodded. "I think we just need one more thing." Hmm she was thinking about it and looked around touching one of them as she lifted a small collar and adjusted it. Digging in her bag of jewels and credits. "PErfect." She affixed it wriggling her hand. "Oh hot." The collars normal jewel being replaced with an Ankarres Sapphire when she held it by the strap and took it over. "A jedi crystal, fine normally but if you adjust it slowly it will start to burn... fuel that rage and violence that was oh so so beautiful."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

"Mabe just a little wiggle" Adilynne flexed her quads giving them a shake. Losening a belt loop as she flexed.

"I best be careful, seems the straps too small" She gave another shake.
Adustingg the loop again. Her legs were quite defined and thick. A side pose they were quite large she might have broke the buckle entirely if she wanted.

"I hope it's the legs, more than the weapons?" Adilynne chuckled.

Ayzln was right the.crystal burned to the touch as she put it around her neck. A hint of flaming hourglass encombered her eyes. For a moment she felt the rage ensure here. Tensing her arms she felt the jewelled band stretch across her arms. Flexing her quads once more, shaking her thick muscle. She felt the need to crush something beautiful.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a well to do man, staring at her eyes wide open as she posed for Azlyn. "A gift just for you" Rage filled her, she stood rigid flexing,the man didn't stand a chance. before he new it he was on his knees. Her right leg wrapped around his head.
"I've always wanted to try this."
Using the force with a tight squeeze she squashed his his like a melon. Looking over at Ayzln smiling giving her a bicep pose, the jewel arm band radiantly expressing her bicep.

"I don't think he will be buying anything " Adyline chuckled.

"I'd hate to see if any any one looks at you, distasteful, I'm not sure if I can control myself with this little locket you gave me.I may lose my temper." She smirked.
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Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Ohhhh shudder.... there was only one thought coming to mind that she was bringing the very best violence to this... she wasn't certain what to call it. Partnership, friendship... no it went beyond that this mountain of a woman who knew just when to entice with a kill was something more... a kindred spirit in the enjoyment of seeking that last gasp or the look in their eye when something goes pop. THe zeltron feeling all of it and she nodded walking over and looking down while she gave some extra credits for the mess. "Maybe but oh... it is worth it... we'll just have to find something that will curb your my aggressive tendencies and I might have an idea or three..." She said it while looking at the flexing muscles when she could touch and trace the definition. "and it is most definitely the muscles and the posing... violence and weapons are lovely but the artist chiseled like a goddesses marble bust... and just as hard to the touch is worth it. Difference is the scent of power, the warmth of flesh and promise of oh so much more just below the surface."

They indeed did share something more than a friendship, Adyline felt that the Zeltron wanted to see a little violence, and she was more than happy to indulge. Watching his eyes go wide as he realized he was going to die was exilarating as she squashed his head.

Shr was right and it difantly was woth it. "Oh please share, I do hope it's three" Adyline didn't respond to her comment about her muscles and posing. Instead, as Ayzlyn traced the diifinition of her biceps., Adyline took her hand and made her grab her bicep as she held the pose. Looking at her arm with a smile she was proud through hard work and dedication to be built as she was.

Adilynne was going to enjoy the violence and distruction they would cause, it was uninvitable.

"You have made me realize the power deep inside ready to flourish. I suppose it's time to unleash the goddess of marble." Just realizing Ayzlyn' hand was still touching her arm. Adilynne slowly gave one last hard flex.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The flex at the end was wonderful and standing there she looked more up at her offering only a raised eyebrow. Her hand finally leaving after a little longer. "I think we have everything that we need from here yes?" She said it to the woman who was looking at them and nodding. "Ah yes, plenty for the both of you." She wasn't looking at the dead one... she was making sure she had all of the credits and was able to leave. As she was walking away Azlyn looked at her. "ONe moment miss." She said it slinking away and quietly before the woman fully turned around was next to her and following her motions so that she stayed out of her line of sight.

"Oh." The woman jumped where she was standing and Azlyn wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "So you want us to leave?" She said it standing there and the man behind the counter was coming around to try and stand ready but there was a stillness in the air as her grin came more and more predatory. "Alright." She didn't shout but it was louder and made the woman jump even more before slapping her on the shoulder. "So nervous just enjoy yourself.. we save the violence for those who need it... or they look at us funny... or we're getting paid... mostly when we are getting paid." She laughed and the woman was nervous. ":It isn't like we just kill everyone we meet."

She started to walk away and stopped at the door for a moment her hand going to her waist and the weight with her cord. She lashed out with it. "BUt you didn't say thank you for shopping with us." The weight wrapping around with the cord going taut and she rushed back over holding it and the woman like it was a choker and collar. "Just kidding.... you are so tense and on such a lovely world." She released her and opened the door for the pair of them to be able to leave. Heading out into the city as it gleamed around them... presenting onlookers at their outfits while she walked towards the beaches.

Adilynne smirking as Azlyn taunted the women who served them; in the back of her mind she was hoping mabe just a little violence before they left. Squashing that mans head underneath her thigh was so much fun. Now that she had the taste of it she hungered for more. None the less she kept her emotions in check, next time if they returned for more attire at least then they would probably get what ever they wanted. There were a few evening gowns she had her eye on which she wanted.

The man behind the counter had caught her attention and she was anticipating him trying something. To her dismay he was to scared to even try, her hand carrassed her thigh as his eyes darted to her she motioned him a kiss as she gave him the impression she wanted to squash his head. He stood rigid as Adilynne gave a chuckle

As they exited, Adyline didn't waste any time, she too Ayzlyn and hoisted her by the waist; and had her sit on her as she flexed.

"The first person who who ewvn gives you the evil eye I would enjoy making them think twice they ever looked at you."

Lowing her she took her hand with a furm squeeze."I like the sound of goddess of marble, I want to have some fun with it. I can't help it it, I feel the need to squash a few head along the way." She chuckled.

Adilynne spun her around and held her close."Anything can happen at the beach"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

There was something different... in response to being lifted up like a small doll... not in a bad way... oh no this wasn't bad touch. Azlyn grinning as she was lifted and able to firmly sit on the woman's muscled form just showing the strength difference. Then she was back on the ground and holding her hand as she looked at her. "Oh I agree but only the evil eye?" She said it with a wink but was happy to go to the beach... seeing the taut muscle sculpted as they crushed anything... worth it. Being held close was the other thing she was liking. "Oh yes the beach shall be quite fun like this." Leading the way through the streets others looked but it was in passing so they didn't run into each other. Navigating through the crowds out to the stones that went to the beach. White sands smoothed and cleaned by droids for debris and she stepped out onto it as the heat was there but it wasn't bad. The small repulsors in the rings on her toes keeping it from getting stuck. There were very few people on the beach. She stayed close with a a grin seeing the blues of the water when the waves came and the sounds of the beach crowds were gone. Audiofilters at the stone so you could just hear the crashing of the waves. "Oh it is beautiful."

This would be the first time Adilynne had ever considered unduldging in any sort of emotional attachment. Pulling her close to her side was intoxicating. Ayzlyn would be the first to show her any sort of attraction, and the fact she liked her physical attributes. She did look like a Goddess of marble standing next her.
Putting her around her shoulder as they walked, "I hope there are lots of evil eyes" Adyline chuckled. Of course the people turned and stared for a moment at they walked but quickly turned back to what they were doing when Adilynne returned with her own stare of burning hour glasses with a mischievous glare.
Of course they only one who gave a side ways glare was so scrauning she could have snapped him in half like a twig.
"That one might be fun tossing him around like a rag doll, two easy to crush his head like a melon. I wonder if force crush works in the same way,? I'd like to try and crush his head. Mabe with my own hands. That would fun, just to see If I could do it."
Walking by the scrawny man, he kept staring at the two of them as the walked to the water

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